SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 307: Like Father, Like Daughter.

  As soon as Ying woke up after the party celebrating her return yesterday, she was rudely awoken to someone busting into her room. Since she carried Hao Gang in her hand usually at all times, even when she was asleep, the intruder was face-to-face with Gang’s pointy end. Ying rubbed her eyes to get the crust out of them and see who had just come into her room. Gang reassured her that it wasn’t an enemy! With that confirmation, she lowered her blade and finally got a good look at the person. It was a servant. 

“Young Miss! We apologize, but we need to make sure you look presentable in a short amount of time!” With that apology, several more female servants came into the room. 

  Ying was still a little drowsy and not fully awake as the servants pretty’d her up. They were surprised to see that she was so cooperative, but then again, they hadn’t broken the news to her why she had to be presentable. All of the servants carefully avoided her giant sword that she didn’t feel the need to let go of for some reason. Hao Gang felt left out and was a little sad. It wanted to be made pretty too! 

“Don’t forget the sword.” Ying drowsily murmured. 

“...” The servants all looked at each other. 

  No one wanted to touch the evil scary eye sword, but their Young Miss wouldn’t purposely have her evil sword curse them or something for touching it, would she? Out of all the Yue Family members, the young miss hasn’t punished a servant before. Even after she left the vilest sect of the Three Great Sects... 

“I got an idea!” A servant spoke up before leaving the room. 

  Looks of astonishment spread when the young girl returned back to the Young Miss’s room. She placed a pink bow and wrapped it around the hilt of the sword. Nervousness filled the bodies of the female servants as they didn’t know if this was enough or going too far. 

“Yes, you look pretty...” Ying told Hao Gang out loud. 

  Hao Gang was basically overwhelming her joy. If he were in his spirit form, he’d probably be dancing around from what Ying could feel. The dumb lovable sword just wanted to feel involved. Since Ying was being dressed up, it wanted to be dressed up too. It was definitely strange treating a sword like it was her child but considering all the other things that could’ve happened to her with a demonic sword. Ying would say she was pretty lucky. Now, why the hell were the servants dressing her up again? 

“Please follow me, Young Miss.” The head servant, Ai, waited for her at the door. 

  Ying grumbled as she felt her movements restrained in the tight robes. Ai had a small frown on her face when she looked at Ying’s sword. The Young Miss still hasn’t released that sword yet. Is the rumor true that she’s been possessed by a demon? Ai didn’t think so but it was certainly strange why the Young Miss was never seen not holding it. 

“Ah ha, there she is! Come, Ying. Sit next to Father.” Yue Tang patted the chair next to his. 

“...” Ying scowled as she realized what was going on. 

  Her father, some old guy close to her grandfather’s age, some guy close to Ying’s age, and another family’s servants standing behind them. The boy looked her up and down with interest as her father smiled happily at this sight. It hasn’t been long since Ying left the Golden Serpent Sect. But if someone looked at her the same way this pervert was looking at her in the sect, she’d break all his bones! 

“Father. You’re out of your damn mind if you think you can just marry me off to whoever you want. I already have a b-” Then Ying remembered she never confessed to Bing. “I will have a suitor soon.” She corrected her words. 

“Ying. I’ve tolerated your disobedient behavior since you were a little girl. I ask you to do this one thing for our family and you refuse?” Yue Tang glared at his daughter. 

“We don’t need to ally with other families now that I've returned. All that I ask from you, father. Is that you trust in your daughter’s abilities.” Ying leveled her own glare at him. 

“Yue Ying! You will treat me with respect and dignity as your father. You will treat our guests with respect and dignity. And you will obey my command!” 

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about your commands, old man! This is about me and my life, right?! Don’t you think that I should have a say in matters concerning myself!? Doesn’t that make sense to you, Father?” Ying looked at him as if he was a retard. 

“No! The child shall listen to the father. The child will be filial in listening to their parent’s wishes and demands! This is how the world works; your stubborn behavior won’t change that! You will marry Young Master Nichang regardless of how you feel. This is for the betterment of our family!” 

  Ying’s fury and rage were bubbling up like a volcanic geyser from when she first walked inside the main hall. As she calmly tried to talk with her father, her temper grew further uncontrolled. No, not uncontrolled. Ying was right to feel the way she was feeling! It was better to say that her temper was growing more and more controlled! She would absolutely not marry this guy! 

  Fiery-orange hot flames came alive from Ying’s hair. Like a beautiful female immortal of fire and wrath, Ying stared down at her father. Ying almost lashed out in anger by turning her blade on her own father. She was nearly on the verge of losing it completely, but this man was the one who helped in giving birth to her. Out of filial piety, Ying would not act on her basic desires.  

  Instead, she merely punched the wall. Cracks spread from the impact of the punch, and an entire hallway’s wall crumbled to pieces. Ying regained some control over her raging fire qi, and her hair returned to normal. Or at least it did momentarily. It flickered between flames and regular hair. 

“I will speak to you again after I win the Noble Martial Arts Exchange Meeting.” Ying gave a respectful bow to her father and their guests before leaving the Yue Family Estate. 

“YUE YING, YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” Ying heard her father shout. 

  Ying scoffed as she wandered through the city. Despite her anger at her father, she knew that the guests weren’t at fault. She wasn’t that ignorant about her own looks! Who wouldn’t want to snatch all this up!? It was just that her heart was set on someone else. Ying knew that marriages in the noble circle were never about love. It was all about gain and benefits. The feelings of those involved in the marriage weren’t worth shit compared to the benefits to the families. 

  But Ying didn’t have to go along with that crap. Ever since Ying met Jing, she had a feeling that she could stand on top of the world with enough time and training. Why would she have to follow old traditions when she was strong? The strong made their own rules! And if she wanted to marry someone, it was going to be on her own damn terms! Screw Bing’s background, she loved him, and that’s all that mattered! 

  And if someone had a problem with that, Ying didn’t mind crushing them with her strength. Strength was king! Strength decided who was right and who was wrong. Ying would still do it even if she had to go against her own father. A member of the Yue Family will never retreat! He and grandfather were the two to beat that into her heart and body. 

  With her heart pumping full of energy, Ying made her way inside a popular restaurant. She saw plenty of well-dressed customers going in and out. The second-best way to relieve stress was eating, of course! Since she couldn’t beat the shit out of anyone. She also didn’t eat breakfast either because of the servants coming into her room.  

  Ying entered the restaurant and sat at a small wooden table. She waited for one of the workers to come over and ask what she wanted to order. In the meantime, Ying people watched since she didn’t have anything better to do. Hao Gang expressed curiosity about what they were going to be eating. Ying couldn’t answer him because she didn’t know what they had on the menu. Then she realized what he had said. 

“What the hell do you mean what WE’RE eating? I’m eating, not you.” Ying corrected him. 

  Hao Gang sent emotional waves of hungry and sadness. This irritated Ying as it only made her feel hungrier. “Didn’t you say that you only liked to eat interesting things? What happened to that?” Ying questioned. Was her demonic sword going through sword puberty or something?  

  Hao Gang sent positive emotions and agreed with her if it meant he could eat. He was dressed up all pretty and couldn’t even eat a decent meal?! What was the point of dressing up like this if he couldn’t get what he wanted!? Hao begged Ying for food.

“Fine! Just shut up! I’ll order you some damn food...” Ying’s stomach grumbled. 

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