Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 55: Blessing

‹The Gamer has successfully mated with Alina and provided her with utmost pleasure›

‹Alina loyalty to you has maxed the chart and is at 100%. She has sworn fealty to you and will serve you with utmost care and love›

‹Moon God, the Guardian of Wolf and Werewolf is impressed with your deed. The Moon God is feeling happy that this sad child of his has finally found happiness in her life. The God wishes for the Gamer to not abandon or hurt the pitiful girl otherwise the Moon God's punishment will descend from the skies›

‹The Moon God has blessed the Gamer for his glorious Deeds: High-rank Blessing of Moon Obtained›

‹Blessing of Moon: Grand Wolf Transformation Obtained›

[Blessing Skill: Grand Wolf Transformation]

Effect: Every full moon night, the Gamer can use Magic Power to transform into a werewolf or any breed of wolf. The type of wolf you transform into is determined by the amount of magic power you use. The more magic power you use, the greater the resulted race of wolf or werewolf you will transform into. The greater the race you transform into, the better the increase in your stat. The Gamer will gain an increase in strength and super senses after he use this blessing]

These were the few notification that floated over Marvin after he woke up. The first thing that entered his eyes after he satisfied the two beauties and woke up were also these.

"So now I can become a wolf to enhance my sight, smell, and hearing and increase my strength. Good... Good! Furthermore, the more magic power I use the greater form of wolf I will transform into. Noah, it's possible to transform into Fenrir if I have enough magic power, right?" Marvin praised the blessing of the moon and internally asked Noah to verify his guess.

‹Yes! As long as the Gamer has enough magical power and endurance then transforming into Fenrir won't be much of a problem› Noah replied.

"According to your calculations, how much magic power will it cost to transform into Fenrir?" Marvin asked.

‹It should be more than 1000+ magic power. For now, the Gamer should focus on increasing his magic power!› Noah replied.

A rush of excitement crept upon his face. He was excited at the prospect of one day transforming into Fenrir. It was a legendary creature. A very fast one with speedy healing abilities. Moreover, Fenrir was definitely the most powerful alpha among all wolves. 

'I might even be able to control other wolfs after I transform into Fenrir. It's all thanks to my Luna!' Marvin thought as he turned to take a look at Alina.

She was still sleeping. There was a peaceful and happy smile on her face. Seems like he has satisfied her enough and thus she could sleep without worry and a smile. On the other hand, the black-haired beauty was not on the bed. When he stared at his empty right side, he was reminded of Lara.

'here's she...' He wondered before an innocent voice resounded in his head.

'More Milk! More Milk!' Suddenly, Marvin felt as if he have heard Alina's innocent voice. However, she was still sleeping peacefully, droll trickling out of the corner of her mouth.

Those red lips were simply enticing him to take a bite out of her.

'Maybe I am hearing things!' He thought before taking shaking his head to dispel the lustful thoughts that popped into his mind when he gazed at Alina's face. 

‹The Gamer isn't hearing things.›

"Huh? What do you mean?" Marvin internally asked with a confused expression on his face.

‹A Blessed Luna can share her thoughts with her Alpha. Alina probably doesn't know how to control this connection or the fact that she's blessed by the Moon and thus the Gamer can listen to her thoughts. Once she learns to control her supernatural ability then the Gamer can even witness her thoughts in pictures!› Noah notified him about the mystical ability of Wolf Girl and Marvin was impressed.

"She really is blessed. Even the Moon God is looking after her." Marvin said while trailing the saliva dripping down the corner of her mouth with his finger. After cleaning her saliva, he moved her into a good sleeping position and covered her naked body entirely into the blanket that she had kicked off the bed during her sleep.

It was cold and Marvin didn't want her to get sick. After making sure that his Luna was fine, he cleaned himself in the shower before making his way out of the room.

'Hmm~ Tell me now... Ohhh... Eiye, I love you, love me too! Hmm~ Forver~ you and I~" A melodical and seductive voice was coming out from the kitchen. Hence, after stepping out of the room, he turned right to enter the kitchen. 

He saw the hot and curvy figure Lara working on the kitchen platform. She was listening to music, earpieces plugged into her ears. Her hips swaying with the rhythm as she prepared food and sang along. She was wearing only wearing undergarments and a white apron on top of her body. 

The undergarments barely helped to cover her figure. He could see the milky side of her huge tits from behind, her butt cheeks, smooth legs, and curvy back all was exposed to his Lusty gaze.

He remembered what happened just some hours ago. He slept with those mountain peaks clasped in his hand. Those were the second softest pillows he had ever touched. While Wolf Girl's tail was wrapped around his waist and holding his crotch in a handshake.

'It really was the most enjoyable and relaxing sleep I ever had!' Marvin thought as he stepped up to Lara confidently.

Plunge into her! That's what the devil in his heart was shouting.

She didn't notice that he had arrived behind her until he grabbed her ass cheeks with one hand and gave them tight slaps with the other.

"Kyaaa!" As if a cat got teased, Lara's body stood on her toes, causing a pink blush to form on those soft feet. Her ass cheeks also turned red by the slaps while her waist jerked slightly.

This was the reaction Marvin wanted and a smile formed on his face.

Surprised, she looks back and sees Marvin standing behind her. 

"Handsome Devil? W-what are you doing here?" she says as she felt his manly hand squeezing her butt and then her face turns red as the thoughts of his meat pounding her virgin cave last night popped up in her mind.

"Last night, you reached rank-2, just like I said. Can you feel it?' He says with a wink while rubbing and spreading her ass lewdly. 

His question had a hidden meaning and Lara easily caught upon it. He was asking her two questions at once. The first one was whether she felt the increase in her magic power while the second one was whether she felt horny from his touch.

"Y-yes, I can feel it, Ahn!" Lara replies with a massive blush on her face as she stares at him with an expression of obsession and a moan is released out from her mouth.

"Baby bunny, Don't I deserve a reward for my hard work!"

"Yes, you do!" A happy smile forms on her face as her lover's hands roamed about her body.

Right after squeezing and feeling her up, Marvin takes off her apron, unhooks her bra, and grabs her by the shoulder.

He then grabs her by the butt, pushes her up, and place her body on the dining table that had some fruits and a jug of water placed on it.

"Baby, I'm hungry. Will you be my dinner?" Marvin asks while putting both his hands to work. One of his hands sinks into the soft flesh of her ass while the other plays with her nipple. His finger gently brushes past her pink nipples and dance about on the areola of her soft and huge tits. 

"Ahhn, S-shouldn't we do it in the living room, I mean I would love to be your dinner but it will be safer—"

Marvin cut her off by crashing his lips against hers, and then his tongue licked her lips, pressed on them until they parted and gave way for his tongue to penetrate her mouth. He instantly intertwined his tongue with hers after penetrating her mouth.

As the kiss became more hotter so did their burning desires. Lara's beautiful face turned Scarlet just like the underwear she was still wearing and her breathing turned hard and hot as Marvin didn't give her a chance to breathe.

Every time she tried to pull her tongue back, he would tighten his hold around it. She couldn't do anything except feel the sensual sensation filling her up.

The continuous assault of his tongue gave her a hard and memorable time. Afraid that she will fall unconscious due to lack of oxygen, Marvin broke off the lick and continued to lick her lips. As their mouth separated, a thin line of sparkling saliva stretched and then it broke off, raining down on her erect nipples. 

"I want you!" She gave a needy and sexy look, and at the same time, placed his hand on her nether region covered by a thin piece of red clothes.

Her body turned hotter and hot as she felt the cold surface of the dining table against her back and his hot hands on her nether region and perky mountain. Plus, his hot gaze burned her even more.

Her expression aggravated Marvin's wolfish desire and he felt like eating her up right now!

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