Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 9



Arc VI Chapter 9



29th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“You called for me, My Lord.” Felix entered the room of his chosen lord and master, clicking his heels together. Elegant furniture lined the walls and a masoned wood stove afforded much needed warmth for the colder months of the year. The manor was in the possession of the House von Ehrbach and provided them with lodging during their stay in Freyburg. It was from here that the family managed their affairs and defended their interests against the Duke. 


Aware of his presence, Viktor glanced up, his crimson eyes falling on him. His restless pen ceased dancing across the piece of paper before him. It was a letter. The addressee was unknown. Not that it was his place to know of such things as a mere retainer. “Ah, yes, Felix, good to see you, I was calling for you.” His Lord folded his hands over his desk, a smile on his lips.


Felix nodded, his hand reaching for the grip of his sword. “Here I am, My Lord. Then do you perchance require my services?”


Viktor raised his hands, deflecting. “Oh, no, nothing of the sort. In fact, quite the contrary. I merely called you to inform you that our time here in Freyburg is ending. Father has ordered me to return. He demands my presence. We will thus depart the day after tomorrow in the morning.”


Felix straightened his back. “I understand, so I gather that our mission was a failure.”


Viktor scowled, grumbling. His mood visibly deteriorated. “As much as I loathe to admit it, but yes, we failed. Our progress so far has been underwhelming. I have already informed Father, but Duke Aurelius proved far more obstinate than expected. As did the rest of the Council. Nor Count Friedrich, nor Margrave Wilhelm, nor Count Emeric, nor Marchioness Clementia were particularly cooperative. Neither the Duke, nor the Council appear to be willing to budge on this matter. The Duke will keep the County of Mähren under ducal administration for the time being, which is hardly surprising, though. They know that there is more behind the tragic end of the House von Lilienthal than a mere fire. All the discrepancies are impossible to overlook ...”






A long pause followed before Viktor continued, “The Duke and the Council clearly suspect us, but they lack solid proof ... Which is fortunate considering how we were forced to act prematurely in this matter. The fire that night... was certainly not the most elegant solution on our part. Not that we had much of a choice. Angelika and her family were on our tracks. They were close to finding out. We could not allow them to uncover the truth behind her brother's death. They had to disappear immediately. If they had ever discovered that he was in truth poisoned, ... The repercussions would have been far worse than just some malicious rumours. But, oh, well, their deaths might have cost us Mähren, but it was a small price in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes you win in life. Sometimes you lose. As father says, that's how this game works.”


“Undoubtedly”, Felix concurred, his gaze lowered.


“But at least, our journey was not entirely in vain.” A predatory grin flashed across Viktor's lips, his teeth sharpened. “Because, as it happens, we have been able to acquire an interesting piece of information.”


Felix furrowed an eyebrow. His Lord knew something he didn't. “Have we?”


Viktor grinned, celebrating his triumph, no matter how short lived or insignificant it might be. A victory was still a victory. “A reliable source from within the castle walls has shared some interesting facts. It appears that the rumours are not entirely unfounded. It was not only Count Geralt who fell victim to assassins, but also Lady Aurora herself ... Contrary to public information and what the Duke claims, Lady Aurora was not heavily ‘wounded’ during an attack of ‘bandits’ and is now ‘on the way of recuperating’, but was in fact killed. The girl disappeared on the night of the ambush two months ago and has been since presumed dead.


No wonder that the Duke is doing his utmost to suppress Aurora's death. Her untimely demise would considerably weaken his position in front of the Crown and the Archchancellor. Both the King and the Archchancellor are only waiting for an opportunity to strike. Not only has the Duke lost his wife, his son and heir apparently, but now also his sole daughter and last legitimate heir of the House von Schwarz. They are currently facing nothing short of their potential extinction.”


Felix merely listened, his stoic expression unmoved. “I see.”


“But enough about politics for today. They are always such a dreary affair, aren't they?” Viktor grinned, his question a rhetorical one. “Anyway, as for tomorrow, prepare your luggage and enjoy your free day. You have earned it. Go and see Freyburg, Felix. You aren't from here, and this might be the last time for us to visit this place for quite some time.”


Felix bowed, offering his gratitude. “You are too gracious, My Lord.” 



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