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Arc VI Chapter 5



Arc VI Chapter 5



24th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“What? Aura?” Erika's eyes widened. “Are you certain, Hartman?”


Hartman nodded. “Yes, I am. I know what I saw, Erika. I have seen aura in action countless times before. Her movements ... Her speed ... Her acceleration ... Her strength ... Her blows were far too fast and far too heavy for a puny girl of her size and age. I tell you, Erika, the girl is an aura user. I can't say if she was using aura consciously or unconsciously, but what's sure is that she has a talent for it. No wonder that Lambert took an interest in her. He has a discerning eye.”


“... ... ...” Erika fell silent. “So she is going to graduate?”


Hartman nodded. “Yes. No need to keep her here any longer than necessary. Edelgart has all of what it takes to become an adventurer. She is devious, through and through. She knows how to read and write. She knows how to fight. She is capable of using aura. Seriously, what do you want more? The only problem, she spends way too much time with her doll, for my liking. The girl takes her silly doll everywhere and speaks to her all the time. The entire class already thinks she is crazy.”


Erika mustered a wry smile. “Well, they are not exactly wrong ... Her habits are indeed a bit concerning ... But you know, Hartman, adventurers have always been an eccentric bunch. Edelgart is still a little girl. It's probably just a phase of her.”


“... Fair point”, Hartman conceded. “I guess, we are going to arrange the necessary paperwork then and prepare a mentor.” 


Erika agreed, “Aye, so it's decided. Any idea of who we are going to pair her with?”


Hartman grinned mischievously. Shuffling through his papers, he shoved two names across the desk. “I have already two candidates. They are perfect.”


Erika looked less than convinced, her doubts written all over her face. “Are you sure this is a good idea; Hartman? The two are not exactly on the best terms with her ... I have some serious doubts that they will get along well ...”


Hartman laughed. “They will, Erika, they will. Or rather, they will need to if they want to get anywhere. Erich's father asked me personally to rush their graduation, so who am I to rebuff him? There he has his graduation.” 


“How encouraging ...” Erika merely sighed in response. “So it will be Erich, Ludolf, and Edelgart. Who will be their mentor then? Who are we going to assign?” 


Hartman grinned, a smile on his lips. “Don't worry, Erika, have already thought about that. I already have someone in mind. A capable young woman. Capable adventurer. From Lilienthal. From a fallen family of knights. An old friend from the adventurer's guild there gave her a letter of recommendation. Also, she still owes me a favour for her silver rank promotion.


She is a gentle soul. Excellent swordplay. Proficient not only at using aura, but also proficient at the use of magic. Luminal fire. Her noble blood shines through. In short, the woman is perfect. Erich inherited the prowess of his late grandfather. The boy wields both aura and magic, but he needs guidance. His abilities are still developing. His elements are also light and fire. She can teach and guide Erich. He can learn and improve. The same is true for Edelgart. The girl might pick up one or two things about the use of aura from her.”



28th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


“Hatchoo! Hatchoo!!! HATCHOO!!!” Aurora sneezed, rubbing her irritated nose on her way to the guild board, just like every morning. The recent days hadn’t treated her kindly. As a result, she caught a mild cold, which was hardly surprising. The month approached its end. The nights were growing ever longer. The days ever shorter. Temperatures were falling day by day. Bitter winds banished the last gentle rays of summer. Autumn had finally arrived, and with it the last chapter of the closing year.


The practical consequences, however, were less pleasant. The weather was ghastly. Rain. Fog. Dew. The morning chill was slowly freezing her solid, to the bone. It was simply terrible. She was in serious need of additional fluffy blankets, not to mention warmer clothes. A thick fur coat would be wonderful.


“Brrr. Brrr. Brrrrr.” Shivering, Aurora was rubbing her hands together to generate a modicum of warmth to fend off the hostile cold.


Little Aurora glanced upwards from the safety of her arms, her large eyes filled with a sense of sympathy and pity. How sweet of her. “Are you all right?”


“I am fine ...” Aurora merely nodded after regaining a semblance of composure. “More or less, at least. The cold is increasingly getting to me, but thank you for caring.”


Her doll beamed, waving her armsies as innocently as ever. “You are welcome~.”


Aurora mustered a benevolent giggle, her gentle hand patting her cherished doll. She was such a sweet girl. “What about you? Doesn't the cold bother you?”


Little Aurora tilted her headsie, “Hmm, now that you say it. Yes, my joints and limbs feel a bit stiff, at times. Especially, my neck.”


Aurora began to understand, her hand stroking her chin. “I see. Then, it is decided. This situation cannot be allowed to continue! We will coerce Lambert into buying us more clothes! And blankets!”


Little Aurora agreed wholeheartedly, signalling her support. “That sounds like a good plan ...”


“Ah, Edelgart, there you are~.” A gentle voice intercepted her after spotting her.


“...” Aurora halted, her eyes falling on Erika behind the guild counter. “Oh, Sister Erika~.”


Erika wore a polite smile. “I see that you are talking to your doll. You do that a lot, don’t you?”


Aurora nodded vigorously, hugging her doll tightly. “Yes, of course~. After all, we are bestest fwiends, right, Dolly?”


“...” Her doll remained silent, her eyes empty, her arms lifeless. Her doll was just a normal doll. Nothing more.


“What did you say, Dolly?” Aurora leaned closer to listen. “Oh, I see. Dolly also thinks that we are bestest fwiends.”


Erika chuckled in response. “Hehehe, that's wonderful. Anyway, do you have a moment, Edelgart? There is something important to discuss.”



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