Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 2



Arc VI Chapter 2



26th Ignis Solar IX AAC 753


“Hmm ...” Aurora stroked her chin, all of her attention focused on the guild board with little Aurora doll safely nestled in her arms.


They had enjoyed a solid breakfast in the company of Sister Iris, a few slices of nutritious bread and a cup of hot milk to support her growth. Little Aurora, meanwhile, had performed admirably, able to maintain her cover flawlessly, without any major incidents. Her angelic smile sufficed to convince Sister Iris that her doll was certainly not moving at times, and that she was just imagining things. Her doll was completely normal. After all, dolls don't move on their own. Everyone knows such. Anything else would be quite strange, after all, wouldn't it?


With their breakfast now over, Aurora and her doll had now some time at their disposal before her guild lessons were about to begin. Hartman the Drillmaster would pay them a visit, which meant running more laps and more weapon training. Hartman, though, was still a few hours away.


Thus, they both were currently dedicating all of their attention to the guild board. A flood of leaflets and notices covered the wooden board, providing them with an abundance of equally useful and sometimes frankly useless information. Every day, every morning, she had been visiting the guild board. So far, it had proven to be a worthwhile visit. It was a useful institution, providing publicly accessible information.


“Hmm ...” Aurora narrowed her eyes, scrutinising the guild boards with great care. “Ah ... Hmm ... I see ... Makes sense ...”


A section of the board was, obviously and naturally, dedicated to guild related matters. Things useful to know. Apparently, the membership fee was going to be raised for steel rank adventurers and upwards. Again. Something they probably wouldn't like. There were also advertisements for advanced sword and combat courses organised by the guild, even for some basic magic classes in cooperation with the venerable church for adventurers with a certain magic aptitude. Elemental magic and basic spells were being discussed. All in exchange for a few pieces of silver. It sounded like a good price.


“Hmm, what do you think?” Aurora looked at her doll, her freshly promoted most trusted confidant.  


“...” Little Aurora remained silent, however, not moving at all with a cute, little frown plastered on her pretty face. Apparently, she was still angry at her because of what had happened prior. Oh, well ... There was nothing that could be done.


“Hmm ...” Aurora returned her attention to the guild board. There were various parties recruiting, in search of additional pairs of hands.


The Alehounds, steel rank, searching for a true warrior. Bulky and sturdy. Axe, hammer, or a club. Combat experience desired.


Not appropriate for a petite girl like her. These brutish ways wouldn't appeal to her, anyway.


The Swords of Unity, silver rank, searching for masters of the blade of great skill and renown. Probation period required.


That sounded more like a party for her. Not that she was interested.


The Shadow Cabal, gold rank, looking for talented practitioners of the arcane arts, preferentially adepts of the umbral elements! Dark mages assemble! Muahahaha! Muahahahaha! Muahaha!!!


... ... ... Did they really put ‘muahahaha’ at the end? They were a curious bunch for sure.


The Motley Few, iron rank, freshly founded and promoted, searching for a healer. Female. Pretty and young girls preferred ...


Their thinly veiled tastes ... spoke for them.


“What do you say?” Aurora eyed her doll.


“Hmm ...” Little Aurora kept silent, still pretending to be nothing but an ordinary doll with much frownsies. Her reaction amused her. It was quite cute.


Aurora suppressed her urge to giggle and returned to the guild board, there were still the news to read. What was happening in Schwarzwalt and the world today? It was time to find out!


“Hmm, stone bridge over the Frey near the town of Guben severely damaged by strong flooding caused by rainfalls. Road towards the city of Steyer blocked for the foreseeable future until repairs are completed. Alternative routes are available. Consult your local Merchants' Guild and Adventurer's Guild for further information.

- Freyburg Merchants' Guild and Adventurer's Guild”


Helpful information for traders and adventurers alike.


“Freyburg. Countryside. Deluded commoner and companion on horseback attacking windmills, mistaking them for dragons terrorising a nearby village. Local peasants and village folk alike were confused. A case of simple insanity, a silent protest against the introduction of modern production methods in the field of agriculture, or a conspiracy of hostile watermill proprietors against new competition? The mystery remains unresolved!

- Freyburg Courier”




“Beware, brave and loyal burghers of Freyburg, wells and fountains in the leather worker quarter have been possibly poisoned by unknown perpetrators! Multiple cases of inexplicable sickness have lately befallen residents of the district. Investigations are still proceeding!


The City Guard suspects enemy agents are behind these nefarious crimes! Brave citizens, keep your eyes open! The perpetrators could be lurking anywhere!

- Freyburg City Guard. Always watchful!”


Yes, leather worker quarter ... Poisoned wells and fountains ... Enemy agents ... Rather fanciful tales ... Sounded more as if the toxic waste had been improperly handled by some of the workshops ...


“More silver discovered in the County of Schneeberg! Miners have stumbled across another rich silver vein near Schneeberg, extending deep into the mountains! It appears that the Schneeberg deposits are not meant to deplete soon! They promise work and pay for another century to come.

- Schneeberg Miners' Guild and Merchants' Guild”


Silver ... Happy news for the Count of Schneeberg, it would seem.


“Draconic horde returning! Draconic activity in the Black Alps is increasing! Strong presence in the County of Wolkenstein! Mountain ranges are currently insecure and under threat. Amphipteres, wyverns, even a dragon rumoured to be sighted according to the knights of Wolkenstein. Caution advised! Forces are being marshalled near Drachenburg by the Count of Wolkenstein to meet this threat! Capable adventurers are invited to aid His Lordship in his cause. They will be rewarded for their services!

- Drachenburg Adventurer's Guild and Merchants' Guild” 


Amphipteres ... Wyverns ... A dragon ... Sounded dangerous. Good luck with that.


“Pirate menace plaguing the White Sea! Emboldened by recent successes, pirate activity in the White Sea is growing, increasingly threatening vital trade routes and disrupting maritime commerce. As usual, the treacherous and perfidious Elves of Alfreik and their honourless allies are suspected to be behind the pirate attacks. They are rumoured to operate from the island of Eisen and strike with impunity.

The Hanse as well as the Republic of Livonia have both decided to take matters into their own hands! A punitive campaign will be organised to retaliate! The scum of the earth and the fiends of all of humanity will be finally put to justice!

- Freyburg Merchants' Guild” 


It sounded as if the pirates had overstayed their welcome and angered some pretty powerful people in the process. Less good for them, but good for commerce!


“The holy scriptures may preach peace, but sometimes it is necessary for all those who are faithful to marshal their courage and raise the sword of steel! His Holiness, Ecclesiarche Theodosius XII, has called for another crusade against the savage heathens of the North! The pagan tribes have far too long disturbed the peace of the land! Far too long, we have suffered their ceaseless aggression and provocations! Far too long, we have suffered their misguided beliefs and wicked gods! The time has come for the noble knights and righteous warriors of Norgard to put aside their differences and unite once again under one banner, under one cause! The time has come to answer with fire and fury! We shall show these brutes no quarter, no mercy! We shall purge these faithless heathens from the face of the earth and take what is rightfully ours!


Troops gather near the capital of Eisengard. Preparations under way. Start of the campaign, late spring next year. Adventurers and mercenaries are always welcome, no matter the background! Loot, gold, alcohol, and beautiful women in plentiful supply! Excellent pay! Sins and crimes shall be forgiven! Titles and land will be distributed to major contributors!

- Ecclesiarchy of Norgard”


“Hmm ...” Aurora had her doubts. That was quite a ... martial language, even for her standards. She had seen much, but never in her life had she advocated such ... draconian measures ... At least, not this openly. And at least, not written. This so called crusade … whatever ... sounded more like a fancy excuse for some good old pillaging, plundering, looting, and raping. Much fun and entertainment for everyone involved at the cost of some poor, unlucky bastards ... But such was life.


“Right?” Aurora smiled at her doll.


“...” No reaction. No comment from little Aurora, except for her crossing her tiny arms, pouting.



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