Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc VI Chapter 11



Arc VI Chapter 11



30th Ignis Lunar X AAC 753


Crossing his arms firmly across his chest, Erich offered a smirk of smug superiority. Ludolf, his aide and constant companion, flanked him, glaring at her with an equal intensity. It was apparent that her presence was far from appreciated. 


The juvenile hubris was strong in them. Unfortunately, it was a vice only far too common among the younger generations. It was the sweet, sweet inexperience of youth. 


Erich spoke, “Pleasantries and jokes aside, seriously, what is our little doll princess doing here? Are you still trying to play adventurer, Edelgart?”


Aurora narrowed her eyes, glaring daggers at their visitors. “...” And so did her doll. Her doll shared her dislike, for appreciable reasons. This wasn't the first time that their path had crossed.


Little Aurora grumbled from between her arms, “I don't like them ... They are mean, as usual.” 


“...” Aurora nodded in full agreement. Little Aurora was right. “...”


Erich grinned, brimming with confidence. “Lost for words? Afraid to speak, or what? Aren't you a shy one today, Edelgart. Usually, you are such a lively girl, right, Ludolf? This is unlike her.”


“Yes, quite”, his henchman agreed.


Aurora merely chuckled in response, armed with an equally saccharine and contemptuous smile. It was warm, yet cold. Humble, yet derisive. The precocious boy overestimated his station. It was time to kindly remind him of his position. “Erich, ... listen, ... let me give a piece of advice ...”


Erich dismissed her remark. “Such as?”


Ludolf agreed, “Yes, such as?”


“Erich, you ... You talk too much. The garrulity of a fool does not become you, but neither does the reticence of a sage, I suppose.”


“You ...” Erich gritted his teeth, clenching his fists. Her words struck a nerve.


Aurora continued, “Anyway, as to answering your question ... My doll and I are here to study the guild board~. We are looking for suitable work~.”


“Hmm ...” Erich clicked his tongue, still fuming beneath. “I see. So, I gather that you still haven't given up your silly dream, then. Listen, Edelgart, listen, sweetheart, adventuring is a serious matter. Adventuring isn't a tea party. Adventuring isn't something for little girls with dolls.”


“...” Aurora disregarded his lukewarm taunts. She had heard worse. His efforts were commendable, but ultimately in vain. “If you truly think so, Erich ... As a matter of fact, what makes you, Erich, an adventurer of such superior judgement?”


“Good that you ask.” A grin brightened the boy’s face, his victory seemingly assured. His hand produced a single letter. The letter bore the solemn seal of the Freyburg Adventurer's Guild, proudly stamped on a layer of red wax. Little did he know, but ignorance was always talkative. “Do you recognise this seal, Edelgart? This is the seal of the Freyburg Adventurer's Guild. The guild officially promoted both of us to copper rank. So, yes, that makes Ludolf and me indeed adventurers of superior judgement. Certainly compared with you and your doll.” 


“...” Aurora stroked her chin, studying the letter. “I see ... So, you two made it through the classes. Somehow. Despite your limited capabilities. How admirable ...”


“...” Erich chose to ignore her stinging remarks, yet they didn't miss their mark completely. Indignation seeped from his voice. “Of course, we have made it. After all, we are both from families with a long standing tradition of producing adventurers.” 


“Erich is right.” Ludolg crossed his arms. “Our fathers, our father's fathers, our father's father's fathers, our father's father's father's fathers ... Well, his not directly, but mine, for sure. They were all adventurers by birth, so are we. So what would a street urchin like you understand about the noble profession of adventuring?” 


“...” Aurora merely raised an amused eyebrow. Street urchin ... What a plebeian insult. If they only knew that she was the noble daughter of  the House von Schwarz, yet it was only natural for people to judge based on what they knew.  


Erich's chest swelled with obvious pride, oblivious to her unimpressed reaction. “Indeed! In fact, not only were we promoted, we were also assigned a mentor! We were told to meet her and another party member here today. That's why we are here.”  


Aurora smirked in secrecy. She had a feeling about where this was going. Her instincts had rarely failed her. “A mentor? What is a ‘mentor’?” Her tone was sweet and warm, like hot chocolate.


Erich grinned, his ego stroked. “Aha! I figured that you wouldn't know! A mentor is a teacher, a master, a companion. They are experienced veterans chosen by the guild to mentor fledgling adventurers. After all, it would reflect poorly on the reputation of the guild, if their valuable protégés died in droves ... Hey, are you even listening ...?”


Aurora tilted her head. “Hmm, that makes a surprising amount of sense. A mentor ... That sounds actually like a good idea. Quite smart of them, right?”


“...” Erich grumbled, annoyed by being so blatantly ignored. “If you say so ... Not that it matters. This will be the last time that we meet eye to eye. I hope so, at least.”


Aurora feigned surprise. “Oh, really? Are you sure, Erich? Don’t you always meet twice, or even thrice in life?”


“Yes, I am sure.” Erich narrowed his eyes.


“Really?” Aurora beamed.


“Yes, very much”, he insisted.


“How disappointing ...” Aurora grinned diabolically. “Oh, well~. Nothing that can be done. Unless~. Unless~.” Her hand started rummaging through her pouch.


Erich viewed her with a certain sense of scepticism. “Unless what? What are you trying to tell ... me now ...” 


Her hand produced a rather important letter with a familiar seal to prove her point. Aurora proudly presented her letter with a broad smile. “TA DA!!!” 



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