Saving Wang

Chapter 7

Chapter 7-I Have Only One Requirement

Sitting inside the car, Chen Kexin tilted her head and thought how they would meet Chen Derong. Chen Keren was driving. The two sisters kept silent, waiting for the good show they directed.

Quietly seeing the outside view moving back, Chen Kexin recollected the things which had been buried in her heart for many years. Wang Weixi’s gentle smile suddenly came into her mind. She brightened up. Only her good husband who was always by her side was able to make her so decisive at this moment.

Chen Derong was cozily lying on the bed while his gorgeous mistress was massaging him. If they did not have to do it furtively, what a nice scene it would be!

Chen Kexin and Chen Keren broke into their father’s house beyond everyone’s expectation. The servants all went into a panic.

After the two sisters got off the car, Chen Keren shot an icy glance at Housekeeper Zhang who intended to tip his master off, so Little Six and the other bodyguards could only stand there and dare not make a move.

Chen Kexin showed a lovely expression as usual. She walked toward Housekeeper Zhang and held his arm, saying coyly, “Uncle Zhang, where is my father? I heard that he did not go to work. What’s going on? Is he ill?” She blinked her big innocent eye while saying with a worried look.

Housekeeper Zhang swallowed nervously and responded with somewhat hesitation. “Sorry… Miss, I’m really sorry…” Beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, as he regretted helping Chen Derong conceal the fact from the two misses. Although Chen Kexin smiled at him, Housekeeper Zhang still perceived that her eyes gleamed with a hint of anger. After all, she was brought up by him.

Chen Kexin nodded slightly and gave him a gentle smile, saying, “Get some rest.” Then she turned to look at the stone-faced Chen Keren whose eyes swept everyone in the courtyard with wanton arrogance.

All the servants lowered their head, dreading to glance at their second miss who had made her father unable to go public on his affair.

Chen Keren and Chen Kexin strutted into the hall. Looking at the two figures’ backs, all the servants gasped. They were anxious about what would happen.

Marrying Chen Kexin off and having Wang Weixi in his camp, Chen Derong thought he was absolutely safe, but he did not expect that there was a spy at his side.

“Pa!” As Chen Derong was enjoying the massage, the door was kicked open by Chen Keren.

Chen Derong did not open his eyes and just said in an annoyed tone, “Who? So rude.” Then he heard his mistress’s scream and felt her movement stop.

He frowned slightly and unfolded his eyes, seeing his naked mistress being grabbed from the bed.

Chen Derong was startled and quickly put on his nightclothes, saying in a panic. “Keren… why are you here?”

“Dad, because Keren and I missed you.” Chen Kexin stepped in with a faint smile and tilted her head to study the mistress who was caught by Chen Keren. “This is? Dad, do you make an introduction?” A sweet smile spread across her face. Chen Kexin averted his gaze toward Chen Derong, who limply sat on the bed.

He embarrassedly opened his mouth but did not know what he should say, so he lowered his head and stuttered. Actually, he did not utter a word.

“You put me down… put me down.” The mistress’s face went purple, losing her charming halo.

Chen Keren loosed her hands and threw the mistress onto the bed. The latter lay prone with her hair disheveled, gasping for breath. Chen Derong gave his lover a worried look as he was astonished by Chen Keren’s strength. Now he became more afraid of his daughters.

The mistress irritatedly looked over at Chen Derong, saying, “Chen Derong, why not help me?” “She should be grateful for my mercy, but she is still shameless?” Chen Keren sneered.

Chen Derong spared her an embarrassed look, his cheek burning. “Get dressed.”

The mistress glared at Chen Derong and started dressing.

“Never mind. Actually, you don’t have to dress. Even if you did, you still don’t have your face.” Chen Keren spoke in a flat tone. Her calm eyes radiated domineering light.

The mistress’s hands shivered. She gritted her teeth, raised her head and glared at Chen Keren who was peacefully smiling at her. The calm look terrified the mistress.

Chen Kexin stared at her father who did not know how to deal with this situation. She walked over with a smile on her face, but she did not hold his arm as she did before. Instead, she picked up the photo frame on the bedside table. Looking at the family photo, she felt her heart tingling.

Raising her head, she caught Chen Derong’s guilty eye and chuckled. “Dad, that’s not good. Why not throw this family photo away? If my mom watch what you did, she might be heartbroken.”

Chen Derong replied immediately, “Kexin, don’t get mad at me…”

Before he finished his words, Chen Kexin cast it into the trash container without hesitation. At this point, Chen Keren and Chen Kexin were completely heartbroken.

Chen Derong reached out his hands and tried to prevent his daughter from doing this, but he failed.

The mistress turned her face and saw Chen Kexin drop her gaze. She was familiar with this sad look.

“Chen Derong, I said that no matter how many women you have, my sister and I don’t care about it. But you’re never allowed to bring those women home, especially this one!” Chen Keren said with a furious look.

Seeing Chen Kexin, who had been adorable in his eyes, Chen Derong felt somewhat guilty.

“Do you know about this woman? You do like her so much? There’re so many women who are younger and more pretty than her. Why did you bring her back?!” Chen Keren, who originally spoke little, blew up. Chen Kexin averted her gaze from her father, saying, “Move out. This is my only requirement.” Beyond the expectation, Chen Kexin only uttered those words in a toneless voice. Then she came to her sister and spoke calmly, “Dear, let’s go.”

The whole room went still. Chen Keren furrowed her eyebrows tightly and looked at her sister in puzzlement while Chen Kexin only giggled and said, “That’s all right.”

Chen Derong did not understand it, but he had an unspeakable feeling. It was not only because of compunction; it seemed that there were some secrets he did not know. Nevertheless, he did not have a chance to speak before his two daughters turned to leave.

Chen Kexin stopped in the doorway and slowly turned her head with a faint smile on her face as if she was a china doll with a constant expression. She cast an indifferent glance at the silent mistress and then left with Chen Keren.

“Hu…” It took a while before Chen Derong breathed a sigh of relief. The mistress at his side looked in the direction of the door with a resentful look which seemed to be able to pierce everything.

Chen Derong lay down. Now he was in no mood for flirting. He had thought his two daughters hated him marrying again. Now hearing what Chen Keren said, Chen Derong began to doubt why only this woman was not allowed.

“What are you thinking about?” The mistress regained her gentle and lovely attitude and slowly lay at his side, saying in a soft tone.

Chen Derong turned to look at the beautiful face and asked suspiciously, “Why can not you?”

Hearing this, the mistress changed her expression and did not dare to catch Chen Derong’s doubtful eyes. “Alas, even if there’re other women in your arms, your daughter would say those words. Anyway, they want you to be alone until you die,” she said in a resentful tone.

Chen Derong sighed deeply with sadness in his eyes.

Getting out of the house, Chen Kexin looked around the courtyard which she had lived with many years. The day she left, she had no chance to see it carefully. Now she suddenly wanted to have a look.

“Let’s have a walk.” Chen Kexin smiled at his sister.

Chen Keren recovered her arrogant look. She only nodded in agreement. Chen Kexin delightedly held her sister’s hand. Chen Keren used to be familiar with this move, but she now felt ill at ease.

It was still torrid in early October with a blazing sun overhead. Hundreds of flowers were in full bloom as if they were competing for its beauty queen. Swallows and birds sang and the winding path led to the secluded place.

The two sisters rambled hand in hand in silence, surrounded by the plants. Chen Keren did not understand why Chen Kexin was unwilling to tell their father the story about the woman and her, but she did not ask anything further. This was related to Chen Kexin’s past no one was clear about.

Chen Kexin had probably not forgotten it, but she might think that there was no need to mention it.

“My brother-in-law is good.” Chen Keren suddenly spoke.

Chen Kexin turned her face and responded in surprise, “Are you paying him a compliment?”

Chen Keren smiled slightly but gave no response. When meeting Wang Weixi for the first time, Little Six who had sensitive ears clearly heard what Chen Derong asked for, so she thought Wang Weixi would obey his father-in-law’s order to tip him off. Unexpectedly, they smoothly caught his father committing adultery, which made her have an indifferent view of her brother-in-law.

But an arrogant woman would not change her view of a man because of this little thing, especially it was related to someone that she cared about. Chen Keren had been disagreeing with her sister’s rash decision of marrying a good-for-nothing man.

Although Chen Kexin looked happy with her husband, Chen Keren thought it was because the newlyweds had a feeling of freshness. Soon, when Chen Kexin’s bad habit was exposed, Wang Weixi would give her up and left.

Chen Kexin did not realize that their marriage repulsed Chen Keren. She only thought Chen Keren only disliked her brother-in-law.

They stopped on an open lawn and raised their heads to look at the blue sky. Chen Keren, who couldn’t cope with the heat, had beads of sweat on her forehead. Not far from them, there was a round table painted in silver on which a tea set was placed. Two chairs stood opposite, accompanied by two big sunshades. It recorded two sister’s memory. It seemed that their mother emerged at the table and the two sisters slowly walked over and peacefully sat down.

Time passed by. Chen Kexin quietly sat there. They had used to such a silent time. It seemed they could never have a heart-to-heart talk like the other sisters.

They did not know how long it took. The engine sound came from afar.

Chen Kexin played her fingers and raised her head, saying to her sister who sat straight, “They have gone.”

Chen Keren idly glanced at her and said, “Then we should go too.”

Chen Kexin nodded and they rose to leave.

Back to the door of the hall, Housekeeper Zhang walked forward. “Eldest Miss, Second Miss, master said that he will come back later and ask you to have dinner with him.”

“That’s unnecessary.” Chen Keren said as she opened the car door and motioned Chen Kexin to get on the car.

Chen Kexin stared at Housekeeper Zhang with a slight smile. Seeing his embarrassed and regretful face, she only thought this housekeep who had taken care of her had his own troubles.

Getting on the car, she stuck her head out of the window and smiled at Housekeeper Zhang who stood beside the car, saying, “Uncle Zhang, bye!” It looked like nothing had happened.

Housekeeper Zhang opened his mouth in astonishment. Seeing her typical smile, he wanted to say something… But he eventually gave a helpless smile. “Eldest Miss, farewell.”

The car slowly drove away. All the servants of the Chen family felt relieved.

However, the sun was burning. It became hotter like an anxious heart.

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