Save the Two-dimensional Devil

Page 389

The baby girl tilted her head slightly, her ears trembled, and she took in all the surrounding sounds and listened very intently.

It was only then that the old man realized that there were two pointed points at the top of her ears, which were half as long as ordinary human ears.

The violence in the distance didn't last long, and with a burst of disappointment, the wanderers gradually became quiet.

Then a flame shot up into the sky, and with the billowing thick smoke drifting away, there were also bursts of unpleasant burnt smell.

The fire was raging, and occasionally it would rush into the air for more than ten meters. At this time, the light of the fire could even dispel the darkness in the alley for a moment.

There is nothing in the middle of the accumulated sewage in the alley, and the old man who was always wrapped in a deep black blanket has disappeared.

The Sun Also Rises.

"This is……"

Liu Xu was stunned. Teigu Five-Sighted Omnipotent [Observer] has five abilities. After evolution, he even has the ability to break through the void and travel through the world (unstable), but he definitely has no ability to trace the future.

How do you explain what you saw just now?

The little girl just now is obviously the graceful woman in front of her.

The leader of Anning Road!

There is only one possibility for what Liu Xu saw, and that is that the leader took the initiative to show these memories for him to see.

In his heart, he once again told himself very clearly that he must keep in mind that this taboo girl is not simple.

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Chapter 761

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After leaving the leader's house, it was time for the party soon.

There was a carnival atmosphere inside and outside Anning Road. Many people wore exaggerated and colorful costumes of their own race, wore colorful wigs, and even painted various patterns on their faces.

After all, there is no racial discrimination in Anning Dao, and any ethnicity can join this incomparably inclusive religion.

Large barrels of fine wine were brought in by horse-drawn carts, and then turned into empty barrels at an astonishing speed.

The square is lit up again, and countless fireworks decorate the night sky into a colorful dream world.

There are bonfires, singing, and the smell of food, and on this day, it seems that there is no sorrow in the world at all.

Liu Xu and Ma Yin walked together, attracting the attention of most passers-by like a powerful magnet.

Ma Yin's skin is as white as snow, delicate and smooth, with Xiuting's nose and slightly raised cherry lips on her beautiful face, which shows that she has a rather stubborn personality.

With her beautiful and graceful appearance, coupled with her slender figure, it is not surprising that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at her.

And Liu Xu's delicate appearance is not inferior to Ma Yin's at all, his eyes are like the stars in the night sky, deep and quiet, full of obsessive charm.

The line of the body is slightly thin and weak, but Xiu Ting's height looks like a handsome boy.

This kind of appearance, without exception, can almost arouse the motherhood of most women, and make them have the urge to love them. It is not an exaggeration to call them girl killers.

"You didn't take a shower?" Ma Yin frowned.

"No!" Liu Xu shook his head.

"Guys who don't like cleanliness." Ma Yin said dissatisfied.


Damn, there is no arrangement for this project at all, okay?

"An Ning Dao is really good, at least it makes people's lives better."

"That's not necessarily true! That leader is not a simple person."

"Have you seen someone?"

"I'm serious, I always feel that she is unusual."

"Have you seen someone?"

"She is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"Have you seen someone?"


Liu Xu resolutely gave up the communication. At this moment, Ma Yin is not Ma Yin, or in other words, not only Ma Yin, she has already possessed black pupils.

Who would have thought that the two of them, the golden boy and the jade girl, would have such a funny conversation.

Since tonight is a carnival night, the square is really lively, as if the market has been moved here.

All the shops on the street are connected together into a vast carnival market, full of carnival atmosphere.

The things for sale are nothing more than carnival decorations, gifts and all kinds of food.

Ma Yin found out that she had fallen in love with Liu Xu a little since she didn't know when, and after he saved herself from the explosion of Porus Teigu, this originally hidden emotion grew crazily, from the seed, To germinate, then grow, and finally take shape...

I like his short hair that looks like the night.

I like his long eyelashes and those bright eyes.

But what I like the most, should be when he smiles, it's so bad, it makes people blush and heartbeat...

Although there is no doubt that I like Liu Xu, I can't muster up the courage to confess.

No, let alone a confession, I couldn't even say a little bit of words that could reveal my full love.

Whenever I finally find a chance to be alone with him, Ma Yin's head will suddenly become blank, unable to say anything, or the way of expression is wrong, and she will never be able to point a gun at him again. ...

If Liu Xu knew Ma Yin's inner thoughts, he would tell her: "If you like it, you will be presumptuous, but love is restraint!"

absolute?It can't go on like this.

"Liu Xu, after the party is over, are you free?"

When Ma Yin finally made up her mind and recovered from her contemplation, she found that the person she wanted to talk to had disappeared without a trace.

"Did you go to buy ice cream again?"

Ma Yin hurriedly ran around looking for Liu Xu, but found nothing.

Looking around, there are crowds of people reveling in the carnival held in advance to celebrate the founding day of the religious order. It is undoubtedly difficult to find a needle in a haystack if you want to find a specific object among so many people.

"Are you okay! Maine! Why are you sweating profusely?"

Just when the girl was about to give up her search, Liu Xu appeared in front of her with a relaxed expression.

"Really, where did you go, I thought I lost you."

In order to cover up the separation of the two caused by her daze, Ma Yin turned her anxious embarrassment into angry words.

"I'm sorry!" Liu Xu didn't say much, and apologized directly.

"Tell me, where have you been?" Ma Yin refused to let go.

"Urgent urination!" Liu Xu spit out two words lightly, directly making Ma Yin speechless, killing her.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Suddenly, Ma Yin grabbed Liu Xu's hand and pulled him towards the most crowded direction.

"Don't get me wrong, this is just to prevent us from being separated in the turbulent crowd."

"Yes Yes!"

The girl's jade-like face flushed slightly, defending her actions, while the boy answered with a smile.

"Why did you find me just now?"

While walking forward with her head depressed, Ma Yin casually raised this question, but she couldn't find it after searching for a long time!

"Because no matter where you are, Ma Yin is a very dazzling girl! If you use an idiom to describe it, it's like standing out from the crowd, so people can't help but notice you." Liu Xu naturally couldn't say that she could find someone with five eyes, The minute-to-minute problem cannot be described, and the second-to-second problem should be proper.

"Really? It's best not to lie!"

"Of course, Ma Yin, you are really dazzling, so I can confirm your location at a glance even from a distance."

"Even if you flatter me like this, it won't do any good."

Although she said this on her lips, the girl was quite happy in her heart.

In this delicate atmosphere, Ma Yin summoned up her courage again, and was ready to say what she wanted to say before.

"Are you going to..."

"Hello! How are you two!"

Unfortunately, however, she was interrupted in the middle of her speech, and a businessman appeared in front of the two.

He has a pair of pitch-black pupils, and a pair of glasses hanging from the bridge of his straight nose. He looks very elegant and elegant, and his appearance looks quite good.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Because the planned thing was repeatedly blocked, Ma Yin finally couldn't help but said angrily.

"Oh! Could it be that my appearance has inadvertently interrupted the sweet love time of the two? I'm sorry!"

"Don't talk nonsense, what, what sweet love time..." Ma Yin's face turned red, and her voice became lower and lower.

Twin ponytails are arrogant and talented. Girl shooter, shy.

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Chapter 762 Lottery

"Little sister, shyness is actually a kind of fear. I worry that my shortcomings will be exposed to the sun and others will look down on me, so I dare not express myself. The more I express myself, the more afraid I feel." The businessman said, cheering Looking at Ma Yin with wide eyes, "Little sister, be brave!"

"Wow! Calm down! Ma Yin!" If Liu Xu hadn't forcefully stopped him, the businessman might have been shot by a pumpkin gun before he finished his long speech, " not guilty of death!"

Forget about the younger sister, add a "small" in front, don't you know that Ma Yin is the most sensitive to small things?

"What exactly do you want?" Liu Xu asked, keeping Ma Yin behind her.

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