Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 92

Chapter 91: I Cracked


They don’t actually know what the Earth’s core really looks like.

The core is also called the center of the earth. It accounts for 31.5% of the mass of the entire silver tail star, which is probably the hottest place on the planet.

The outer core next to the mantle has a temperature of 4000°C, and progressively to the center of the inner core, the temperature has risen to 6800°C.

This is a solid place, made up of the elements iron and nickel.

There is no life here, and there can be no life here.

Can a person be squeezed between the walls?

That probably won’t work.

But they did.

If Zhe Xiaoshuang was concerned, they now seemed to be forcibly embedded in a place full of solids.

Her brain told herself that this was false, and it was probably the effect of the prop, it was just a projection method.

But the feedback she got from the outstretched hand told her, no, you’re touching solid.

Zhexiaohuang is going crazy.

“I breathe in solids.”

“I touched a high temperature of more than 6800, and the other one has vaporized, right? Or is it directly sublimated to nothing?”

“I am free here, as if there is only air around me, but when I want to touch, I find that I can touch solid anywhere.”

This is crazy, she told herself.

What is this place? Am I in 2D, 3D or 4D?

I am constantly dying and I am constantly being born.

I in this dimension see myself being restricted in the lower dimension, but at the same time, the me in the higher dimension is the me who breaks through the rules in the lower dimension.

Zhe Xiaoshuang asked himself: Where am I?

When they fell from the atmosphere unscathed, someone was already thinking.

The painting on the paper is a plane, if there is a world in the painting, then the world is only a low-dimensional existence limited by the paper.

The paper itself is in a certain space, what if there is a layer on top of it?

Zhe Xiaoshuang looked at ‘self”, thought ‘self” was in the painting, and felt that [self] was the one who picked up the paper.

She split herself into three parts, the ‘self” in the painting, the [self] who picked up the paper, and the [self] who stood here looking at the two in front.

I am free, but I am imprisoned.

I am imprisoned by [self], I am imprisoned by [self], and finally I am ‘self”.

And now, I jumped out, jumped out of the first rule, came to the space of [self], and continued to walk out, standing in the position of [self].

—Finally, Zhe Xiaoshuang has such a perception of his current situation.

So, is [you] now in a four-dimensional space-time? Is there anything here other than ignoring the rules within Silvertail?

For example, can I see the passage of time, the change of space?

And when she had such an idea, the mutation suddenly occurred – she heard the sound of hard objects breaking apart.

What kind of sound should that be?

All yearning for the future.

She couldn’t see the necessity of her existence.

She can’t see the future of mankind.

She feels that the process of life has stopped and no further development.

She made the loudest voice in her life, and in the last time, she left the only trace she could carve.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah-”

She shouted with all her might.

Zhe Xiaoshuang saw that the “air” was broken.

The core is broken.

She saw that ‘self”, [self], [self] were all broken.

Humans are also broken.

Ruan Yu was on the outside and saw more clearly.

It’s not that the core is broken, it’s that the “core” is overwhelmed, and black cracks gradually appear on the entire sphere.

The core of the silver tail star is still the same, heavy, strong and solid.

But it is not the same. Ruan Yu feels that the scene now is a bit like the difference between the body and the soul.

The body is still there, but the soul has begun to decay.

Does the core have a soul?


But it just cracked.

Ruan Yu had seen this scene, in the space-time drift of the universe where the fragments sent her.

There are many planets, just like that.

Zhe Xiaoshuang and the others cried because they saw the collapse of the space they were in. But they didn’t stand in a farther, more obscure place like Ruan Yu did, and get an overview of the whole situation from a distance.

The scream did no good, everything was happening in silence.

Ruan Yu didn’t know that at this moment, the people who were in it already felt that the whole planet did not exist, and she did not feel that way, because that was the established path that should have been continued.

They did not wait for the stone, nor for the fragments, and they were pushed forward in ignorance on the designed road of destruction.

But in fact, it is not.

The sphere continued to shatter, until Ruan Yu, the spectator, felt that the sphere could not hold on any longer, and maybe the next moment it would fall apart, and it would fall apart with a bang.

At this moment, there was a shallow, small light, as small as a bean, but it landed firmly on one of the defects.

Quietly, the restless sphere became mild, and there was a brief collapse and stop.

Ruan Yu’s eyes lit up.

But soon after, she was lost.

For a moment.

Time was moving forward, and Ruan Yu suddenly thought of something.

Wait, this light?

She was looking forward to it.

Just as she thought, a softer and brighter gigantic light group suddenly appeared shortly after, dashing towards the collapsing sphere.

It quickly decomposes, from one to countless, a thin layer of film firmly binds the sphere, giving the sphere great support.

Among them, the biggest defect was filled with a very thin block of light, and Ruan Yu could even vaguely see the black ash beneath the translucent white.

“There is a long plate.” This thought suddenly appeared in Ruan Yu’s mind.

They are no longer in the space of Silvertail.

Ruan Yu’s mind was very clear at this moment, and all the clues about the stones and fragments were strung together and neatly combed.

“I got the stone on the desolate planet, for unknown reasons, it knew to follow me. So here it comes.”


The system can only detect everything in the space she is in, but anything that can be analyzed cannot escape the system’s eyes.

However, if an item is divided into two, the energy is invisible and intangible, and the most critical core is hidden in another time and space, how can the system detect it?

“The stone disappeared. It didn’t dissipate on the silver-tailed star, but in the same space as this sphere, so the system couldn’t find it at all.”

The stone as a carrier is just a physical display without any use, so that Ruan Yu can see and touch it.

The most important part of it is the energy that clings to the stone but is far from it.

“It does play a role, but it is relatively weak. Maybe only the coordinates of the polar circle can feedback the slightest trace.”

The energy of the stone always acts on the object, and this “object” refers to the silver tail star.

Ruan Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful forward.

Her palms approached the slowly spinning sphere endlessly, and the thin white lines turned over on it, mending its shatters.

But she couldn’t touch it, she could only see through the glass.

“The debris is different, it is bigger and brighter, and it has gained more planetary energy in the cosmic drift for many years, so it has a wider range of action.”

The stone can only make up for almost negligible places, but the fragments can wrap and pull the entire sphere.

“From the sphere in the real world to the silver-tailed star I live in, space-time is blocked, and they do not touch each other, but the latter has always been affected by the former. Therefore, the silver-tailed star has changed .”

Long like a plate, suddenly stable. This is the best example.

Ruan Yu turned his head and looked at the person who was stunned over there.

What are you talking about? — This is the facial expression of everyone.

Ruan Yu was surprised and asked, “Can you hear me?”

Someone nodded.

Ruan Yu laughed: “That’s easy.”

She also thought that in this complex situation, everyone seemed to be very close, but in fact, they were separated by unknown worlds and time and space, which made it impossible to communicate.

“I saw the truth about the doomsday catastrophe of Silvertail, and I saw the true effect of the fragments.” She said, “I tell you all.”

The eye of reality sees energy fluctuations and seeks the truth under the overlapping of countless time and space.

Ruan Yu pointed to his eyes: “The fog is virtual, and here I am, it is real.”

Where everyone is, it is a virtual scene.

Perhaps from the very beginning, the moment the fog swallowed her blood, Ruan Yu was already in a different dimension, watching all this as a spectator.

However, because she tended to share with everyone present, the narrow space in the room was filled with visible mist, and then transformed into a virtual world, taking everyone to experience half of the reality.

Xinghe gave Ruan Yu all the permissions, she can only give everyone half of the permissions.

Therefore, Ruan Yu and Zhe Xiaoshuang and other more than 100 people got different information.

The system is not there, this is the only two times the system has left since it was bound.

Ruan Yu didn’t know the reason, maybe Xinghe rejected it, maybe the system was not recognized by Yinweixing, in short, Ruan Yu returned to a free and relaxed state of celibacy.

This just makes Ruan Yu sure that what he sees is the most real truth.

I don’t know why, Ruan Yu thought, the galaxy and the debris seem to be quite repelling the system? Is there still competition between different institutions?

Ruan Yu let out a breath.

She took a deep look at the broken sphere that was quietly insisting, as if to engrave its appearance in her mind.

If one shard is not enough, is a few more pieces enough?

In other worlds, are there still fragments?

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