Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 104

Chapter 103: What Is Resolute

Ruan Yu stayed at the base again.

The medical team came to her carefully and asked in a soft voice if they could draw two tubes of blood.

That demeanor, that gesture, that tone of voice, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ruan Yu was offered up, and it has to be the kind of mascot that regularly cleans candlesticks, burns incense and worships twice during the festivals .

Ruan Yu gnawed on his big elbow and was silent for a moment.

Why is this scene so weird?

The other party: “No, can’t you?”

Ruan Yu looked down at the delicious and greasy sauce elbow between his hands, and then looked up at the cautious face of the young lady, she asked sincerely: “I eat so oily, now it’s no problem to draw blood ?”

Can you measure what you want?

Miss: “…”

Ruan Yu straightened his arm: “If there is no problem, just smoke.”

Miss: “…”

There are different detection methods under different conditions. She still took two small tubes and left with a precious blood sample.

Ruan Yu squatted on the steps and looked at the two kittens that suddenly appeared.

“Ah, is that the cat’s cub?” she asked.

The cat meows twice, spinning under her feet.

After a while, a three-flower came. The mother cat ran away with one of the white necks in her mouth, and ran back a while later, taking the other little orange.

Ruan Yu nibbled his elbows and looked at the busy family of three.

It is useless to measure her physical data, she is indeed a normal human being born by Fang Miao, the difference is actually the soul.

Or, an energy body of another dimension beyond reality.

If the Silver-tailed Star is not developing towards the current phenomenon, but towards theology, metaphysics, and immortality, then Luo Min and the others should get another answer—naturally, they need to be strong enough, Otherwise still nothing.

She took a sharp gulp.

It’s cold and cool.

People in the yard were busy, running around, and the wind was blowing under their feet.

Seeing Ruan Yu from a distance, they are either upright or sneaky, and their eyes always stick to her.

Ruan Yu didn’t care either, still nibbling on her huge sauce elbow.

Zhuo Yan was dragged to check, Lian Shuo Nie Yun and the others also became key targets. Everyone who used to be with Ruan Yu was stuffed into the isolation room, waiting for the follow-up arrangement.

The people monitoring her changed a lot, and they stood upright not far away, surrounding Ruan Yu as the center.

Ruan Yu didn’t think there was anything, it was a normal process, and it was all over.

The system squatted patiently for several days, accompanied Ruan Yu to and fro in the base, and was too familiar with the chefs in the cafeteria.

Ruan Bai was also pulled over for inspection, passed over in a daze, was thrown out in a daze, and then returned to his project team and continued to live a closed life.

Ruan Yu wanted to laugh, and waved at him from more than thirty meters away.

It is worth mentioning that Miss Sanman, the former neighbor next door, also transferred to work here, and continued to do research with a highly respected teacher.

As for what is being studied, Ruan Yu is not clear.

There are many places she can’t go to with the system, and the area where everyone can go to the base is.

Luo Min summarized all of this into a report and submitted it to the top, and flew away the next day, taking his team to discuss matters with the top leaders.

Before leaving, he came to Ruan Yu to chat and have a meal with her.

And sighed that Ruan Yu’s appetite is very good.

Ruan Yu: “…I won’t eat you poor.”

I eat very little!

Luo Min laughed: “How did Zhuo Yan deduct your food?”

Ruan Yu sighed: “Eat too much to gain weight, it will not look good on the mirror.”

If it wasn’t for the good looks, she wouldn’t do it. That’s all to stay, and how many people will see it. If it’s bad, wouldn’t it be black history?

Ruan Yu doesn’t mind her scribbles, but she doesn’t want black history.

When Luo Min came back, I don’t know what the outcome of their discussion was. Anyway, Ruan Yu was free, and even Zhuoyan Lianshuo and others were released from isolation and observation.

It just so happened that Ruan Yu received a reply from the system, and Xinghe sent her ten doors through the main **** system.

Ruan Yu: “Ah, only mother is good in the world.”

Look, I’m worried that she won’t have enough, so I put so much.

The system was so envious that it was about to cry: [It’s always running on me, don’t you still have to rely on me now! 】

Xinghe used to bully the system a lot, and there were those pieces that were neither seen nor touched, and had a bad attitude towards it.

Ruan Yu casually and perfunctory rua the dog’s head, greeted Zhuo Yan and the others, used the energy of the galaxy, opened the door of the galaxy, and went to find his broken core.

Canglanzhou’s attitude towards the system is prudent, and they cannot help it.

For a long time, everyone’s research on aliens has been in a state of worry and acceleration, which especially affects the mentality of those who know them.

This concern is no longer there.

Almost an instant, the above gave an order to improve the confidentiality level of various research projects derived from the base, expand the scope of resource provision, increase financial support, and assign a lot of manpower .

Of course, departments related to security and confidentiality have also become active and received their own regulatory review tasks.

Canglanzhou is moving forward as a whole, no longer worrying about “whether the system captures the outpost of Yinweixing”.

Ruan Yu really saw what it means to be “there is someone behind me”.

Zhuo Yan is busy working on the initiative plan she cooperated with the department last year, but it used to be an “initiative”, but now it is a “planning”.

Ruan Yu looked at the test paper she handed over and was speechless.

“A real test?” she asked.

Zhuo Yan nodded: “Yes, try it first, you are also an artist.”

Ruan Yu looked at the content of the paper: “I still graduated from a serious college. Although I didn’t go to graduate school, at least I received systematic knowledge. No, this content is ideological and moral education in junior high school, right? Now Is it called Dao Fa class?”

New name, new happiness, some people believe that she went to a magic school.

Zhuo Yan: “The teacher from the university was originally arranged to come, but when the test was conducted, it was found that the content was a bit difficult. The average score of the three groups of people who did the paper was only 33.”

Ruan Yu: “…”

Zhuo Yan: “So the difficulty is temporarily reduced.”

Ruan Yu slapped the table: “Why! If you make so much money, you should have a heavier burden! Why should you follow them! Give me the highest difficulty!”

Zhuo Yan: “…”

She reminded Ruan Yu: “You are also one of them. If Canglanzhou really promotes education in the entertainment industry, you will not be able to escape.”

Ruan Yu groaned: “I’m not afraid of being a master of school! As long as it doesn’t involve mathematics and physics, and it’s just memorizing words, no one dares to say that I’m the first.”

Zhuo Yan applauded her: “very good, I appreciate your arrogance.”

She took away the paper and handed over the second one: “Then let’s try this one. By the way, a version of the textbook has also been compiled, you remember to take a look in the past two days, I’ll take a look Look at the effect.”

Ruan Yu took it stiffly: “…”

To the effect, there are textbooks so quickly.

A new assessment for artist practitioners has been launched, twice a year, in various places. The exams are held in April in the first half of the year and October in the second half of the year.

There is only one subject in each exam, which is ideological and moral re-education.

The exam lasts for a long time. From the 10th to the 20th of April, you can register as often as you like within 10 days.

Artists: “…”

Artists only need to take the exam once a year. If you pass the exam, you will be instructed for twelve months at a time, and you will have to take the exam in the second year.

It doesn’t have much impact, that is, don’t think about it on the mainstream media side. If it happens that during this time period, there are episodes, movies, variety shows, etc. that are under pressure, oh well, the approval will wait.

Going to the stars (broadcasting on satellite TV) is definitely not a big drama. As for online broadcasting, new regulations have also been added to the approval.

Until the artist goes to the assessment and gets excellent, that is, 80 points or above, can the yellow card be removed and return to normal.

To participate in the exam normally, the artist only needs a passing score.

This notification came out suddenly. The front was still fighting the fake traffic half-deadly, and then the textbook was published with resolute force.

PDF, PPT, TXT, small animations, paper books, online courses…whatever you want, Canglanzhou official is very considerate.

Artists: “…”

They all exploded.

“Are you crazy? Brother, what does this new rule mean?”

“Why didn’t you hear the wind?”

“Exam? I haven’t taken the exam since I graduated from junior high school! I can’t even write hyphenation!”

As for fans, the reaction is bigger.

However, ordinary netizens reacted the most. They really wanted to see this scene come sooner.

【What is this? December just started, let me know such a good news just before the new year? 】

[Come, buy and leave, guess who is the first full score]

[I want to know who will fail the first session]

December is four months away from the first assessment in April. It is a good month to carry such a thin booklet.

On the bright side, it is such an artist exam.

Actually, what Zhuo Yan and the others want to do is the entire entertainment industry.

As the quarter is about to end, it is time to seal the accounts of each family. The tax department’s surprise inspections of various entertainment companies and studios are also listed on the plan.

Ruan Yu has no problem with paying taxes at all, except for some reasonable tax avoidance, which is acquiesced by the rules and is not considered a violation.

She earns a lot and pays a lot of taxes every year. The accounts are directly from the tax side, which can withstand inspection.

In this regard, she is probably the most indifferent artist in Canglanzhou.

However, Ruan Yu keenly saw a deeper layer behind Zhuo Yan’s move.

“What you want to check is actually each capital?” she said.

Zhuo Yan didn’t hide it from her: “Yes, I don’t actually want to investigate. This part happens to be cooperating with the tax departments to cooperate with their actions.”

In simple terms, it means that people want to investigate, and Zhuo Yan takes a ride.

Ruan Yu: “Very good.”

The disasters are reduced, and the restoration and construction of each area can only be carried out if it becomes richer.

Canglanzhou didn’t want to cut down the big households, but compared to the various disaster relief and rescue before, they finally freed up a lot of manpower and funds, so they can pay more attention to other aspects.

The entertainment industry has a lot of money, and the capital behind it comes from all over the world. It is a pity not to check it.

Ruan Yu: “By the way, check the law and discipline. The system says that this part is also on the hidden mission branch.”

The system is excited: [Fish fish! I know you love me the most! Still haven’t forgotten my two quest lines! 】

Ruan Yu kicked in the past, and the system was kicked away by “啾—”.

Ruan Yu: “Yes, I am such a caring person.”

Zhuo Yan smiled slyly: “I’m also investigating.”

In fact, by cleaning up the chaos in the entertainment industry, they are not only checking capital, but also clearing the way for a series of secret projects that will be launched in the future.

Choose to start from the entertainment industry, not only because of Ruan Yu and the system, but also because this can paralyze the people behind the scenes and make them unclear what Canglanzhou wants to do.

Zhuo Yan: “I am only responsible for a small part of a small part. Even I don’t know how big the whole plan is.”

This is the “renovation plan” of the entire Canglanzhou, and it is also the beginning of their journey to the future.

Zhuo Yan kindly pressed Ruan Yu to read the textbook: “Come on, cub, let’s go through this booklet first, you will be set as an example at that time, and you can’t pass the exam!”

As far as Ruan Yu’s situation is concerned, all aspects meet the requirements of this entertainment industry rectification activity, and at that time, he will become an advocate with several other artists – the kind that is not fake at all, but It’s not the garbage proposal that said no to fake traffic not long ago. One of the people who signed it made a promotion here, and it broke out there that he bought the data fraud on the same day, and was laughed at for a long time.

Ruan Yu: “Then I can’t get a perfect score?”

Zhuo Yan: “Actually this is really needed.”

Ruan Yu: “Is there a simulation volume?”

Zhuo Yan: “An online class is arranged, and there will be a simulation volume after watching the ten videos.”

Ruan Yu thought for a while: “Then this is not good, what about other staff members taking the class instead?”

Zhuo Yan: “In the 20-minute course, questions and answers will appear from time to time, and that picture requires face recognition.”

She explained to Ruan Yu the settings of this online course.

“The initial login requires face recognition, and the class can only be taught after confirmation. When answering the question, another face recognition will pop up. The whole process is dynamic, not the kind of taking a photo, so you must attend the class in person. ”

Ruan Yu thinks there is still a mistake: “Then he can ignore it. The staff will remind him to come over and give the answer by the way.”

Zhuo Yan shrugged: “Anyway, the final exam is closed book, so if you fail the exam, you will be blind.”

Ruan Yu: “…”

Go ahead.

This new strategy brought to the entertainment industry, no less than a tenth magnitude earthquake.

In April of the second year, the first exam on the morning of the 10th ended.

Ruan Yu came out of the examination room with a pencil case, relaxed and jumped down the steps.

The media had been squatting outside for more than an hour. When they saw someone coming out, they swarmed up and surrounded Ruan Yu.

Microphones, little bees (mai), and other radio equipment all swept in front of Ruan Yu, followed by bombarding inquiries from various reporters.

“What do you think of this exam?”

“Do you think it is unreasonable that such tests exist?”

“How did you do in the test? Are you confident in yourself?”

Lian Shuo and Nie Yun moved quickly, flying forward from both sides, and stretched out his arms to protect her.

Ruan Yu took a step back, and then looked at the twenty or thirty cameras in front of him.

“It’s okay, it’s pretty simple. Yes, I’m very confident, I got good grades. Do you think this test is reasonable? Don’t you all ask about it in the entertainment industry for four months? Turn me on The previous interview will do.”

An internet celebrity brought a camera to the live broadcast and secretly aimed at everyone who came out of the exam room.

The popular fried chicken, the new idol, the unknown person, the eighteenth line, the Internet celebrity… The number of participants is really large.

The live broadcast rooms are very lively.

[When will the results come out? Internet publicity? 】

[Two sessions a day, a total of ten days, any test, the registration fee for one session is only 50 yuan]

[Tsk tsk, the official also earns the registration fee, it’s really greedy]

When you paid him a few hundred dollars to make the list, you didn’t see fifty dollars in your eyes.]

Every live broadcast room is so lively, some call idols, some chase old artists who haven’t seen them for a long time, and some quarrel with other fans…

It was a very lively event indeed.

In fact, the scope of the test given is really not large, but 30% of the sections are related to political education, and you need to memorize some things.

For older artists, there are other arrangements that do not really require everyone to be present.

If the artist doesn’t care, it doesn’t matter if they don’t come to the exam, everyone has their own choices, just bear the consequences.

After April, Ruan Yu, an excellent representative who just passed the test with a perfect score, is about to release her new drama.

That’s right, it’s too long, and the entertainment industry started to have accidents one after another.

The first melon is the actor cheating, the second melon is the popular traffic idol who was exposed to drug use, and the third melon is the old artist who has been popular for 17 years by Deyi Shuangxin and was taken away by the police, It is said to be criminal responsibility. The fourth melon directly turned over to the world’s most wanted list. It is said that the actress was involved in money laundering and left the country early…

In May, the entertainment industry has become the month of legal coffee arrest.

【Friends, this month’s melons, I’m a little tired】

I can’t stand it! 】

Ruan Yu: “…”

It’s too difficult, I clicked at this time.

Zhuo Yan: “Oh, your drama will be postponed for half a month, and then you should be able to avoid the excitement.”

Ruan Yu threw himself on the bed in a grief: “Hope.”

Zhuo Yan: “Come on, what’s new, we’re going to launch jacaranda and small yellow flowers to treat radiation!”

Ruan Yu stood up suddenly: “Done?”

Zhuo Yan: “Well, it has been thoroughly researched and tested in various soils and environments, and the results are good.”

Ruan Yu happily wanted to go around in circles: “What about the others? There are many, many other things!”

Civilian research for the general public such as Qingyun Jinghong, the high-tech content is too low, and it is nothing.

Ruan Yu has been waiting for the people at the base to develop black technology from system items, but unfortunately, for so long, I haven’t heard the slightest bit of wind.

R&D is difficult and usually takes years, or even the lifetime of a scientist.

Furthermore, there are real achievements. Even if those cutting-edge technologies have been developed, they will not be immediately notified to the public, and many will be hidden.

But, she just wanted to know.

Zhuo Yan: “There will be, slowly, there will be.”

Ruan Yu rubbed his hands: “I’ll wait.”

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