Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 101

Chapter 100: Silver Tail Star And Me

Ruan Yu found the last piece.

Small, too small, too small to be seen.

System: [What are you doing? 】

Ruan Yu: “Meditating.”

System: [? ? ? 】

She sits cross-legged here, floating in the air, not going out to cheat some money will lose this immortal fluttering action.

But unfortunately Ruan Yu is wearing a nightdress with two big strawberries painted on it, which looks too childish and is really not suitable for pretending to be a fairy.

Ruan Yu opened his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows: “I’m looking for the last slice with my mind.”

System: [Found it? 】

Ruan Yu: “I found it.”

System: [Show me! 】

Ruan Yu: “I can’t see it.”

In fact, she didn’t find it with her mind. It was something that got into her mind without her noticing it. Ruan Yu then stopped and crossed her legs in place to take a rest.

I didn’t notice anything at first, but then my head became a little dizzy. Ruan Yu blinked and found that there was a picture in her memory that she was sure she had never seen before, and then she realized Something is wrong with myself.

Xinghe is indeed protecting her. Just now, she ran into a big explosion that was playing in a loop. Even the subsequent chain reaction was real. He rushed towards his face and left in a circle around him.

It’s a huge area, only her place is peaceful.

Seeing it with her own eyes, and feeling it with her own eyes, if she doesn’t understand what Xinghe did, then she really grew something on her shoulders in vain.

The system carefully asked: [How do you feel now? 】

Ruan Yu looked at it, the light in his eyes changed inexplicably: “Very good.”

System: [! ! 】

The system listened to her tone and knew that Ruan Yu was safe. But looking at her eyes, she only felt horrified.

System: [You you you…]

Ruan Yu: “What?”

The system turned into a mirror, standing in front of Ruan Yu.

[Your eyes! 】

Ruan Yu followed what it said and was stunned for a moment.

She moved closer, for fear that she had just been delusional by the distance and ambient light.

However, the truth tells her that it is not, it is just that your own eyes have changed.


How did my eyes become like this…

The clear blue, mixed with the slightest mist, is not so pure, nor is it turbid.

Ruan Yu: “I can still become a foreigner…”

Blue eyes, very nice.

The system is speechless.

Ruan Yu blinked, and then, a small black dot appeared in her pupil, which was especially obvious in the mirror.

As if it suddenly turned into the whole universe, with the black dot as the core, the pupils constructed by thousands of stars began to rotate and approach, as if it had an infinite attraction, which directly drew Ruan Yu’s attention All stripped away.

The system was screaming in her ear, and Ruan Yu didn’t move, not even giving it half an expression.

The system feels that the situation is a bit confusing. Although it is unclear how it happened, the violent solution is always right.

It pondered and ran to the background to find something that could be used as an external force to wake Ruan Yu, and at the same time did not give her new force, so as not to call her away and hit the outermost layer of the fissure. Oh no.

The system hadn’t thought of it yet, Ruan Yu woke up first.

She took a deep breath, then a second time, then a third time, and it seemed a bit unsatisfactory, she came again.

System: […]

Ruan Yu: “I’m sorry, it’s a bit ruined.”

System: [? ? ? 】

Ruan Yu sat there, digging his temples with both hands: “I’m starting to doubt life now.”

System: [! ! 】

Is it so serious?

Ruan Yu’s language system is a bit confusing: “Wait for me to fix my brain.”

System: [What did you see? 】

Ruan Yu did not answer.

She closed her eyes and thought about it all.

At this moment, she finally understands why the system finds her, why she has been so lucky, why the galaxy appears, why she crosses, why she always wants whatever galaxy for what and why…

In fact, from the very beginning, Galaxy said it.

The first easter egg connects the system to the galaxy.

Or, conversely, let the galaxy connect to this small system that was released.

—“In this little surprise design that can only be considered funny, the prize pool is expanded because of you and spreads throughout the galaxy.”

Since then, Xinghe found her.

The second and third easter eggs are the joy of the galaxy, and it is also its confession and comfort to itself.

It is a mother’s comfort to her child.

—”We don’t want to see you being wronged at all, it will make our hearts hurt to death. The easter eggs of the 2.0 era, docking with the galaxy, the billions of stars, never leave .Please smile like last time.”

Xinghe said that it has been looking for itself, always.

And the sudden crossing later, it was not because of the trouble of the galaxy, in fact, it was her own arrangement long ago.

Xinghe was extremely wronged, it didn’t know the details, it just watched from the sidelines.

—”Xinghe wants to touch you gently, but can’t do anything, then send greetings, how are you? We have received your smile, don’t be unhappy, no matter what it is You, we all love you. Please be kind.”

Please be well. This is Xinghe’s carefulness and its greatest prayer.

Seventh, eighth…

—”Xinghe likes you very much, and I hope you can be happy. Don’t be sad, don’t be upset, we have always been here, and we have never thought of harming you. Trust us, okay?”

—”We love you, we love it, we want to see the planet as lively as ever. Dear fish, you are free, we never thought of forcing you, Please believe us.”

The answer is written in each easter egg, and Xinghe is talking to Silvertail Star and her.

Because she and Silvertail are one body.

Ruan Yu wanted to understand everything, but it was a little difficult to accept for a while, but he felt that it was the right way.

The split mood made her laugh out loud, and the transition from a simple syllable to a series of laughter was not unpleasant.

Until the end, she laughed so much that her stomach hurt, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Ruan Yu wiped her tears and answered the question from the system: “I saw it, myself.”

The system looked inexplicable, but also listened dumbfounded: [Huh? 】

What you see in the mirror is not yourself, can it be a ghost?

Ruan Yu laughed, she looked at the system, as if she was looking at it a long time ago.

“I didn’t expect,” she whispered, “I’ll see you again.”

The system is at a loss: [What do you mean…]

Ruan Yu stretched out his hand: “Long time no see, my friend in the origin.”

The system instantly exploded: [How do you know the origin! ! 】

Ruan Yu hugged it and rua twice: “Did you really not recognize me? Also, your main program has low-level code and little code, and encountered a cosmic storm, Being caught in the space-time rift, being able to be fished out and used as a system is already very good.”

The system started to get confused: [Wait wait, why don’t I understand what you are talking about? 】

Ruan Yu sighed and wiped the system head with his right hand.

The system didn’t care about it at first. Who would have guessed that this was different from before, even different from the two brushes just now – Ruan Yu’s action directly opened her main program module.

The system freezes.

Ruan Yu probed and looked at it: “Anyway, I was rescued by me. Will your Lord God not go through the back door to give you a level up?”

She added a piece of code to it with fingertip energy in three or two strokes, which closed the main program module and returned the system freedom.

The system shook its head: [Huh? 】

It felt it for a while, and suddenly realized that it had become level three!

System: [You you you! 】

Ruan Yu patted its head: “I me me.”

System: [You are not human! 】

Ruan Yu: “How rare.”

System: […]

Ruan Yu sighed: “I am not only not a human, but I am not a carbon-based creature.”

She is actually the silver tail star.

Ruan Yu shook his head helplessly: “After 25 years of living, I finally found out that I turned out to be a ball.”


Ruan Yu saw the 4.5 billion years in flashback from his own eyes.

The end of the silver-tailed star, the first time humans left the planet, the era of great voyages, the unification of feudal dynasties, and the emergence of early civilizations on the planet;


plate movement, volcanic eruptions, human migration, ice sheet formation, temperature drops, global salt cycle altered, warm periods, new species, warming periods, supervolcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, cetaceans species appeared, mammals appeared, the third oceanic anoxic event, the second oceanic anoxic event;


mass extinction, meteorite impact, Permian;


Meteorite impact, animal landing;


The Big Bang;


The core of the silver tail is stable;


The Great Oxidation Event;


Tidal lock, moon, silver tail star born.

Before this, it was the silver tail star that appeared in this time and space, moved to the most suitable orbit, not far from the star, not close to the star, fortunately, it was not dried by the most prosperous sun, and also Don’t miss this period of development. Although the meteorite struck, it did not adversely affect Silvertail itself.

It is a bare black planet, broken, pitted, ugly, with a dry surface.

No rocks, no ocean, no ozone.

This is really a planet that cannot give birth to life, because it was not born to give birth to life.

There are many children of Galaxy, and the vast universe is the scope of Galaxy’s activities. There are also many planets that follow it, some are awakened consciousness to follow, some are born from the galaxy energy cluster.

It is not, it is catalyzed by its own energy.

The galaxy calls it “child”, and when it has its own consciousness, it names itself ‘star”.

The freest, luckiest, most powerful, most powerful star, the star in the galaxy.

It has followed the galaxy for many time and space, gradually mastered the power of the universe, and after swallowing countless energy, it became the most beloved one of the galaxy.

Later, it can be transmogrified.

The universe has no end, but time continues. Probably happiness is always noticed when it comes to an abrupt end, so when you realize it, it will feel extra short-lived.

Hide and devour one after another of energy, and thus strengthen himself.

Then, it stared at the origin space, a stable space-time constructed with the help of half the power of the galaxy.


, giving it enough time, it can even develop into a new space-time rift.

The universe will disappear again.

The mission of Galaxy is to protect all the universe.

The mission of the stars is to guard the galaxy and all the universe.

According to the Silver Tail Star Memorial, it was 4.5 billion years ago. The silver tail star has been around for 4.3 billion years from its birth to the present.

It wandered in the universe for 200 million years, and one day, settled in a space-time.

Because it won’t run.

Its core is shattered, the whole planet is about to fall apart, and it will die out at an unknown time, and then become a speck of dust in an unknown universe.

But it doesn’t want to.

So it started saving itself.

Ruan Yu: “You came to me, it was made by Xinghe.”

She has saved many systems, but only one is extremely stupid, because the innate procedures are not good, and it is much shorter than other systems.

Later, she was involved in the space-time rift in the origin space, which made this system even weaker and stumbled. After she was fished out, she couldn’t even say a word.

Silver-tailed Star threw out a lot of systems, 666 was selected by Galaxy, because when it was born, Silver-tailed Star ran to the origin space to play and stayed with 666 for one more time for a while.

Ruan Yu: “It can’t find me, so it can only hope on you.”

Her energy is too weak, the core is broken so badly that she can’t even fight.

Xinghe couldn’t find her either. At first, it was busy consuming the energy of the space-time rift, and later it was healing and repairing the origin space. When it freed up time, it really couldn’t find its stars.

The Lord God has no attachment, and neither should the galaxy.

Stars appear, stars explode. Planets spin, planets get hit, and planets die.

Everything has its own law of evolution, and Galaxy has never interfered.

But Silvertail doesn’t, it doesn’t allow the planet to disappear.

So it began to search while recovering, replenishing a lot of energy while traveling between universes, and also grabbed a lot of space-time cracks that were just born.

But it can’t find the silver tail star.

The sky said, that is because the star is too weak, and it is proficient in dodging, who can find it when it does not want to appear? Your energy is too strong, and before it reaches it, it will run away subconsciously out of self-preservation.

Galaxy understands.

So it released the system.

If so, what if you can find a star?

The system is so weak that it does not pose a threat to the stars.

A Time and Space Administration was established at the origin, divided into departments, innovated tasks, and began to engage in seven and eight.

666 has its own number, and it has also returned to the category and has a department.

It thinks that every time it receives a new time and space that has been connected by the department, leaving it in the past is a perfect detail. In fact, every time it provides energy for crossing the galaxy, its destination is always Not sure, it’s all random.

The system was stunned when he heard this: [Then you…I am not…I…]

Ruan Yu touched it: “Aren’t you an ordinary system? What if you don’t find me? It’s not necessarily useful to find me?”

The system nodded in a hurry.

Ruan Yu laughed: “There is a saying on the silver-tailed star, that man is not as good as the sky. I was thinking at first, how can the sky calculate? It has no brains. Now I know Now, naivety will count.”

If she is a silver-tailed star, in other words, she can barely be considered a god, right?

Ruan Yu: “I saved you, you became a top-notch modeling system, Xinghe pushed you out, and I was born as a human being. Do you think there is no connection between them?”

If Ruan Yu hadn’t picked up the system at the beginning, if the system was not in this category, if Xinghe didn’t send the system out, if Ruan Yu or Yinweixing was not a person, then it would not be like this now.

System: [Yes…]

Ruan Yu: “I’ve been saving myself.”

Then, she quietly found a place and fell into a deep sleep. Naturally, the planet began to evolve just as a planet, with orbits, internal changes, and life.

Ruan Yu: “I need a new life to support me.”

She needs new energy, and the only thing that can save the “nucleus” is her own energy from within.

She thought about it for a long time and finally settled on such a plan. So, the silver tail star appeared.

System: [Then…]

Ruan Yu: “Humans, plants, animals, all life’s love, love, worship of the silver tail star…or sincere belief, are all my energy sources.”

From the time when the first life appeared on the bottom of the sea, from the time humans bowed to the ground, Ruan Yu was slowly waking up.

The energy is low, but useful.

But this will not work, the core of the silver tail star will not last long. So the end came, and it was the precursor to the collapse of Silvertail, the beginning of the disintegration of the entire planet.

Ruan Yu couldn’t wait, she thought about the way to break the situation, and used a small part of the energy that was eased to become a human being.

This is really not a problem for her, it’s just a matter of timing.

Ruan Yu weighed the system in his hand: “I waited for you.”

The system is here, she has become a star, and she has an open and honest way to be loved. Every compliment, every “Ruan Yu”, at the moment when everyone is unaware, will be converted into energy, accumulated in Ruan Yu is here.

What needs “Xinyang” is not the system from the beginning, but the host bound by it – Ruan Yu.

She left the space-time rift untreated, not because she was not good at the beginning, but because she was useful.

“My core is broken and I don’t know where to go, I have to find it.”

But she couldn’t travel freely in time and space. She left the galaxy and was injured so badly.

Ruan Yu needs to take advantage of the irregularity of the space-time rift. In this way, as long as she uses a little new energy of belief, she can go to different time and space to find her own core.

The system no longer knows what to say.

Ruan Yu: “The first time I went to Doomsday was because that stage happened to be the time I couldn’t bear.”

A post-apocalyptic relaxation and a major collapse before the apocalypse, these are two key points, she needs to see what happened and the marks of the objects she is missing.

Then she went to Fage Star.

Coincidentally, the flower lattice star was also broken. At that time, Ruan Yu once put it together.

“There is a remnant of my own energy on the Grid star that helps me sense where the nucleus is going.”

Later, she found the first stone. The stone fills a void, too small to be of much use.

The second fragment is wild.

Ruan Yu thought of this and paused.

She really did not expect that, after breaking away from her own core, she would actually go to hunt for food and trade to replenish the lost energy.

“The debris… devoured the energy overflowing from the planet, mainly to maintain its own existence, and a few were transformed into its own energy to make up for the incomplete parts.”

The third block, the fourth block…

She found her own core from different time and space. After returning to Silvertail Star, although these things were reluctant to leave her side, she always knew what she had to do, and finally made up for them.

System: [There really is such a thing as nuclear…]

It doesn’t know.

Ruan Yu: “Yeah.”

System: [Then why don’t they come back to find you? 】

Ruan Yu: “I can’t come back, it’s too broken, I can’t wear time and space.”

There are many things lost, and they are not in the same time and space, so she can only find them in person.

So in the second piece, the shards came across a small piece, and the two goods merged like sisters.

That’s too rare to see this time.

System: [I can’t do it anymore, I have to digest it]

Ruan Yu touched the dog’s head: “Slowly digest.”

After a while, the system asked dumbly: [Then do you still want to travel? 】

Ruan Yu: “What I want, I haven’t found it yet. Here is a more critical part, and some are missing.”

After a two-second pause, she was a little distressed and apologetic: “I need to find it earlier, I don’t know if my nucleus will have a bad effect on the local area in another time and space.”

The system is puzzled: [Huh? 】

Ruan Yu: “Do you remember the Zerg planet?”

System: [Hmm! 】

Ruan Yu: “The female worm gave birth to a higher zerg, and it was with the energy of the fragment. But it can’t be said that it can’t drive the fragment. a small fissure.”

It attaches to the female worm, manipulates the female worm to find the fragment, and tries to absorb the energy in the devoured fragment.

During this process, a little spilled accidentally, causing the mother worm to give birth to a higher zerg, which made such heaven-defying species appear in that time and space.

Ruan Yu: “When I was traveling with the fragmented universe, I encountered that time-space rift. At that time, it wanted to follow, but was thrown away by the fragments. I didn’t expect it to chase after it later.”

System: [It has been more than a year, I didn’t expect to solve the mystery today, I said that the appearance of the little bug is normal, the higher Zerg is too unscientific! 】

Ruan Yu: “Yeah, so I’m worried that this will happen in other places as well.”

That would be bad.

System: [Then, then, how are you now? 】

Ruan Yu said that he was very good: “Did I remember it without watching it?”

The system let out a sigh of relief: [That’s good]

The system hesitantly asked them how to escape from here.

Ruan Yu: “Escape? I’m sorry for myself if I don’t demolish this place.”

System: [! ! 】

Sister, we don’t have to be so fierce!

You don’t need to slowly accept your new species setting when you just recover!

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