Sakura Haruno: Slutty, Competent Ninja

Chapter 15: Just Dance. Or maybe more…

We all arrived at the Shushu-ya Bar. The place was large, with pillars that supported the building, high ceilings with multiple small lights, a bar with stools that displayed most of their alcohol, and numerous wooden booths for people to sit in. I had booked the VIP booth, a large karaoke booth with a curtain for privacy. Though it would feel cramped with all twelve of us, most of us were couples or a trio in the case of Naruto, Hinata and me, so I didn't think anyone would complain.

The barkeep was expecting us, so he came up and introduced himself before leading our party to the booth. I was about to follow everyone there, but I spotted a familiar brunette woman at the bar.

"You go on without me; I'll be there in a minute."

I said to Naruto and Hinata while we both still held onto his arms.

"Is something wrong?"

Naruto asked with a confused face.

"It's nothing. I'll be there soon; besides, you have Hinata to keep you company till I get back."

I gave Hinata a wink and let go of Naruto's arm. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he was pulled away by Hinata to the booth with the others and the barkeep. The barkeep pulled the curtains closed, and I could hear him explain how the karaoke machine worked.

I walked over and sat at the bar next to the young brunette. She looked about eighteen, and no one else seemed to recognise her. To be fair, she was younger and had brown hair instead of blonde, but I could recognise that bust and face anywhere, even if it was a few years younger.

"Lady Tsunade, when I said 'no senseis', that included Hokage."

I whispered to her. Lady Tsunade looked surprised and a little embarrassed, though the blush on her face may have resulted from the half-empty sake bottle sitting on the bartop in front of her.

"How did you know it was me?"

She whispered back.

"Though most people seem to forget it, I know that mid-twenties transformation you keep up all the time isn't your real form. In fact, I had seen your other forms around the village before but kept quiet. Your tits and face always give it away; your teenage face isn't THAT different from your usual one. I assume that's why you change your hair colour. Though, since I asked everyone to let this be our night, I decided to confront you finally. What are you doing here?"

Usually, I would have shown my Mistress more respect, both as my sensei and the Fifth Hokage, but over the years, I picked up that Lady Tsunade actually wanted someone to call her out when she was out of line from her interactions with Shizune.

She took a swig from the sake bottle before whispering more.

"Fine, you want to know? Being the Hokage is fucking exhausting! Sure, I take my job seriously, but I NEED to blow off some steam occasionally. But the village elders would tear me apart if they found out I was "bringing shame to the position." So I sneak out into the village from time to time in disguise. Hit up some bars and pick up some guys; sometimes, I just go shopping. If people knew who I was, not only would those elders chew me up for it, but the villagers would treat me with so much "respect" and fear that I'd never be able to feel comfortable. I just want to be "Tsunade" and not "Lady Fifth" in my private time. I'm strong enough to handle myself, so it isn't a security risk, so please don't say anything."

"I get that, and that's why I didn't say anything before. But why are you here? In this bar on this night, I mean. I told you all that I didn't want any superiors here. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to cut loose."

"They don't know I'm here, do they? Or are you going to tell them?"

"No, but why did you want to be here in the first place?"

Lady Tsunade went silent and stared at her feet. She wore her regular open-toe heeled shoes but with jeans, a denim jacket and a tank top. Then she mumbled something I couldn't make out.

"What was that?"

"I said I wanted to talk to Naruto. But not as his "granny..."

"You're trying to fuck him..."

"What! No!"

She barely whispered, but I could see the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"I just wanted to... talk. Find out about his travels. I know Jiraiya, and I wanted to make sure he didn't get Naruto into any... "trouble"... And I know if anything did happen, Jiraiya would have told him not to tell me about it."

"Ahh, you wanted to find out if he was still a virgin or not. And if Master Jiraiya had turned him into a pervert. So what? Bring out the "legendary sucker" and see how he reacts. If he acts shy and innocent, he's still "pure", and if he flirts back or tries something on you, he's Jiraiya 2.0."

"Where did you hear that name?"

"Shizune got drunk and told me how you got it. I got to say; it even made me blush."

It didn't really make me blush, but it made me horny. I just told her that to make her squirm.

"Ha, what can I say? I would have given you a run for your money back in my day. But all that is over now. Sure, I can sneak the odd one-night stand, but I can never do something that high profile again. When I agreed to take the Hokage Office, the elders made the Foundation cover that up. People still know it happened, but the name "Tsunade" was removed from all the writings, and everyone who knows it was me was either paid to accept a cursed tongue seal or just had their memories altered."

"Pretty sure only you, me, Jiraiya, the elders, Danzo and Shizune know the full story now. And the elders said that little event used up all my "Hokage cover-up budget." That's why I have to be so careful now; if I cause too much controversy, the elders will convince the Lord of Fire I'm too old to be the acting Hokage, and they'll push for the Sixth to be put into office in my stead."

Damn, hearing that story made me glad I never wanted to be Hokage. Maintaining a "clean image" would never be possible for me.

"My lips are sealed... we'll not literally, but I won't tell anyone you sucked off the entire-"

She gave me a look that shut me up. I guessed I pushed it.

"Sorry, Mistress."

Her gaze softened, and she gave a sad smile.

"No, I'm the one at fault. I really need to stop pretending I'm still a young woman. I'll head home; this is your generation's night."

She got up and went to leave the bar, but I grabbed her hand.

"Please sit, Mistress."

"Shhh! Don't let anyone hear you call me that!"

She whispered as she sat back down while looking around to see if anyone was looking. She let out a deep breath when she realised no one was.

"Just call me 'Nadae' when I'm in this form.'

'Nadae' whispered to me.

"Well, Nadae, how would you like to make some money?"

She gave me a puzzled look.

"My best friend and teammate just came home, and we are having a homecoming party for him, and I need some "entertainment" for the event. How much experience do you have with lap dancing?"

She was silent again for a moment, then began to laugh.

"Ha, it's been a while!"

She leaned forward to whisper the rest to me.

"Not since the end of the last Great War. Luckily that story was only known to the Sannin, so only me, who isn't going to tell anyone, and two people no one would believe. What are you planning?"

I explained my plan to her. At first, she was reluctant, but I could tell she really wanted to do it. After a few shots of sake, she was willing. I had a few myself, and eventually, we headed to the bathroom, where she stripped naked apart from her heels and used the transformation jutsu to make a new outfit. I left the bathroom first and entered the VIP booth.

It seemed in the time I was gone; everyone started to drink as the waitress was taking orders and leaving with empty bottles and glasses. Shikamaru and Temari seemed very drunk as they were up on stage singing a love duet. Hinata sat on Naruto's lap, and Tenten sat on Neji's. That made enough room for the rest of the group to sit on the curved couch lining one side of the booth opposite the stage area with the mics, screen and speakers, which was separated by a small table where everyone kept their drinks when singing.

I stood waiting for the song to finish. When it did, Shikamaru and Temari sat down next to each other. Then everyone turned their attention to me.

"Sorry I'm late, everyone; I was sorting out Naruto's surprise present."

"Surprise present?"

Naruto asked with a surprised face while I set up the music on the speaker. I chose a stereotypical 'sexy' track.

"She'll be here in a bit. Hinata, please move off Naruto."

She looked disappointed but did so, and Naruto quickly covered his bulge with his hands now that it was visible. I held my finger on the button to start the music.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 'Ho' Kage!'"

I pressed the button, and when the music started, Lady Tsunade opened the curtains and entered the booth. She was wearing a blonde wig made of chakra over her brunette hair, though that too was altered by chakra; we intentionally left strands of hair uncovered to show she was wearing a wig. She wore what could only be described as a revealing, slutty parody of Lady Tsunade's traditional outfit. Her green cloak and grey robe only came down to her waist and showed off her mid-rift and cleavage. She only wore black hot pants with a g-string thong up to her hips. The only thing not made of chakra was her open-toed heels.

She stood at the booth entrance holding the curtain open and wiggling her hips in time with the beat of the music.

"Hi, I'm Nadae. Which one of you is Naruto?"

"This is outrageous! The level of disre-"

Neji started to protest, but Tenten stopped him.

"It's just harmless fun. This must be why Sakura told all the senseis not to come. Please don't spoil it, Neji; it will be our secret."

Neji seemed to let it go; from his demeanour, he was a bit drunk, so that, plus, his fiance's request might have made him loosen up.

"Whoo! Take it off!"

Shouted Temari in-between swigs of whatever she was drinking; from the look of it, it was whiskey.

"Sorry, sweetie, but I'm not allowed to strip in this bar; just dance."

I had no idea if that was the case or not. But it was for the best. If any part of her outfit came off her skin, it would pop away into smoke. And we didn't want anyone to know that 'Nadae' was a kunoichi.

"That one is Naruto."

I pointed to him; it was part of our plan to make it seem like this 'stranger' hadn't seen him before. She strutted over to him, rolling her hips all the while in time with the music. When she got to him, she gyrated her hips and danced on her heels—speeding up as the music did. Her wig slipped off her head a bit at one point, but she quickly grabbed it and fixed it before it completely lost contact with her hair.


She made it look like an accident, but we planned it so everyone could see she was 'really a brunette.' She turned around to face the rest of us and bent over, giving Naruto a good look at her ass. Naruto let out a whistle, and she smiled at everyone. That must have been what set Hinata off.

Hinata got up and pushed 'Nadae' out of the way. Then she started to perform some of her own moves, rotating in place and swaying her hips from side to side. Everyone went silent. It looked like both Neji and Kiba were about to say something, but Ino started clapping and shouting;

"Whoo! Shake it, girl! Don't lose your man to that hussy!"

Shino responded with clapping and whooping of his own, and after that, it looked like everyone was on board. Neji and Kiba still looked horrified and didn't join in with the cheering, but neither did they protest. Everyone else was cheering, including Naruto.

Lady Tsunade got up onto the table and held out her hand for Hinata with a smile; after a second, Hinata smiled back and took it. Then the two of them danced in time with the music together while running their hands over each other. Eventually, they danced with their hands on each other's asses and started making out.

After a bit, they pressed their cheeks to each other and looked at Naruto. They must have whispered what they were about to do next to each other while dancing because, at the same time, they turned and pressed their backs to each other and held their hands together above their heads. They squatted on the table, hands on knees, and then both started to twerk ass to ass.

While this happened, I swear I saw Temari rubbing Shikamru's crotch while whispering something into his ear. But no one else saw as they were too focused on the girls twerking on the table. When the music changed to something more slow-paced, the girls hopped off the table and started to crawl towards Naruto. When they got to him, they stayed on their knees in front of his couch. It looked to me like they were about to suck his dick there and then.

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