saint of humanity

Chapter 2 Calculation

Chapter 2 Calculation
Lu Ye suddenly felt a strong grip on himself, and he couldn't help walking forward, resisting the pain in his chest, and asked, "Guard Yang, where are we going?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Steward Yang said viciously, walked a few steps, and looked at the mine basket behind Lu Ye: "It's lost."

Lu Ye didn't dare to refuse, he untied the mine basket and threw it on the ground, but he didn't throw down the pickaxe. Steward Yang just glanced at it, but didn't say anything else.

Going to the expert, the light behind you is getting farther and farther away.

The depths of the mine are very dark, and only the torches every few tens of feet can provide a little light, and the passages in the entire mine are criss-crossed, and the terrain is extremely complicated. Not every mine has torches for lighting, and most of the mines are illuminated all year round. Shrouded in darkness, no one knows where those mines lead.

So mining here, if you don't follow the traces of the torches, you will easily lose your way.

Once the miners with mortal bodies lose their way in such a place, one can imagine what will happen.

According to the miners, mine tunnels illuminated by torches are bright tunnels, while those shrouded in darkness all year round are dark tunnels.

From time to time, there will be examples where the torches burn out, the bright road becomes dark, the miners lose their way, and starve to death.

As Steward Yang moved forward, Lu Ye discovered a very strange thing, that is, Steward Yang would look back from time to time with a nervous expression.

As if there was some danger behind him.

Steward Yang's appearance made him nervous too.

"Lu Ye, do you have some secret passage?" Steward Yang suddenly asked.

"Hmm." Lu Ye nodded, denying this in front of Steward Yang was pointless. In fact, not only Lu Ye had mastered a few secret passages, each of the powerful miners in the mine had several secret passages in their hands.

Although Ming Dao is safe, there are not many places where it can be mined. On the contrary, it is a dangerous secret road, and some good goods can often be found.

It is with the help of these resource-rich secret passages that Lu Ye can harvest a lot every day, otherwise he would not have extra contributions to exchange for Qi and Blood Pills.

That's why Manager Yang took Lu Ye with him after he recognized him.

"Who is Guanshi Yang going to go to those secret passages?" Lu Ye asked, and Guanshi Yang suddenly asked about the secret passages, which made him guess.

Guanshi Yang said, "Take me to find the most hidden secret passage."

"Okay!" Lu Ye nodded, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly let out a muffled snort, and stretched out his hand to cover his chest.

The bones in his chest were displaced a little bit, and he couldn't rest well after following Steward Yang all the way, and the injury was affected at this moment, the pain made him stop, and fine sweat oozes from his forehead.

Steward Yang gave him a dissatisfied look, hesitated for a moment, reached into a cloth pouch on his waist, and quickly grabbed a round, soybean-sized elixir, handed it to Lu Ye and said, "Eat it!"

Lu Ye took it, but he couldn't recognize what kind of pill it was. He had only been exposed to Qi and Blood Pill this year, and the pill in his hand was obviously different from Qi and Blood Pill.

But at this time, Steward Yang is useful for him, so he shouldn't harm him. This thing is likely to be used for healing.

He stuffed the elixir into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and his intestines turned green with regret, because the medicine was terribly bitter.

"What do you chew it for? Just swallow it, it's a healing pill." Steward Yang said angrily.

Sure enough, it was a medicinal pill for healing. Lu Ye had a bitter face, and he had to be grateful: "Thank you, Manager Yang."

"If you really want to thank me, then hurry up and leave." Steward Yang pushed him.

Lu Ye had to cheer up and lead the way ahead.

Although the elixir was terribly bitter, the effect was surprisingly good. After taking it for a while, Lu Ye felt a surge of heat in his lower abdomen, and then the wound on his chest didn't hurt so much, but became crispy and itchy. .

This made him have to sigh with emotion, it really is a good medicine.

Under the leadership of Lu Ye, the two of them continued to move forward in the criss-crossing mine tunnels. Occasionally, when encountering some mining slaves on their way back, Steward Yang raised his hand and killed them.

Lu Ye's eyelids twitched, and the suspicion in his heart became clearer.

About an hour later, the two stopped in front of a secret passage. Lu Ye already had a torch in his hand, which he took down from nearby, and said, "Guard Yang, this is the most hidden secret passage. After you go in Turn left at the first intersection, turn left at the second intersection..."

Before he finished speaking, Steward Yang kicked him in: "Lead the way!"

Lu Ye's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he didn't want to lead the way ahead, judging from the various actions of Manager Yang along the way, he really led him to a place, and I'm afraid there will be no good end.

But the last attempt had failed. Steward Yang obviously didn't intend to go deep into the secret passage alone. It was much better to have Lu Ye, who was familiar with the terrain, guide him than to explore by himself.

With no other choice, Lu Ye could only move on.

Turning around all the way, Steward Yang, even a monk, couldn't remember the way back. After more than an hour, the mine road ahead was blocked, and there was no way forward.

Lu Ye stuck the torch on a hidden stake on the rock wall.

Steward Yang breathed out, sat on the ground panting, turned his head and glanced at Lu Ye, and couldn't help laughing: "You are really capable, you can find such a place."

Lu Ye smiled: "Good luck."

Steward Yang nodded and said no more.

Lu Ye said: "Guard Yang, then I'll go back first."

Steward Yang slightly raised his eyelids, and said calmly, "Lu Ye, you are a smart person, and a smart person should do smart things."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards Lu Ye. The flickering light of the fire cast his shadow like a ghost.

Lu Ye panicked: "What do you mean?"

Steward Yang sighed: "I might as well tell you clearly, the people from Haotianmeng are here, I'm afraid this mine vein will not be able to keep for the time being, I'm here to avoid disaster, although thank you very much for bringing me here, but I I can't let you go back."

Lu Ye retreated step by step, thinking in his heart that it was true. When he saw Steward Yang killing those miners before, he had some vague guesses. Steward Yang was afraid that the news of entering the mine tunnel would leak out, so naturally he wanted to kill everyone who saw him. .

And the reason why he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Lu Ye at the exit of the mine was because he knew that Lu Ye could take him to find a hidden place to hide.

Hiding in this kind of place, even if the people of Haotian League captured the mine veins, they would not be able to find him easily, and there was a high probability that they would be able to escape.

It was precisely because he was aware of his situation that Lu Ye kept wanting to get out, but Manager Yang didn't let go, so how could he get away?

"Then I'll stay with you, I won't go." Lu Ye pressed his back against the rock wall, unable to retreat.

Steward Yang paused, as if thinking about it seriously, but quickly shook his head and said, "I don't bring much food, and I don't know how long I will hide here. There is always a month, for such a long time, you are starving to death, how can you stay with me. So as a thank you, I will send you a ride!"

The distance between the two was only three feet, and when the words fell, Guanshi Yang slapped Lu Ye with his palm.

Although his cultivation base is not high, it is really easy to kill Lu Ye, an ordinary person.

But he never expected that at the moment he started, Lu Ye rushed forward with a pick and smashed it down on his head.

Lu Ye's ruthlessness and determination surprised Guanshi Yang, but that's all...

However, what happened next made him die.

He suddenly found that the spiritual power in his spiritual aperture was running in a vague way, as if there was an inexplicable force that imprisoned the spiritual power, and could only stimulate a negligible trace.

The pickaxe struck head-on, and it was too late for Steward Yang to retreat, so he could only block the palm that was slapping Lu Ye in front of him.

With a crisp click, the mining pick hit Steward Yang's arm, breaking his arm.

Steward Yang couldn't help but let out a scream, and backed away again and again.

As soon as the blow was successful, Lu Ye's heart was relieved immediately. It seemed that some of the rumors he had heard before were true, so there was still a way to survive.

He was relentless when he gained power, he pressed on every step of the way, and the mining pick in his hand kept rolling off, so he hit Guanshi Yang who was almost helpless to fight back.

Although Guanshi Yang is a cultivator from Xieyue Valley, his cultivation level is not high, so he was given a job as a mine manager. He rarely fought bravely with others in his life. When dealing with mine slaves, he relied on his own cultivation level to crush them at will. Rubbing round, but after the cultivation base was greatly suppressed, he was limited compared to ordinary mortals. When he met Lu Ye, who was so cruel and merciless, he was beaten dizzy immediately.

While avoiding Lu Ye's onslaught, he put his hand into the cloth bag around his waist, and then raised his hand, a cold light flashed.

Startled, Lu Ye hurriedly stopped, and set up a pick to block it.

The cold light cut on the front end of the pick, and the pick made of refined iron was cut off in half.

Lu Ye fixed her eyes on Steward Yang's hand, and found that he had grasped a long sword at some point!It was taken out of the cloth pouch at his waist.

Steward Yang swung the sword in his hand fiercely, and the intimidated Lu Ye dared not step forward at will.

The situation was deadlocked. In the deepest part of the mine, the mortal body and the monk confronted each other. The former had a cold and resolute expression, while the latter looked embarrassed, and his expression was distorted by the severe pain.

"Yuan magnetic force field?" Steward Yang gritted his teeth and shouted. In just a short while, he had already figured out why his spiritual power was imprisoned.

There is actually a lot of magnetic ore here!

Yuan magnetic ore is a very rare mineral. In terms of preciousness, in this vein, the value of Yuan magnetic ore is second to none. This kind of ore is of great use to some monks.

However, Yuan Magnetic Ore has a characteristic, that is, it will release a shadowless and invisible force field, which will restrict the circulation of all spiritual power within the range.

Once a monk is in this kind of force field, his strength will be greatly reduced.

Guanshi Yang's cultivation base was limited, and he was shrouded in this Yuan magnetic force field, and his spiritual power was almost completely forbidden. He suddenly became an ordinary mortal from a high-ranking monk.

He suddenly remembered that in the past year, Lu Ye did occasionally mine back some magnetic ore, but other people also mined it, but the amount was not much, so he didn't pay much attention to it, after all, there are all kinds of magnetism in this vein. minerals.

But now it seems that Lu Ye has always held a large amount of magnetic ore in his hands, but he did not mine a lot to exchange for contributions, but only occasionally mines a few pieces to avoid being coveted by others. He is really scheming.

"Are you plotting against me?" Steward Yang was about to go crazy. At this moment, he still didn't understand that Lu Ye brought him here on purpose.

The mortal who thought he was going to kill him showed his fangs at him, and Guanshi Yang was furious, but now he has an arm broken and many injuries on his body. In this environment where he can't show his cultivation, he is really not Lu Ye. opponent.

So he made a quick decision, turned around and ran.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ye suddenly felt bad.

He only knew a little about the magnetic force field. When he handed over the magnetic field for the first time, he heard the monks from Xieyue Valley talk about the characteristics of this ore, so he paid attention to it.

When he saw Guanshi Yang massacre the mine slaves he met on the way, he knew that the crime was more serious than good, so he brought Guanshi here. Can the Yuan magnetic force field limit Guanshi Yang's strength?

Fortunately, auspicious people have their own celestial features, and the Yuan magnetic force field really restrained Yang Guanshi.

But the scope covered by the Yuan magnetic force field is also limited, once Steward Yang is allowed to escape the scope of the force field, he will die.

Manager Yang must not be allowed to escape!

Lu Ye's hair was ruthless, he bent down to pick up a fist-sized stone, and threw it at Steward Yang viciously.

Manager Yang, who was running away in a panic, never thought that Lu Ye would have such a trick, he was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Before he could get up, the sound of howling wind had already reached his ears. Steward Yang hurriedly turned over, and saw Lu Ye rushing forward, picking up the half of the mining pick in his hand.

There is no way to avoid it now!
Between life and death, Guanshi Yang yelled, "Let's die together!"

The long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out!

The next moment, his head was smashed by the pickaxe. Lu Yeyou was worried, and smashed it hard a few more times. Looking at the twitching figure in front of him, he was sure that the other party would not survive.

Severe pain came from his thigh, and he looked down, only to see a long sword stuck in his leg, which was obviously the one in Guanshi Yang's hand.

I didn't know when I was stabbed!He just didn't feel it at all.

Throwing down the pickaxe in his hand, Lu Ye sat down on the ground, gasping for breath, feeling the beauty of life.

 New book, looking for all kinds of support! !
(End of this chapter)

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