Vol. 3 Chapter 68: Hunter’s Playground (Part 2)
Tina felt a bit on guard upon seeing the presence of the knights, and she hid a little behind Anita so as not to be seen by any of them. There was no strong reason to do this, but it was an involuntary action. Perhaps because she was wary, or just felt it was awkward to be seen with the adventurers. She was still in the end, a member of the Church.
“Damn, all tables are taken already.” Derin scratched his head.
Almost every corner of the lobby was filled with fully armed adventurers. They had no choice but to stand and wait for something to happen, positioning themselves away from the building entrance.
Tina tried to move as little as possible. Unlike in the past, she opted to wear a less white outfit that signified she was a person of religion. This time, she was wearing a robe almost similar to Anita’s, blue and brown.
However, it was proven pointless when the lady knight shifted her gaze and stopped at Tina. The lady knight narrowed her eyes, as if in confusion or she was being suspicious. Tina averted her eyes away.
Are my brothers and sisters also taking part in this mission?
She could not see any church members around, so she was uncertain.
They waited for about several minutes before the guild staff sealed the door. Tina felt a bit unnerved, she had never encountered a situation like this before.
“Has something like this happened in the past?” she asked her party.
“I have never,” replied Iruyu, one with the most experience among the party. He shrugged. “Never even taken a request this big from the palace.”
The lady knight on the second floor stepped into the balcony and looked down, at the same time the adventurers fell silent. The lady knight had a strict expression on her face.
“The crown conveys its gratitude to the willing participants of this mission,” the lady knight loudly said. “I am an elite royal knight, belonging to the Roseneveria noble household. I am entrusted with the success of the entire operation.
“Your number is quite as we expect. You will be divided into three groups, where each will be led by an elite knight, and you will follow their orders. Of course you will not be left on your own, royal knights will accompany you as well. The staff has divided you, follow their guidance.”
The guild staff had papers in their hands and they began calling out the leaders of adventurer parties. Dune’s name was called out, Tina and the others followed where the guild staff pointed, and stood there along with other adventurer parties.
“You are group one,” said the female guild staff member.
Tina looked at the other parties. She recognized them. Some were quite reliable, and some were novices. She frowned, however, when she saw one man in particular, Bertos, an infamous man. Skillful as he may be, his personality was not exactly kind, causing him to be alone. He stood there with a smug face.
Tina subtly shook her head and returned to face forward.
The knight, Roseneveria, spoke again. “These are the knights that will lead the other groups, while I will be taking group number one.”
Tina resisted the urge to frown. Was that merely a coincidence? Or perhaps that knight chose number one on purpose?
Roseneveria then continued. “Prepare to move out.”
“Hold up!” shouted one adventurer. “You didn’t even get to tell us what exactly we’re doing!”
The knight shifted her eyes towards him. “Once you arrive at your destination, you will receive the details of the operation.”
Without waiting for a reaction or any question, Roseneveria left the balcony, went down the stairs and arrived at the first group’s side of the lobby.
“I expect full cooperation.” she said before glancing towards Tina.
Tina looked away, trying to act natural.
The guild doors opened again, and group one was the first to move out. A group consisting of adventurer four parties. To Tina’s surprise, there were already carriages at the front waiting for them.
Roseneveria urged her group to ride inside them and behave until they arrived.
Tina hoped that she would not be riding along with the knight, and Bertos as well. Thankfully, her wish was granted, and they got out of the city with no incident.
Tina and the others got out of the carriages.
“A long way from the city,” said Bertos. “Care to tell us why we are here, missy?” he asked the lady knight.
With little annoyance, Roseneveria glanced towards him, then to the others. “To exterminate bandits.”
Tina looked around, feeling a bit tired already from the carriage ride. Before her was a vast group of forest, a couple of miles away from the capital city. Surprisingly, they didn’t even pass through any small civilian settlements, they must be looking out for something or didn’t want anyone to see them coming in this direction.
She shifted her gaze towards a new set of knights numbering seven, Roseneveria having a talk with them. They were the knights that were already here, waiting for the adventurers to arrive. With eight knights, and sixteen adventurers, this force totalled twenty-four. Would that be enough to take care of a settlement of bandits?
Tina felt it would be alright. Adventurers were no pushovers, and bandits typically consisted of ordinary men, with many of them unable to use any armament magic or spells, some even had no mana. That was why they ended up being bandits. If they were otherwise, they could have signed up to become an adventurer, or a soldier.
They were the unfortunate and misbegotten.
Scums who slay innocents for temporary riches in life.
That was her opinion of them. Tina had heard plenty of their savagery to carry some sort of resentment against any bandits. Still, she wondered why the palace would allocate this much resources just to slay them. Why didn’t they do it before?
“Attention!” shouted the royal knight, Roseneveria. “Now that we have arrived, I will tell you the details of the operation.”
The adventurers behaved and listened.
“As I said just now, we will exterminate bandits. You will help us fight the enemies in the forest. We will rely on your support and your abilities. Your experience in rough environments may prove useful.”
The adventurers looked at each other.
She continued, “We will attack at midnight, when the moon is at its highest. It is a coordinated attack with the other groups.”
“You want to attack the bandit camps at the same time? This is surprisingly very careful,” Dune said. “Why though? Not like bandits communicate just like that.”
“Hell, they aren’t even connected with each other. Each of their own.” Derin added.
“These bandits are not.” Roseneveria answered.
“What do you mean?” Anita asked.
“Does not matter. You will do as you are paid, no more questions asked.”
Tina frowned.
“The crown wants the bandits gone. We must succeed. For now, I will give you a half an hour's rest. Take the chance to think of a plan with each other.”
“Do we know the layout of their camp? And do we know where they precisely are?” Dune asked.
“Yes. We sent scouts a few days ago.” She ordered a knight to give a scroll to the adventurers. “Study it first, then we’ll talk.”
Dune received the scroll, and the adventurers gathered. Tina followed along and looked at the content of the scroll after Dune unrolled it. It was a detailed map, even with measurements and some notes of the number of bandits seen. Even the rough position they were in.
“Hey, it’s not that big. We can easily take that shit,” Bertos said with an arrogant smile.
“Careful. We need to coordinate with the knights on this. Properly plan.”
“You sound like a coward.”
“Shut the fuck up, there’s no time for your rambling.” Derin glared at him.
“What’s this? Wanna fight?”
They stared at each other with strong hostility, but then Iruyu placed a hand on Bertos’s shoulder.
“This is no time to fight. However, think carefully about what you’re going to do.”
It was another threat. And the two men glared at each other down, as if the other was waiting for one to grab their weapon.
Tina stared at them, tired already. Then her eyes shifted towards Dune. She was feeling a bit discouraged. There were a lot of things to worry, and think about.
Strange, when it was a burden of the heart, it was more difficult to carry than anything else.
She quietly sighed before saying, “Settle your disputes.” Not like she had anything to contribute in the planning anyway. “I’ll be by the carriages.”
“I’m coming with you.” Anita said with a smile.
She must be feeling a bit annoyed herself.
Tina nodded towards her and together, headed for the carriages.
“Got to have that bastard Bertos with us.” Anita shook her head bitterly.
“Yeah… But despite his attitude, he will be reliable in battle.”
“He takes fights head on, alone. I don’t see him being a team player.”
“We’ll only need to send him in his own battle.”
“... I suppose.”
Tina leaned her back on a carriage and glanced towards the group of coach drivers.
I wonder where they’ll be once we move out.
Likely to wait or go somewhere.
“Are you alright, Tina?”
“... Why would you ask that? I’m fine.”
“You look. How should I say this…? Unenthusiastic.”
Tina straightened her face. “Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Oh. Mind sharing some?”
Tina cast her gaze downward, pondering. “... No. Not for now. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“... Okay…” her voice trailed off, disappointed. “I’ll listen anytime you’re ready,” she said as she formed a smile.
“Thank you.”
Anita gave Tina a concerned look. But no matter how much she shows her feelings, Tina decided to keep her thoughts in. She just didn’t want to tell anyone about it. It was just too personal, and might honestly ruin some things for the party.
The gathered adventurers appeared to have settled a little, judging from how a little quieter they became. They placed the map on the ground and began studying it. Tina felt relieved, they could finally get going.
Her gaze shifted towards the knights when she sensed someone looking towards her. Needless to say, it was Roseneveria. It almost seemed like she wanted to speak, but was hesitant. Must be because Tina was with someone. Roseneveria’s gaze was a bit hostile, however.
She was indeed very suspicious of Tina’s involvement. Knowing this, Tina couldn’t let this go on for too long. Her friends might get suspicious later on.
I need to find an opportunity to speak with her.
“Tina, I think we can go back to the guys now.”
“... Right. Okay.”
Given that the adventurers have completely settled down, Tina and Anita returned and joined in their discussion.