Royal Princess of Blood

Chapter 51: Wisterian Religious Order (Part 2)

It was a fair inn, not too expensive, and not too cheap. Therefore, the services offered were to their satisfaction.

Tina and the others went to the second floor. She and Anita entered a room separate from the men.

Anita heaved a long sigh.

“I’m exhaaausted.”

“Don’t collapse on the bed now, you’re dirty.”

“Yeah yeah. Let’s go to the bath already, I stink, it’s unbecoming of a lady such as myself.”

They have told the innkeeper to prepare the bath of the girls. Therefore, the bath will be ready in a short moment.

They left their equipment and Tina removed her garb leaving only the plain white dress that was underneath the garb. Anita also removed her robe leaving on a top that resembled a shirt, then short pants.

They carried their changing clothes and went downstairs, then to the back side of the inn there were a few doors. They entered one of them.

There was a large bucket filled with water and plenty small and large towels hung on the side.

The girls removed their clothes after making sure the door was locked. They each grabbed a water dipper and scooped an amount of water before pouring unto themselves, then rubbed their body with a small towel.

“Aaaah, now that’s great!” Anita expressed the refreshment she felt.

Tina also felt the same way. Nothing beats a fresh bath after a day's work.

As they rubbed their bodies with a towel, Anita spoke.

“I swear if I get to at least rank 6, I’ll stay at a luxurious inn. I heard the baths were top notch. Warm baths, pools, I can only imagine how it would feel.”

The highest rank an adventurer could get rank 7, and with rank 6, they could already get a gold coin from a single mission. Of course, that also meant the missions would get more dangerous.

Their current party rank was still at 3, so it was still a long way to go. Nevertheless, they’ll reach the rank of 4 soon.

“That would be great, I always wanted a relaxing bath time,” Tina said with a smile.

“Which reminds me, how are the baths in the church?”

Tina recalled the baths in the church. It has been a while since she last stayed there. Truth be told, the baths there were comparable to nobles.

“Oh, pretty decent,” Tina smirked. “You get to feel like a true aristocrat lady.”

Anita’s eyes went wide.

“You kidding?! Elaborate!”

Tina chuckled.

“Well, first things first, the baths for ladies had a large pool. It also has a wonderful fragrance.”

“Oh damn! I’m jealous, I never get to experience something like that. It makes me wonder why you left.”

“... He-he-he, I just want to go see the world.”

That was one of the reasons she left the church. That said, that didn’t mean that she permanently left. One could say she was just allowed to be an adventurer with the permission of the High Bishop, but only temporary, and they have the ability to call her back whenever they want.

“Of course. But… I guess you would leave at any moment.”

“... Yes.”

“But if you do return, please join back to our party though. I don’t wanna be the only girl. That’d be boring.”

“Hehehe, don’t you like that? Having a harem and all?”

Tina gave her a smirk.

“Yeah right,” Anita said with a scowl.

“Oh, I see. You only prefer Derin then, okay.”

“Hey! Don’t even say that out loud. Someone will hear you!”

“Right right.”

Tina waved her hand around with a mischievous smile.

“What about you then?! Hm?! You never even mentioned your interest in someone.”

“....” Tina averted her eyes away. “Because there is none…”

“Yeah right. Don’t think I don’t notice.”

“Notice what?”

“How you look at Dune.”

“Ggh. What are you talking about?!”

“Oh come on, don’t be lying,” she grinned for some reason that only made Tina anxious. “Hey Dune! Tin—”


Tina rushed forward and covered her mouth. She panicked there for a moment. For all she knew, Dune might be nearby, and if Anita shouts like this, he would definitely hear her.

“Mmmm! Mmmm!” Anita’s voice was muffled due to Tina’s hand covering her mouth.

“Alright alright, I’ll stop teasing you. So, don’t do anything unnecessary.”

Tina slowly retracted her hand.

“Hehehe. As you wish, dear priestess.”

Tina frowned at her friend.

After bathing, they donned their clean clothes before going out and returning to their room.

Anita collapsed on the bed.


Tina stared out the window. It was getting dark.

A short while later, they heard a knock on the door.

“Ladies, let’s go eat.”

It was Derin.

The two girls nodded at each other before going out and meeting Derin. They descended to the first floor where they would dine. The others might have already ordered on behalf of the rest, therefore, they only need to wait for the food to arrive.

“Hey! Looking refreshed, I see.”

Dune greeted them with a wave as he sat on a chair by the table with Iruyu. Tina smiled fondly as he saw him all cleaned up and neat. His hair fixed and clothes proper.

“You ordered the usual?” Anita asked.

“Of course. As for you Tina,” Dune said. “I ordered vegetable salad for you.”

Tina froze when she was about to sit down, she frowned as she spoke, somewhat displeased.

“... Again, I’m not really into vegetables, Dune… I eat meat too.”

“Hahaha, I’m kidding. I ordered meat. A bunch of vegetables wouldn’t cut it for you after a hard day’s work.”

“Hey, what are you trying to say?”

“Nothing nothing,” Dune waved his hand around with a wry smile.

“He’s saying you’re a gluttonous eater,” Iruyu chimed in.

“What?! No I’m not saying that!”

“Dune…” Tina said in a grim tone.

“Um, hehe, miss priestess, don’t look at me like I’m some piece of trash. And oh, nope, stop shining light on your hand, that’s pretty threatening looking already...”

“Should I ask the goddess to smite you and bring down divine retribution?”

“I so prefer not to. He-he-he — I’m sorry.”

Dune bowed his head remorsefully.

“Before I forgive you of your transgressions,” Tina said wisely, like a proper priestess. “Then treat me tomorrow, there are plenty of street foods I want to try.”

“... Um, sure, they’re not that expensive anyway so…”

“Oh, as you thought of me as a gluttonous eater, I didn’t mention how much I would have you buy for me.”

Dune’s eyes went wide.

“Have mercy on me, O priestess.”

“Hehehe. Now then, we shall await our dinner.”

“Wait, were you serious? You’re not serious, right?”

“What do you think?”


“Dude, she’s serious.”

“Prepare to use your savings.”

Derina and Iruyu whispered, although loudly so it couldn’t be called a whisper at all, meaning they wanted the others to hear them.

“Hahaha! I’m so looking forward to this,” Anita lightly smacked Tina’s back.

Tina tried her best to form a poker face. It was one of the training she went through in growing to be a priestess. One shouldn’t easily show their emotions in public. Therefore, she often does this kind of thing whenever she doesn't want her friends to figure out her feelings.

Then, the door opened with a creaking sound. Normally, not much would pay attention to the person who would enter. However, this one was pretty different. The people inside the inn couldn’t help but gaze with surprise and puzzlement towards the one who entered.

It was a woman around her early twenties. She had a light complexion, her long black hair straightly flowing down, her dark eyes peered around coldly as though she was disinterested about everything.

She wore a white garb worn by priestesses, but differed from what Tina usually wore. Her clothes were fit and the curves of her body were unhidden, and had a different design to Tina’s. The edges of her garb reached just below the knees, and tight black stockings can be seen as she wore high heels.

She was overall a beautiful and mesmerizing woman.

Her disinterested eyes peered around then stopped at a single girl.

Tina immediately stood up, confusion evident in her eyes.

What is she doing here?

She never thought that this woman herself would come.

The woman walked towards Tina.

“Return to the Church.”


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And oh -- Money

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