Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 94

Chapter 93 War

“Patriarch is here!”

Hearing this, the officers stopped talking quickly and sat up straight, watching their noses and hearts.

Li Wei sat in the first place and looked at the people below.

Among them, the retainers accounted for at least 3/4, and his control of the First Army was very strong.

“I am calling everyone here tonight to discuss tomorrow’s battle plan.”

Li Weidao.

Everyone can’t help but look at each other, the battle plan?

Could the enemy attack the city tomorrow?

“Capo deceived me too much back then, Nobanus tried to seize my military power, so I decided to seek refuge in Sura and rebel against Rome.”

Hearing this, there was an uproar below.

How could this be? Want to take refuge in Sura!

Li Wei ignored them: “We have already made contact with Sura. Tomorrow Sura will send troops to attack the city. We will take the opportunity to fight outside and take Capua. Do you have any questions?”

Everyone was silent for a while, and then someone said, “No problem!”

“no problem!”


As the voices increased, everyone said one after another.

Even if someone has any thoughts, they dare not show it in this situation.

“Very well, this time we and Surari should join forces outside, defeat Nobanus, and take Capua, this battle will be won!”

Li Wei said.

“We must win!”

Morris shouted.

“We must win!”

“We must win!”

“We must win!”


More and more people shouted, and at the same time they kept thinking that once Li Wei turned, Sura’s strength would skyrocket, and coupled with unexpected sneak attacks, Nobanus was indeed defeated.

“Tonight, a group of ten people, no one is allowed to leave the group to act alone. The camp is closed, and those who dare to leave the camp will be killed! Next I will announce the battle plan for tomorrow!”

Li Wei said with a smile, but the smile was full of murderous intent.



The next day, just after dawn, a group of soldiers left Sura’s camp and formed a huge square formation.

The standard Roman infantry phalanx is divided into six platoons, each with a distance of less than 2 meters between the front and rear and less than 1 meter between the soldiers.

But once there are a large number of people, then the Roman generals will increase the number of phalanx.

Because the thickening of the army formation is far more effective than the lengthening of the general formation.

Under the command of Sura, his six legions formed a huge phalanx with 10 rows in front and back of each brigade.

Together with the cavalry on the two wings, the entire army was several kilometers long, and then slowly advanced towards the camp of Nobanus.

Knowing this news, Nobanus couldn’t help being overjoyed.

Sura even dared to attack him actively, she was seeking her own death.

Today he is going to break Sura, and his name Nobanus will shine throughout the Mediterranean.

So he also ordered the army to leave the camp, line up, and thicken the army continuously, preparing for a war with the enemy.

Seeing that the formation was about to be lined up, Geta winked at Leberis.

Leberis nodded knowingly, then went to haunt Brutus.

For the sake of success, the centurion’s command is temporarily deprived these days, and only his retainers have command of the army.

At this time, Getta admired Li Wei to the extreme. This was really a genius idea, and he strengthened his control of the army to the extreme.

With more than 20 soldiers, he walked into the army and called several retainers, and told them the whole story.

After listening to his words, the shock of those retainers can be imagined. Is it true that Guta’s original suspicion was true?

Patriarch really colluded with Sura.

“These are the meanings of the Patriarch. The Patriarch has made an appointment with Sura and will offer Capua City today. Therefore, we will win and Nobanus will lose. What you have to do is to do a good job as a soldier. Kill them if you dare not agree, remember not to let Brutus’s people find out, understand?”

Getta said viciously.

Those retainers thought for a while, and finally nodded and agreed.

If they turn against each other, Nobanus will indeed be defeated.

And the brainwashing for half a year was not in vain, they have to recite the words of loyalty to Li Wei every day.

Psychologically speaking, this is called the principle of commitment consistency.

Everyone does not want to be treated as a double-handed person. For what they say, everyone will not feel that they will implement the original promise.

To put it simply, even if I knew that I was wrong, I would not admit it.

Even if he knew that he was brainwashed, he would not admit that it was brainwashing, but believed that he was really loyal to Li Wei.

Getta called other retainers and started the same work.

Fortunately, Leberis did a very good job, entangled Brutus firmly, completely unaware that the entire legion had undergone tremendous changes.

The only thing that worries Getta is the Third Army. The officers of the Third Army are extremely trusted. The only worry is the soldiers.

Those soldiers had a large number of slaves and gladiators, and they didn’t know whether they were willing to obey the orders of the Patriarch.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the large array.

Getta hurried forward and found that a centurion had fallen in a pool of blood.

“He wants to betray us.”

A retainer came over and whispered quietly.

Getta nodded, and was about to drag him down, Brutus had already brought people over.

“What happened here?”

asked Brutus.

There was silence for a while, and some people even held the hilt of the sword unconsciously. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

“He was going to be a deserter and was executed on the spot by us.”

Gita said without changing his face.

“Oh, good job.”

Brutu said, he did not notice a change in the atmosphere, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Sura’s army was getting closer and Getta’s face showed a complicated look.

Nobanus’s rear horn and bugle sounded at the same time, and the eagle pointed forward.

The horn rang and the army attacked.

The sound of the bugle is to remind the flag-bearer and legion commander to pay attention to the flag, so the horn and the bugle often sound at the same time.

“All the army march forward!”

Brutu said cheerfully.

Point in front of the army flag!

“All the army march forward!”

“All the army march forward!”


shouted a military guarantor.

The whole army drove out suddenly, and a Roman soldier lined up in an orderly line, holding a shield and walking forward.

It’s just that there is a buzzing sound in Kapuya’s team from time to time, and the team will collide from time to time, and the peacetime strict military discipline is completely incomparable.

Getta knew in his heart that these retainers were explaining the order.

“Quiet! Don’t talk casually! Otherwise, the military law will engage in it!”

Brutus said angrily.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, and a horn and bugle sounded again.

“Stop forward! Archers, javelins, and slingers come forward!”

Brutu shouted.

Capua’s Second Army immediately stopped advancing, but the crossbowmen, javelinmen and slingers did not leave the army and came to the front of the army.

“What are you doing? Why don’t you obey the military order?”

Brutu shouted.

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