Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 75

Chapter 74 Vassal

This **** bastard! He vowed to kill him! Kill him anyway!

“Get out of here, don’t let me see you again.”

vented his anger, Cassius asked Oulus to be thrown on the road, causing the people around to whisper.

Listening to the laughter of the people around, Oulus quickly ran away with his head covered.

Although he was already down, the young master of Oulus had a temper again.

His eyes are red, like an angry bull.

Isn’t that death? Is he afraid of death?

Even if he died, he would make Cassius pay for what happened today.

After returning home, he found that several people were waiting for him.

He knew one of them very well, it was the executioner Urbian, but there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

“Hello Master Oulus.”

Urbian said with a smile.

“What’s the matter with you?”

Oulus suddenly had a bad feeling, did his incident happen?

“I’m here to send a detention order. You are now facing several lawsuits, including a murder charge. At the order of the Archon Serrabio, you will be temporarily detained.”

Urbian said.

Now that Oulus and his father are dead, the overall situation for Capua is set, and Urbian is not so resistant to this order.

“What are you talking about? How many lawsuits? This is impossible! And who am I murdering?”

Olus said with a look of horror.

“Lee Wei Knight.”

Urbian looks at him like a dead person. Why can’t this person think about it?

He could have been immortal!

“No! Fake! This is slander!”

Olus said in horror, he shouldn’t be nailed to the cross like his father was beaten to death!

“It’s up to you to take him away.”

Urbian said, and soon the guards took Olus, who was struggling, away from here.



The team that went to Rome finally came back. Scipio was successfully elected to the consul of Rome, which made Li Wei’s reputation even more prestigious, because people knew that he was supporting Scipio, and most people didn’t know the tricks in it.

Tulius’ manor was also bought by Li Wei, and then Li Wei began to enclose land and built a city, which is the real city.

is two kilometers long and wide. Due to financial reasons, the city wall could not be built in a short time. Everything stayed on the plan.

The weather was fine, and just after the daily morning exercises, some gloomy Memius went to the cafeteria.

gave himself a wheat porridge and two slices of bread, plus two eggs and a pork burger. This was all his breakfast.

Before this kind of breakfast, he couldn’t afford it at all. It was good to be able to get enough food and clothing, but now he eats it casually, which makes him very satisfied.

At least Li Wei is very generous in the food for the soldiers, much more generous than when he was a soldier.

You have to provide your own food when you are a soldier, and many soldiers are so poor that they have to write letters to their families for food.

took a bite of the meat jelly, and the fragrance of his mouth was suddenly full, and then he drank a mouth of wheat porridge, which made Memius almost groaned in comfort.

It didn’t take long before he ate half of his food.

At this moment, the conversation of several guards sitting next to him caught his attention.

“Have you heard? Patriarch seems to be recruiting vassals.”

“What is a retainer?”

“I don’t know this, but it sounds better than the guard.”

“Are there any conditions?”

“There are no conditions, anyone can sign up.”


Hearing this, Mimius couldn’t sit still anymore.

He knew that this was the reform that his friend said. It is said that Li Wei attaches great importance to his retainers. Just by hearing the names, he knew that these people must be in high positions.

In fact, the issue of Li Wei’s loyalty to the guard has always been a headache. Since the reform of Mario, the army has inevitably begun to privatize.

The consequences of the privatization of the army are very terrible, that is, the Republic will inevitably disintegrate, and then move towards the monarchy under the leadership of a military strongman, and more and more famous generals marching into Rome, such as Mallor, Sula, and Caesar are justifying this .

After the establishment of the Roman Empire, Augustus and Caesar in all dynasties have tacitly cleaned the famous gates of the former Republic, and in the end, those famous gates were basically cleaned again.

Li Wei can be sure that his family will definitely become a real noble family. Does he sit and watch his family be purged by Augustus and the Caesars?

The scene of the death sentence a few days ago made Li Wei a little bit blocked.

My descendants shouldn’t be washed like this by those Augustus and Caesars.

If you don’t want to be purged, you can only become Augustus yourself.

But the Roman emperor is not so good. The Roman Empire is a bit naive. It lacks a proper theory to rule the people and dominate the army.

Since the Caesar family claimed to be the descendants of Venus, Emperor Caesar intensified his propaganda as the descendants of God after he came to power.

This is very similar to ancient Greece and Egypt, that is, it emphasizes that the king is the offspring of the gods, or the king even became the gods, such as the famous Cretan kings Radamandis, Minos and Ayagos, these three The three judges who were named the underworld are extremely brilliant in “Saint Seiya”.

The Egyptian pharaohs also claim to be descendants of gods In order to ensure the purity of their blood, they even carried out internal ***.

The Roman Empire adopted similar measures, that is, as long as the emperor did not make serious mistakes while in power, he could be a **** after death and be worshiped as a god.

This means that the emperor becomes a god. This is completely different from medieval Europe and Eastern China. Medieval Europe and China pay attention to monarch power, not emperor becoming god.

Moreover, Rome does not have the Confucian doctrine of rule, which makes the ancient Roman Empire unable to control its own army.

One after another Roman emperors were killed by the army and the corpses were thrown into the Tiber. Even the position of the emperor was auctioned off by the Guards. The higher the price was, a wealthy elder took the position of the emperor but died soon afterwards.

The unscrupulousness of this monster of the army was very obvious in the Roman Empire. Therefore, some emperors began to please the army. They even lived with the soldiers, dressed like a soldier, but squeezed the people to their heart’s content.

sent the squeezed money to the army, but the people and the Senate rebelled and killed the emperor.

Li Wei found that whether he was honestly a famous family or an emperor, the consequences were worrying. This made Li Wei sigh deeply. Do you want to break the Roman Empire in the right direction given by the monarchy and give the army this monster set? Take the reins.

So Li Wei decided that he must complete the ideological reform of the army as soon as possible. Next year, he will rely on Sura to rebel. It would be a joke if his guards did not rebel with him.

“Where did you hear it.”

Memius walked over and asked.

“Someone posted to the entrance of the cafeteria just now.”

said the guard.

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