River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Vol 3 Chapter 9: The Snowy Top part 2

The creatures pulling the carriages got to Foin's area and then finally came to a halt. The coaches looked down at Foin; at least they moved their heads down, as Foin couldn't see their eyes, and then they instantly looked back at the creatures pulling the carriages. After a brief moment and a seemingly deep breath, which was easily visible due to the cold weather, one of them jumped off. 


That individual completely ignored Foin, walked over to the side of the carriage where the window was located, and knocked on it. The carriage was so well-made that Foin didn't even realise that the glass belonged to a door, and he only noticed it when the door itself was opened.


Through the door, Linyer stepped out. She was dressed in fine-looking fur. It was quite thick, so Foin figured that she was wearing multiple extra layers under it. Then he looked at his own attire and smiled; though he wore nothing but light autumn wear along with a thin layer of plastic, he was comfortable.


As soon as Linyer stepped out and closed the door behind her, she noticed Foin standing not far from the first carriage. She instantly rushed over to him while the coach bowed. And unlike before, she seemed worried, looking at Foin's flimsy set of clothes.


"Oh, Foin... Why are you out here in this unbearable cold wearing such things?! What if you catch a cold?"


Linyer said as she rushed over to Foin, who was dumbfounded. The way her attitude changed so drastically was something he didn't expect. Her current presence was almost as if she was a completely different person.


"This is a new set of clothes, it is quite a great insulator, so I feel no cold at all... But... Why did you come with such high-class style?"


"Oh, don't worry about that, Foin; I just brought some spices and a few extra things... Also... I am grateful for your precious gift.... my mother would very much like to meet you to thank you properly... Also... I came to apologise for the previous incident!"


The girl said with a smile.


"Precious gift? Was that beverage that tasteful? That was my first attempt, though..."


Foin thought as Linyer stepped closer to him, causing him to step back. He didn't quite like that his personal space was just invaded, so he stared back into the girl's eyes.


"I see, but your mother needn't worry about me; after all, we had a fair transaction!"


Foin replied with a bright and friendly grin. As he knew that he did that only to try and complete his quest, he had no extra or other intention with it.


However, that grin sent a different message to Linyer. She felt that Foin was not convinced of her sincerity and had set some grudge against her. As she inhaled deeply, she snapped her fingers.


At that moment, both coaches stepped to the other, untouched carriage and opened its door. Inside, Foin could see many different items: two large pure white objects that looked as if they were made of chalk and a few larger pelts that were wrapped around something.


"Please reconsider, Foin... We have brought you some of our finest meats as well as some pelts since I noticed you didn't have many... As well as two larger blocks of salts... Also, this trip would end quickly... I could just teleport the two of us and be back within a few hours at most."


The girl said desperately with a slightly shaking voice. She knew she couldn't screw up. Otherwise, she would be severely punished by Aier, and she couldn't just use force as Foin was the only one whose power he was unable to comprehend, but she was certain that he was formidable if Énilo was willing to follow him.


"I am sorry, but I can't just teleport with you..."


Foin replied, but suddenly, another message popped up. As soon as he finished talking, it made him excited again.


"Notice! A new quest has been issued!"


"Tasks: Meet The Amethyst Martensitic Lady!"


Foin looked at the task blankly at first but then quickly blinked a few times; seeing how the text remained the same, he wanted to rub his eyes, but suddenly, Linyer grabbed both of his hands, bringing him back to reality.


"If you do not want to teleport... Although it will be much longer, we can take the carriage back home... Don't worry; we will compensate you for your time!"


Foin wanted to instantly refuse. He even took a breath to speak, as his problem was not teleporting but the fact that he needed to leave his area, so his breath turned into a loud exhale.


"Do you know anyone by the name The Amethyst Martensitic Lady?"


"Hm... That doesn't ring a bell, to be honest... But I am sure my mother could help you. She is quite well-versed in the world!"


"Fine... Give me a day to prepare... then I will go with you to meet your mother... if she knows who The Amethyst Martensitic Lady might be..."


"Thank you! Oh, and I almost forgot... Would you like us to leave the carriage here? I don't  think the blocks of slats will be able to fit down your entrance."


The girl replied with a smile. Foin sighed once again and looked at her and then the opened doors of the carriage. If what Linyer said was true, everything in the carriage was just basic material so he could test his theory.


"Hm... let me see..."


He added as he walked over to the carriage. The two coaches still stood by the door, and as they noticed Foin approaching, they gave off a growling sound, almost as if they were wolves or dogs protecting their territory. However, at that moment, Linyer snapped her fingers.


Both coaches bowed slightly and stepped away.


"Sorry about that... they are quite territorial..."


Linyer explained, but Foin was not listening; he was looking into the carriage.


It was made of high-quality materials. The inside of the cart gave him the feeling as if it was taken straight out of a medieval age, as if the cart itself belonged to a wealthy, high-class nobleman or lord. The seats were dark purple, and everything else was coloured red.


On the seats, he could see the meats wrapped around in pelts. Each was massive, almost the size of Foin's chest, and there were dozens stacked on one another. In the centre, there were two massive salt blocks.


Foin opened his inventory and pushed it across the entire cart. As he could see it travel across the cart, the items in it all vanished, which put a smile on his face. As he looked at his inventory, he noticed that three new items appeared, which meant that there was only one type of meat and one type of pelts.


The test also confirmed his suspicion that only basic materials were recognised by the system. Should an item be complex or made of multiple basic materials, he would need to record them.


From Linyer's perspective, the items only vanished, and she could see Foin's smile. The fact that the items that she needed a second cart for were so easily either stored or teleported by Foin sent a chill run down her spine.


"If your offer still stands, I will come back tomorrow morning... well, the morning when I wake up, and we can depart. In the meantime, you should eat some... it is on me!"


Foin said with a wide grin, and from his inventory, he took out a pile of pepper and dropped them onto the seat of the cart, and then walked away, leaving Linyer amazed.

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