Rival In Love Says He Must Marry Me

Chapter 655

Chapter 655 – They Were Abandoned By God

Chapter 655 They were abandoned by God

Xiao Jiuhan’s gaze swept across the dense crowd below, without a trace of nostalgia.

She said: “There is no forgiveness or non-forgiveness, because you are no longer the subjects of this deity. After today, this deity has nothing to do with Shenjiang!”

The cold and majestic voice resounded over Shenjiang, and it lingered for a long time.

The citizens of Shenjiang knelt on the ground with a miserable expression.

They… were completely abandoned by their main god!

Because they betrayed the main **** first and committed the crime of killing gods.

From now on, they are forsaken by God.

Shenjiang, abandoned by the gods, is no longer the one with the high priest who can dominate the spiritual realm.

“Your Majesty!”

“Master Lord God!”

“Please forgive us, don’t abandon us!”

The cries almost overwhelmed the rumble of the collapse of the main temple.

It is said that they are ungrateful and easily betrayed, but they have a firm belief. This kind of belief is definitely not understandable by the atheists in the outer domain. Losing the protection of the gods and the belief of life-long worship is nothing to the people of Shenjiang. It’s different from the sky falling down.

However, their gods have been chilled by them. No matter how much they confessed, begged, and persuaded them to stay, their main gods remained unmoved, and turned around indifferently, with a determined back.

However, they wouldn’t know, if it was possible, why would Xiao Jiuhan be willing to do it?

She lost the heavy responsibility of Shenjiang since then, but she also lost the home she grew up in.

With the collapse of the main temple, a tiny scale flew into Xiao Jiuhan’s palm in the dust raised.

When fighting Han Changge before, the main temple was not affected. Only then did she know that there was always a scale hidden on the dome of the main temple. took two slices.

Nine scales, she has found eight now.

Just don’t know where that last remaining piece will be.

Also, what happened to the failure of resurrecting Yanmu?

Feng Yanxi who was descended from the spirit…

Or, it is more appropriate to call her Nan Miao now.

The real Feng Yanxi has been annihilated in the deep sea of Canghaizhou. Now there is only a body left, and the user of the body has changed.

After the spirit descending, Nan Miao’s own powerful spiritual power quickly restored the broken body.

She hurried back to the Divine Phoenix Palace, and after spending so long with Feng Yanxi, she found the secret room of the Divine Phoenix Palace with ease.

Feng Yanxi actually had two scales on her hands, one was carried close to her body, and the other was kept in the secret room all the time.

That old fox of the Dark Emperor thought that without their help, he would not be able to grasp Xiao Jiuhan’s spiritual consciousness?


He probably has been cooking food in this place for too long and has become as stupid as the scumbags here!

As long as Xiao Jiuhan’s body is still in her hands, as long as she still has Xiao Jiuhan’s spiritual consciousness fragments…

Nan Miao entered the secret room, and her steps stopped suddenly.

There is a silver box floating in the center of the secret room, the lid has been opened, and there is already nothing inside.

“Where are the fragments of spiritual consciousness?”

Early in the morning, she asked Feng Yanxi to strengthen energy protection here according to her method, and ordinary people would only have a dead end if they stepped into this place.


At this moment, there seemed to be only one person she could think of.

Mere food, how dare you touch her things?

Nan Miao snorted coldly, without hesitation, turned around and headed towards the dungeon of the Divine Phoenix Palace.

There is only one possibility that she can break through her energy protection to steal the shards of spiritual knowledge, and escape alive. The other party also has shards of spiritual knowledge on her body.

Xiao Jiuhan can’t find this place, so it can only be Li Feichen.

I really don’t know how to live or die!

(end of this chapter)

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