Rise of the Weakest Summoner

Chapter 375 – Of Dragons, Dispositions, and Heritage

Since Mortiz wasn’t just any first young and underdeveloped Lesser Dragon, he didn’t remain dizzy for long. Shortly after Asterios had brought him up, he was already recovering from the stunning blow. For someone supposedly this ancient, Rhufija certainly had to have surrounded herself with similarly experienced mates. Plus, the man’s physique was quite apparent.

Still holding onto the guy’s neck, Asterios met the Nest Mother’s gaze. “Is he going to behave or are we going to have a problem?”

The crimson-haired woman blinked at him a few times, processing his question, possibly surprised he would even consider letting his assailant go unpunished. But, the woozy groan from her quickly improving mate brought her back from the brief stupor.

“Abe! Hevial!” She snapped her fingers to gain the attention of the other two.

There was no need to elaborate. They seemed to know exactly what she wanted and Asterios watched their auras retract slightly as they stepped closer to him. Their postures were extremely tense, but they didn’t look ready to attack, focusing their eyes on the groggy individual.

With a light toss, Asterios let them have him, and the duo caught their sworn brother together. They hastily stepped away while making sure that the guy was properly restrained, preventing any further misbehavior from the bookish berserker.

“I’ll kindly ask you to mind not Mortiz’s blunder,” the woman said carefully. “His story is a rather complex one. Out of all four of us, he is the only one who has experienced what it means to serve a True Dragon. When his master fell in battle against another, he was fortunate enough to make an escape. He lost everything and everyone to your kin and the hatred that burns in his heart is difficult to douse.”

“He isn’t the only one with a complex and difficult backstory, Nest Mother,” Asterios replied. “But as long as he doesn’t try anything else against me or mine, I won’t go on the offensive either. We both now know our respective pasts and they should bring us enough understanding to understand what not to do or say around each other, isn’t that right?”

She responded with a curt nod. “I give you my word that we will not cause you any further discourtesy intentionally. My mate will be punished for his rash actions appropriately at a later date. You can expect to be treated like any respectful guest, as long as you yourself don’t mean harm to us or our community.”

“Great. As my friends there were saying, we don’t.” He smiled softly, then frowned a tiny bit. “If so, would you mind stopping the spell that saps the energy from my Dragon’s Heart? It’s mighty uncomfortable when half of you is being forcefully dragged out of your body.”

Her eyes widened at his words and she snapped her fingers again. Momentarily, a weak ripple of spiritual energy traveled through the air, instantly followed by a massive blast of aura from Asterios, sending a strong gust throughout the chamber. He quickly got it under control, reducing the power emanated from both his red Heart and his now-released black Heart which had rushed to match the first one after regaining freedom of operation.

The damage was done, though, and the men stared at him in even bigger astonishment.

“Compliments for being prepared though,” Asterios added when he was no longer putting immense pressure on the gathered. “And sorry about the floor. I’ll help Althea fix it after we are done if you would like.”

As he slowly walked to the sitting ladies, Rhufija continued to gape at him blankly, even more stunned than before. Perhaps she hadn’t ever expected to hear an actual apology leave his lips, not to mention an offer to repair the damage he’d caused. 

When he settled down between Althea and Phatru, she locked him on with her calculative eyes. “You were here the whole time, weren’t you?”

Letting out a quiet chuckle, Asterios shook his head. “I’ve been had, huh? Yes, I was hiding in my mate’s shadow. You can call it my selfish desire, but I wasn’t going to let her go alone to bring such controversial news to the leaders of this community. With the animosity between our people, it wasn’t that unlikely someone would choose to strike her down just for associating herself with me. I saw the looks Mortiz was giving her.”

“As we mentioned earlier, Asterios takes any insults or attempts to harm his family very seriously,” his knowledgeable mate reminded. “It would be wise not to test him anymore.”

“I think that’s rather understandable, don’t you?” Rusilthea asked meaningfully. “We want to protect our own as much as he wants to protect his.”

“Perhaps, if this isn’t all one massive ruse,” Rhufija replied.

Asterios sighed heavily. “Look. I know you haven’t shown all your cards yet, simply evaluating how much damage I would cause if you guys went all out. And let’s say you might have a chance of taking me down if you call for help from all your subjects in the nest, but there are six more females who are capable of going toe-to-toe with at least one Lesser Dragon each on their own, not to mention working together in perfect unity. If something were to happen to me… Let’s just say it’s better not happening. Contrary to your beliefs, I’m not the most vengeful person you can face.”

No one said anything for a moment as he held her gaze confidently, making it clear that he wasn’t joking about the devotion of his followers. He didn’t want the only things leaving his lips to be threats, but until both sides understood that neither wished the other harm, it would be quite impossible to talk about anything else.

Finally, it seemed that the Nest Mother fully relented as she snapped her fingers and the air between them relaxed even further. Her two mates dragged their third brother to the side, fetching what might turn out to be tea or some other drink. Not a single word came out during that process and soon there was a cup of clear, blue-tinted liquid in front of Asterios and her.

“We drink the Rum of Reprieve and begin anew,” she announced, picking up her cup.

Kind of curious about this peculiar ritual or tradition, Asterios took his tiny wooden cup too and looked into it. “I don’t need to check for poison, do I?”

Even as he asked, he could feel Tia already doing it for him. Borrowing his sense of smell, she analyzed the substance and fortunately didn’t recognize any dangerous elements in it. With her being an Arch Dryad and possessing lots of knowledge on all that was connected with nature, he trusted her opinions wholeheartedly.

“Of course not,” Rhufija confirmed. “Besides, there is no poison strong enough to fell a powerful Dragon from such a tiny amount.”

Drinking the contents at the same time as she did, Asterios smirked as he glanced at his mentor. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

Althea met his smirk with a wry smile. The final version of the cult’s toxin came quite close. Mixed with the serpent’s own venom, it was possible that just a drop would have been lethal. Without his help, she would most likely have never recovered from the wounds sustained in that fight against the evil beast.

“So now that we are done jumping at each other’s throats, can we start again?” Rusilthea asked while crossing her arms.

The scarlet woman gave her a curt nod before turning to Asterios. “I would like to hear about those plans you have for our kin.”

He groaned back at her. “Again? Haven’t you been listening to what the ladies were saying?”

There was the barest flinch from her that Asterios hadn’t missed and some tension returned.

Rubbing his eyes, he raised his other hand to reassure everyone. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound that annoyed. It’s simply the fourth time or so that we are getting through this today. And my friends here did lay it out for you in quite the detail.”

“My apologies. I only wished to start from the beginning. We can skip that and pick up exactly where we left off before your arrival,” she said. “Are you really offering our people a safe place to live in without the cost being binding themselves to you through draconic contracts?”

“Yes.” Asterios joined his hands under his chin. “And attendance in Althea’s lessons. She will be the only mentor in charge of teaching the disciples right now, but that might not be the case forever. Our program one-to-many might evolve into many-to-many if a certain person realizes their true self-worth.”

Receiving a knowing stare from all the people from Ast’s side, Phatru looked back at them with disbelief. It was obvious who they meant and the sly grin on her daughter’s lips further supported that observation.

“Nevertheless, don’t forget that they will be linked with my direct subordinates through familiar contracts from Summoning Magic,” he continued. “The aerial unit they would be serving as steeds and comrades in arms isn’t yet fully bound to me but I expect them to request it after I present them with the opportunity to work with you if I don’t take the initiative. They will most likely end up being registered as servants.”

They are going to demand it?” Hevial’s brows rose in surprise.

“Asterios doesn’t treat his subjects the same way other True Dragons do. He is new to the subordinate system they use and therefore has introduced his personalized version of it instead, which basically shares more benefits with the title holders instead of only drawing power from them,” Althea explained. “He worked most of his life with the Summoner’s bond and it’s obvious he takes inspiration from it. His slaves, servants, aides, and mates are technically free to do as they wish as long as it doesn’t hinder his entourage.”

“In the future, I might be able to bring the students in without the contracts, but for now, they also serve as an assurance that we can keep an eye on those coming into my realm.” Asterios took over. “Dragons, no matter if Lesser or True, are a thing of the past in my homeworld. We will be reintroducing the former into the society slowly and need to guarantee that no one ruins that introduction by acting improperly, triggering a hostile response from the people who might remember ancient wars.”

“This is all hard to believe,” Abe shared.

“And I understand that, but it gets tiring having to prove to everyone that we really do mean no harm even with a True Dragon involved,” Asterios replied humorlessly. “I’m a human who found out he has two Hearts from ancient bloodlines inside him alongside an unexpected source which now stores an Arch Dryad. I would be on a killing spree by now if I was normal wouldn’t I?”

Rhufija pondered over it for a second. “So you don’t expect any other tribute than the obligatory military service as your troops? There’s a lot you could charge for such a valuable opportunity. Those desperate for safety would stop at nothing to get a chance to live there.”

“We will be picking who is suitable in the end so it won’t be easy for anyone not matching our profiles. You can say that the chosen are going to pay with their talents and motivation to learn. I imagine our new mentorship program isn’t going to be welcomed with loud applause and pages of applications.” He laughed lightly. “So, are you interested? Since the contracted are going to spend quite a lot of time home too, I think someone as crafty and smart should figure out a way or two to make use of the opportunities that such a situation provides.”

A brief pause followed once again as the woman thought about everything they had discussed and witnessed. She shared a few glances with her mates, even with the recuperating berserker, who still looked a tad wobbly.

“It will be highly challenging to convince the people.” She finally sighed.

“Does that mean you believe us, Nest Mother?” Phatru asked hopefully.

“He has three different Lesser Dragons vouching for him who don’t seem forced into their roles in his possible ploy. And compared to the other two, you have no connection with him. I believe that if you were being manipulated or threatened, you would have already used many of the signals we have established in this nest. Additionally, he could have killed or at least maimed Mortiz while claiming self-defense and my mate returned to me with nothing more than a small bruise. With the potential that this situation brings to our people, I might be inclined to consider your proposal with a positive mind,” Rhufija answered elaborately.

“You won’t regret it.” Rusilthea grinned.

“I really hope I don’t.” The scarlet lady showed a hint of a weak smile. “I would be more inclined to believe it if he was just of Crimson blood, but if he truly is somehow mixed with Onyx…”

“And what is the problem with that? Besides having two, of course.” Asterios inquired.

“As you have already witnessed, Crimson Dragons tend to be on the more aggressive and physically domineering side, often resolving any issue with raw strength and power. They overpower their enemies with their might, either physical or magical, though mostly the former,” Althea said, and he recalled the female he had confronted after using his blood.

“Those of black shades are associated more closely with schemes and malicious plotting,” the Nest Mother added after her. “They are no weak individuals by any means, but they design intricate strategies to achieve their goal, instilling as much fear and anxiety in their opponents or victims as possible. They revel in seeing others struggle against their machinations and conspiracies, watching as they break down and realize that they’ve been had at the very end.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” He stroked his chin while thinking of their recent experiences with one of those. “Grand plotters working from the shadows for some ultimate goal.”

“But Asterios possesses no such traits,” his mentor insisted. “Or rather than traits, they should be called personality defects. His mind is sharp and his ever-growing might is astonishing. You can say that he merges their best qualities without any of the negative aspects.”

“Right.” Rhufija nodded thoughtfully.

“What about colors amongst Lesser Dragons? They still hold some lineage and affinity meaning, right? I know Althea has a close relationship with nature, but you don’t strike me as someone rash and abusive.” Asterios glanced her way again.

“As everything else within our kind, these parts are less prominent too,” Rusilthea chimed in. “Red Dragons of ours are still more prone to lose their temper than others, but we learn how to better control ourselves the older we get. It gets gradually easier with more experience. I guess you can compare me with my mother. I’m not stupid enough not to be aware that my character can be fittingly described as stormy, but she was supposedly no different back in the day and now look at her. It takes either someone to insult me or her best friend to dig those emotions out of her depths.”

“You make many wise observations, youngling.” The Nest Mother looked at her with what could be considered a thinly impressed expression. “It truly doesn’t feel like you had no mentor for the last decade or two because of your lively nature.”

Phatru sported a faint blush at that, averting her gaze under Althea’s scrutiny. If even their Nest Mother was singing her indirect praise, she wasn’t able to rebuke any of those statements.

Rhufija turned to her companions. “Announce another gathering at the Hall of Enlightenment. Emphasize that it’s important and that I will be attending. Everyone is welcome but the meeting is intended for masterless candidates seeking tutoring.”

The men hesitated only momentarily as she waved their concerns away.

“Go. I was already at a disadvantage with our four against theirs. I have a feeling that Althea, Phatru, and Rusilthea would take his side if things escalated too far. And if he can call upon his bonded, we never stood a chance with my formation doing barely anything against his unprecedented spiritual state,” she added to reassure them and the trio launched themselves out of the ledge at the back of the chamber.

She then let out a deep sigh.

“Now would be the perfect moment to reveal your sinister plot,” the woman said with the tiniest trace of a smirk on her red lips and Asterios chuckled amusedly. “I once more apologize for my mates. While our people are open to big casual relationships, being paired with multiple partners is not that common, so much that we don’t really have a traditional word for it, but we care for each other greatly.”

“I believe Asterios understands. He has spread his love to seven females. Myself included in that pleasing development.” Althea shared a warm smile with Asterios and he decided to lean in for a chaste kiss to prove their affection, which lasted a bit longer than he had expected as his beautiful mentor pursued his lips with lots of gratitude and a hint of passion.

“I’ve never imagined witnessing one of us contentedly and willingly mating themselves with a True Dragon,” the Nest Mother commented in slight admiration. “Save for those who lost their minds, but my intuition tells me yours is still bright and brimming with desire to teach.”

“That’s not the only desire occupying it right now.” Rusi snickered giddily and got smacked on the head by her mother.

“Oh, don’t hit her, Pha. She speaks the truth. My core always yearns for his feelings. And fillings.” The emerald-haired lady peered deep into Ast’s eyes with part of her naughty side leaking out. “Perhaps we should prove to you the conviction of our devotion right here, right now, Nest Mother?”

Rhufija cleared her throat, finally dragging her gaze off them. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already decided to put my trust in you.”

Phatru chuckled openly with a reminiscing grin. “Getting deeply bred by a strong and kind True Dragon on top of Nest Mother’s table would be so much like you, my friend.”

Surprisingly, it was Rusilthea who smacked her mother on the head this time, not wasting this perfect chance for a little payback. The familial duo then glared at each other and burst out in quiet giggles.

“Let us move to the Enlightenment Hall. It’s only proper to show up before everyone arrives.” The lady in red stood up, heading for the opening too, perhaps worried about the state of her chambers if they remained there any longer.

It was time to recruit some Lesser Dragons.


Or was it?


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, Jeffrey B., and Shadow Silvermane! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, Wiliam H., Sura, James M., and D3monEmper0r! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - FSoen Kigi, Fandley, Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Drew P., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, RandomRandomly, Nicholas G., Cody B., Saint.J, Atomic0chicken, Patrick F., Zadwolf, Seamus M., Jonas, and Timmy! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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