Rise From the Humble

Chapter 19: go home

  Chapter 19 Homecoming

  This price is a bit expensive for farmers to buy one horse. It costs more than 100 yuan, and the wife will not be happy when she goes back. Then buy less. If you buy half a horse, it is almost enough for Mrs. Chen to make two or three sets of clothes.

   "Then you can pull half a horse for me." Father Zhu thought for a while and asked, "Can it be cheaper?"

The store clerk thought for a while, looked at the direction of the counter, and said in a low voice, "I can see that the eldest brother is going to mess with my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is very lucky. Our shopkeeper is through the bottom. If our relatives come to buy cloth, we can use it at our discretion." It’s a few cents cheaper. How about this, when you pay the bill later, you will say that you are the eldest cousin of my uncle’s family, and I will give you three cents cheaper for half a horse, but if it’s too much, it’s really bad.”

   So fake!

  Zhu Ping'an curled his lips. He clearly saw you making eye contact with the shopkeeper just now.

   "Okay, thank you, big brother." Zhu's father was busy looking at the cotton cloth he was going to bring to Mrs. Chen, and didn't notice the eye contact between the shop assistant and the shopkeeper. He was very moved when he heard the shop assistant's words.

Zhu's father doesn't care, it doesn't mean that Zhu Ping'an has no idea. I think of the starting point female frequency crossing farming novels I read before. Although they don't know how to sew purses, their mother, Mrs. Chen, can.

I scanned it, um, sure enough, there are a lot of discarded leftover fabrics under the counter, which are not big, that is, about the size of a palm, and can’t do anything, so the store usually doesn’t care, and it is wrinkled by the customers who come and go. Not dirty and dirty.

   "Well, can those rags give me something to play with?" Zhu Pingan stretched out his chubby paws, pointed at the dirty rags under the counter and asked in a curious voice.

  The store clerk glanced at Zhu Ping'an's finger, oh, it turned out to be discarded and useless leftovers.

"Oh, those, you can pick them up and play with them yourself." The store clerk said indifferently, these things can be decided by himself, because they are too small to do anything, and the shopkeeper doesn't want them, and he has to spend time cleaning and discarding them. If you are curious, let's play with it, after all, I have earned money from my father.

   There is no need to spend a penny, and this advantage is not taken for nothing.

  So, Zhu Pingan hugged his small pannier, and ran over, feeling his buttocks being pushed into the pannier, and pressed it hard to leave room for stuffing.

  This time, not only Zhu Pingchuan was embarrassed, but even Zhu's father who handed over the money to pay the bill blushed.

  The store clerk didn't care, and said casually, "You don't need to worry about it, it's just rags, not worth a lot of money."

  Everything was tidied up, and by the time I got on the bullock cart and went back, the sun was already setting to the west. Zhu's father flicked his whip, and drove the ox cart back on the return journey. He threw it in the air and hit the ox reluctantly, humming an out-of-tune song.

  Zhu Ping'an sat on the bullock cart, looked at the exquisite daily necessities on the cart, and looked at his full small back basket. He gained a lot, and his heart was full of happiness.

  When I got home, there was already sparse cooking smoke in the mountain village, and some people started cooking dinner in the evening.

  Before the car entered the door, I heard the voice of the little fourth aunt chatting.

   "Ah, the second brother is back, how much did you sell for, and what did you buy?"

  If it is modern, Zhu Ping'an would definitely recommend my fourth aunt to be an airport security inspector. Look at her and check everything in the carriage, including Zhu Ping'an's small pannier.

  Fortunately, the back basket was full of rags from the cloth shop. The fourth aunt grabbed two buses full of rags. Under Zhu Pingan's gaze, she stopped her hands resentfully, and did not discover the secret under the rags.

  Grandmother soon came. First, she looked at the things Zhu's father bought, and then asked about the bamboo weaving and mountain fungus.

  Father Zhu answered one by one, and handed over the wrapped copper coins.

   After looking at the money, I found that there were more than ten liters more than before. Grandma was very satisfied and asked about the reason. Zhu's father told about Zhu Ping's selling, so his grandmother praised Zhu Ping'an.

   "Have Xi'er's wild flowers been sold?" The fourth aunt covered her mouth and asked with a smile.

   "Yes." Zhu Pingan raised his chubby face and smiled brightly.

  The little fourth aunt didn't believe it at all, thinking that the brat was too embarrassed to talk nonsense, so she covered her mouth and smiled more heartily.

  Following the grandmother to put things away, Father Zhu led his two sons back to the East Wing with baskets and baskets on their backs.

"I'm back. Why have I been here for so long? It's a little later than usual." Mrs. Chen was mending the crotch of Zhu Pingan's other pair of crotch pants. the door.

  Then Chen found out that Zhu Ping'an closed the door of the wing with his short legs.

   "Why are you closing the door when you're tired?" Mrs. Chen was surprised when she saw this.

   "See if you like it. I brought it back from the town. I think it will look good when you make clothes."

  At this time, Father Zhu stepped forward with a smirk, and took out half a bolt of peach-red cloth with a white background bought for Mrs. Chen from the back basket, and handed it to Mrs. Chen as if it were a treasure.

   "It's so expensive, you're wasting money." Chen complained, the smile on her face couldn't be stopped, of course there was still distress in her eyes.

   "Mom, this is for you." Zhu Pingan took the two meat buns wrapped in paper from his small basket.

   "This is?" Chen asked curiously.

   "The meat buns in the town, the noodles are soft and the stuffing is delicious." Zhu Ping'an lay on Chen's lap and grinned.

   "You little **** is also spending money recklessly, you and your brother can share the food, mother won't eat." Chen touched Zhu Ping'an's little head, smiling gently.

  Zhu Pingan shook his head, "My brother and I ate in the town."

   Mrs. Chen insisted on giving the meat buns to Zhu Pingan and his brothers, but Zhu Pingan insisted on eating them. Mrs. Chen turned to look at her eldest son, and Zhu Pingan also nodded and said he had eaten.

   After thinking about it, Chen broke the two meat buns in half and divided them into four portions, one half for a family of four.

   Simple happiness, Zhu Ping'anjue's meat buns are many times more delicious than those eaten in the town.

After eating the steamed stuffed bun, Father Zhu briefly told about the events in the town. When it came to the fact that Father Zhu had left dozens of papers for his family this time, Chen's eyes lit up. up.

  But when Zhu's father mentioned that the wild flowers collected by Zhu Ping'an were sold for more than 100 yuan in the town, and the nobleman rewarded two silver nudes, Zhu Ping'an knew that something was going to go wrong.

   Sure enough, Chen's two big eyes stared at Zhu Pingan with sparkle, and it seemed that there were special effects of silver flying out of the pupils.

   "It's not safe for you, a child, to take so much money. Hurry up and hand it over." Mrs. Chen pinched her waist and was in high spirits.

  The small arms cannot twist the thighs.

   A few minutes later, Mrs. Chen happily counted the money on the table.

   "One, two, three, four. One hundred and eighteen." Chen felt that something was wrong while counting, and turned to ask Zhu Pingan, "Didn't you say one hundred and twenty?"

   "Then two Wen bought meat buns." Zhu Ping'an's face was dark.

   "Yes." Chen nodded.

   Something seems wrong? Chen always felt that she had forgotten something.

  The next second, Chen turned her head and asked fiercely, "Where are those two silver nudes?"

  Zhu Ping'an chubby covered his pockets with his hands and stepped back, old lady, can't you save some for me. Having money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible.

   Mrs. Chen couldn't hear what Zhu Pingan was saying. Of course, even if she heard it, she would treat it as if she didn't hear it.

   Zhu Ping'an's chubby hands tightly clutched his pockets.


   It doesn't help.

   "Here it is, my mother will save money for you to marry a beautiful wife."

  Mr. Chen smiled softly, but she didn't show mercy at all, and one by one broke Zhu Pingan's chubby hands that were covering his pockets.

   "My son is capable."

  Looking at the two silver donuts in his hand, Mrs. Chen smiled, and sucked Zhu Ping'an's chubby face forcefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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