Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 18: Break

The sound of battle in the front also attracted ordinary infected bodies, making them move faster overall, and the road army also converged a lot, for fear of jumping out of other high-level infected bodies.

The small gathering place is now in a mess. As soon as the young master came back, he gathered 200 guards from the Baisha Consortium and personally led them to urgently repair the fortifications and build the defense line.

However, the news that large groups of infected bodies were preparing to attack the gathering place spread like wildfire. The capable survivors began to pack their things and gather at any time to flee the gathering place. The incompetent survivors could only pray that the Baisha Consortium could hold the attack.

Although the young master is arrogant and arrogant, he is also a person with great ambitions. When the end of the world comes, he happens to bring a large amount of materials from the Baisha Consortium to trade here, and waits for Scarface to kidnap the Nguyen sisters, saying they are materials Trading, in fact, the small batch of arms hidden in the materials is the focus of the transaction.

The transaction hadn't started yet. The end of the world had come. After witnessing the monsters everywhere and the government army, he knew that the opportunity had come, the opportunity to dominate one side.

He immediately opened the consortium’s material container and used this batch of materials and weapons to recruit strong survivors. Then the joint police station spent two days clearing out the gathering place. He wanted to develop the gathering place into his own stronghold.

Survivors continue to join the gathering places, the number of people is increasing, and the consumption of food is increasing. The young master advocates only taking in those who are capable of fighting, and the police chief strongly opposes it.

After the dispute, the two decided to take a step back. The gathering place could be open to all survivors, but his food would only be distributed to those who joined the Baisha Consortium. As for those weak, let them fend for themselves, so the gathering place distributed subsidized food. The police station has been doing it.

The young master’s plan to recruit soldiers and buy horses has been going smoothly, and his army can already take shape, and even more than 30 police officers from the police station are about to be included in his pocket.

But recently, his subordinates have complained about him secretly, and the survivors obviously prefer the management of the police station, so he wants to defend the attack and tell everyone who is the most suitable manager of the gathering place.

The young master had already emptied three sniper magazines, and no fewer than 20 infected bodies were eliminated individually. Although there were a large number of infected bodies, they couldn't get close to the west gate within 20 meters of the firepower of 200 guns in the gathering place, excluding ammunition consumption.

Seeing this, the young master couldn't help but feel relieved. It is impossible for a suicide attack like this kind of untactical suicide attack to attack the gathering place. What he has to do now is to try to solve the battle within two hours.

The stinking corpses were piled up in a row outside the west gate. In order to ensure the continuity of firepower, he had asked Scarface to take people to the warehouse to transport ammunition.

"Master, it's okay! Our warehouse was robbed, and all the brothers who guarded the warehouse were killed. It was the people of the police station! They are now preparing to leave the east gate." There was a scarred face from the intercom. the sound of.

The young master suddenly became angry, and he led someone here to protect the gathering place, the old sergeant secretly shamed himself behind?

"You will take someone to guard the east gate immediately! Who dares to approach the east gate and kill without mercy! I will rush over as soon as possible." The young master yelled at the surrounding after putting down the walkie-talkie, "Save ammunition! Aim and hit!"

Some survivors who had just joined the Baisha Consortium knew what to aim and then hit again. They saw that there were all black infected bodies underneath and swept them indiscriminately. After hitting a magazine and replacing them with new ones, the young master looked anxious, but didn't dare. Tell them that there is no follow-up ammunition, so it is estimated that they will crash directly.

The young master was caught in a dilemma, and wanted to take his confidant back to gan kill the old fox, but according to the current situation, he would collapse as soon as he left the battle line.

Is your own effort going to waste? impossible! nonexistent! The young master clenched his teeth and kept firing the sniper rifle in his hand.

Suddenly a scream came from the front line, and the young master looked at him suspiciously. These infected bodies were still so far away, why did they call them? Did any idiot shoot himself?

At first glance, more than a dozen infected bodies were chasing people and biting them on the front line. The young master was secretly crying out. These are the gatekeepers he killed. They have not had time to deal with their bodies. They have now become infected. body.

The guards on the front panicked, and immediately turned their heads to attack the infected body in the front, and the firepower to suppress the infected body group was drastically reduced. The infected body group below took this opportunity to break through to within ten meters of the west gate.

The young master quickly put down the sniper rifle, picked up the rifle, and fired, "It's all for me to be serious, and Simon will die if he breaks the entire gathering place!"

It seems that the young master’s warning has worked. The guards once again suppressed the infected group below. Their family members are all in the gathering place, but some people’s ammunition began to run out, and the infected group gradually broke through, eight meters... seven Meters...six meters...

When breaking through to five meters, only six black thorn infected bodies suddenly stepped on the heads of ordinary infected bodies and jumped high, crossing the guardrail of the west gate and entering the battle line.

The young master has never seen such a flexible infected body. A guard was scratched at his face by a black thorn infected body, and the skin on his face was directly torn off by the barbs on the black thorn infected body's hand.

The guard went mad with pain, tightly squeezing the trigger and swept the black thorn infected body. The black thorn infected body did not hit, and the teammate next to him was suffering, and the battle line was in chaos.

The young master quickly raised the sniper rifle again and aimed at the black thorn infected body, but their speed was too fast. The young master fired seven shots in a row, and only hit one infected body. The powerful sniper bullet directly interrupted the black thorn. The infected body's body, the black thorn infected body with only half of the body still crawling.

A black thorn infected body noticed the young master and used the obstacles in the front to quickly jump close to the young master's position. The young master panicked and let the confidants around him suppress it with firepower.

However, Simon's front was already facing collapse, the bullets were in a hurry, there was no support, and the problems that the black thorn infected body could not deal with continued to reduce the morale of the guards.

More and more security guards dropped their guns and fled from Simon. They were just ordinary people in the peaceful era a week ago. It's okay to win the battle with more people and few bullies. As for this kind of occasion, they can only escape.

The normal infected body at the front had already approached the west gate without firepower suppression. The elite infected body around the corpse controller squeezed out and shook the west gate together. More and more ordinary infected bodies were squeezing over to help them.

"Boom!" Simon fell down.

The young master sighed in his heart with the sniper rifle on his back. The battle was defeated and the general situation was gone. He rode on the locomotive and greeted the confidants around him and began to retreat to the east gate.

Simon's fall caused the entire front to break up directly. Many people threw their guns away just to run faster, and the infected black thorns chased and killed the fleeing humans even more recklessly.

Ordinary infected bodies swarmed in, and under the command of the corpse controller, they chased and killed the fleeing humans and walked into the gathering place...

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