Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 China Internet

Zhang Shuxin shook hands with Meng Qian and sat next to Meng Qian, “I probably understand, you should at least contact dozens of small companies in the same way, right?

But I think there is a problem with your positioning. You should find more targets like Ali for this gameplay. You have found too many institutional enterprises. They have been in the system for a long time, and it is difficult to accept your gameplay. ”

Meng Qian couldn’t help but smile, “The two really didn’t shy away from investigating me in advance.”

Zhang Shuxin smiled carelessly, “If I tell you that I haven’t investigated you, do you believe it?”

Zhang Shuxin’s rhetorical question made Meng Qian nodded in approval, “That’s true, but you have done back-tuning, so you should know that I am a very ordinary person, why would you still want to see me?”

“For us, it’s just a meal. You have to catch a train from Hangzhou. It’s really inappropriate. We didn’t suffer as much as you?” Zhang Shuxin was talking, and the waiter happened to serve the hot pot. Come up, “Besides, wouldn’t it be interesting for an ordinary person to have such an extraordinary insight?”

The on-site conversation was suspended for a while due to the presence of the waiter. Meng Qian took advantage of this to examine it in his heart. To be honest, Zhang Shuxin’s first impression of himself was not bad.

And just as Zhang Shuxin guessed, the emails sent by Meng Qian never received any positive feedback again. Those who did not reply in the first few days will not reply later.

In the end, only Ali, Zhang Shuxin, and Sina, who have not yet met, gave him a positive attitude.

“Mr. Zhang, you just said that I should send more emails to companies like Ali. Are you familiar with Ali?” After the waiter left, Meng Qian took the initiative to ask questions, because according to Meng Qian’s understanding, this time Ali was actually with Yinghai Wei is not on the same level, and Ma Yuan and Zhang Shuxin are not on the same level.

“I don’t know it, I just know it.” Zhang Shuxin’s expression made Meng Qian feel that she did not lie to herself, “I am only familiar with those companies that didn’t care about you. Now these companies in China are too rigid. Your behavior is in them. It seems that hostility will only be more good-will, and more importantly, if your view of the Internet does not differ from person to person, to be honest, your current view of the Internet is not mainstream.”

“What did Mr. Zhang say?”

“Are you asking them about things that are too rigid or are you not mainstream?” Zhang Shuxin teased.

Meng Qian followed with a smile, “I want to know that it’s okay.”

“You deserve to be a Jiang University student, so easy to learn, what can you share with me?” Zhang Shuxin asked half-jokingly and half-seriously.

“I can give you the future.” Meng Qian answered very seriously.

Zhang Shuxin seemed to be inadvertently observing Meng Qian, and then looked at each other with Yu Gan and then said, “No wonder you can match that Ma Yan, you are all bragging masters.

Well, for the sake of you coming all the way, let me share with you the current Internet environment in my eyes. You said in your email that you think the Internet is a world, but you know how people in China now view the Internet. Is it? ”

Meng Qian shook his head very sincerely. He definitely doesn’t understand Zhang Shuxin now.

“The dispute between portal and content.” Zhang Shuxin showed a helpless smile. “The current mainstream ISPs are considering whether the Internet should pay more attention to portals or content. To give a more popular example, it is like applying for a university entrance examination. , Considering whether school is more important or professional is more important, they look down on the Internet too much.”

“But Sohu is doing search engine, Netease is doing mail, Penguin is doing instant messaging, and now China’s Internet companies seem to not only focus on portals and content. Even the success of Sohu and Netease is inseparable from the search they are doing. Engine and mail.”

“Heh.” Zhang Shuxin smiled a little sarcastically, “Xiao Meng, I bet with you that in the past two years, there will be a bubble crisis in the Internet industry.

Let me ask you, where did Sohu’s search engine, Netease’s mailbox, and the QICQ of Penguin you mentioned come from? ”

“Where did it come from?” Meng Qian was a little confused by the question. After thinking for a while, he honestly shook his head and said that he didn’t know, because he didn’t understand the meaning of Zhang Shuxin’s question.

“Learned, copied, borrowed, there are many sayings, but it’s essentially the same thing. You have to see clearly that the entire China Internet industry is a process of constantly copying successful Western cases. Why does it appear? The portal and content disputes are precisely because the United States is currently in a period of Internet content explosion.

Any cat or dog can make money by putting some content on it. This is the current Internet bubble in the United States.

So why do they do search engines, why do they do mailboxes, and why do they do instant messaging? Because the West makes money doing this, in your understanding, these things do not belong to the content, but I boldly guess that these things are now in their view, but also belong to the content.

China’s Internet development currently lacks a very important thing, self-understanding. I believe that many of them don’t understand what they are doing, but they just think it can make money. Otherwise, the penguin’s Mr. Ma Huateng you mentioned would not be able to ask people everywhere to sell the QICQ in his hand.

But the bubble will burst sooner or later. The U.S. has reached the crazy stage where all the hot money is going to the Internet. The burst after the craziness is about to come. At that time, China, as an imitator of the U.S., will definitely be affected.

Even the hard work of a generation will come to nothing. We in China want to avoid this bubble. My personal humble opinion is that we must have a back-to-neck understanding of the Internet, we must truly understand the Internet, and truly make good use of the Internet. People’s shadow, but now it seems…


Zhang Shuxin sighed and did not continue.

After listening to Zhang Shuxin, UU reading www.uukā Meng Qian admired her even more. At this time, it is a really remarkable thing to see the immediate Internet bubble crisis in the United States.

I just don’t know if Zhang Shuxin thought that the Internet crisis in the United States actually did not have much impact on China’s Internet development. This has a lot to do with China’s current Internet status. This is also what Meng Qian thought before was really doomed. One of the reasons why Huaxia wants to shine in the development of the Internet in the 21st century is because in Meng Qian’s personal opinion, this time the Internet crisis, Huaxia even feels a blessing in disguise.

Meng Qian settled down and asked, “What does Mr. Zhang mean by returning to the basics? In Mr. Zhang’s view, what is the real thing about the Internet?”

“What is truth? The truth of the Internet is naturally the Internet itself. Now everyone equates content with the Internet, which is simply a joke.

The Internet is a piece of soil, and the content is a kind of plant on this soil. E-commerce, entertainment, search engines, instant messaging, and even countless plants including finance, learning, etc. can grow on this soil. ”

Speaking of this, Zhang Shuxin and Meng Qian looked at each other for two seconds, “Now you know why I am interested in you, right?”

Meng Qian understands naturally, because in Meng Qian’s proposal, he also mentioned that the Internet is a world where everything can breed, and it is not just a display of content.

But after gaining a better understanding of Zhang Shuxin, it also made Meng Qian more curious about why such a visionary person was kicked out of Yinghaiwei, why did he never set foot in the Internet afterwards, and why he completely moved from the world of the Internet. It disappeared.

Meng Qian is full of curiosity about all this now…

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