Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1040 Industrial

The second stop on the itinerary was BOE Yenching R&D Center, and Meng Qian took advantage of the trend to push the rhythm.

There is a difference between BOE and BYD, and the difference between the two is also the difference between China’s LCD panel industry and the automotive industry.

That is, China’s automotive industry is not at the leading level in the world, but China’s LCD panels are absolutely world-leading, and they are at the highest level.

So when everyone came to BOE, the feeling was different. Everyone can clearly feel this lead here, mainly because the advanced level of the production line is clear at a glance.

The core equipment distributed here is more advanced than what some representatives of American companies have seen in Korea and Neon in terms of accuracy, craftsmanship and intelligence, and some are even more advanced.

“Almost all equipment made in China.” Koziannick said while looking at some equipment.

“In recent years, the speed of equipment upgrades has become faster and faster, and some traditional brands have indeed been unable to keep up with the update speed. On the contrary, a group of equipment companies in China have seized the opportunity for development.” Wang Shengdong stood beside Koziannick. Said.

“China equipment companies can seize this opportunity thanks to this group of LCD panel companies, including BOE?” Koziannick pointed to a screen not far away.

What is displayed on that screen is the LCD panel industry information platform. Everyone has seen this thing when they visited BOE. “If I am not mistaken, China’s equipment companies should benefit from the development. In a concept.

That is the concept of industrial development from point to surface launched by Dafeng Group in the early years. ”

Everyone looked at Meng Qian, but Meng Qian did not speak. Instead, Wang Shengdong responded, “In order to ensure the leadership of LCD panels, we will refine the entire industry, focusing on core equipment and core materials, and focus on the full integration of the entire industry. And input.

I don’t know if this is the point-to-face concept that Mr. Kozianic said? ”

“Mr. Wang said it was too general. To be precise, BOE has done the most core equipment and materials by itself, and has taken on the issue of market share for the entire product.

At the same time, more needed equipment and materials will be handed over to powerful or potential companies, and the relationship with these companies will be consolidated through capital or diversified cooperation.

Finally, to realize the comprehensive linkage development of the entire industry, from the beginning, the industry and the enterprise are competing.

This is the point-to-face development model that Dafeng Group has always adhered to.

Now with such an industrial information platform, it is easier to realize this overall layout.

But the problem is that the success of Dafeng Group lies in the fact that President Meng can always grasp the right products. Does BOE also have such confidence? “Kozannick asked.

“It can be seen that Mr. Koziannick has studied the Dafeng Group.” Wang Shengdong laughed and teased, “But maybe because there is no in-depth cooperation, Mr. Kozianic still has some details that he has not seen clearly. .

Let’s just call this model a point-to-face model. To be successful, the leading company does not necessarily have to make the product successful. The key is that the leading company must be able to take risks to the greatest extent.

For an equipment company or a material company, if someone invests to help him develop, he has no reason to refuse.

The point-to-face model is a model that will bring prosperity to everyone, but not a model that loses everything.

And now this model is becoming less and less risky for upper and midstream companies. ”

“Oh? What do you say?”

“For example, in the past, we were a supplier of Dafeng Group in the point-to-surface model, so our R&D investment had to avoid focusing on the development of Dafeng Group’s products to a certain extent.

So in the past, once the Dafeng Group collapsed, we should have reaped what we should gain, but how to quickly transfer the business of Dafeng Group to other companies is not so easy.

But today’s enterprises are much more convenient on this issue.

This is because of the unification of standards and rules. “Wang Shengdong pointed to the LCD panel industry information platform, “If BOE falls down one day, we will be able to find suitable matching companies and matching partners relatively easily by pointing to the companies below.”

Moreover, our LCD panel industry is different from the automotive industry. Because of the world’s leading position in China’s LCD panel company, our information platform is more oriented to the world, and we can see more lists of overseas companies on this platform.

The bigger the platform, the bigger the opportunities. This is no longer a simple cooperation between Chinese companies, but a global cooperation. ”

Koziannick glanced at each other with several entrepreneurs, and then made a request to take a closer look at the LCD panel industry information platform.

Wang Shengdong naturally did not shy away from it and let them take a look.

From this look, it can be seen that Wang Shengdong is not talking nonsense that Huaxia is already driving the development of global enterprises in the absolutely leading industry of LCD panels, and is constantly optimizing and upgrading the global industrial chain.

“Actually, there is another core to the point-to-face model.” At this time, Meng Qian, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, and everyone turned to look at him.

Just like Mr. Wang just said, BOE used to be a supplier of our Dafeng Group in the point-to-surface model. Now, BOE has become a very critical point in the global LCD panel industry and the biggest competitor of Dafeng Optoelectronics.

There are two main reasons here. One is that the point-to-surface model focuses on technological development and industrial development, and point and surface are parallel.

Mr. Wang just didn’t say specifically, that is the gain of this point. This point does bear the greatest risk, but if the development goes smoothly, this point generally also reaps the greatest benefit.

Because of this point, you can get all-round income channels from the entire industry and can get the maximum upgrade added value following the upgrade of the industry.

But this process is still parallel. This is a very important basic element of the point-to-surface model, and the enterprise is parallel.

Everyone will always have a parallel relationship with each other, and obtain their own benefits through the parallel relationship, which also ensures that there will never be any class relationship in the point-to-surface model.

If there is no one, there must be a positioning. The parallelism of the points and the surfaces can better ensure that everyone can work together to do this. ”

When Meng Qian said this, he deliberately glanced at Bill Gates. The latter didn’t have any expressions, but several people around him showed complicated expressions.

But no one took Meng Qian’s words, and he continued, “Second, the point-to-face model is a model that promotes communication. While points are driving the development of the face, they are actually pulling the formation of the face.

In the past, enterprises and enterprises were very scattered, and even for enterprises in an industrial chain, there was a high degree of information interoperability.

The point-to-surface model can be a good way to narrow the relationship between enterprises, and combine isolated islands into the mainland.

Especially with the rapid development of cloud and decentralization, technology is further promoting the formation of a crack-free industry.

This is also a concept that I have mentioned to many entrepreneurs in China before. I said that in the future, we should put forward a new concept based on the industrial chain, called the industrial aspect.

The industrial chain is a chain, and the relationship between one point and another is more concerned, while the industrial side is the relationship between countless points. ”

“Industry…” Meng Qian’s words sparked heated discussions among American entrepreneurs.

Meng Qian and Wang Shengdong looked at each other and let them have a good chat.

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