Revenge Fantasy

#6 - The Profile of Terrence Gardner

Sedimate LLC. A "farming" company located in Greene County, Pennsylvania. One of the more rural areas of the state, yet maintaining a solid distance from the urban area of Pittsburgh.

The company building consists of its offices and lab, all combined together into one open site of land. The building a relative tall, about three floors in a narrow tower structure. Its architecture obscured by the surrounding trees, building site far away from registered residences. One would have to travel off road into the forest by their lonesome to arrive, making traditional human commutes difficult.

There was nothing traditional about the company's commutes, however. On immediate initial survey of the building itself, one fact made itself immediately known: all of the staff consisted of androids. Floors upon floors of androids surveying about.

The company building was a Connection Office. All operations and work remotely controlled with the help of androids. Workers could be across the entire country, with one simply needing to connect to an android so that they can carry out and conduct this work.

Buildings like this were common occurrence, with many wanting to not leave their houses while still needing to work. Most of the time, technology is optionally provided to company employees upon hiring, if the option made itself available. In the case of Sedimate, its hiring practices suggest that it only takes employees with pre-existing neural technology. Those that either have public models, or have rebranded ones from other companies.

Curiously, all operations of Sedimate LLC occur 24/7. Later data shows that this company takes morning shifts, afternoon shifts, evening shifts, night shifts, and so on. Sedimate LLC may be receiving staff of all schedules, possibly of all time zones as well. The latter is more likely, as it uses physical paper to store its data. Everything is confined to the building itself, with androids having to pick up paper from traditional filing cabinets for its employees... likely a security precaution.

Though, the most curious part of this company is the CEO's office. On the top floor, the office holds an inactive android stylized to look exactly like the man in question. At night, the android remains inactive, suggesting that this was a personal android operational only when the CEO is awake and connected.

The CEO in question living only 5 minutes away from the building. Living as a sole suburban house on a dirt road, land paved in a fresh grassland for it. This was a fresh construction site, most likely with recent renovations.

Terrence Gardner. Age: 36. A man of... average appearance, simply going through his daily routine. Groaning in bed for a few minutes with actively fluttering eyes. Climbing out of bed, walking into his personal bathroom to presumably shower. He comes out of the bathroom after ten minutes. The man is dressed in a pure white bathrobe. Silk. Hood over his head, with hair still lathered in some sort of shampoo. Maybe conditioner.

It should be noted that he possesses no curtains. His exit from the bathroom, all of this is visible from the outside, one able to see him while passing by, one able to see him by just looking in.

One able to see him, indeed. Many safe spots to hide. Simple binoculars are enough to see everything in the house. The isolated nature of Gardner's house is designed as a "disconnected from the bad of society" and "connected to the good of society", a lonely house personally constructed with no neighbors about. Houses like these are high in demand, given the likelihood of cybernetic criminals targeting well populated neighborhoods. Thus, owning this house is an exclusive rarity that suggests Gardner's high wealth.

Prior background and research reveals Gardner's degree in business at the University of [REDACTED]. His graduation over a decade ago. Academic transcripts and behavioral history unavailable at this time, for legal reasons. The time between his graduation and his current position at Sedimate LLC has a six year gap, of which Gardner was promoted to CEO with no working history.

Details are not lining up.

Gardner spends time preparing and eating breakfast, preparing for himself... something relatively rich. A fresh charcuterie board. Meats, cheeses, and such, with ingredients he keeps in his refrigerator. There are not enough days for one understand his grocery shopping habits, but... his assortment of ingredients are varied.

On top of varying types of sliced meat and cheese, he adds almonds, olives, mini pickles, tomato slices, grilled onions, honey, crackers, and baguettes. For 30 minutes, he spends time preparing the ingredients and organizing it accordingly on his board. It is unclear if he eats this every day, but the casual manner of which he prepares this board indicates he is in celebration. Either he is taking well to the celebratory successes of Agridorm's development, or he simply enjoys French cuisine in general.

Every so often, in the midst of preparation and consumption of this breakfast, the man stares off and gazes deeply at a fireplace every so often as his food prepares itself.

High probability of optic nerves, but the fireplace is suspected to have some significance. Atop the fireplace, photo frames that consist of him with a woman. Gardner is seemingly not married yet, but the photo frames indicate something close. Possibly a romantic partner.

From the hours of 7 to 15, Gardner spends his morning comfortably lying in bed. His android active early, in order to carry out his duties of sitting in an office chair and not leaving the office whatsoever.

What his work entails is printing documents, filling out paperwork, and calling in meetings with employees as necessary. Traditional methods, the "meeting with the boss" style of arrangement. Inefficient when, ultimately, meetings can be conducted with private calls instead.

These activities cease at around 11, on the dot, to which his activities are unknown from then on. The android remains inactive from 11 to 15, on a sort of... autopilot.


15 onward, Gardner gets up from his bed and... curiously, departs from his home. Dressed in a fine black suit, leaving at the 20th minute. To which he departs from his home accordingly.

He returns at 21, having been gone from his house for 7 hours. Today appears to be an outing. Five hours off on his lonesome, before he comes back with company. Their dialogue flirtatious in nature, indicating some sort of intimate relationship.

Yet, this woman is completely different from the one in the photos. Initial assumptions about Gardner having a fiancée are in doubt.

At first.

Gardner and this woman are intimate for a short time, from 21:20 all the way to 21:29. Curiously, it should be noted that the room itself is soundproof. Afterwards, they cuddle in bed for some time, before a conversation transpires between them.

The woman is sent walking without a car, and Gardner comfortably remains in bed. Her whereabouts unknown, simply just walking back in the direction of Pittsburgh.

Curiously, with this information, enough is prevalent about Gardner to suggest the following: womanizer who actively cheats on his fiancée for people he meets on outings. Due to the secluded nature of both his company building and his home, Terrence has made a life of comfort and safety the plains of Pennsylvania, while still in proximity to the city of Pittsburgh.

Given Sedimate LLC's developing nature, one must be curious if he is simply updating his life for the richer things, or if he's already had this life for a while.

From then on, activity transpires back at Sedimate, Gardner's android active until 22:30. Afterwards, he sleeps in the aftermath of the sheets.

The actions he takes following this are redacted.

The following day, Gardner follows his same routine. Uniformity behind his actions. Strict routines as ever, awakening at 6. Shampoo and conditioner in his hair, making yet another charcuterie board. Photos are provided of both, if one wants to... replicate it.

Gardner's work is the same as ever. The man loves his routine. 7 to 9, working, before his android goes inactive.


Security in the android is lacking. Rather easily controllable. Even with present, primitive methods.

The essential findings following this are listed below.

Every single document in his office has been analyzed and scanned by the android. A good majority of it follows the standard nature of bureaucratic documents, many of which are irrelevant in every single way.

The fruit of this effort comes in the financial documents. Every single finance that the company has, the tip is proven correct. Apparently, Gardner and his accounting team have very... very noticeable discrepancies in their bills, their- documents.

Notices have come in from the scientists in development, detailing how the materials in question were resulting in hazardous results. The tip of the product containing carcinogenic substances is... accurate. If the client in question is not the tip's source, then it is clear that the tip comes from insider knowledge.

Curiously, Gardner is putting the wrong market value of the ingredients in. The lab equipment and materials to synthesize Agridorm are heavily different, cheaper even. With the accounting paperwork present, this report has both Gardner's personal accounting and the company's papers included. In the simplest terms between what these documents prove, a high amount of money is being embezzled by Gardner. Potentially a federal crime of tax evasion.

His wealth is curiosity inducing, but explainable: Let it be known that earlier assumptions of this man being romantically interested in the fireplace-photo woman are correct. That is his fiancée.

Gardner is in a long distance engagement with a Swedish supermodel. Their marriage has been postponed as she is on business in California. The two go on dates using Gardner's optic technology, which is suspected to be where he is from 11 to 15. Four hour time intervals of him spending time with his fiancée.

There is a diamond ring in his records, purchased about four months ago. Gardner proposed first. A portion of the funds he embezzled appear to have gone to this ring, with many of the rest going to his daily breakfast meals, various other interests and luxuries, and saved away in his bank account. His wife's income and history of 'gifts' gives him room to launder money.

Fascinatingly, no records of mounted deer heads and live hunting rifles are shown. Suspected gifts from his fiancée, whose social media suggests she acquaints herself with hunters. Male in nature. Possible motivation of cheating, albeit further research is necessary.

Sedimate LLC is, fundamentally, a company of complete and utter fraud, and Gardner is prime to plenty of scandals involving this. One could target Sedimate, framing it as the CEO "threatening the safety of the American public" for his own lifestyle. However, the prototype is to be released 2 to 3 weeks from now, limiting time for this approach.

One could target his fiancée. Her identity has been kept classified from this report, but the Underworld has the resources to find her identity. Launch further investigation into her. Have her confront Gardner for his affairs. Possibly use her as an unwilling puppet once Gardner's scandal is over.

In fact, Gardner uniformly follows his routine further. This time around, a new affair with a new woman in a flashy blue dress. Blonde, a lighter shade than his fiancée, with artificially dyed red highlights. A short time passes, and the woman leaves.

This is the end of the second day in terms of "relevancy". This binder has been submitted the 2nd night to be delivered posthaste, before the deadline is reached, and you may arrange contact if you wish for any additional information obtained in this time.

For those that wish to further research Terrence Gardner, follow these notes.

Gardner feels outstandingly safe. He does not suspect any sort of "involvement" with hostile entities. The job posting responsible for this report is unknown to him, and he has no cause to believe anyone wants to defraud him.

Countless signs present suggest the indication of narcissism. A high self image that cares highly about himself to an irrational level. Interactions with Gardner will go swimmingly if you play to his selfish desires. Do not, by any means, talk about yourself while with Gardner, and your conversation will run smoothly. Focus only on his interests.

Gardner's outing on the first day indicates his enjoyment of public karaoke bars. His singing is mediocre, but his taste in music and fellow singers is high. If you are to go for the affair route, he is likely to approach blondes in flashy clothing, dresses to a karaoke bar rather than casual clothing. Rings on fingers are appealing to him, and the particular one he's slept with was wearing a red dress. The night after, a bright ocean blue.

Do not investigate alone if you wish to infiltrate the building. Sedimate LLC may possess memory altering technology in accessing its androids, as a precaution to protect its physical data. The CEO's android is theoretically exempt from these rules, and its employees line up with a schedule strictly planned out. Gardner shows no involvement in his company proceedings beyond significant actions, and utilizing his android is the best way to go undetected.

Finally, in terms of the information you find, any fabricated evidence will be utterly detrimental to the cause. Every bit of information present is authentic and present, and any investigation into them will bring up proper logs to authenticate everything. Any false information arises about Sedimate and Gardner, and this entire investigation has a chance to lose all its legitimacy in public eyes. Something to be aware of.

With that, this document is concluded.

You are free to do with this information how you wish.


The client takes a look at the three ring binder. On the front, a makeshift psychoanalysis and narrative of Terrence Gardner, followed by photocopied financial documents and candid photos of the man. The paper was not exaggerating, there was page after page after page of financial papers photocopied... it's unsettling.

"This... this is interesting. I was skeptical about the Underworld, but... your group has delivered quite a bit for three day's worth of information," the client comments, closing the binder.

"Well. The best of the best are welcome in our ranks." the representative explains. "I will be happy to bring the message to the mercenary. One person job for $20,000. I have- given the document a glance, and realize you may not need this, but... for an additional one-time payment of $4,000, the Underworld will be welcome to help with whatever remaining use you have with this information. A potential follow up to Gardner's fiancée. Would you like to discuss the possibilities?"

"Unnecessary. My... people... will make great use of this information in a different way," the client speaks. "I thank your solo mercenary. May I have a name to this face?"

The representative nods his head. "We provide our members' aliases for a one time payment of $1199 per mercenary. Not much use in the identification department, but... handy if you feel like requesting them again."

"Pfff. Expensive business tactics. I like it." The client immediately comments, crossing their arms. "Sweeten the pot. Tell me what you're allowed to for free, see if I'd pay that much."

A nod from the representative. "... very well. They have been with us for some time. More recently than our most esteemed of names, but... an impressive name nonetheless. You are quite lucky to have had this mercenary at your disposal."

As these two speak, at this very moment... the sun sets in Pennsylvania. The liveliness of the Pittsburgh bars picking up, with plentiful amounts of drunks ready to drink to their hearts content, to drink their troubles away.

However, Terrence was heading back to his house, having picked up a black haired woman before the height of Happy Hour. One who wears a stylish pair of white and black sunglasses. The man picked up quite the Japanese beauty. One that was throwing major signs of interest in a casual hookup, while just having fun at her first karaoke bar.

Sure, this kind of woman wasn't usually his type, but something about this one just got his attention. Her radiant beauty, her causal and bubbly demeanor, her angelic voice of the heavens... Gardner was enamored by this woman.

With the sun going away, she takes off her sunglasses and puts them away into her purse. Smiling brightly at Terrence as she adjusts her dress slightly, gazing forward at him with bright eyes. Unique eyes with a unique color, one that's rare to naturally have...

... red eyes.

"Lucky...? Interesting, so they're that impressive... would she have killed Gardner if I requested?"

"In truth? Unlikely, if requested, but not for the reasons you think. It's simply because this mercenary has no documentation on taking any assassination jobs. Completely non-lethal work... but, for some of the jobs they do take? They might as well have."

The car makes it to Terrence's house, the man parking out front. Getting out of the car and opening the door for his newest... fling. A true gentleman, one that smiles at her.

The woman's eyes gazing upon this building as she's helped out of the car, feigning intrigue and wonder. Amazed at his house. In truth, however, she stared with blank red eyes that had not the bit of interest in them. Looking and beholding this house unfazed, as if she's seen better. Nothing new to her.

"Wow. Well, I was considering his death, but... glad I avoided that pitfall. This mercenary's work is extraordinary. Attention to detail and everything, with these pictures..."

Terrence Gardner smirks as he wraps his arms around this woman's waist, almost snuggling close behind her. Welcoming her into his house, door opening up. Leaning in for a kiss...

... one that he doesn't receive. The woman takes a look at the fireplace, a slight giggle sounding out as she interrupts him. Asking Gardner about the woman, to which- his response, his lie, is that the woman in question was his sister. A relative on family vacation.

"They are quite famous in our circles. The mercenary with the ability to follow and trail for long periods of time, quite possibly for days. This goes without saying, but... I believe the binder you have in your hand is enough of a testament to their skills, their capabilities as a master of stealth and infiltration."

"Interesting. Master of stealth... so, they were never spotted? Not once?"

With this excuse, the woman nods. Smiling as the door closes behind them, enticing Gardner into leading her to his chambers. Brought to his personal quarters, beholding his nice bedroom... the nice bed and everything.

Her eyes are briefly drawn out the window, gazing out at the sight before the house. Asking Gardner about his... privacy concerns, asking him what stops the world outside from seeing in. Gardner approaches with casual indifference, reasoning that no one was around at this hour. How he also didn't mind if anyone wanted to spectate...

"Not once. A completely unseen figure, even to us. The Underworld may keep confidential its mercenaries and their faces, but... this one is one of the only few that not even us messengers know about. Maybe some people knew them when they starting out, knowing what they initially looked like, if they were a boy or a girl, so on... but all that data is lost to time."

"Faceless to even you...? That's... eerie..."

Terrence begins to adjust his belt, undoing his tie. Smirking back at the woman, ready to enjoy himself once again. His eyes eagerly drinking her up. Hitting another flirty line, one exuding his... "charm."

This prompts the young woman to giggle again, giving Gardner a saucy stare. The woman smiles back at Gardner, tugging lightly on her dress strap... pulling it down her shoulder as her other hand reaches into her purse.

"So... with- no face, how do you know that they're the ones that do it?"

"Simple. Their personal phone. This mercenary in particular possess a flip phone that has access to an encrypted channel. Untraceable for their safety, used to take pictures and videos as necessary- as well as other features, actually. This is actually how they took the pictures in that binder, to confirm that the work has been done."

... taking note of Gardner's distracted self, taking now to discreetly take out a gray flip phone. A traditional one, one she opens up immediately.

Gardner was focused on her little show, but... his eyes wander away for a moment as he raises an eyebrow at the phone.

"Wow. High quality for a flip phone... you're not making this up, are you?"

"Sir... I swear to you..."

In the next moment, as Gardner's guard was low but coming back, a massive static shock sets off in his cybernetics. Flooding his auditory cybernetics with the aching pain of an explosion, as if an entire chunk of his head blew off in a hard explosion. His entire body falling back against the ground and clenching his head in pain.

"... everything I have told you so far about this mercenary... is the full, honest to God truth."

Gardner is left hyperventilating, shaking as he stares up at this woman. Her gaze fading as she sadistically looks down, waving her phone contently as the power in his house shuts off in a blackout.

In the complete, utter darkness of the bedroom, as Gardner was begging for his life, the black haired woman struts out of the room to retrieve something. Taking something off of the wall, holding it in her gloved hands as she walks back into the bedroom. Staring at the paralyzed man, a visibly insane and twisted look on her face as she takes a picture of his face...

Gardner's eyes- widen. Absolutely bewildered and confused as this woman takes aim at his head with a hunting rifle, as this woman watches him trembling and shaking against the ground. As his head aches, as he stares at this woman...

The client... is very impressed. "... you make a good sales pitch. So be it, money's yours. Give me their alias."

"Very well. Payment, please?" the representative asks, hand held out.

"Sure. So be it. I need to do more business with this merc." The client nods as he takes out a card, handing it to the representative to pay for this information.

Meanwhile, Gardner's blood spills out of his neck as he stares up in absolute horror. Choking aggressively as he bleeds out out, a gaping rifle wound piercing through his neck. It was a miracle that he was still alive, and yet a curse all the same. His last living moments spent in pure agony, staring up at the devil in woman's form crouching down next to him.

Her fine, silk gloves leave no prints as she takes the man's hand and has him lovingly hold onto his own rifle. A pure look of absolute sadism plastered over her face, staring down at him as she fabricates a tragic story of suicide.

The woman gently pats his face, grinning down at him with a euphoric rush. Staring intensely at him, letting her face be the last thing he ever sees.

The Count of Monte Cristo... Chapter 3.

I am not proud, but I am happy; and happiness blinds, I think, more than pride.

"Your $1199 payment has been processed," the representative says. "You now have the rights to this information as you see fit, and can request this mercenary whenever you wish."

"Well, go on. Alias? Who is this person?"

Just like the two before, and possibly more, she departs with 'irritation' at that 'scumbag cheater'. Shortly after getting up from his body, starting to walk out the back entrance of the house, discreetly disappearing from the area. Out of the house's walls, face back to a composed look. If there was a soul around, she would express 'irritation' at that 'scumbag cheater'.

The picture of the man's face on her phone, the woman closes the phone and continues to walk off. Her long, black hair flowing in the wind with her dress, seemingly walking unfazed in the cold of the Pennsylvanian dark.

"Very well. The alias is one single name, one that you should not use lightly. If you require this mercenary's services again, remember to request the Stalker of the Underworld... also known as..."

With Gardner dead, to be found no later than early morning, this monster was finished with Gardner. One mission complete, one step closer to...

"... Kuroiwa."

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