Return of Salazar Slytherin

11- The Ancient Greengrass Family

This first prop surprised Mr. Borgin.

He could tell at a glance that the bracelet was made of some kind of animal bones, but he didn't expect it to be the skull of a goblin.

Looking at the size of the beads, one goblin can only make one bead, but there are thirteen beads on this bracelet! This means that in order to make such a bracelet, at least thirteen goblins must be hunted.

It would be impossible to make this bracelet now, and not to mention the difficulty of hunting goblins, the pressure from public opinion alone can mess up everything.

This is no longer the time in the Middle Ages. Although there is no "goblin life is precious" atmosphere, the Ministry of Magic prohibits wizards from hunting goblins.

Although the bracelet that Rhys took out was very precious, Mr. Borgin couldn't praise it all, so how could he lower the price? How can he make money without lowering prices? He runs a "black" store after all.

After a moment of silence, he conceived the reason for lowering the price: "To acquire this bracelet, I have to take a high risk... After all, it took thirteen goblins to make it. I don't have the confidence to buy it and then sell it to another. Not many people have collections these days.

In the current magical world, there are only a few people who engage in forging - fairies often forge, but this thing obviously cannot be sold to them, so its special effects can only be said to be better than nothing, not to mention that this type of item comes with the people's prejudice like- 'your resentment towards those creatures is also very strong', right?

How about ..ten galleons? "

After looking for a lot of flaws in the bracelets, Mr. Borgin had a pained look on his face, slapped the table, and quoted an astonishing price in a tone of "You got a big advantage." He was talking to Lupet as she was clearly an adult.

Lupet's two slender eyebrows immediately stood up when she heard the quotation. Before she could get angry, Rhys revealed his own price.

"130 Galleons, even one sickle less."

"It's hard-"

Rhys made a direct gesture to put the box away.

"Wait a minute, I won't make any money from this deal, so let's just make friends." Mr. Borgin burst out with agility that shouldn't be expected at his age.

He grabbed the small box and touched it with a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

A bag of gold galleons comes out

Rhys chuckled lightly, which was regarded as approval of the business.

Judging from Mr. Borgin's actions, his price was still low, and he felt that the price could be higher if he worked hard.

Just when Rhys was about to introduce his other two magic items, Mr. Borgin cleared his throat.

"Speaking of which, are those people outside the door your friends?"

"Oh?" Rhys raised his eyebrows, and Lupet subconsciously held the wand in her arms.

"They have been lingering outside the door for a long time, just like children outside a candy store." Mr. Borgin grinned at Rhys, showing his incomplete teeth: "Sorry, but I don't think they have any good intentions at all. The store's floo network has left. I'm still a bit thin in Knockturn Alley. Even so, no matter how arrogant they are, they won't dare to act wild here. "

Mr. Borgin had already noticed that the boy in front of him looked young, but he was the dominant one between the two, so the person he was talking to changed to the boy.

Rhys shook his head and didn't take these people to heart.

The wandering wizard outside the door didn't know that his whereabouts had been discovered. They even sent a person to pretend to be a customer entering the store to monitor Rhys's movements.

As if he didn't see it, Rhys introduced the other two magic items to the man.

The light yellow candle has a soothing effect when burned, allowing people to fall into sweet dreams and soothe the restless soul.

That core is the seed of an extremely rare plant that can dispel evil spirits. Plant the seeds in the soil and cultivate them with dragon manure to produce a dispel evil fruit. If you swallow the fruit whole, the fruit will absorb the disease or curse in your body. The patient will recover after the fruit is expelled from the body.

However, before they reached the stage of negotiating the price, the conversation between the two was interrupted again - a well-decorated carriage parked outside the store. The door of the carriage was inlaid with gold and silver threads and various gems. A coat of arms that looked very familiar to Rhys.

The coat of arms consists of five parts. In the middle, the largest and most conspicuous one is a snake coiled in the shape of the letter "G". There are four small patterns surrounding the snake's body. In the upper left corner is a fiery red wing. In the upper right corner is a snake. It is blue water droplets, a bunch of golden wheat ears in the lower left corner, and a bunch of green oak leaves in the lower right corner. The entire coat of arms is surrounded by a complex silver border, on which the Greengrass family motto - Survival, Liberty, Wealth, and Purity - is written in cursive script.

"Greengrass, a true pure-blood family from Greenland." Rhys sighed in his heart, feeling quite happy.

The younger member of the MacMillan family just now had really shocked him. How could he have imagined a thousand years ago that the MacMillan family dared to call themselves "pure-blood saints"? He remembered clearly that if Hufflepuff hadn't been kind-hearted, The ancestors of the Macmillan family were not even eligible to attend Hogwarts.

It's really unpredictable.

The carriage door slowly slid to both sides, and a small silver ladder stretched out from the carriage and landed on the ground.

Two girls with one silver hair, fair skin, and other brown hair, dressed like exquisite dolls walked out of the carriage accompanied by a well-dressed middle-aged man.

"Merlin, it's Mr. Greengrass! Sorry, I need..." A guilty smile appeared on Mr. Borgin's face just right now.

"You guys talk first." Rhys showed amazing patience when facing the descendants of the Greengrass family.

"Mr. Jamison, it's so nice to see you again. Your presence makes the shop so bright - what can I do for you?"

"Still the same." The middle-aged man named Jamison Henry Greengrass glanced at the other customers in the store, and his eyes fell on Rhys and the three open boxes on the counter.

"Ohh, you were in the middle of a transaction?"

"Uh..." Mr. Borgin was stuck for a moment. Restocking in front of other customers was obviously not a good idea.

And what Jamison just said reminded him even more, making him realize that the two remaining magic props in Rhys's hand seemed to be very valuable.

Greed is the nature of businessmen, and Mr. Borgin is no exception.

He immediately began to think of ways to make money from it, but he soon realized that there was no way he could make money from it.

Mr. Borgin wanted to buy those two items and took them out to sell them after a while for a much higher price.

But now Mr Greengrass looks interested in them. How could he not realize that he was reaping the price difference?

Do you really think Jamison is stupid?

Now if Mr. Jamison wants those items, he can't buy them in front of him and sell them for a profit.

In a flash, Mr. Borkin made up his mind: this business would not make any money, because Mr. Greengrass's friendship was above all else.


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