Resequencing DNA

Chapter 84

Ashleigh lay curled up in the cramped, confined darkness of the car's boot, her body trembling with quiet, heart-wrenching sobs. The smell of metal and leather filled her nostrils, mingling with the acrid scent of exhaust fumes, a constant reminder of her disorienting reality. The muffled sounds of the outside world faded into an indistinguishable hum, punctuated only by the rhythmic vibrations beneath her as the car travelled along the road.

With each jolt, flashes of laughter and carefree moments danced in her mind. Sofia, with her bright blue eyes and precious red hair, tugged at Ashleigh’s heartstrings. Elijah’s laughter echoed softly in her ears, the warmth of his embrace lingering just beyond her reach. Her mother, Grace, always grounded and nurturing. But now, in this suffocating darkness, that comforting world felt like a distant dream, slipping further away with each passing second.

Then there was J.D. The realisation hit her like a cold wave crashing on the shore, icy and overwhelming. He had seemed so charming at first, the kind of man that effortlessly drew you in with his warm smile and easy laughter. The wild night they had spent together as she discarded her inhibitions just for one night. But now, that smile felt like a cruel joke, an illusion masking sinister intentions. J.D. had told her how he had done his research on her, yet she couldn’t help but wonder, if was this his intention all along, to draw her in simply to get to her rich, successful fiancé and his family. She recalled the way he had looked at her before forcing her into her current space. The anger in his eyes, the fear for her own safety, thinking that he was going to hurt her. And yet now, here she was, trapped, a prisoner within her own car.

With trembling hands, her fingers once more found their way to her stomach, the undeniable evidence of the life she carried within—a precious secret that seemed to offer both solace and dread. What was to become of her unborn twins? The uncertainty wrapped around her like a suffocating shroud, and she couldn't bear the thought of them suffering as she was. If she managed to survive this nightmare, would they also emerge unscathed from the shadows that loomed over them?

Ashleigh continued to whisper sweet nothings to the life that grew inside her, her voice a fragile thread connecting them in this moment of despair. Over and over, she assured them of her love, telling them how deeply sorry she was for the ordeal they were now facing together. The weight of her predicament pressed heavily on her heart, but even in the darkest of times, they offered her a sliver of comfort, a reminder that she was not truly alone. Yet, that comfort was laced with an overwhelming guilt—the merciless reality that she had unwittingly placed them in this terrifying position in the first place.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pleaded with them for forgiveness. “I’m so sorry,” she wept, her voice breaking under the weight of her emotions. “I confess, I'm already not fit to be your mother. You deserve so much better.” Each sob felt like an acknowledgement of her own inadequacies, a painful admission that clawed at her soul.

However, in that moment of despair, as bleakness enveloped her, her unborn children appeared to answer her cries. It was as if they sensed her sorrow and want for reassurance, for just a moment, she felt a gentle flutter within her—a reassuring movement that seemed to echo her deepest hopes and dreams. It was a tender reminder from them, a powerful connection that transcended their present reality, reaffirming that they were in this intricate dance of survival together. She felt their presence like a warm whisper against the cold walls that surrounded her, a reminder that despite the overwhelming darkness encroaching upon them, they were still bound by love and hope.

From within the cramped confines of the car, Ashleigh strained to hear J.D.’s voice drifting through the muffled sounds of the outside world. The vibrations of the engine and the hiss of passing tyres created a cacophony that blurred her ability to discern the words he was articulating. She was cocooned in the dark boot, a space that felt both isolating and claustrophobic, which only intensified her rising anxiety.

Was J.D. speaking about her? Her mind raced with the possibilities. Had something happened that she wasn’t aware of? Would he merely be discussing mundane topics with a friend or perhaps chatting with a family member? Each scenario churned in her thoughts, battling against one another like waves crashing against a rocky shore.

Yet, a more chilling thought crept into her mind, colder than the steel of the car’s interior. What if he was meticulously crafting an alibi for her disappearance? The idea sent shivers down her spine, tightening the knot of fear in her stomach. Ashleigh could picture the scene unfolding in her mind: J.D. casually laughing on the phone, his tone relaxed, while he plotted the perfect cover story, all the while knowing she was hidden away—silent, unseen, and utterly vulnerable.

The weight of the situation pressed heavily against her chest. She felt trapped, both physically and mentally, spiralling deeper into a pit of uncertainty. The reverberation of J.D.’s voice was a grim reminder of her precarious predicament, leaving her with only the raw ache of trepidation and the desperate hope that whatever he was saying would not seal her fate.

After what felt like an agonising eternity, during which time seemed to stretch mercilessly, the car, from what Ashleigh could tell, began to slow down, the rhythmic hum of speed diminishing to a low rumble. Had they finally arrived at their destination? Each beat of her heart seemed to synchronize with the slowing engine, a reminder that moments passed in a blur but often held critical significance. What awaited her outside? Would she be met with an escape from this unbearable confinement, or was she inching closer to a reality far more terrible than she could fathom? As the car finally came to a halt, the silence that followed felt loaded, heavy with unspoken possibilities and the dread of the unknown.

As the car finally came to a shuddering halt, a silence descended that felt loaded with unspoken possibilities and the heavy dread of the unknown, enveloping her like a thick fog. It was a silence that seemed to echo with the weight of her thoughts, amplifying every noise that followed. Eventually, she summoned the nerve to take stock of the sounds surrounding her—sounds that were more inviting than that of the monotonous car engine that had been her sole companion for too long.

The first note that reached her ears was the shrill cry of seagulls screeching above, their cries slicing through the thick tension that hung in the air like a tangible entity. The cacophony of their calls felt oddly comforting, and she clung to it as a lifeline, desperately searching for answers in the soundscape. Was this a clue to her whereabouts? She definitely wasn’t at J.D.’s apartment, but the realisation only served to deepen her confusion.

Where had he taken her? The myriad questions tumbled through her mind like leaves caught in a whirlwind. What was his plan, and what could he possibly want from her now? As uncertainty gripped her heart, she knew she had to steel herself, to prepare for whatever might come next. The prospect of confronting her fate outside loomed closer, his intentions now shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Then, after a brief moment, she both heard and felt the car door as it slammed shut, shaking the frame of the car.

“J.D.,” she heard a male voice from outside acknowledge her captor, the voice didn’t sound as low or gruff as J.D.’s, yet it was distinctly male, one of around early twenties if Ashleigh had to make a guess. She heard footsteps retreating, the sound of the two voices, J.D.’s and this mystery man become inaudible and somewhat muffled. Who was this person? Had they simply stopped off somewhere? Did this other person have any knowledge that she was in there?

In an unprecedented surge of bravery that coursed through her, Ashleigh discarded her paralyzing fear and began kicking her legs vigorously against the side of the car in a desperate bid for freedom. The thuds echoed within the confined space, a steady rhythm that mirrored her racing heart.

“Help, help!” she screamed, her voice echoing through the air, a raw plea that drew from the depths of her resolve. Each cry was imbued with urgency and desperation, a yearning to be heard.

The sound of footsteps approaching the car once more broke through her frantic thoughts, this time at a faster pace. Had her cries been heard? Hope flickered, flickering like a candle in a storm. Soon enough, the boot of the car opened, unleashing a flood of harsh sunlight that momentarily blinded her. It illuminated her surroundings, creating shadows that danced across her vision. All she could make out were two silhouetted figures standing over her, their forms stark against the radiant light.

Panic surged within her as she squinted against the brightness, grappling to discern their features.

“Holy shit, J.D.” exclaimed the unknown male, “What the fuck are you thinking man?”

“What am I thinking?” J.D. repeated with a chuckle, “Payday is what I’m thinking,” he added.

“Help me, please,” pleaded Ashleigh, hoping that the stranger would help her break free of J.D.

“Put that on her will you,” laughed J.D., nudging the arm of the other guy.

However, there was a pause, with the stranger seemingly not knowing what to do, either that or he was stunned by the situation he found himself in.

“Give me that, for fucks sake,” snapped J.D. seemingly snatching something from his friend's hand.  

Ashleigh found out soon enough that the object was an old, thick sack of some kind, as J.D. forced it over her head, once more plunging her into complete darkness. It smelled of damp fabric and years of neglect, a putrid combination that made her stomach turn even more than it already was. Ashleigh thrashed her head in protest, instinctively trying to pull it off, but J.D. tightened his grip on the bag, before securing it in place, obscuring her vision and leaving her disoriented.

“Wha—?” she gasped, her voice muffled by the heavy material. Panic clawed at her insides, making it hard for her to breathe. Her mind raced as she fought against the mounting dread. Why was J.D. doing this? What had she stumbled into?

Before she could gather her thoughts or formulate a plan, she suddenly felt a firm grip around her wrists, an unwelcome restraint as they began to bind them together. A sense of hopelessness swelled within her, and once more, she thrashed against her captors, desperation coursing through her veins as she fought with everything she had.

Yet, she quickly found herself resigned to the grim reality that she was powerless against them, ensnared in a nightmarish scenario from which she could see no escape. Her heart raced as they began to hoist her from within the confines of the car, a jolt of fear surging through her. The world spun around her in a chaotic whirl, and all she could cling to was the faint hope that someone, somewhere, would hear her cries amidst the encroaching darkness.

As one set of hands held her steady from one side, she felt unsteady and vulnerable as they led her into the abyss, the oppressive darkness magnifying her fear and confusion. She stumbled more than once, nearly tripping over her own feet, the only thing preventing her fall being the unwelcome grip of a rough hand, whose presence sent a shiver down her spine, his touch lingering on her skin like a ghost she could not shake off.

“What shall I do with the car?” Ashleigh heard the younger man ask, his voice appearing to now be a fair distance away.

“You know what to do,” J.D. replied coolly, his tone dripping with casual assurance. “Change the plates, file off the V.I.N., a nice lick of paint and she’s good to go,” he added with a chuckle that sent a chill down Ashleigh’s spine. It felt like a mocking soundtrack to her unfolding nightmare, their reckless confidence playing out like an absurd theatre scene while she remained trapped in the shadows.

The nonchalance in J.D.’s response regarding what to do with her car signified that he was more than just a wayward criminal; he was someone deeply entrenched in a darker world. It appeared to Ashleigh that this wasn’t the first time he had orchestrated something like this, or at least engaged in the act of car theft. The sheer familiarity he exhibited with the process was chilling. However, what terrified her, even more, was the realisation that J.D. wasn’t operating alone; he was part of something much larger than herself, something intricately woven into a web of crime and deceit, a venture that extended far beyond her immediate understanding.

As she tried desperately to piece together her thoughts, she heard the sound of a door open. One that sounded heavy and metallic.

“Welcome to your new home,” laughed J.D., as he led her inside somewhere that smelt damp and musty.

“J.D., please, you don’t have to do this,” Ashleigh pleaded, her voice trembling with despair, yet devoid of the tears she wished would flow. The sobs came forth like dry heaves; her eyes felt painfully dry. “What do you want from me?” she asked again, the question hanging in the air like a desperate plea, but J.D.'s laugh echoed back, rich with satisfaction, chilling her to the core.

“We’ll find out in the next few days, sweetheart, just how much you’re worth, won’t we?” he replied, his chuckle deepening into something sinister. “And if that fiancé of yours doesn’t pay up…well, we have contacts that will. How do you feel about Europe…maybe the Middle East?”

His words hit her like a sledgehammer, their implications crashing against her ribs, driving the breath from her lungs. Thoughts of her fiancé, her family, and everything she held dear spiralled into a maelstrom of fears and uncertainties. At that moment, the scope of her reality expanded, revealing a terrifying universe where her life was now a bargaining chip in a grim negotiation that felt unsolvable.

“Just think about it,” J.D. continued with a nonchalance as if discussing the weather rather than the impending violence of her fate. “You could be somewhere exotic, Ashleigh—somewhere far away from here. Just a little adventure for a girl like you.”

“So I suggest you make yourself comfortable,” J.D. continued the sinister undertones of his voice slicing through her thoughts like a razor. He forced Ashleigh to sit down on the cold, hard ground, the sack remaining over her head, a suffocating reminder of her confinement. Her hands were bound tightly by what felt like plastic ties, digging deep into her skin and leaving angry red marks that stung every time she shifted. The discomfort was secondary to her growing horror at the reality of her situation, and as she sat there, confined in darkness, her mind began racing—searching desperately for a way out of this nightmare.

“Please…please…I just want to go home,” she pleaded, her voice small and fragile, her words falling into the abyss of their grim reality, seemingly ignored by J.D. The oppressive silence that followed felt like a shroud enveloping her, before the sound of the heavy metal door closing reverberated through the air, sealing her inside this new, unforgiving prison, whatever that may look like, wherever that may be. The finality of the door's click echoed ominously in her ears, leaving her alone with her fears and the numbing emptiness of her heart.

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