Resequencing DNA

Chapter 82

A few days had passed since Ashleigh had attended the gathering of Mums-to-be with Joanna, and the memories of that vibrant event lingered clearly in her mind. It had been a lively affair, filled with the warm sounds of laughter, the exchange of shared stories, and heartfelt advice that flowed freely among the expectant mothers. Ashleigh’s anxious thoughts about attending the event, given her own background, had soon been put to bed. The atmosphere had been welcoming and charged with excitement, a perfect setting for women who understood each other’s journeys toward motherhood.

However, amidst the delightful chaos of the gathering, there was one person in particular who had captured Ashleigh’s thoughts ever since that day—Robyn. The two had hit it off during the event, sharing smiles and stories that made the time fly by. On their way back from the gathering, while Joanna expertly manoeuvred the car through the winding streets, Ashleigh and Robyn exchanged phone numbers. It was a simple act, but for Ashleigh, it felt significant—like a new thread of friendship was being woven into the fabric of her life.

Robyn lived closer to Joanna’s house than Ashleigh’s, yet she had opted to remain in the car and accompany Joanna for the duration of the journey, rather than returning home first. In Ashleigh’s mind, she speculated about the reasons for Robyn’s decision. Perhaps the poor young woman felt a sense of solitude—after all, leaving a lively gathering to return alone to a quiet home might have only amplified her loneliness. It wasn’t lost on Ashleigh how daunting the prospect of returning to an empty house could be, especially for someone who appeared to be traversing the tumultuous waters of impending motherhood as well as numerous struggles within her life.

The pair had been in contact every day since the gathering, exchanging text messages and even the odd phone call. Ashleigh could see why the other, older women in the group had taken Robyn under their wing, acting rather motherly towards the young woman. And yet, the relationship that Ashleigh seemed to be building with her felt somewhat different from that. With the pair being around the same age, Robyn being three years younger than Ashleigh, there was a refreshing sense of friendship that appeared to be blossoming between them. Unlike the nurturing instincts exhibited by the older women, Ashleigh found herself drawn to Robyn in a way that was more of a sisterhood, one that Robyn appeared to welcome with open arms.

Yet it was because of this blossoming sisterhood, that Ashleigh felt riddled with guilt, ever since Robyn had spoken of the father of her unborn child. It appeared that both Ashleigh and Robyn had a shared history of sorts. J.D., the man whom Ashleigh had her misguided one-night stand with after becoming so angry with Elijah, had morphed into a complicated figure in both their lives, with Robyn revealing him to be the father of her child.

As Ashleigh reflected on that pivotal night, she couldn’t help but replay the events in her mind. In her anger and frustration with Elijah, she had made a reckless choice, letting her guard down and seeking solace in J.D., who, with his charming demeanour and careless attitude, seemed to have an uncanny ability to draw people into his chaotic orbit. At the time, she had believed that engaging with him was merely a way to distract herself, a misguided attempt to reclaim a sense of independence that she felt was slipping away from her grasp. It hadn't crossed her mind that her impulsive actions might have far-reaching consequences.

Now, after having seemingly repaired her own relationship with Elijah—a process that had taken patience, understanding, and a willingness to be vulnerable—Ashleigh found herself sinking under the weight of remorse once more. The intimate bond she shared with Robyn was now shadowed by the knowledge of their connection through J.D., and the guilt gnawed at her insides like a persistent spectre. Should she open up and tell Robyn that she knew J.D?  Was their newfound sisterhood strong enough to withstand the implications of their shared history? Despite the fact that she hadn't been acquainted with Robyn at the time she met J.D., an unsettling sense of betrayal prickled at her conscience. The knowledge that Robyn would have already been pregnant during that fateful night loomed over her like a storm cloud, darkening the happiness she had found in their connection.

This suffocating guilt weighed heavily on Ashleigh, manifesting itself in an agonizing night filled with sleeplessness and endless contemplation. She found herself caught in an emotional whirlwind, toying with the idea of confessing to Robyn that she too had a past with J.D. Yet, another part of her wrestled with the idea of reaching out to J.D. directly. Could she persuade him to establish some semblance of a relationship with Robyn? At the very least, would she be able to convince him to acknowledge and support the child, who, despite the emotional distance J.D. seemed to maintain, undeniably required his presence?

As thoughts swirled chaotically in her mind, Ashleigh felt the weight of her choices pressing upon her, amplifying the uncertainty that clouded her heart. The decision she faced was not merely about her own feelings but about the delicate web of relationships surrounding her, poised on the precipice of change. Would she risk everything to protect Robyn from the truths of their past, or would honesty about her experiences ultimately forge a stronger alliance between them? In that sleepless night, Ashleigh understood that whatever path she chose would have far-reaching consequences, shaping not only her own destiny but also that of a person she was slowly building a bond with, who she was quickly regarding as a friend.

As Elijah got out of bed early, his footsteps soft but purposeful as he prepared for another day filled with meetings and business proposals, Ashleigh too sat up in their bed.

“You’re awake early, my love,” Elijah remarked, his voice imbued with both love and concern as he looked at her. There was a tenderness in his gaze that momentarily soothed her troubled thoughts. “Is everything alright?” he asked, moving closer to her and gently laying a kiss on her forehead with a warmth that wrapped around her like a comforting embrace.

“Yeah… everything… everything is fine,” she replied tentatively, forcing a smile onto her face, even as uncertainty lurked beneath the surface. Elijah gently cupped her cheek, his touch both reassuring and loving. “You know… just these two not wanting mum to sleep for too long,” she joked, gesturing playfully to her growing bump, a source of joy and excitement as well as anxiety. It was a small attempt to lighten the mood, to push aside the heavier thoughts that threatened to engulf her.

Elijah looked at her, unsure of her response,

“Oh…do you want me to fetch your mother or Mrs Henry?” he asked softly, his brow furrowing slightly in worry as if he could sense the inner turmoil that had yet to dissipate from her heart.

“No…I’ll be fine,” Ashleigh replied, her voice firm yet gentle, wishing to reassure her fiancé and not wanting to burden him with the weight of her worries, especially when he needed to focus on his work. The last thing she wanted was to distract him from the important business decisions ahead.

With a slow, deliberate motion, she lifted herself off the bed, smoothing out the fabric of her silk nightgown as she did so, a small but soothing ritual in the quiet of the morning. “You know…I was thinking of asking Robyn over here one day,” she stated, attempting to inject a note of enthusiasm into her voice, offering a smile in an effort to dispel the thoughts that weighed heavily on her mind.

Elijah paused as he was about to enter the bathroom, turning back toward her with curiosity evident in his eyes.

“You’ve really taken a shine to this girl, haven’t you?” he said, a smile playing on his lips as he regarded her with both intrigue and warmth.

“I have,” Ashleigh replied “Is that a problem? Are you jealous my love?” she teased lightly, letting out a soft chuckle, the sound filled with warmth and mischief.

Elijah’s smile widened, and the light in his eyes brightened even more as he looked at her.

“Jealous? Not at all,” he replied, taking deliberate steps closer to her, closing the distance that had briefly separated them. “I mean, unless you’ve taken a romantic interest in her… I don’t think I’m equipped to compete with a woman for your affection these days,” he added with a playful chuckle, the atmosphere between them growing lighter, just as he hoped.

Ashleigh beamed, pleased at his easygoing nature.

“Of course, it’s nothing like that,” she assured him warmly.

“Oh thank God,” Elijah exclaimed, his light-hearted tone carrying a breath of relief. “I just find it fascinating how quickly you’ve connected with her. It’s beautiful to see you opening up to someone new, especially after everything you’ve been through,” he said thoughtfully, his voice softening as he leaned in, drawing closer to her for a tender kiss that spoke volumes of their shared love and understanding.

“I just really feel for her, being all alone,” Ashleigh began, her voice dipping into a more serious tone. She paused for a moment, searching for the right words to express her empathy.

“I understand,” stated Elijah, unable to resist stealing another kiss before making his way back towards the bathroom. “James is taking me to my meetings today, but I am sure he won’t mind being on standby for you also, saves him sitting around waiting for me,” he added.

James had quickly stepped into the role of Elijah’s chauffeur over the past few weeks. For Alistair and Vivian, this arrangement was a non-issue, especially now that Alistair had decided to take a backseat in his own business, passing much of the responsibility over to Jude.

“I am perfectly capable of driving myself, you know,” Ashleigh stated, a playful defiance in her tone, crossing her arms in mock annoyance. The underlying truth of her independence rang clear, though she couldn’t suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Elijah chuckled softly at her spirited response.

“I know you are, but sometimes it’s nice to let someone else take the wheel, isn’t it? Especially when you have a lot to think about,” he began, turning on the shower. “But you know me, it would put me at ease knowing my pregnant fiancée wasn’t driving around alone,” he continued, his voice laced with genuine concern. The sound of running water filled the space between them, creating a soothing backdrop to their lighthearted banter. He reached for the shower knobs, adjusting the temperature, all the while maintaining eye contact with Ashleigh.

She regarded him with amusement, her smile widening at his overprotectiveness,

“You really worry too much, Elijah,” she replied her tone light as a soft chuckle slipped from her lips, breaking the seriousness of the moment.

“I know I do…but still, humour me will you,” he stated as he stepped under the running water.

Ashleigh couldn’t help but shake her head,

“Fine,” she chuckled, a hint of resignation in her voice. “But only because I know how stubborn you can be.” She leaned back against the doorway, arms still crossed, watching him as he adjusted to the warm spray of the shower.

Elijah smiled at her playful demeanour, appreciating the banter that always seemed to enliven their conversations. “You wouldn’t have it any other way, though,” he teased, his eyes glinting with mischief. “I’m just looking out for you, you know. It’s a husband’s duty to worry about his pregnant wife.”

“I’m not even your wife yet,” Ashleigh replied, raising an eyebrow as she played along. “And honestly, it’s a little early to be worrying so much. I mean, I’m not due for months!”

“Yeah, but every day feels like a countdown,” he countered, his voice low but filled with warmth. “I can’t help but think about how different everything is going to be. I want to make sure you’re always safe, especially when you’re carrying our children.”

The sincerity in his voice softened her initial playfulness, reminding her of the gravity of their situation. “I appreciate that, really,” she said softly, the laughter fading from her expression. “It’s just that I’ve always prided myself on being independent. It’s hard for me to let go of that, even just a little.”

“I get it. And that independent spirit is one of the things I love about you,” Elijah said, his expression turning earnest. “But just because you’re letting me help doesn’t mean you’re giving up your independence. It just means we’re working together as a team. You’re not alone in this, Ashleigh. You have me, even when I’m not physically there.”

She felt a swell of affection in her chest at his words, realizing just how much his support meant to her. “Okay, okay,” she finally relented, a teasing smile appearing again. “You win. I’ll let James chauffeur me around.”

“Good,” he replied, stepping out of the shower and reaching for a towel, the warm steam enveloping him. “And besides, I’d hate to have to pull a favour with James to come rescue you if you got stuck somewhere!”

“Oh please,” she scoffed, giggling. “What do you think is going to happen? I’ll be just fine.”

While drying himself, Elijah peered at her with an unwavering gaze, his expression softening.

“I know you will be,” he said, his tone turning serious again. “But let’s make things easier for you when we can. Life’s going to be a whirlwind soon enough, with the babies and everything. The last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed.”

The sincerity in his eyes melted away her reluctant barriers, and Ashleigh stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace.

“You’re right. Thank you,” she murmured against his shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence. Just then, the tension of the moment shifted back to their lighthearted style, as she pulled away and playfully hit his arm. “Just don’t let that go to your head, Mr. Overprotective.”

“Too late!” Elijah laughed, and with a mock-serious expression, he said, “You’re going to have to deal with me being this way for the rest of your life.”

“Oh, I suppose I better get used to it then!” Ashleigh shot back, laughter spilling freely between them as they both enjoyed the blissful intimacy of their playful exchanges, while in their hearts they prepared for the new chapter that lay ahead, together.

Ashleigh threw on her robe and made her way downstairs, leaving Elijah to prepare for his day ahead. The house was not quite as quiet as she expected, Mrs Henry and the rest of the household staff were beginning to set about their daily jobs as the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. As Ashleigh descended the staircase, she could hear the soft clatter of dishes and the gentle hum of conversations among the staff. The warm, inviting atmosphere made her smile.

“Good morning, Miss Ashleigh!” Mrs Henry called out joyfully as she noticed Ashleigh making her way down the staircase.

“Good morning Mrs Henry,” replied Ashleigh, her voice slightly faltering as she spoke, a note of unease creeping into her tone. Her emotions, once carefully concealed while she was in the company of Elijah, now lay exposed in the presence of the trustworthy housekeeper. With Mrs Henry, it felt futile to conceal her true feelings; the older woman had an uncanny ability to see through pretences and know exactly what was going on behind her smiles.

At once, Mrs Henry tilted her head slightly, her brow furrowing in genuine concern,

“Come on my dear,” she said warmly, exuding a motherly tenderness that was as familiar to Ashleigh as the aroma of the coffee. “How about we get you a nice cup of coffee and you tell me what’s troubling you?” she added with a smile. 

“I…I’d appreciate that, thank you,” Ashleigh replied, her heart swelling with gratitude despite the unease still bubbling beneath the surface. She managed a timid smile, feeling the weight of her worries beginning to lift just a little in the warmth of Mrs Henry's care.

“I would hazard a guess,” Mrs Henry continued, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, her eyes sparkling with an understanding that soothed Ashleigh’s frayed nerves, “that you would rather talk in private.” With a knowing glance towards the staircase, where Elijah’s presence loomed, it was clear that she understood the need for confidentiality in matters of the heart.

“Good morning, Mrs. Henry!” Elijah’s cheerful voice echoed as he descended the staircase, an undeniable spring in his step that marked his robust personality.

“Good morning, Elijah,” Mrs Henry replied, her tone shifting slightly to one of warm acknowledgement. The cleverness of her earlier observation hung in the air, and Ashleigh nodded in silent accord, grateful for the housekeeper’s perceptiveness.

At that moment, with the weight of her worries still present but somewhat alleviated, Mrs Henry gave Ashleigh a subtle nod, a silent invitation directing her towards the cosy sanctuary of the living room.

“I’ll be right through with your coffee my dear, “ said Mrs Herny as she proceeded to hurry off out of sight.

Ashleigh made her way over to the fireplace that was already crackling, its warm glow providing a comforting embrace against the morning chill that hung in the air. The living room was a haven of tranquillity, adorned with plush armchairs and vivid paintings that displayed serene landscapes; it was a space that felt both inviting and safe. She settled into the sofa, sinking into the soft fabric while the flickering flames danced in front of her, casting gentle shadows across the room.

As she waited, Ashleigh took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of thoughts that swirled relentlessly in her mind. The burden of her troubled thoughts, weighing down on her, she needed advice and she knew she could speak freely with Mrs Henry without judgement. Then the questions that had bothered her began to play in a continual loop around her head.. Would Mrs Henry advise her to come clean with Robyn? Tell her that she too had a fleeting connection with J.D., clearly after he and Robyn had been together? Would she tell her that her best course of action would be to confront J.D.?  Or, would she simply tell her, not to get involved?

The mere thought of that outcome sent an icy tendril of dread spiralling down Ashleigh’s spine. The prospect of distancing herself from the matter felt akin to erecting an invisible wall between her and Robyn, a new friend whom she had come to cherish deeply. It wasn’t just about stepping away from a tangled web of feelings; it was about withdrawing from the connection with Robyn, leaving behind the warmth of their burgeoning friendship. The guilt of what she knew would hang over her like a cold, ominous shadow, ready to obscure the light that had just begun to shine in her life.

Soon enough, Mrs Henry entered the living room, bringing with her a cup of hot, steaming coffee, the scent of which instantly flooded the room as she made her way towards Ashleigh.

“There you go, my dear,” Mrs Henry said, her voice laced with affection as she carefully handed the cup to Ashleigh, their fingers brushing lightly for a brief moment. “Now, tell me what is troubling you,” she added, smoothing out her skirt before taking a seat beside Ashleigh on the sofa. In contrast to Ashleigh’s relaxed posture in the soft cushions, Mrs Henry perched herself on the very edge of her seat, her back straight and poised, hands resting peacefully in her lap—a picture of attentive composure, eager to listen and provide comfort amid the storm swirling in Ashleigh’s heart.

Before diving into the whirlwind of emotions that had taken root within her, Ashleigh took a moment to gather her thoughts. What could she say? How could she articulate the tangled mess of feelings and uncertainties that seemed so vast in her mind? With a steadying breath, she began to explain the situation to Mrs Henry, the words spilling forth as she laid bare the complexities of her heart and the conflicts that stirred within her, seeking the wise counsel that she hoped would illuminate the darkness clouding her thoughts.

“I see,” Mrs. Henry responded thoughtfully, her expression calm and collected. It was as if Ashleigh could sense the older woman’s mind working diligently to find a suitable way forward—the right words to ease the turmoil that had gripped Ashleigh. “Normally I would advise staying out of such matters,” she started, “However, from the way you explain this young friend of yours, she could really use a friend. One who is honest and has her best interest at heart.”

Ashleigh started hesitantly, her voice laced with uncertainty. “But for some reason, I…” The words hung in the air, thickening the moment with the weight of her vulnerability before Mrs Henry gently interjected.

 “You feel somewhat emotionally involved?” she asked, a soft chuckle escaping her lips, lightening the heavy atmosphere just a touch. Her laughter was infectious, a gentle reminder that even in the most complicated of situations, a hint of levity could provide perspective.

“Exactly!” Ashleigh exclaimed, feeling a glimmer of relief at being understood. “But why? I hardly know her! It’s so new, yet I can’t shake this feeling that I should do something to help. What if I make it worse instead?"

Mrs Henry leaned forward slightly, her eyes twinkling with kindness.

"Pregnancy throws your hormones all over the place, trust me dear,” joked Mrs Henry before her face once again grew serious. “Emotion seldom requires years of history to forge a deep connection. Sometimes, it’s the people who are relatively new in our lives who can make the most profound impact. Trust that instinct you feel, Ashleigh. It’s guiding you towards what’s right.”

Ashleigh’s thoughts raced, and she began to sort through the myriad of options swirling in her mind.

“So…in my mind, I have two options,” she explained, carefully weighing her choices. “I can either confront J.D. and try to talk him around into being there for Robyn…or I can simply tell Robyn the truth,” she pondered aloud, contemplating the potential consequences of each route.


Mrs Henry, ever the voice of reason, leaned back slightly in her chair, regarding Ashleigh with an understanding gaze.

“You must remember, your friend is pregnant too, so she likely will be navigating her own emotional turbulence,” she advised, her tone imbued with gentle wisdom. “Be mindful of that, Ashleigh. Emotions can be overwhelming during such a pivotal time, both for her and for you.” This thought hung in the air, heavy with significance.

After a brief pause for reflection, Ashleigh found herself lost in thought, contemplating Mrs Henry’s insights and weighing the emotional toll each option could take on both her and Robyn. Silently, she grappled with the realization that whatever choice she made, was bound to affect those she cared about deeply.

Breaking the silence, Mrs. Henry stood gracefully, smoothing out her skirt with a serene smile that brought a sense of calm to the room.

“If that will be all for now, my dear, I have other matters I need to attend to,” she said warmly, her tone suggesting a gentle reminder of the ebb and flow of life. “But do not hesitate to come find me if you need anything,” she added, her kind eyes encouraging.

Gratefully, Ashleigh nodded in acknowledgement, her voice barely a whisper as she expressed her appreciation.

“Thank you, as always, Mrs. Henry.” The words hung in the air, a small yet significant token of gratitude for the support and wisdom she had just received. As Mrs Henry quietly exited the room, Ashleigh was left alone with her thoughts, her mind still racing, yet now infused with a sense of clarity — a spark of hope flickering amid the tumult of her emotions.

The point Mrs Henry made, about her being pregnant, was something she had never even entertained. The reason she was so emotional over the situation, was that all down to her hormones. Ashleigh couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as she took the last few sips of her lukewarm coffee, feeling a wave of amusement wash over her. Estrogen was indeed a whole different ball game compared to the testosterone she had once been accustomed to. Her mind drifted briefly to the countless times she had heard jokes regarding hormones, and now she understood the punchline all too well — life was a complicated tapestry woven with threads of emotion and biology.

After finishing up her coffee, she made her way back out into the hallway, her heart thumping in her chest as she ascended the stairs back to her room. The hustle and bustle of the house seemed to fall quiet in those moments, she could feel a mixture of determination and trepidation welling within her.

Once inside her room, Ashleigh shut the door behind her, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. The familiar surroundings brought her a small measure of comfort, yet her thoughts were racing ahead. With her heart pounding, she picked up her phone, her hands trembling slightly as she flicked through her contacts, desperately searching for J.D.’s number. The screen lit up, illuminating her worried face.

“J.D. It’s Ashleigh, we need to talk,” she typed out, her finger hovering over the send button for a brief moment, as if the simple act of sending that message would set off a chain reaction of events — potentially life-changing for both her and Robyn. With one final deep breath, she pressed send, the anxiety of the unknown mingling with a newfound resolve. Whatever the outcome, she knew she had to take this step.

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