Resequencing DNA

Chapter 80

Ashleigh sat at the dining room table, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloping her like a warm blanket. She gently lifted the steaming mug to her lips, allowing the rich, dark liquid to tantalise her senses as she took a slow sip, savouring the moment of solitude. The bustling energy that had filled the room moments before seemed to have faded along with the presence of her Mother and Sofia, who had left to attend to their own errands and engagements. Ashleigh found herself alone, enveloped in the quiet stillness that now occupied the space.

The silence was both comforting and unsettling, allowing her thoughts to flow freely, yet leaving her vulnerable to the weight of her own musings. She glanced around the dining room, absorbing the familiar sights - the elegantly set table, the floral centrepiece that Mrs Henry had lovingly and carefully arranged, and the soft light filtering through the lace curtains, casting gentle patterns on the wooden floor.

Her gaze drifted to the clock that hung on the wall, its hands moving steadily around the face, ticking off the seconds with indifferent precision. Each tick seemed to echo in the silence, a reminder of the time slipping away. She caught herself glancing at it repeatedly, the numbers almost blurring together as her mind raced. The minutes appeared to fly by, a merciless reminder that she only had an hour left until Joanna was to arrive and pick her up.

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the lively entrance of Mrs Henry, who rushed into the room with an air of excitement. Her presence was a burst of energy, pulling Ashleigh back into the moment.

“I have prepared an outfit for you, my dear,” Mrs Henry announced with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “You’ll find it hung up in your room, neatly pressed and ready for you.”

“Oh…erm, thank you, Mrs Henry,” muttered Ashleigh in reply, “I suppose, I should really be getting a move on,” she added with a slight chuckle, attempting to dismiss the nerves in her throat. The warmth of Mrs. Henry’s kindness enveloped her, making the prospect of preparing for the day a little less daunting. With that, she placed the cup down with a clatter and slowly got to her feet, shaking off the lingering remnants of solitude, ready to embrace the flurry of activity that lay ahead.

“Indeed, but you also must remember to take it easy,” answered Mrs Henry her voice gentle yet firm as she began to clear the table. “Not only for your own sake but for the sake of the little bundles of joy that you’re carrying,” she added, her smile warm and reassuring.

Ashleigh eventually steadied herself where she stood, her pregnancy taking a noticeable toll on her body, making her acutely aware of the changes within her. She placed a hand on her abdomen, feeling the comforting flutter of movement beneath her fingers—a gentle reminder of the lives she was nurturing. The weight of anticipation mingled with the responsibility of impending motherhood, creating a cocktail of emotions that left her both exhilarated and anxious.

“Of course, Mrs Henry,” Ashleigh replied, forcing a smile as she attempted to quell her nerves. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

With that said, Ashleigh slowly began to make her way out of the dining room, her movements deliberate and cautious; each step felt like a careful negotiation with her own body, which was changing beneath her in ways she had only read about in books and heard from others. The swaying of her hips felt unfamiliar, and her legs constantly felt tired, as if they were made of lead. With every stride, it was beginning to feel as if she were dragging her legs along for the ride rather than gliding gracefully through the room. And yet, all the while, Ashleigh knew that relatively speaking, she was still in the rather early stages of her journey and that things would only get tougher from this point.

Her hands instinctively found positions she had often seen many pregnant women take—one hand supporting her lower back, providing a semblance of relief, while the other gently cradled her rounded bump, as if to shield and protect the little life growing within.

And yet, all the while, with an unshakeable sense of awareness, Ashleigh could feel Mrs. Henry’s watchful eye on her. It was a presence that offered comfort rather than judgment, a reminder that she was not alone in this journey. She sensed Mrs Henry’s concern and care as she moved, an invisible thread of support connecting them, encouraging her to take each cautious step with grace and self-compassion.

After what felt like an eternity to her, Ashleigh was finally up the stairs and making her way to her bedroom to begin getting dressed.

As she opened the door to her bedroom, a mix of emotions washed over her—excitement, anxiety, and a touch of disbelief at the reality of her situation.

“Pregnancy is supposed to feel special and be a magical time,” she scoffed to herself, a hint of irony lacing her thoughts. While the notion of magic had been painted in bright strokes by romanticised tales and enthusiastic anecdotes from the likes of her mother and Mrs Henry, her reality felt more like a cacophony of discomfort and struggle. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the room, preparing to wrestle with her clothes and her rapidly shifting identity.

As promised, she found the outfit Mrs Henry had prepared for her. It was one of the dresses Grace had brought home one day as a gift for her daughter. A pastel pink, knee-length woollen dress, which hung on the hanger like a promise. The fabric felt soft to the touch, reminiscent of a snug, delicate blanket that would be tenderly used to wrap a newborn baby. It was as if the universe had conspired to create this garment to embody comfort and warmth, to cradle her in moments when the world outside felt overwhelming.

The colour was delicate and sweet, a gentle shade that seemed to whisper of innocence and new beginnings. It was a hue that exuded softness, leaving behind the harsh realities of the day. It almost seemed to radiate warmth, inviting her into its embrace as if the very threads of the fabric were infused with the essence of hope—a reminder that amidst the challenges lay the flickering potential of joy and renewal.

After some time, Ashleigh had finally wrestled her way into the dress. It seemingly fit her like it had been tailored just for her, accommodating the changes in her body with a grace that felt both comforting and affirming. As she took a moment to admire her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling within her. The dress accentuated the gentle curve of her belly, celebrating the life growing inside her while simultaneously reminding her of how much she had changed—not just physically, but emotionally as well. Since becoming Ashleigh, pink had been a colour that she had mostly avoided. Growing up as a boy, she had internalised the societal narratives that surrounded colours, viewing pink as a symbol with heavy connotations that didn’t align with her identity or self-perception. But now, as Ashleigh, the colour transformed before her eyes; it wasn’t merely a shade associated with gender—it became an emblem of her metamorphosis, a representation of her femininity and the new chapter she was boldly stepping into.

With the hairbrush in hand, Ashleigh stood before the mirror, entranced by her glowing reflection. There, she saw not just the physical embodiment of herself, but a radiant spirit emerging, one that echoed the journey she had traversed to arrive at this moment. She marvelled at the way the dress enhanced her silhouette, each soft fold and drape echoing both her past struggles and her vibrant aspirations.

After a moment of contemplation, Ashleigh decided to tie her flowing red hair back into a sleek, low ponytail. This hairstyle not only showcased her features, framing her face with elegance but also maintained an air of simplicity that was particularly favourable during her pregnancy. It was a choice that beautifully balanced style and ease — cute, yet practical, perfectly suited for a woman in her stage of life, where comfort often took centre stage alongside her polished appearance.

As she finalised her look with delicate strokes of mascara, Ashleigh felt a rush of confidence wash over her. The subtle enhancement of her eyelashes opened up her eyes, bringing out the sparkles of anticipation that flickered within her. Looking at her reflection, she understood she was not just preparing herself for the outside world; she was ready to embrace whatever the day held for her, radiating beauty from the inside out. With a deep breath, she felt clarity settling within her. She was strong; she was beautiful; she was ready.

“I am Ashleigh,” she said to herself quietly, the soft words escaping her lips like a gentle breeze. “I am a 23-year-old woman, filled with dreams and aspirations. I am the mother of one beautiful child, with two more on the way, each a testament to the love and hope I carry within me.” The reflection staring back at her was not just a face; it was a collection of her experiences, intricately woven into the fabric of her identity. “I do belong,” she whispered, her voice gaining strength with each iteration. “I’m not an outsider. I do belong,” she repeated as if reciting a sacred mantra into the mirror, her voice barely audible yet resonating with an unwavering resolve.

Each word she uttered lingered in the air like a promise, imbuing the atmosphere with a newfound sense of purpose. With every repetition, she could feel the weight of self-doubt begin to lift, replaced by a blossoming realisation that she had every right to take up space in this world. Her reflection transformed, showing not just a woman grappling with uncertainties, but a warrior ready to embrace her journey, imperfections and all. She stood a little taller, feeling the energy of acceptance radiating through her, warming her heart and solidifying her commitment to herself and her growing family.

Just then, a light knock echoed through her bedroom door, gently interrupting the focused silence that enveloped her. The sound was soft, yet it held an urgency that tugged at her attention, grounding her in the present moment.

“Come in,” she called out, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance, a melody that carried the strength she was beginning to recognise within herself. She turned her gaze from the mirror, refocusing her energy as the door creaked open, revealing a glimpse of the life she was nurturing just beyond the parameters of her reflective journey.

“Oh Miss Ashleigh, you look beautiful as always,” said Mrs. Henry, her smile radiant and somewhat infectious, illuminating the space around them. The sincerity in her words wrapped around Ashleigh like a comforting embrace, echoing the message she had just affirmed to herself.

“Thank you ever so much Mrs Henry, you’re always too kind,” replied Ashleigh with a smile of her own, “What can I do for you?”

“I have come to inform you, that there is a Joanna downstairs, here to pick you up,” stated Mrs Henry rather enthusiastically.

“Oh my…that time already,” said Ashleigh, as a slight panic began to set in.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, calm down,” Mrs Henry interjected gently, placing a comforting hand on Ashleigh’s shoulder, a gesture that grounded her in the moment. “She’s arrived slightly early, she tells me,” she continued, her tone soothing, almost motherly, as she offered her support. Ashleigh took a deep breath, allowing the calm of Mrs Henry’s presence to seep into her own unease, momentarily extinguishing the flickering flame of anxiety.

“Right, let me just grab my bag,” Ashleigh said, moving swiftly to gather her things. As she slid her handbag over her shoulder, she caught a final glimpse of herself in the mirror—this time, she saw not just a reflection, but a woman ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited her just beyond the door.

With a firm yet gentle hand from Mrs Henry guiding her, Ashleigh began her descent down the staircase, each step echoing with promise and anticipation. They made their way into the main hall, which felt warm and inviting. The soft lighting and the familiar scent of home wrapped around her like a comforting embrace. With a deep breath, she pushed aside the lingering nerves and headed into the living room.

As she stepped through the doorway, her eyes were drawn to a heartwarming sight: Joanna, heavily pregnant, sat cosily by the fireplace, her face radiant as she cradled her baby bump with both hands, a serene smile on her lips. Beside Joanna, Grace sat with a look of quiet support, while little Sofia seemed to be the picture of curiosity and wonder. Her tiny hand was delicately placed on Joanna’s rounded belly, and her eyes sparkled with a mix of fascination and innocence as she took in the beautiful scene before her.

“There are two babies in there…just like my mummy has,” Sofia remarked, her voice filled with pure awe as she pointed at Joanna’s belly, her mouth agape in astonishment. “There are two in mummy!” she exclaimed with unabashed excitement, her small frame practically vibrating with the thrill of discovery.

“Oh is that so?” replied Joanna with a soft chuckle, “Are you looking forward to being a big sister?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with love and encouragement as she sought to inspire Sofia’s burgeoning sense of responsibility and excitement.

Without hesitation, Sofia nodded eagerly, her little head bobbing up and down, but before she could respond verbally, she noticed her mother approaching from the side. A wave of delight coursed through her, prompting her to dive off the sofa with a burst of energy. As she scrambled toward her mother, she was clearly mindful of Joanna’s delicate state, careful to move around her without causing any disturbance.

“Mummy, Mummy,” Sofia cried out joyfully, her voice ringing through the room with unfiltered happiness, each syllable bursting forth with pure delight. She ran across the room, a huge, beaming smile plastered across her face, reflecting the sheer bliss of the moment. But as she reached Ashleigh, she seemed to sense the need for gentleness. Instead of her usual boisterous greeting, she came to an almost complete standstill, her small frame steadying as she enveloped her mother in a gentle hug.

“My beautiful girl, I hope you’re behaving yourself,” Ashleigh said warmly, her voice laced with affection. She could see the excitement dancing in Sofia’s eyes, the kind of excitement that bubbled over, almost impossible to contain. “What have you been up to?” she inquired, her tone playful and inviting.

“Guess what, Mummy!” Sofia chirped, her eyes wide with the thrill of sharing big news. “There’s two babies in Joanna’s tummy, just like in yours!” She pointed back towards Joanna, pride radiating from her tiny frame. “And I’m going to be a big sister!”

Joanna, still glowing with her own impending motherhood, watched the exchange with an affectionate smile, her heart swelling at the innocence and enthusiasm that Sofia embodied. She admired the relationship between the little girl and her mother, a bond so crystal clear in the way they interacted.

Ashleigh’s eyes sparkled as she absorbed Sofia’s words. “That’s wonderful news! You will be the best big sister, I know it!” She wrapped her arms around Sofia, lifting her slightly off the floor in a sweet embrace. “And you must promise to help me with the baby when they arrive. Can you do that?”

Sofia nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with determination. “Yes, yes, yes! I’ll help! I’ll be the greatest big sister ever!” She giggled, the sound light and airy like a melody.

Sofia took Ashleigh by the hand,

“You look pretty Mummy,” Sofia said, her voice a soft whisper of sincerity that carried a weight of affection far beyond her years.

Hearing this, Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile,

“As are you, my sweet darling girl,” she replied, “Now, Mummy is going out with Joanna, can you stay here and look after the house for me?”

“But…Mrs Henry looks after everything,” said Sofia, giving her mother a puzzled look as she considered the idea. Her brow furrowed in thought as if trying to wrap her mind around the responsibility she was suddenly being given. “I thought she was supposed to do it,” she continued, her voice laced with innocence and uncertainty.

“Yes, she does,” replied Ashleigh with a soft smile, “But I need you, my smart, beautiful girl, to look after Mrs Henry and Grandma while I’m gone, is that okay?” she asked, her tone encouraging, hoping to inspire confidence in her daughter’s budding sense of responsibility.

Sofia considered her mother’s words, her mind racing as she imagined the tasks she might undertake. The idea was new and a little daunting, yet somewhere deep inside, a spark of pride ignited within her.

“Okay, Mummy,” she replied, her voice steadying as she felt a newfound sense of purpose. “I can do that!” she added with a huge smile on her face.

Ashleigh looked over towards Joanna,

“Ready?” she asked whilst forcing a smile, pushing back any feelings of anxiousness that bubbled beneath her surface.

With that Joanna smiled and nodded, slowly getting up onto her feet.

“Have fun you two,” said Grace with a look of both pride and encouragement as she smiled upon her daughter.

Ashleigh said her goodbye to Sofia before the pair made their way out into the main hall and grabbed her coat.

“What a huge, beautiful home you have, Ashleigh,” Joanna remarked, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the high ceilings and elegant décor surrounding them. The grandeur of the space left her momentarily speechless, and she found herself marvelling at the life her friend had built.

Ashleigh smiled at her friend’s admiration,

“Thank you,” she said, “I’m just really lucky I guess,” she added as the pair stepped outside, the crisp, wintery air greeting them like an old friend as they made their way across the pebbled driveway to Joanna’s car.

Quietly, with only the sound of the pebbles crunching underfoot, the pair climbed inside Joanna’s white Ford Galaxy. Looking back across towards the house, Ashleigh spied Sofia and Grace watching from a window. With a soft smile, Ashleigh fastened her seatbelt just as Joanna turned the key in the ignition, and the gentle purr of the engine filled the air. They slowly began to make their way down the pebbled driveway, the stones crunching under the wheels of the car as they transitioned from the tranquillity of Ashleigh’s home to the bustling world beyond.

“So, Ashleigh,” said Joanna, her tone as enthusiastic as always, sparkling with excitement. “The other ladies in the group are so eager to meet you! They’ve heard so much about you already.” A spark of anticipation flickered in Joanna’s eyes. “However,” she continued, barely pausing for breath, “it’s only going to be a small gathering today—just five of us, including you.” Ashleigh processed this. For a moment, she wondered if her nerves would settle down with such an intimate group.

“At least this way, you may find it more comfortable,” Joanna added reassuringly, casting a quick glance over at Ashleigh as they pulled out onto the main road, the landscape starting to change outside the window. “You won’t be overwhelmed by too many unfamiliar faces all at once.” Ashleigh felt a mixture of relief and apprehension swirl within her. “However,” Joanna continued with a teasing lilt in her voice, “I do warn you, Robyn is coming, and she can be quite the loud one at times.” She laughed a bright, infectious sound that rang through the car.

“Don't worry; I promise she means well!” Joanna added, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “But she is about your age, and you never know—you might hit it off with her more than with us older gals,” she added, her laughter getting even louder.

For the majority of the journey, Ashleigh sat in quiet contemplation, staring out of the window and watching the world pass by. Every now and again, Joanna would break the silence in clear attempts to start a conversation, yet Ashleigh was having none of it just yet.  She simply kept her eyes fixed on the outside world, watching as they drove into the hustle and bustle of the city, as her hands gently cradled her bump.

Ashleigh watched as Joanna turned onto roads that were ever so familiar. None, more so, than when they passed by the apartment building in which Aaron and Wesley once resided, a time that seemed to be a lifetime ago to Ashleigh. She was no longer Aaron, the man who had once traversed these streets, worked in a modest bar not far away from there and lived with his best friend. No, she was now Ashleigh, A mother, a fiancée, a daughter, a woman who lived in a world far different to where she once came from. In fact, looking around at the streets where she once lived, everything that once looked normal, now looked dull, lifeless and rundown, a far cry from the huge home she now shared with her fiancé and her daughter. She was the soon-to-be manageress of an establishment far larger than she had ever worked in previously, on a salary far beyond what she had previously earned as Aaron.

Much to her astonishment, Joanna’s house was situated a mere ten-minute drive from the very streets where Ashleigh had laid her roots as Aaron. As they approached, Joanna expertly manoeuvred the car to park outside a semi-detached house that, at first glance, seemed to stand in stark contrast to Ashleigh's current environment. The neighbourhood carried a rough exterior, much like the echoes of her past—gritty, unpolished, and perhaps a little intimidating. It wasn’t simply a reminder of the life she had left behind, it was a reminder of how far she had come and how different her life now is with Elijah.

As she climbed out of the car, she couldn’t help but glance around, absorbing the details that painted a vivid picture of the neighbourhood. The streets were lined with aged brick buildings, their facades worn and chipped, each one seemingly a sentinel guarding countless stories of endurance, survival, and struggle that echoed through the very air. It was a living tapestry of life, imperfect yet full of a raw beauty that tugged at her heartstrings.


The cracked pavements teemed with a chaotic yet vibrant life—children squealing in delight as they dashed heedlessly between the lanes, their laughter punctuating the otherwise rough atmosphere. Neighbours stood outside their homes, engaging in animated conversations, sharing stories and laughter, or perhaps arguments that spilt out into the open. Almost every other word that reached her ears was laced with profanity, yet it was a familiar cadence—a language rooted in survival and authenticity. It was a world she had almost forgotten during the time she and Elijah had spent cocooned in their comfortable life together.

At that moment, Ashleigh felt an overwhelming sense of disorientation, as if she were an alien in this space she once knew so well. It was as if a fine veil had been drawn between her past self and the life she now led; she felt like a princess venturing out of her castle, momentarily stepping away from the safety and privilege of her new existence to walk amongst the very common folk she had emerged from. The exhilarating yet daunting surroundings sparked a whirlwind of emotions within her—nostalgia mingled with self-reflection, pride intertwined with the recognition of her journey. She stood there, at that threshold, grappling with her own feelings of belonging and estrangement, rooted firmly in the vibrant yet rough landscape that whispered tales of yesterday.

“Welcome, to my humble home,” said Joanna breaking into her reverie as she turned the key in the lock before gesturing for Ashleigh to enter inside.

Ashleigh simply smiled, feeling a sense of ease wash over her, and stepped into the inviting space. Her eyes roamed around the room, eager to take in the sights and sounds of her new friend’s house. The atmosphere was imbued with a delightful blend of personality and stories waiting to be discovered. A fairly worn-down carpet led through a rather narrow hallway, exuding a sense of history and the many footsteps that had graced its fibres over the years.

To their right, a stairway led upward, its wooden bannister and once polished smooth exterior, now faded from years of hands gripping it as people moved in and out of the home. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a rack full of shoes in various sizes and styles, each pair representing a moment, a life spent within these walls. Above the shoe rack, hooks were lined with an array of colourful coats and jackets, telling tales of countless adventures and outings on cool, breezy days.

The walls were adorned with photographs, capturing precious memories frozen in time—laughter shared, milestones celebrated, and friendships nurtured. Nearby, a small console table held a few knick-knacks, each with its own story, waiting to be told over cups of tea. The air was laced with a subtle hint of lavender, perhaps from a candle or a sprig of dried flowers, creating an ambience that was both calming and inviting. An aroma of freshly baked cakes emanated from the kitchen down the hallway.

“Go ahead Ashleigh, go straight through to the kitchen, the others will be here shortly,” said Joanna with a smile, pointing to the door at the end of the hallway.

As instructed, Ashleigh made her way down the hall and into the kitchen, all the while the scent of vanilla getting stronger, with a climax as Ashleigh opened the wooden door leading to the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn’t as small as Ashleigh had imagined when she first entered the house. It radiated a charm that was uniquely its own. Though it was nowhere near the expansive size of the one she had at home, which she never used, and yet it was bigger than the one she’d had in the apartment. The laminate flooring, patterned in cheerful hues, added a lighthearted vibe to the engaging space, inviting both culinary endeavours and casual gatherings over coffee and pastries. In the centre of the room was a round, wooden table with several matching chairs.

Joanna ushered Ashleigh to take a seat at the table as she switched on the kettle,

“Would you like tea or coffee?” Joanna asked casually, her hands reaching for two mugs that clinked softly against each other as she pulled them from the cupboard.

“Coffee, please,” replied Ashleigh, her eyes still wandering around the room.

Joanna chuckled lightly, her genuine smile radiating warmth, “But it’s home, I guess.” There was an undeniable pride in her voice as if she was sharing a piece of her heart through her beloved kitchen.

“No, that’s…that’s quite alright,” replied Ashleigh, casting her mind back to what she had witnessed outside. The fact that her children would never know a life like that, playing out in the street, exposed to curse words from such a young age, a totally different scenario to what she had grown up in.

“I guess it’s quite jarring, huh?” asked Joanna, sounding rather amused.

“Excuse me?” Ashleigh responded, snapping out of her thoughts once more.

“I just mean, seeing how the rest of us live. We don’t all live the lifestyle you do,” said Joanna, setting the cups down on the table and taking a seat.

One thing that left Ashleigh, somewhat confused, was speaking with Joanna, you would never believe she lived in such a run-down area as she does. She almost came across as the type of person she would meet through Elijah and his family.

“Joanna…there’s nothing wrong with how you live,” declared Ashleigh with an honest smile. “When I said earlier that I fell lucky, I really mean it, if it wasn’t for Elijah, I wouldn’t live the life I do now, trust me.”

At that moment, Ashleigh felt as though she should tell Joanna about her own background, living not far away from where she lives. However, she was also scared as to not giving away too much of her own past, the part where she wasn’t always female. She felt as though if she opened those doors, even the slightest bit, the rest might accidentally slip out.

Just then, there was a firm yet gentle knock at the front door, followed by a voice that floated down the hallway, rich with warmth and familiarity. “Hello…Joanna,” called out the softly spoken female voice, resonating with a melodic quality that brought a smile to Joanna's face.

“We’re through here,” Joanna replied, her voice bright and inviting, radiating joy. The corners of her lips curled upwards toward a welcoming smile, a reflection of her eagerness to see her friend.

Moments later, the kitchen door creaked open, and with a sense of anticipation, Joanna rose from her cosy seat at the table to properly greet her guest. In walked a woman who seemed to possess an air of graceful elegance; she stood slightly taller than Joanna, roughly around the same height as Ashleigh, making her presence immediately noticeable.

This new arrival boasted lustrous chestnut brown hair, artfully arranged in a neat bun that framed her face beautifully. With a curvy build that exuded confidence and self-assurance, she carried her fairly neat-looking baby bump with pride, complementing her figure rather than overwhelming it. Ashleigh observed that the new woman and Joanna appeared to be around the same age, perhaps in their late thirties.

Dressed in a cheerful yellow polka-dot top that hugged her body just right, the fabric seemed to radiate warmth and friendliness. She paired it with a loose-fitting pair of leggings that added an element of comfort to her ensemble, creating a perfect blend of style and ease that showcased her fashionable flair.

“Lucy, you look wonderful,” Joanna exclaimed, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm as she leaned in to kiss her friend on the cheek. The warmth of their friendship enveloped the space, making it feel even cosier. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the inviting aroma of baked goods that had been prepared just for this occasion, perfectly complementing the cheerful atmosphere.

“As do you Joanna, you always do,” replied Lucy warmly, with a huge smile before she turned her attention to the table where Ashleigh was sitting.

“Lucy, this is Ashleigh, the newest member to our little group who I was telling you about,” said Joanna with an inviting smile, gesturing towards Ashleigh with a sense of pride and warmth. Ashleigh could feel the cheerful energy radiating from both women, enveloping her in their friendly atmosphere. As Lucy’s bright hazel eyes met Ashleigh’s, she offered a welcoming smile that instantly put Ashleigh at ease.

“Hi there, Ashleigh! It’s so good to finally meet you!” Lucy exclaimed, her voice a melodic blend of excitement and genuine warmth. She approached Ashleigh with open arms, and the two exchanged a light hug that felt like an embrace between long-lost friends rather than new acquaintances.

Ashleigh couldn’t help but admire Lucy’s effortless charm and radiant presence. She was the kind of person who lit up a room, and her easy laughter seemed contagious. Lucy’s fashion sense, combined with her glowing complexion and confident demeanour, made her all the more captivating.

“I’ve heard so much about you from Joanna,” Lucy continued as she settled into her chair at the table, her movements graceful and fluid. “She can't stop raving about how you’ve been such a fantastic addition to our little circle! I’m really looking forward to getting to know you better.”

Ashleigh was slightly taken aback. Had Joanna been talking about her to other members of the group? The thought stirred a mix of emotions within her—surprise, excitement, and curiosity. What exactly had Joanna been saying? What impression did she leave? These thoughts danced in her mind as she studied Lucy's inviting demeanour, intrigued by the sense of camaraderie that seemed to already be woven into the fabric of their gathering.

“You…you have?” muttered Ashleigh, her smile slightly faltering for a moment.

“Of course I have, darling, but only good things, I promise,” replied Lucy, her hazel eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Joanna went on to explain to Lucy that today was only going to be a small gathering as she sat back down at the table.

“Oh I know sweetie,” replied Lucy, “I’ve been talking with Emily. She said it was going to be the three of us, Ashleigh and Robyn of course,” she added, “She also said she would be collecting Robyn on her way here.”

“Oh that’s great,” said Joanna, her voice lightening at the prospect of a cosy get-together. “I think it’s nice to keep things intimate sometimes. It allows for deeper conversations and a chance to really connect.” She smiled at both Lucy and Ashleigh, her eyes sparkling with joy at the thought of their shared moments together.

Lucy nodded enthusiastically, her own excitement radiating.

 “Exactly! Plus, I feel like there’s so much for us to catch up on. I’ve been dying to hear more about you, Ashleigh. What do you enjoy outside of work? Any hobbies or passions that keep you busy?” Her inquiry came effortlessly, however, Ashleigh felt rather put on the spot.

“I…I erm,” she muttered in response before Joanna interrupted,

“Give the girl a chance, Lucy,” she giggled, “You just met her and already giving her the third degree!” She shot Ashleigh a reassuring smile, hoping to ease the tension that had suddenly filled the air.

Taking a deep breath, Ashleigh felt a wave of relief wash over her, grateful for Joanna's intervention. The friendly banter helped ease the spotlight's harsh glare.

However, before Ashleigh could gather her thoughts and share a little about herself, Lucy continued, her curiosity unrestrained. “Oh, and by the way, have you given our newbie the heads up about you know who?” Lucy leapt into the conversation, excitement creeping back into her voice before Ashleigh could utter even a syllable.

“I was going to get to that,” Joanna interjected, her playful tone signalling that whatever was coming next was bound to be interesting. Ashleigh's heart raced a little as she wondered what “you know who” could entail.

“Well, you had better make it quick; they could be here any moment now,” urged Lucy with an air of urgency, giving Ashleigh a clear indication that they were indeed talking about one of two possible people—either Emily or Robyn.

Joanna turned to Ashleigh, her expression shifting from light-heartedness to a grave seriousness that made Ashleigh sit up a little straighter.

“Ashleigh, you know how I mentioned in the car that Robyn can be fairly loud,” she began, the gravity of Joanna's voice piquing Ashleigh’s curiosity. Ashleigh nodded slowly as she sipped her coffee, feeling the familiar warmth seep through her as she prepared herself for what was to come.

“Well…she…she, she’s not like the rest of us, the poor girl,” Joanna continued, her brow furrowed with concern. The casual chatter that once filled their conversation was slowly fading, replaced with a palpable sense of empathy for the young woman they were discussing.

“Wayward is the best way to describe her,” Lucy interjected once more, her voice full of conviction but marred by Joanna’s glare, urging her to tread lightly on the sensitive topic.

Joanna’s eyes softened as she continued, “The poor girl, she’s only just turned twenty. The father of her baby doesn’t really bother with her. I mean, he’s completely out of the picture. She has a history of drug use—real struggles that she’s still battling. She ran away from home at the age of fifteen, seeking freedom but instead finding chaos.” She paused, glancing away as if recalling painful memories. “We kind of brought her into this group as a way of…looking after her ourselves,” Joanna concluded, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with a mix of compassion and resignation.

Ashleigh’s heart ached at the thought of Robyn’s struggles. It was a stark contrast to their own seemingly safe and stable lives.

“What Joanna is trying to say is that… well… she is like the daughter of this group,” Lucy added, her tone shifting to one of serious gravity. It was rare for her to drop her usual light-heartedness, but this was clearly a matter of the heart. “We all treat her as if she is our own, because, in a way, she is. We see so much potential in her; it’s just buried under layers of pain and difficulty.”

Ashleigh sat there, stunned for a moment, unable to find words to say,

“So…what about her own parents?” she finally asked, “Surely they won’t see their daughter struggle.”

Ashleigh processed this realisation, momentarily stunned into silence, grappling with the depth of emotion flooding through her. Unable to find the right words at first, she finally managed to articulate her thoughts. “So… what about her own parents?” she asked, genuine concern lacing her voice. “Surely they won’t just let their daughter struggle without trying to help?”

“Oh...” as she attempted to wrap her mind around the complex reality of a life that was so distant from her own. Ideas of lost connections and strained relationships danced through her mind, amplifying her sympathy for someone she hadn’t even met yet.

Joanna’s voice broke into her contemplation as she continued,

“We tell you this now, not to single her out or anything…more to give you…a briefing shall we say.” She leaned in slightly, a glimmer of hope illuminating her gaze as she spoke of Robyn’s potential. “She is a wonderful, bright young girl, but she can easily be taken the wrong way. There’s a lot to unravel, and we just want you to be aware, to understand the gravity of the situation and the brightness that still shines within her despite her circumstances.”

Each word resonated deeply within Ashleigh, sparking a desire to know more about this girl whose struggles had become intertwined with her own narrative, urging her to reach out and connect in whatever way she could. Whilst only further adding to the realisation of the privileged life she, herself now lives.

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