Resequencing DNA

Chapter 67

Amidst the chatter of the group, Ashleigh's mind raced in a futile attempt to process the magnitude of her mother's diagnosis. She knew there was a motive for her mother’s impromptu visit, yet, she never expected to hear those words leave her mother’s mouth.

Voices of those around her seemed to merge into an indistinct hum, their words becoming meaningless. It was as if she had been plunged into a desolate void where all joy and hope had been extinguished.

Time seemed to stretch infinitely as Ashleigh struggled to reconcile the reality of her mother's illness. The vibrant colours of the restaurant seemed to fade into a dull grey, stripping away any semblance of emotion.

Suddenly, a gentle voice broke through the haze that had enveloped her.

“Ashleigh...Ashleigh...are you okay?” Pippa's concerned voice reached her ears.

Ashleigh could hear her friend's words, but they felt distant as if they were coming from another realm. It was as though she had become trapped in a labyrinth of despair, lost and unable to find her way back.

Slowly, Pippa's voice began to penetrate the darkness that had consumed Ashleigh. With each gentle word, she felt a flicker of warmth return to her heart. She realized that despite the overwhelming pain, she was not alone.

“Ashleigh!” Pippa continued to call out.

“Y…Yes…I…I’m fine,” Ashleigh mumbled, turning her gaze towards Pippa.

“You don’t look fine,” Pippa replied softly.

Ashleigh turned to look at her mother who sat the other side of her. As their eyes met, Grace smiled at her daughter,

“So…what…what are they doing about it?” Ashleigh asked, her voice trembling. “how can you move here? Won’t they be providing treatment back home?”

Grace looked at her daughter, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and acceptance.

“Oh Ashleigh…” answered Grace, “I’m sorry but…I decided to decline any treatment,” she added softly.

A wave of emotion washed over Ashleigh, threatening to engulf her in its depths,

“What!” she exclaimed, “No…no, I’m not accepting this…Mum…you’re going to be fine…we’ll fight this.”

Grace reached out and gently placed her hand on her daughter's.

“I’m sorry, my girl, but I've made up my mind,” she said, before sighing heavily. “I've had a decent enough life, Ashleigh, especially seeing now how you are thriving. I don't want to spend my last days in pain and uncertainty. I want to enjoy the time I have left with you.”

“No! I will not just sit back and accept this...” said Ashleigh, “I can’t do it…” she added as she got up from her seat.

“Where are you going?” asked Grace,

“I need some air,” Ashleigh snapped, grabbing her handbag and leaving the table.

As Ashleigh walked out of the restaurant, a sense of helplessness washed over her. She could not bear the thought of losing her mother. Even though Grace had been absent in her life for all this time, it didn’t change that fact. Ashleigh rested her back against the wall, a few feet from the entrance to the restaurant.

“How…how could she choose to just give up like this?” Ashleigh thought to herself as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

“Fuck it!” she exclaimed, overwhelmed by anger and desperation, she reached into her handbag and retrieved a cigarette, her trembling hands fumbling with the lighter.

At that moment, Ashleigh heard a familiar voice,

“Ashleigh,” said Pippa softly, “I know…I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now. Just know…I’m here for you…we all are.”

Ashleigh took a drag of her cigarette and looked up, her eyes meeting Pippa's. A glimmer of hope flickered in her heart.

“Thank you,” Ashleigh replied, her voice breaking as she sobbed. “I just…I don’t get it Pip…how can she choose to give up. She has been so excited…about being a Grandmother…how can she even risk not meeting her Grandchild.”

Pippa placed a comforting hand on Ashleigh's shoulder,

“I know, honey. It's hard to understand,” said Pippa, in a reassuring tone.

“I mean, why wait until now to tell me?” sobbed Ashleigh.

Pippa hesitated for a moment,

“I personally think the reason she didn’t tell you right away…was because she was trying to protect you,” explained Pippa, “Her priority…it’s not herself right now…hell…it’s not even you,” she added.

Ashleigh's confusion grew.

“What do you mean?” she asked, still unable to think clearly.

“Ashleigh…your Mum knows that you're going through a lot right yourself now,” explained Pippa, “You're pregnant...and she didn't want to burden you with this news. She wanted you to focus on your own happiness...on your own family.”

Ashleigh fell silent as Pippa's words sank in. She took one final drag of her cigarette before discarding it,

“I…I guess you’re right,” she responded, “I just…I can’t get over how…how fucking flippant she’s being with it all. Oh yeah by the way Ashleigh, I’m moving here to be close to you and my Grandchild…but hey, I don’t know how long for…because I’m fucking dying,” continued Ashleigh, in a voice that was clearly imitating her mother. “Like I’m just supposed to say, oh yeah, great Mum…yeah we would love to just sit back and watch you fucking die! Oh no, fuck treatment, because…you know…just no fucking thank you, I’d rather just leave my daughter and grandchild.”

“Ash…you know I love you…right,” said Pippa softly.

Ashleigh took a deep breath and nodded,

“Honestly Pip…I love you too, you’re my best friend,” replied Ashleigh.

Pippa smiled,                                                                        

“Exactly,” replied Pippa, “Now as your best friend…you need to calm down…as hard as that is…your Mum doesn’t need this, on top of everything else.”

Ashleigh fell silent, as Pippa continued,

“See…Ash…you have to think of it this way…if she were to be gone tomorrow…and you’d spent your last day with her, filled with nothing but anger towards her…would you be able to live with that?” Pippa asked.

Ashleigh remained silent as she deliberated Pippa’s words.

“I know you Ash…and I can answer that…I know you’d never forgive yourself,” Pippa added.

One last, solitary tear escaped Ashleigh’s eye and gently rolled down her cheek.

“Now…are you ready to come back inside?” asked Pippa, placing her hand gently on Ashleigh’s arm as she awaited her response.

Ashleigh gently wiped away the remnants of her tears,

“WES…why didn’t I think of that before,” thought Ashleigh, recalling the very first conversation she’d had with him regarding his invention. “Can you imagine the ramifications… this could revolutionise the way we do things, not only cosmetic procedures but surgeries, fixing defects in the human body…the possibilities are endless.”

“Sure…I can do this,” replied Ashleigh, “besides…I have an idea…I WILL save her, whether she likes it or not,” she added as she began to make her way back into the restaurant, leaving Pippa wide-eyed after hearing what Ashleigh had just declared.

Ashleigh took a deep breath as she approached the table, she stopped just short, her heart racing, her head now beginning to feel as though it was about to implode. She then felt her hand being gently squeezed. Ashleigh turned to see Pippa standing beside her once more,

“You got this Ash…I’ve got your back,” whispered Pippa.

Ashleigh took another deep breath and made the last few steps towards the table.

“Hey…Ashleigh my darling girl, are you okay?” asked Grace, her voice filled with nothing but love and affection for her daughter.

“I'm so sorry, Mum,” Ashleigh said, sitting down next to her. “I…I didn't mean to overreact.”

“It's okay, my dear,' Grace replied, patting her hand. “I know this is hard for you. But I want you to know that I love you and I'm so proud of the beautiful, kind, intelligent woman that you've become. And I know without a shadow of a doubt, you will be the best mother your child could ever ask for. ”

Hearing her mother’s words, Ashleigh could feel her eyes beginning to well up once more,

“I…I love you, Mum,” whispered Ashleigh softly.

“I love you too, sweetheart,” replied Grace, “But enough of this…I’m not going anywhere just yet,” she continued with a smile, “We have an appointment to get to, remember,” she added, her tone just as upbeat as it had been before she’d broken the news of her illness.

“Oh really, what appointment would that be?” asked Vivian, as she clearly attempted to steer the conversation to a lighter tone.

“It’s just a doctor's appointment, that’s all,” muttered Ashleigh, before Grace cut in.

“Ashleigh has her first appointment with a ‘lady doctor’,” stated Grace with a chuckle, “You know…to do with her pregnancy.”

Ashleigh felt so embarrassed by her mother’s outburst.

“Mum…I told you to stop saying that,” she muttered as quietly as she could before looking around the table to see the reaction of the other ladies.

Despite Ashleigh's embarrassment, she was shocked to find that she was the only one in the group who wasn’t laughing. In fact, Vivian was now laughing so hard, she was red in the face and tears strolling down her cheeks.

“My goodness, Grace, I have never heard that term in all my life,” uttered Vivian, as she continued to laugh, ow gently dabbing her eyes with a napkin. “I imagine you are referring to an obstetrician.”

Grace nodded in response, looking rather proud of the response she had gotten,

“That would be the one,” she said, “However, I can never pronounce the silly word…I much prefer my way,” she added with a smile.

“That reminds me, I have my first appointment in two days' time,” Pippa chimed in, with a smile etched on her first.

“Oh…splendid,” stated Vivian, as she looked at her own daughter with a look of pride on her face. “You know, you should allow me to accompany you, just as Grace is doing with Ashleigh,” she added.

“Of course,” replied Pippa, “Nothing would make me happier,” she added.

“Perfect,” exclaimed Grace, beaming with pride.

“Ashleigh, you’ll have to let me know how it goes and what to expect,” said Pippa, smiling at her friend.

“I will…” replied Ashleigh, “However, I must admit, I am a little nervous myself,” she added.

“Oh my darlings, you have nothing to be worried about,” said Vivian, “It’s a position both Grace and I have been in, in the past, I assure you, it’ll be fine.”

“I agree, Vivian, you will both be absolutely fine, especially with two wise old heads like Vivian and I by your sides,” said Grace with a smile.

As Elle summoned a waitress to get the bill, the group continued to chat with each other.

As the waitress brought the bill, she placed it on the table, Vivian quickly picked it up and looked at it,

“My treat, ladies,” Vivian stated, “Well…my husband's treat,” she added with a chuckle.

“You really don’t have to, Vivian,” said Ashleigh, to which she was quickly cut off by her future Mother-in-law.

“Nonsense my dear,” she said warmly, “It’s the very least I can do after you two have brought us such joyous news.”

“Thank you,” said both Ashleigh and Pippa.

“That reminds me…” said Vivian, casting a sharp eye on the two young women as the waitress processed the payment. “Are the two young men, aware of their pending fatherhood?”

Both Ashleigh and Pippa shook their heads,

“Good heavens,” exclaimed Vivian, “You will have to find the right, special moment to tell them…and do not leave it too long.”

The ladies all got up from their table and began to leave the restaurant.

“Remember, my dears, it's a moment that will change their lives forever, just as much as it will your own,” added Vivian as they left the building and walked back to the car park.

As they each said their goodbyes, Vivian turned to Grace,

“I do look forward to seeing you again Grace, it has been wonderful to meet you,” she said, her eyes filled with warmth and kindness.

“Indeed, I very much look forward to seeing you again too,” replied Grace with a smile.

As Vivian turned to leave, she paused and looked at Grace with a more serious expression.

“And remember what I told you, dear,” she said, her tone now matching her expression.

“I…I shall consider it,” Grace uttered in response, as Ashleigh looked rather puzzled.

“Hopefully Vivian has talked some sense into my mother,” thought Ashleigh as she climbed into the car, waiting for her mother to join her. However, whilst she waited, she pulled out her mobile phone and began to type out a text message.

“Wes…I need your help, this is urgent. Call me when you can. Ashleigh.”

Just as she hit send, Grace joined her daughter in the car.

“They are all such lovely people,” stated Grace, “I can see why you think so highly of them.”

“I don’t think I could be without them now Mum,” replied Ashleigh, “Just as I can’t be without you.”

“I do love you, my darling girl,” responded Grace, “It is also clear, that they all think of you, just as you do them.”

“What was that all about?” asked Ashleigh, glancing at her mother before she pulled out of the parking spot.

“What was what, darling?” replied Grace, though it was clear she knew what Ashleigh was referring to, it was obvious she was not that willing to share.

“What you and Vivian spoke of,” Ashleigh continued to probe.

However, Grace sat in silence, choosing to ignore her daughter’s question as she gazed out of the window.

Ashleigh drove out of the car park and began to make her way to her doctor’s appointment,

“So…this is how we’re doing this, is it?” asked Ashleigh, to which her mother remained in silence.

“Fine…have it your way,” Ashleigh thought as she drove.

After driving in complete silence, it wasn’t long before Ashleigh parked up close to the clinic where her appointment was scheduled to take place with Dr Reid.

“Let’s do this,” thought Ashleigh as she took a deep breath and unbuckled her seatbelt.

“You’ll be fine, I promise,” said Grace softly, placing a reassuring hand on Ashleigh’s shoulder.

“Oh…so now you’ll speak to me,” thought Ashleigh, “Yet you avoid my questions.”

“Thanks, Mum,” replied Ashleigh, forcing herself to smile before the pair got out of the car, “You were right before by the way…I never imagined I’d need to see an Obs…obster…lady doctor, in my life,” she added with a nervous giggle as the pair made their way to the entrance.

Grace smiled and stepped forward to open the door to the clinic,

“After you, my girl,” she said with a huge, beaming smile.

Ashleigh could feel her heart racing as she stepped into the brightly lit waiting room of the clinic. The air was filled with a sense of both anticipation and anxiety. Women of all ages and all different stages of their journey into motherhood sat waiting patiently, their faces etched with a range of emotions. Some of them sat with their partners, both male and female, whilst others sat quietly, alone.

“You take a seat, my dear,” whispered Grace, to which Ashleigh nodded.

As Ashleigh took a seat, as anxious as she was, she glanced around the room and couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the other women. Each of them was embarking on a unique and life-changing journey, and she was no exception.

She watched as her mother approached the reception desk and began to speak to the young lady who tended to it.

“Is this your first?” A soft voice broke into Ashleigh's reverie.

“E…excuse me?” replied Ashleigh, turning to look at the woman who sat beside her.

She was a dark-haired woman who looked to be in her early thirties. She was sitting cradling her rather large bump. She smiled gently, her eyes twinkling with understanding,

“Is this your first child,” the woman clarified.

“Y…yes,” replied Ashleigh, her voice trembling with nerves, her mouth feeling dry, as she tried to speak.

“Aw, How lovely,” said the woman, “I remember my first like it was yesterday, I remember being a nervous wreck, it’s an absolute whirlwind of emotions, isn’t it,” she continued.

Ashleigh nodded nervously, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and fear.

“Honestly, relax sweetie, you’re in good hands here,” said the woman in a soft, reassuring tone.

“So…I’m guessing this isn’t your first,” replied Ashleigh.

The woman chuckled softly,

“No, this is my third…and fourth actually…twins,” she said with a huge smile on her face, “The first one is always the most nerve-wracking, but it's also the most magical.”

“Wow…you must really like being a mother,” said Ashleigh, not really knowing what to say, but instantly regretting her choice of words.

“Oh, that I do,” the woman responded with a radiant smile. “It's the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I've ever done,” she added, “I’m Joanna, by the way.”

 “I’m Ashleigh,” she replied with a smile.

Grace then walked over and sat down beside her daughter,

“All booked in, apparently we shouldn’t be waiting too long,” she stated as she took her seat.

Ashleigh nodded silently, her anxiety remained but as she mulled over Joanna’s words, she couldn’t help but feel a strange comfort wash over her.

A nurse then entered the waiting room,

“Joanna Swanson,” she called.

Ashleigh watched as Joanna slowly stood up, her face beaming with excitement,

“That would be me,” she said before turning to look at Ashleigh, “Nice to meet you, Ashleigh, I hope to see you again, but if not, the best of luck to you and your child,” she said warmly.

“Lovely to meet you too,” replied Ashleigh as she watched the woman she had just met, slowly and steadily make her way towards the nurse. Each step looked like a struggle and yet, Joanna carried on with elegance and poise, a smile etched on her face the entire time.

Grace looked at her daughter, who was clearly watching the heavily pregnant lady,

“Are you okay?” Grace whispered.

“Yeah…I…I just…how is she…her bump…is…” muttered Ashleigh before turning to her mother, a look of alarm on her face, “I won’t be…will I?” she muttered, unable to complete her sentences. Yet luckily Grace was able to translate, just what her daughter was referring to.

“You will be fine dear,” Grace replied with a soft chuckle, trying to ease her daughter’s concern, “As women, we just soldier on, regardless of how uncomfortable it can get. And nobody can determine, especially at this stage, just how big your bump will be,” she added with a smile.

Ashleigh swallowed, hard,

“What…what if I’m expecting twins…like Joanna,” she pondered, “I truly don’t think I’d cope.”

Grace chuckled softly as she continued,

“That's the beauty of pregnancy, my dear,” she said with a smile. “We never know what it will bring. But one thing is certain: you will have the strength to face whatever comes your way.”

Soon enough, another nurse made her way into the waiting room,

“Ashleigh Pritchard,” she called out.

Ashleigh felt a tight knot form in the pit of her stomach as she took a deep breath and got to her feet.

“Here we go,” thought Ashleigh as she made her way across the room to where the nurse was waiting.

“Hello Ashleigh, if you would like to follow me,” said the nurse with a broad smile.

Ashleigh did as the nurse instructed and followed her down a corridor. The nurse came to an abrupt halt and turned to face Ashleigh as she directed her into a room off to the side.

Ashleigh entered the examination room, noticing the sterile, clinical environment. The white tiled floor, white walls, and bright fluorescent lights create a stark contrast to the warmth and comfort of the reception area.  The walls were adorned with a number of posters offering pregnancy and childbirth advice and information. In the corner of the room were two chairs that were positioned facing a desk. in the other corner of the room was a typical, blue screen and in the centre of the room was an adjustable bed.

“If you would like to take a seat,” said the nurse, “Dr Reid shall be with you very shortly,” she added before turning and leaving the room, closing the door behind her with a gentle click.

Ashleigh and Grace sat in the chairs, facing the desk. Ashleigh couldn’t help but look at the posters that were on the wall.

“How are you feeling sweetie?” asked Grace in a hushed voice.

Ashleigh took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“If I’m honest…I'm a mix of emotions,” she replied, “I’m excited, nervous, scared and everything in between.”

Grace gently squeezed the hand of her daughter,

“You know Ash, what I found is, it flies by,” said Grace, “One minute you’re sat here for your first appointment…next thing you’re holding the most precious thing in your arms that you could ever ask for,” she explained with a look of love and pride in her eyes.

A few seconds later the door opened. Ashleigh looked around to see a woman wearing a long white coat who looked to be in her early forties enter the room. Her blonde hair was tied back rather tightly, framing a face that exuded both confidence and compassion.

“Hello, I'm Dr Clara Reid,” she said, introducing herself with a warm smile as she closed the door behind her, “So, who do we have here?”

“I’m Ashleigh,” replied Ashleigh, her voice slightly trembling.

Dr. Reid smiled.

“It's lovely to meet you, Ashleigh,” she replied, “And who is this we have with you?”

“This is my Mum,” Ashleigh explained.

“Lovely to meet you,” replied Dr Reid as she made her way around and sat at the desk before she began typing on the computer.

“So…Ashleigh, tell me what’s been going on with you,” stated Dr Reid.

Ashleigh explained to the Doctor the symptoms she had been experiencing the past few weeks, from the tiredness, missing her period, the nausea and the reoccurring metallic taste. Dr Reid sat back in her chair, listening intently before she began to look at her computer.

“Well, based on what you've told me, it sounds highly likely that you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms,” said Dr Reid  “Have you seen your own GP?”

Ashleigh shook her head sheepishly in response to the question,

“I…erm…I’m not currently registered to one,” she replied.

“I see…” said Dr Reid, “Well…first of all…I think we shall have a little look. If you would be so kind as to pop behind that screen and get undressed, you’ll find a gown you can put on,” explained Dr Reid as she got up out of her chair. “I shall be back in a moment,” she added as she walked towards the door.

With trembling hands, Ashleigh undressed and slipped into the gown behind the partition.

“You need to relax, Ashleigh,” stated Grace, “It may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but it needs to be done and you will be fine.”

No sooner had her mother uttered words of encouragement, Dr Reid reentered the room,

“How are we doing behind there, Ashleigh?” she asked “All set?”

Ashleigh nervously finished fastening up the gown before speaking up,

“All sorted…” she mumbled anxiously.

“Excellent,” replied Dr Reid, “Now if you would like to come lie on this bed for me, we shall begin.”

“Here goes…” thought Ashleigh.

With a deep breath, she made her way out from behind the screen, just as Dr Reid was putting down a paper cover on the bed.

“Just pop yourself up here for me and lie back,” Dr Reid instructed, patting the bed as she smiled softly.

Ashleigh followed the Doctor’s instructions,

“Now just relax for me, okay,” said Dr Reid as she began her examination.

She began by taking Ashleigh’s vitals, checking her blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature before she began to inspect Ashleigh’s abdomen, pressing and prodding in different areas.

“Okay Ashleigh…this is where things can get a little uncomfortable,” explained Dr Reid, “If it gets too uncomfortable, just let me know,” she said reassuringly. Dr Reid proceeded to explain that she now had to examine Ashleigh's cervix to confirm the pregnancy. She used one hand to press down on Ashleigh's abdomen and the other to insert two fingers into her vagina.

“Yeah…this…this feels weird,” thought Ashleigh, as she felt the Doctor’s fingers inside of her, probing around, “All of this…and yet we haven’t even dated,” she thought, trying to use humour to distract her from her discomfort.

“I'm going to insert a speculum,” said Dr Reid. “It's a small, plastic instrument that will help me see your cervix.”

 Ashleigh nodded,

“Just…do what you need to do Doctor,” replied Ashleigh with a nervous laugh.

“Okayyyy,” stated Dr Reid as she gently inserted the speculum and began to examine Ashleigh's cervix.

The Doctor finished up by taking a swab.

After taking the swab, Dr Reid removed the speculum and helped Ashleigh sit up.

“Okay, that's all for the examination,” she stated with a smile. “Ashleigh, I can safely confirm, you are pregnant, congratulations.”

“R…R…really,” mumbled Ashleigh. Even though she had tested positive on the test, Pippa had given her, hearing a Doctor actually confirm it, was something else entirely.

“Yes, Ashleigh,” Dr Reid affirmed. “I can feel the uterus and the embryo is present. It's still early days, but everything appears to be progressing normally.”

Ashleigh silently got up from the bed and made her way behind the screen once more to get dressed. From behind the screen, Ashleigh could hear her mother discussing different topics with the doctor, as she said she was going to do such as getting help to quit smoking. She could hear what was being said and yet none of it was truly sinking in. All that was going through her mind was the fact that a doctor had just confirmed that she was carrying a child.

“I…I’m actually carrying…another little person…” she thought, “Someone…Elijah and I…we created…that I will be responsible for.”

Ashleigh reemerged from behind the screen and sat back down beside her mother who had a bunch of pamphlets in her hands.

 “I'm going to send the swab to the lab for testing, just to ensure there is no infection. There doesn’t appear to be but it’s better to be safe,” explained Dr Reid. “I'll call you with the results. In the meantime, I want you to start taking prenatal vitamins and make an appointment with a GP as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, for everything Doctor,” said Grace, with a smile.

“It’s my pleasure,” replied Dr Reid as she got up from her seat and approached the door. “ One last thing, Ashleigh. When we get the results of the swab, we can book your next appointment. From there we will do an ultrasound and you’ll get to see your baby,” she explained with a smile.

“Sounds…great,” said Ashleigh before she and Grace left the Doctor’s office.

“See…wasn’t so bad, was it,” stated Grace as they got back outside.

Ashleigh simply looked at her mother and raised her eyebrows, causing Grace to begin laughing. 

As Ashleigh began to approach the car, Grace began to walk in a different direction.

“Where are you going?” asked Ashleigh.

“I’ll be back shortly,” stated Grace, disappearing inside a pharmacy a few doors down from the clinic.

Ashleigh made her way back to the car, where she sat anxiously tapping on her steering wheel, impatiently waiting for her mother to return.

As she sat waiting, she couldn’t help but notice her handbag as it lay in the footwell, realising that her pack of cigarettes and lighter were inside. A momentary temptation surged through her, as she picked up her bag and placed it on her lap. As she began reaching inside, however, she looked down at her tummy and got the thought of her unborn child that was developing inside her. A wave of love and protectiveness washed over her. In that moment, the temptation dissipated. As hard as it was going to be, the well-being of her child became her paramount concern.

“Uh…I can’t,” she thought, taking out her phone before tossing her handbag into the back seat of the car.

As she checked her phone, she noticed there was still no reply from Wesley,

“C’mon Wes…I need your help,” she thought before dialling his number, only to be greeted by an automated message saying the number was currently available.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed, “What the fuck is going on?”

As she looked up from her phone, her mother was getting in the car carrying a bag from the pharmacy.

“Is everything alright, sweetie?” asked Grace, seeing the look of frustration in her daughter’s eyes.

“Yeah…it will be,” Ashleigh replied, sounding somewhat unconvincing, “So…now that’s out of the way…care to tell me what you and Vivian were discussing earlier?” she asked.

Grace fell silent once more, choosing to again look out of the window,

“You know…I can’t be fucking bothered with anyone’s silly games right now,” stated Ashleigh, starting up the car, “I need to go home.”

Ashleigh turned on the radio and drove home without a word exchanged between her and her mother. As she arrived at the gates of her home, Ashleigh developed a knot in the pit of her stomach, there was something not right, yet she didn’t know what. Was it the fact it was now confirmed that she was pregnant, the lack of communication from Elijah and Wesley, or her mother’s silence?  

The knot in Ashleigh's stomach grew tighter as she stepped out of the car and made her way towards the front door. She hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, before opening the door. Mrs Henry was the first face that she noticed, yet she had a smile even wider than usual.

“Good afternoon Miss Ashleigh,” stated the older woman, sounding rather upbeat.

Ashleigh looked at her, her eyes narrowed,

“Is…Is Elijah home?” asked Ashleigh, curiously.

“Yes, he is,” replied Mrs Henry, “How was lunch? How was your appointment?”

However, Ashleigh was in no mood to respond to her questions, instead, she walked straight past her,

“ELIJAH!” she called out from the middle of the main hall.

Just then, the living room door opened and Elijah stood in the doorway, a look on his face that spoke volumes. His expression was a mixture of uncertainty and something else that Ashleigh couldn't quite decipher. He had clearly been expecting her, but it was impossible to tell if his anticipation was positive or negative.

“Ashleigh…” muttered Elijah softly, before another voice could be heard.

“Mummy, mummy,” cried out the voice of a small child.

Ashleigh's eyes widened as her gaze shifted towards the source of the sound. In the doorway where Elijah stood, a little girl, around the age of 4 or 5 came running past him, its arms outstretched, a look of longing etched upon its face.

Ashleigh stared at the little girl as she ran toward her,

“Mummy, mummy,” she continued to cry out.

“Who…who are you?” thought Ashleigh and yet, she couldn’t shake the sense of familiarity or was it more than that? “Why…why do I feel like…like I’m her mother?” she pondered as she looked into the eyes of the little girl, her blue eyes, twinkling as she made her way to Ashleigh, her auburn locks swishing around her shoulders as she ran.  

“W…Wes…Wesley?” thought Ashleigh, “Elijah…what have you done?”

As the child got to Ashleigh, she picked her up in her arms,

“Mummy, where have you been?” asked the little girl.

“I’ve…erm…I’ve been out…with…with Grandma,” Ashleigh muttered in response.

“Isn’t it fantastic Miss,” stated Mrs Henry, “Reunited with your little girl, Mr Elijah told me how awful your ex partner was and how he wouldn’t give you custody.”

“Indeed…” replied Ashleigh, “Go play with Grandma,” she said to the little girl, putting her back down on the ground. “Elijah…you…what have you…we need to talk…”  

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