Resequencing DNA

Chapter 63

Pippa's eyes flickered nervously back and forth between the test strip and Ashleigh, who paced restlessly across the floor, her hands trembling. The seconds ticked by like hours, each one stretching into an unbearable eternity.

Suddenly, Pippa's voice broke the silence, a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

“Oh my,” muttered Pippa, her eyes now fixed fixed on the test strip, her voice barely above a whisper. “Ashleigh... you're pregnant.”

The news hit Ashleigh like a bombshell, shattering her world into a thousand pieces.

“What…no…I…can’t…no,” Ashleigh mumbled, unable to form a cohesive sentence as she held back tears.

Pippa swiftly rushed to her friend's side, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Pippa whispered soothingly, “it’s okay, everything will be okay, I promise,” she added.

“I…I’ve been a woman for a few months…how am I supposed to be a mother,” Ashleigh sobbed into Pippa's shoulder, her voice laced with fear and uncertainty.

Pippa placed a hand on the back of Ashleigh’s head as she continued to rest against her shoulder,

“Ash…you listen to me…okay,” she began, her voice filled with love and support. “I know…you’re life has changed so much already…in such a short time, but look at how you’ve adapted,” Pippa explained, “You've become a remarkable young woman, Ashleigh… You've already overcome so much. You'll be an incredible mother, for that I am sure. You're kind, compassionate, and have a heart of gold. Your child is blessed to have you.”

Ashleigh remained nestled in Pippa's embrace, her tears gradually subsiding, as the pair stood in silence before eventually, Pippa spoke up once more,

“We'll get through this together,” she said, her voice filled with determination. “I'm here for you every step of the way...and remember, I’ll be going through this too and I’m just as scared as you are,” she added.

“You are?” whispered Ashleigh, her eyes widened in surprise as she slowly lifted her head from Pippa's shoulder.

“Absolutely,” replied Pippa, placing a hand on her own stomach, “I’m scared to death.”

“But you seemed so…so excited,” Ashleigh remarked.

Pippa smiled warmly at her friend,

“I am excited too…don’t get me wrong, but the thought of becoming a mother…I find it absolutely terrifying,” she explained. “And you know what…it’s okay…you know…it would be wrong if we weren’t scared,” she added with a smile, “The responsibility ahead of us is immense, but for every bit of fear, there is an equal measure of beauty. We can do this..”

Ashleigh stood there for a moment, taking in Pippa’s words before she gently nodded. Pippa softly squeezed her hand and smiled.

Their moment was soon to be interrupted, however, by a gentle tapping at the door,

“Ashleigh…are you in there?” asked Elijah from the other side of the door.

Ashleigh’s eyes widened as she began to panic.

“Yes…Elijah, she’s here with me,” called Pippa, “I just…needed a moment…and Ashleigh was there for me.”

“Oh,” Elijah replied, “Is everything alright?” he asked.  

“Yes, everything is fine,” Pippa replied, “We shall be right out.”

Ashleigh picked up the pregnancy test, her eyes looking somewhat panicked, how could she hide? her heart pounding in her chest.

If she took the test with her, Elijah, her boyfriend, would likely discover it. The truth would be out, and Ashleigh wasn't ready to face that just yet. She couldn't lie and say it belonged to Pippa, her best friend, because Pippa wasn't ready to announce her own pregnancy.

Discarding the test in Pippa's bathroom was also a risky option. Edward, Pippa's husband, was sure to find it and discover Pippa's secret prematurely. If Ashleigh claimed it was hers, she would be faced with the same dilemma.

“Okay,” answered Elijah.

Pippa pressed her ear to the door before giving Ashleigh the thumbs up, signalling Elijah’s departure.

As Ashleigh continued to panic,

“I have an idea,” Pippa declared, returning to the medicine cupboard once more. She emerged with an open packet containing sanitary towels, “here, put it in here,” she stated.

With trembling hands, Ashleigh concealed the pregnancy test among the pads, ensuring it remained hidden from view. Pippa skillfully wrapped the packaging and placed it deep within Ashleigh's handbag, burying it beneath her belongings.

“There,” she declared, her voice a mixture of relief and triumph, “nobody should be any wiser.”

Ashleigh breathed a sigh of relief as she thanked Pippa for her ingenuity. The pregnancy test remained a secret, hidden away from prying eyes.

Ashleigh washed her hands before going to the mirror to fix her makeup, yet her eyes were still slightly bloodshot as a result of her tears.

“Get it together Ashleigh,” she thought as she stared at her reflection.

As Ashleigh finished up, Pippa took her gently by the hand once more, a warm smile on her face.

“We can do this Ash,” she said softly and reassuringly.

Ashleigh drew a deep breath, her gaze falling upon the diamond ring that now sparkled on her finger, she forced a smile on her face and nodded

“A few months ago…I’m a guy…and now…I’m a woman who’s just got engaged AND realised she’s pregnant…all on the same day,” thought Ashleigh.

“You wanna know the part of all this…that I absolutely adore?” asked Pippa.

Ashleigh looked up, curiosity etched on her face.

“Not only the fact that we're going through this together,” stated Pippa, “But…our children won’t just be friends…they’ll be cousins,” she added, with a hint of excitement returning to her voice.

Hearing this, a faint smile spread across Ashleigh's face as she realised the profound bond that their children would share. At that moment, the weight of it all seemed to lighten ever so slightly.

“I…I hadn’t even thought of that,” replied Ashleigh.

Ashleigh and Pippa emerged from the bathroom and returned to the main hall. The guests had mostly settled down, with only a few still dancing.

As the pair stood and watched Elijah, William, Edward and Jude laughing, joking and dancing together, a voice from behind the pair startled them.

“Is everything alright girls? You have been gone an awfully long time.”

The two women turned to see Vivian and Elle standing behind, them their expressions filled with concern.

Ashleigh simply smiled whilst trying to turn away and avoid eye contact.

“Yes…mother…everything is just fine,” said Pippa, somewhat unconvincingly by all accounts as Vivian’s eyes narrowed.

“Philippa,” said Vivian with a scowl, “You are correct, I am your mother and therefore, I have somewhat of a sixth sense when it comes to knowing when something appears off with my children…especially you, my dear. Now…come…which one of you are to tell me.”

Ashleigh braced herself, certain that Pippa would crumble under the pressure. However, to her surprise, Pippa held her ground. She told her mother that now was not the time or place to discuss their concerns, but that neither she nor Elle should say anything to anyone about what was troubling them.


Vivian's eyes narrowed even further, her gaze darting between her daughter and Ashleigh.

 “Fine,” she stated, her expression finally softening, “If you insist,” she added with a smile.

However, before Ashleigh and Pippa could make their quick escape, Vivian spoke once more.

“Lunch…tomorrow…the four of us,” she said rather sternly, “I will not take no for an answer and you will tell me what is going on with you two.”

Ashleigh and Pippa exchanged a worried glance, as they made their way across to the seats. Ashleigh could feel a knot tightening in her stomach as her heart raced.

Pippa leaned in close to Ashleigh when she knew nobody was within earshot,

“I’m sorry, Ash,” she said, regretfully, “I’ve never been a good liar, especially to my mother, she can always see right through me.”

Ashleigh simply glared at Pippa, she couldn’t work out if she was upset and disappointed with her friend or if it was simply the mix of emotions that she was already experiencing.

However, what she did know about Vivian was that she was a woman of her word. She promised to not speak of it to anyone and Ashleigh trusted her.

“I know you’re mad at me, but look at it this way,” said Pippa, “It can’t hurt to have advice and guidance from my mother…someone who has been in our position on more than one occasion,” she explained.

Ashleigh was still rather upset and angry, yet, she part of her couldn’t help but think that Pippa may be right after all. Vivian was a rather knowledgeable woman, someone whom she now looked up to in a way.

As the evening drew to a close, the atmosphere remained as vibrant and joyous as it had been throughout the night. The sound of laughter reverberated through the room, mingling with the rhythm of music that filled the air. One by one, the guests called it a night and departed until there was no more than Pippa, Edward, Elijah and Ashleigh who remained.

Gerard packed Ashleigh’s car with her birthday gifts, as Ashleigh thanked Pippa and Edward for the evening. She had never experienced a birthday quite like this, one that had been filled with so much joy, laughter, and genuine affection. As she thanked Pippa and Edward for their efforts, her eyes sparkled with happiness.

As Ashleigh prepared to leave, she embraced Pippa and Edward tightly.

“Thank you so much for everything,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “This has been the most amazing birthday of my life.”

“You are most welcome Ashleigh,” said Edward, slurring his words somewhat, “Anything for…my future sister-in-law I guess,” he added with a smile.

“I shall see you tomorrow, for lunch,” said Pippa with a smile.

As Ashleigh and Elijah walked back to the car, Ashleigh couldn't help but chuckle at Elijah's unsteady gait.

“Someone’s had a good night,” she said with a giggle.

“Yes…it’s been rather fun,” Elijah laughed in response.

“And this…my dear fiancé, is why I remained the sober one of the evening,” Ashleigh said with a playful grin.

The couple waved goodbye to Pippa and Edward as they pulled out of the driveway and began their journey down the long road. However, within minutes, the sound of Elijah's gentle snoring filled the car.

As Ashleigh navigated the gravel path, through the gates, and onto the public roads, she couldn't help but reflect on the unforgettable birthday she had experienced. Not only had she become engaged to the amazing man who slept in the passenger seat beside her and had discovered she was expecting a child, but overall it had been a night filled with laughter, good company, and memories that would last a lifetime.

The journey passed by in a blur, with Ashleigh deep in her own thoughts. With Pippa’s words playing in her mind, like a song that had been placed on repeat, Ashleigh could see Pippa’s outlook and was beginning to feel the very same way. Whilst she was anxious at the road that lay ahead of her, she couldn’t help but feel a slight bit of excitement about what was to come.

As she pulled up outside her home and gently nudged Elijah awake, the sound of her phone vibrating in her handbag drew her attention.

“It’ll probably be Pippa, checking we got home alright,” she thought.

“Elijah, darling, we’re at home now,” she said softly as Elijah began to stir.

“Already…” he murmured groggily in response, “Just…five more minutes.”

Ashleigh chuckled as she persisted in waking her beloved, eager to get him inside the comfort of their home. Eventually, she gave in and entered the house to be greeted by Mrs Henry.

“Elijah’s had his fair share of alcohol,” said Ashleigh, unable to stop herself from giggling.

Mrs Henry smiled,

“You just go on to bed Miss,” she said, “I’ll deal with him,” she cackled.

Ashleigh handed the car keys to Mrs Henry before making her way up the stairs to her bedroom and began getting ready for bed. Once she had washed, brushed her teeth and slipped into her nightgown, Ashleigh decided to check the message on her phone. As she unlocked the device and noticed the notification, her heart skipped a beat. The phone slipped from her grasp, her face turning pale as her hands trembled violently.

The message that she had received was in fact not from Pippa, but from her mother.

“Hey Aaron, I was going to surprise you, but I didn’t think you would appreciate it. I thought I would come and stay with you over the Christmas period. I’m currently travelling by coach and shall arrive first thing in the morning. Are you coming to pick me up from the coach station? Or am I to just make my way to your apartment, assuming it’s still the same one. P.S. Happy birthday sweetheart, see you soon, love mum.”

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