Resequencing DNA

Chapter 57

As the cold nighttime air enveloped her, Ashleigh stood outside the entrance to the hospital, taking a long drag from her cigarette. The bright lights and bustling activity inside seemed to be a world away from her current state of mind. At this moment, she felt that she had a few precious moments to gather her thoughts and reflect on the events that had brought her to this point. It had now been weeks since Pippa’s wedding, ever since Wesley had tricked his then-best friend Aaron into becoming Ashleigh to accompany him as his date. Even after she put her initial anger towards Wesley aside, Ashleigh couldn’t wait to return to her life as a man. Initially, the idea of living her life as a woman was a notion she hated. And yet, here she remained, weeks later.

Life seemed so different now. No longer was she friends of any sort with Wesley, yet she had become rather close to his family. A family which hated her, or rather they did when she was Aaron and no doubt would hate her if the truth were to ever get out.

As Ashleigh asked herself why she hadn’t gone back to her old life as a man, one answer came to mind. An answer that never failed to bring a smile to her lips…Elijah.

She remembered the first time she met Elijah as Eloise, the bubbly and outgoing girl who had caught her attention with her intelligence and wit. As they became friends, Ashleigh had no idea that Eloise was struggling with her gender identity. And when Elijah finally came out, Ashleigh was there to support him. Elijah was a caring, compassionate, intelligent, rather sophisticated gentleman, gone was the facade that had been Eloise.

Though Ashleigh had become rather fond of Eloise as a friend, it was never in a romantic way whatsoever. And Ashleigh was immensely proud when Elijah came out as his true self. However, as she spent more and more time with Elijah, she couldn't help but feel a growing attraction towards him. No matter how hard she tried to deny it and fight it, it appeared it had been there to see all along for Pippa at least.

Pippa that very evening, had told Ashleigh that it was obvious for all to see that she was in love with Elijah and the feelings were clearly reciprocated. She had also made a bold observation about Ashleigh herself. Ashleigh was no longer the person Pippa had met when Aaron first became Ashleigh. In Pippa’s words, Ashleigh had gone from a man pretending to be a woman, to a woman who was trying so hard to convince herself and the world that she was still a man deep down.

Yet, before Ashleigh had gotten the chance to confess her feelings to Elijah, Pippa’s father, Alistair had been rushed into hospital after a heart attack. This had all come about, however, from Alistair sticking up for his nephew, Elijah. These events had led Ashleigh to where she was at this moment, standing outside the hospital, whilst Alistair had emergency treatment in an attempt to save his life. Ashleigh tried to get her head around the fact that Wesley was not Alistair’s biological son, and yet James was.

“Poor Wes,” Ashleigh thought, stubbing out her cigarette as she noticed a few drops of rain hit the floor beside her. “Even though Alistair isn’t his father…I do think Wes has a right to know everything. What’s happening with Alistair…the revelations…he can’t be the only one who doesn’t know.”

Ashleigh began to make her way back inside the hospital and to the room where the Ashton-Burns family awaited any news on Alistair. As she arrived, she peered inside the room to see a tearful James being embraced by his brother and sister, Jude and Pippa.

“I…don’t want to interrupt,” thought Ashleigh as she spied the seats in the corridor, a bit further down from the room. She didn’t want to intrude on their family moment, but she also didn’t want to leave. She wanted to be there for them, even if it was just by silently sitting in the corridor.

Ashleigh made her way to the seats, placing her bag on one seat before smoothing out her silk dress and taking a seat. No sooner had she taken a seat, than the door opened and out walked Elijah. He smiled and made his way over, taking a seat beside Ashleigh, picking up her handbag and placing it on his lap as he did so.

The pair sat silently for a few moments before Ashleigh turned to look at Elijah,

“How…how are you holding up?” whispered Ashleigh softly.

“I’m…I’m okay,” replied Elijah before covering his face with his hands.

Ashleigh could sense his pain from the way he spoke. She knew that he was struggling with the situation, just as much as the rest of the family.  She gently placed her hand on his back, trying to offer him some comfort.

“Elijah…you don’t have to pretend everything is fine…especially around me,” Ashleigh said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I can’t stand to see him like this,” she thought, looking at Elijah, his hands remaining in place, shielding his face from view.

Ashleigh gently removed one of his hands from his face and held it in between her two hands.

No matter what…we will get through this,” she said with conviction.

Her words seemed to ease Elijah's pain momentarily, and he gave her a small smile, which she, of course, returned. The hospital corridors were quiet, save for the occasional sound of footsteps or the soft murmur of voices. Ashleigh and Elijah sat in silence, both lost in their own thoughts but finding comfort in each other's presence.

“I would be lying…obviously…if I said I wasn’t worried…about Alistair…” Elijah began before pausing.

“Well of course…it’s natural to worry about him Elijah…he is your uncle…and it’s quite clear just how much you mean to each other,” said Ashleigh with a smile. “I mean…the way he hit your father…” she added with a slight chuckle.

“You mean Jasper…he’s no father of mine,” stated Elijah with a serious expression.

Ashleigh could see the resentment in Elijah’s eyes when he spoke about his father, Jasper. She knew that their relationship was strained, and she couldn’t blame Elijah for feeling the way he did. Jasper had never been a loving or supportive father, and Jasper had taken things to a whole new level after his tirade. Ashleigh could only imagine the impact it had on Elijah.

“From now on, I have no father…or mother for that matter, they are both less than nothing to me,” said Elijah, his voice filled with contempt.

“That…that’s understandable,” replied Ashleigh.

An awkward silence engulfed the pair once more, as Ashleigh sat gently holding onto Elijah’s hand.

“I just hope Alistair will be okay…” Elijah said, breaking the silence.

“I’m sure he will be. He’s a strong man, just like his nephew,” replied Ashleigh, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Elijah smiled at her words once more, and for a moment, the pain in his eyes seemed to fade away.

“Fuck it…I… I need to tell him…here goes,” thought Ashleigh, shuffling in her seat to face Elijah directly.

“Elijah…there’s…there’s something…I need to discuss with you…” said Ashleigh before pausing, “Or rather…something I need to tell you,” she continued.

Elijah looked at her expectantly, his eyes searching hers for any hint of what she was about to say.

“Yes? What is it?” asked Elijah rather curiously.

Ashleigh swallowed hard, her words appeared to get stuck in her throat and she could now feel her heart racing. She took a deep breath and looked directly into Elijah's eyes.

Gathering all her courage, she finally said those three words that had been on her mind for so long.

“Elijah…I…I love you,” confessed Ashleigh, rather sheepishly.

For a moment, the entire world seemed to stand still. The silence was deafening, and Ashleigh could feel her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She had put herself out there, and now she could only wait for Elijah's response.

But then, something amazing happened. Elijah's face broke into the biggest smile Ashleigh had ever witnessed and the pain in his eyes appeared to fade away.

“ love me?” he asked, his voice filled with disbelief and happiness.

Ashleigh nodded, unable to find her voice. She had never been more vulnerable in her life, and yet, she had never felt more relieved.

Elijah's smile widened,

“I love you too, Ashleigh,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity, “I have done…ever since the day we met.”

Tears welled up in Ashleigh's eyes as she leaned in to hug Elijah.

“But what about…you know?” asked Elijah, “I thought you wanted to return to your old life…as a guy.”

Ashleigh shook her head,

“I think…or rather I know…I AM Ashleigh,” she replied, emphasizing the word 'am', “Being with you has made me realize that I… This is my life…I am who I am meant to be…and who I am…is in love with you…Elijah.”

“Ashleigh...” began Elijah as he got to his feet, “I don’t think you realise…how much this means to me…hearing those three words…right now…I am right now… without a shadow of a doubt, THE happiest man walking this earth.”

Ashleigh smiled, a tear ran down her cheek as she looked up at Elijah from her seat. It was an odd feeling, one that she didn’t expect at all. She felt as though a huge weight had suddenly been lifted from her shoulders. Her head was spinning with emotions as the whole world around her seemed to be brighter and more vibrant. It was like she was seeing everything for the first time. Ashleigh couldn’t decipher whether or not this was due to her confessing her love for Elijah, his response or her own admission, the first time the words had parted her lips, declaring who she was.

Before Ashleigh could process another single thought, Elijah had taken her by the hands and dragged her to her feet. They stood face to face, their eyes locked in an intense gaze. Elijah leaned in and gently kissed her, his lips soft and warm against hers.

Ashleigh's heart was racing as she wrapped her arms around Elijah, pulling him closer. She had never felt so connected to someone before. She had kissed others in the past, but nothing had ever felt as intense as it did this very instant. With each passing moment, she felt herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.

As they broke the kiss, Elijah rested his forehead against Ashleigh's, their breaths mingling.

“I still can't believe this is real,” whispered Elijah, “I've been dreaming about this moment for so long…since the day I first laid eyes on you Ashleigh.”

Ashleigh leaned in once more, closing her eyes she gently placed a kiss on Elijah's lips.

Their embrace was soon to be interrupted, however, as the sound of footsteps, quickly made their way down the corridor towards them. Ashleigh pulled away from Elijah, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she noticed the doctor hastily approaching, clipboard in hand.

“Excuse me,” he stated. The expression on his face nor his tone of voice, gave away any indication as to whether he was here to bring good or bad news, as he made his way past the couple and into the room where the Ashton-Burns family waited for news on Alistair. Ashleigh and Elijah exchanged a worried glance before following the doctor into the room.

As Ashleigh entered the room, she could instantly feel the worry and tension in the air. The Doctor stood silently in the centre of the room for what seemed like an eternity. James paced the floor, his cap grasped in his hands. Jude had returned to sitting beside Elle, he now looked rather exhausted, yet the worry about his father’s well-being was clear on his face. Vivian was now standing in front of the doctor, clinging onto Pippa’s hand.

“I have good news,” the doctor said, a small smile forming on his face. “Alistair's surgery was successful. He is now stable and in recovery.”

A wave of relief appeared to wash over the room, as everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh as though they had been holding their breath since the doctor had arrived.

A wave of relief washed over the room as if a heavy burden had been lifted from everyone's shoulders. Ashleigh could see the tears streaming down Vivian's face as she almost collapsed back into her seat. Relief and exhaustion seemed to overwhelm her as she clutched onto Pippa, who was now tending to her.

James and Jude took turns shaking the hand of the doctor, gratitude and relief evident in their voices.

“Thank you so much, doctor,” they each said.

The doctor went on to explain the details of Alistair's surgery and his recovery plan. He assured them that their father was in good hands and that he would be closely monitored throughout his recovery. He also advised them to take care of themselves and get some rest, as the stress of the situation could take a toll on their own well-being.

Ashleigh looked at Elijah, he too had tears of relief rolling down his cheek. When he noticed Ashleigh looking in his direction, a smile appeared on his face.

“If you would like to follow me, I can lead you to him,” said the doctor, “Be aware though he will be tired…as you all must be too. My advice, have a short visit, go home, get some rest and visit him again tomorrow.”

The Ashton-Burns family followed the doctor out the room and along a few winding corridors until they reached a room off to the side.

“I must insist, please don’t all enter at once,” instructed the doctor,  “It may be a little too overwhelming,” he added.

The family discussed the best plan of action amongst themselves. That was when Elijah stated that he would visit his uncle the following day. His thoughts were Vivian, Pippa, Jude and James should visit now, seeing as though they were his immediate family and everyone else would find alternative ways to return home so that James was not being relied upon.

Ashleigh and Elijah said their goodbyes to the rest of the family before Elijah ordered a taxi to take the pair home. 

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