Resequencing DNA

Chapter 4

“Hey…Aaron…are you okay?” Wesley’s voice called out over the speakers. “Everything…It’s all finished,” he added.

Aaron opened his eyes and realised he must have passed out some time ago. However, he felt somewhat fortunate that the device was neither wide enough nor long enough for him to actually collapse. Instead, he had simply leaned backwards, propped up against the rear wall of the device yet had remained upright the entire time.

“Something…somethings not right…I… I feel strange…like really different,” thought Aaron, opening his eyes to find his vision was completely blurred and he could only just say make out the door to the machine that was in front of him. “What…what the fuck is that?” he asked himself as he put his hand up to his face to meet what he could feel tickling his forehead, only to realise that it felt like hair, hair that had not been there before he’d been locked inside the machine. “What…what has that…that motherfucker… what has he done to me?” he asked himself before bringing his hand back down to his sides.

“Aaron…I’m opening the doors, I’ll come and get you…okay!” stated Wesley.

“I wouldn’t come near me, Wes…I will fucking kill you!” thought Aaron as there was an audible whoosh and the doors began to open, much like an airlock being released.

As the doors opened completely, Aaron stepped forward to set out of the chamber only to stumble and fall forward. As he fell forward he fell directly into the arms of who he could only assume was Wesley.

“WOW…It worked... It actually fucking worked!” exclaimed Wesley as he helped guide Aaron over to a seat.

“Wesley…What the fuck have you done…what have you done to me?”  asked Aaron aggressively, but before Wesley could answer, Aaron continued with his questions. “Why the fuck can’t I see at all Wes…everything's a blur…why do I have hair coming down my forehead…why do my jeans suddenly feel loose… and on top of all that… why the FUCK does my chest feel really heavy, especially when I lean forward, Wes, WHY?”

Wesley sat Aaron down in the chair by the computer,

“I…I…I guess I owe you an explanation…huh…” muttered Wesley nervously.

“Damn fucking right you do Wes… and you better make it quick… because the second I’m able to walk on my own and see properly…you’re a fucking dead man…you hear me,” stated Aaron.

“Oh…erm…yeah I …I hear you loud and clear…” stuttered Wesley in response. “Your… eyesight should clear up in the next 10 minutes or… so…” continued Wesley, taking a step back from Aaron. “Before…we erm…proceed…I have a couple of questions…that I want to ask you…I am curious to know if erm…certain…aspects of this have worked…if that makes sense,” he uttered.

Aaron looked up to where he could tell Wesley was standing, simply because he could see the outline of his best friend.

“Well… you haven’t exactly answered my questions…but sure Wes…let’s play your way,” snapped Aaron, “And what do you mean certain aspects…have you used me as a fucking experiment?” yelled Aaron, getting increasingly frustrated.

“How did we meet?” asked Wesley, cutting off Aaron’s rant.

“I met you through your sister Pippa a few years ago, she’s one of my friends,” answered Aaron before coming to a complete halt and putting his hands over his mouth after realising how his voice sounded as well as what he said. Every time he spoke, it was no longer Aaron's voice that came out, instead, it was that of a softly spoken young woman.

“WHAT THE FUCK…Where did that come from?” thought Aaron.

“WES….Have you done what I think you’ve done… why the fuck am I a woman?” snapped Aaron.

“Fuck it worked…” said Wesley, sounding rather elated.

“What worked Wes…What the fuck was that? I know how you and I met…we met at c… I met you through Pippa….What the fuck is this Wesley!” said Aaron, now sounding somewhat confused.

“Hmm…and what is your name?” asked Wesley.

“What the fuck Wes…I haven’t got fucking amnesia,” snapped Aaron.

“Your name?” asked Wesley once again only this time rather forcefully.

“My name is A…A…Ashleigh…hey what the fuck Wes? My name…that’s not my name…my name is A…Ashleigh…WHAT THE FUCK MAN!” retorted Aaron.

“My god…I can’t believe it…” declared Wesley, “Even though you know who you are and how we met… I was able to implant false information…basically inside your mind…fascinating, now…how old are you Ashleigh?”

“I’m 3…3…22 years old…I’ll be 23 next month…” replied Ashleigh, once again shocked at hearing her own response.

“What…I’m actually 10 years younger too…this is getting ridiculous man…” thought Ashleigh.

“Now… all together…tell me who you are…okay,” asked Wesley, now sounding rather smug,

“My name is Aaron Pritchard… I’m 32 years old and I met you in college 10 years ago Wes,” thought Ashleigh. However, what came out was the complete opposite.

“My name is Ashleigh Pritchard, I’m 22 years old and I met you because I’m friends with your sister, Pippa and we kinda hit it off and dated a few times now,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Wesley, what the fuck have you done to me… we’ve dated a few times? Oh my fucking god…I even recall the dates we went on…and…yup there it is…we have even slept together…or so he likes to imprint in my brain anyway…I’ve seen my best friend naked…how am I ever gonna unsee that…thanks a fucking bunch Wes,” Ashleigh thought to herself.

“Good…now I just need to let Pippa in on this whole thing and I promise you’ll be back to normal after the wedding, I swear,” said Wesley, “How…how’s your eyesight now…any clearer?” he asked.

“Erm…yeah…I can almost see fine again…” answered Ashleigh, looking down for the very first time, it was clear that beneath her now oversized t-shirt sat two rather large breasts and that the reason her jeans felt loose was that they now were.

“Good…we’ll soon get out of here and back home… honestly though…Aaron…I mean…Ashleigh…I’m sorry…I panicked…I felt like if I told you my plan…you wouldn’t have gone along with it,” explained Wesley.

“But why Wes…you don’t know that…just…right now…I feel very hurt and disappointed right now…please understand what you did was wrong…you should have spoken to me first before you did…this…but please…please promise this can be fixed…that I can go back to being myself,” said Ashleigh, her voice sounding very disappointed.

“HURT AND DISAPPOINTED!!! WHAT THE FUCK, Right now I want to kick the living daylights out of you Wes you…fucking idiot…why am I finding it so hard to be angry with him? What he’s done to me…it’s fucking wrong!” thought Ashleigh.

“I…I understand…can we discuss this in more detail…when we’re home?” replied Wesley. “Can you…you should be able to walk on your own now…unaided…and I promise…your DNA is stored in the computer…we can change you back with no issues whatsoever…I promise,” he added.

“Of course sweetie and good,” replied Ashleigh.

“Sweetie…what the fuck has he done to me?” she thought getting to her feet ever so slowly. “Oh and there they are again…cheers Wes…You couldn’t have chosen smaller tits, could you…Jesus man,” thought Ashleigh, as she felt her breasts jiggling with every movement she made.

As she got to her feet, she couldn’t help but make further observations about her new situation.

“Have a thing for tall girls do you Wes?” she thought as she noticed that even though she was still taller than Wesley, the height difference was nowhere near what it was. Aaron was used to towering over Wesley by a clear 4 or 5 inches, yet Ashleigh was only taller than Wesley by 2 inches at the most. She was also not expecting how differently Aaron’s clothes both felt against her skin and the way they fit her new, slimmer yet much curvier body.

For starters, the jeans that she was wearing appeared to be loose around the crotch, the legs and the waist, yet remained in place from what she could only figure was down to her hips and much more rounded arse. Due to the fact the jeans hung much lower on her frame than they had on Aaron’s her tiny waist was partially exposed. That was also helped by the fact that even though Aaron’s white t-shirt was baggy in certain areas on her, her breasts were now much larger than they had ever been, even though Aaron carried a little excess fat, the size of Ashleigh’s ample bosom caused the front of the T-shirt to ride up. The fact that the T-shirt that Aaron had chosen to wear was plain white, didn’t do anything to help Ashleigh by way of modesty either, there, protruding through the front of her T-shirt, plain as day, were her rather large nipples, that were also becoming increasingly erect, due to the chaffing of the material against her bare skin. The shoes that she was wearing also felt way too big for her feet, causing her to stumble with her first step, only to be caught by a very cautious Wesley.

“I…I think we need to get you into some better fitting clothes…don’t you think,” said Wesley with a nervous chuckle as he too couldn’t help but notice her hardened nipples.

Wesley’s chuckle caused Ashleigh to let out a slight giggle herself. That was, however, until she caught a glimpse of the rather obvious bulge that was clearly Wesley’s erection. This caused her to begin to blush, as images began to appear in her head, images that she knew on some level, Wesley had implanted there. And yet to her, they felt incredibly real, memories that Aaron knew had never taken place yet to Ashleigh, they felt so vivid and so real.

“If you are wanting me to do this…for this weekend only I might add…please Wes…let’s just go home…I need to get my head around all of this,” stated Ashleigh.

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