Remnants anomaly

Dark dealings

"You are correct , that is not why i am here. i am here for you specifically , it had always been my intention to offer enrollment at beacon for you due to your unique constitution." ozpin said but leon cut in "my eyes specifically." he said and ozpin nodded. "yes , the description you gave qrow sounds like the creation of the less friendly of the twin gods , the god of darkness. it would make sense as well since i believe his brother the god of light also created a group of eyes that have shown up throughout history." ozpin said and leon had a look of recognition "summer and ruby's eyes." he said.

Ozpin nodded "the silver eyed clan , the ultimate grim slayers. at least until now anyways." he said while looking at leon. "did qrow tell you how these eyes work?" leon asked seriously and ozpin nodded. "then you know how much of a curse they are along with the power they grant." leon said seriously. "yes i am aware of that but these eyes of yours are more focused than the power of the silver eyes , more suited for hunters as it were. the silver eyes not only required years to master but drained the user ever use leaving them vulnerable." 

"Your eyes however are far less potent true , but at the same time they are also easier to wield." ozpin said trying to be convincing. "you do realize i deal with manipulative people constantly right?" leon asked calmly. ozpin just smiled "i'm just stating facts is all." he said calmly. "oh i know but it is WHY you are doing it that gave you away , i will be enrolling eventually anyways since i already do the job of a hunter to begin with , but that will only be after a few years at most." leon said calmly.

Ozpin could only respect the boy sitting across from him , he had not only become a very successful crime lord in a small amount of time but he had all the makings of a legend. ozpin was practically giddy at the idea of such a person enrolling at his academy , it would certainly liven things up considerably. what leon hadn't realized was that despite being a student ozpin had no intention of putting him in a class with the normal students. in fact ozpin wasn't even going to have leon enter a team at all.

Such things would be wasteful to leon thanks to his eyes and clear hunting prowess , the fact is that none of the teachers at beacon were qualified to teach a monster like leon. so what was leon going to be doing instead at beacon , hunting. leon would hunt in a live combat situation in the areas around beacon that had alarming amounts of grim thanks to a certain item there. the best part was that leon would be assigned random teams of other students to teach periodically.

"If that was the only reason you were here i believe you have wasted both of time." leon said all business again. "certainly not , i am also here about your business." ozpin said cool as a cucumber. the following conversation was just ozpin going over all of the things leons group did and negotiations about a few things such as the mercenary function they filled. ozpin and leon were nothing if not thorough about the details. once the conversation was done the two shook hands and formalized the deal between them. ozpin was fascinated by the process of deal sealing and asked if leon could tell him how it worked but accepted when leon refused.

It took leon a year to set up the group to function without his direct influence on anything minus the huge deals. that was also the year puberty decided to sucker punch him in the face and give him a hellish time since yang had started to get handsy while she was asleep. he shot up in height over that year reaching close to six feet tall despite being eleven. leon didn't get much hunting done that year so his falna had only increased to g in his stats from his daily training. 

The two years after that though leon went on a hunting spree merely showing up again periodically to check in with his group , tye and the girls. yang was very not happy about this and made her displeasure felt by leon when he showed up. thankfully leon had brought his stats to A during this time so he could handle all of her fiery rage as she tried to beat him down. ruby had also created her own weapon a gun scythe similar to leons but only having the collapsed form and the scythe form.

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