Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 35

Upon arriving at the gate of Hangu Pass, as Namgung Hwan had indicated, there were those waiting ahead. They were martial artists dressed in blue, stationed near the gate. Upon spotting Namgung Hwan, they knelt in respect.

“The Sky Team greets the Young Master!”

It seemed the Sky Team was a direct combat unit of the Namgung Clan. I examined their numbers, estimating around twenty, with more than half of them being first-class experts. With such strength, they could easily sweep away minor sects, which genuinely surprised me. Namgung Hwan spoke to the leader of the Sky Team.

“Why did you not come to greet me within Guanzhong City?”

“I apologize. If we entered Guanzhong City, the six great families would become overly alert. This was an unavoidable measure to prevent friction.”

“Is this truly your belief?”



With a sardonic smile, Namgung Hwan turned his head, while the Sky Team Leader simply remained silent. From this exchange, it was evident that there was some conflict between them, but this was not the right time to delve into it. Namgung Hwan held Jin So-cheong’s hand and expressed his gratitude.

“I truly appreciate it. If it weren’t for you and Baek Woong, I would not have escaped the disaster at the tavern.”

“No, it was your trust that compelled me to venture out to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School despite the risks. That is what I am grateful for.”

It seemed they shared a bond of friendship. I was curious about why Namgung Hwan had taken only Mo Yongyeon with him while being pursued by the experts of the martial world, and what the relationship between the Sky Team and Namgung Hwan was. However, it wasn’t a moment for direct questioning, so I refrained.

Namgung Hwan then took my hand, saying, “Young Hero, I truly thank you. If you ever come to the Namgung Clan, I will treat you as my benefactor. Be sure to visit.”

“There’s no need for such words…”

I accepted the pleasantries and glanced at Mo Yongyeon. Oddly, she had not acted or spoken much during this incident. She merely followed Namgung Hwan in silence, as if that was her role.

‘How can she remain so calm when she could have been subjected to violation or assault if captured?’

I sensed something unsettling. No matter how resilient and strong-willed Mo Yongyeon was, this situation involved numerous martial artists converging solely with the aim of assaulting her. A common woman would be terrified or show emotional turmoil; however, she displayed no signs of distress, as if convinced that such an outcome would not occur.

“Well, I should take my leave.”

“Ah, then.”

Once Jin So-cheong’s farewell was concluded, Namgung Hwan and Mo Yongyeon departed into the night with the Sky Team. Even though they must have been tired, it seemed they were forcing themselves to move, perhaps to buy some time from their pursuers. Just as their figures disappeared, Jin So-cheong turned to me.

“Then I will head back now, my disciple.”

He completely acknowledged me as his new disciple without any doubt. In the past, I had felt like an experimental subject he kept for convenience, but now he was expressing genuine willingness. I felt a slight pride swelling up within me as I spoke.

“Brother, may I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“The events today are rather strange. The illustrious Namgung Clan’s Young Master is traveling without escorts while solely accompanied by the Heavenly Yin Body, and the Sky Team must have arrived at Hangu Pass earlier yet chose not to assist you.”


“Do you know something…?”

As I trailed off, Jin So-cheong fell silent for a moment before replying.

“We should not interfere any further. I have fulfilled my obligation as a friend to Namgung Hwan; the rest is for him to handle. Nevertheless, it seems there won’t be any further complications.”

“Do you have knowledge of the full circumstances behind this?”

“Are you hoping I’d tell you?”


Jin So-cheong ruffled my hair and smiled lightly.

“Alright, how about a wager?”

“A wager?”

“If you can endure a match against me with a spear for a hundred exchanges, I will tell you.”

I was slightly taken aback.


“What do you think? It will be good training, right?”

I felt a surge of competitiveness. Jin So-cheong was not just a senior figure for me; he was effectively my master, having taught me nearly all my martial skills, and he possessed overwhelming talent and capability compared to me. I did not wish to avoid a challenge he presented.


Jin So-cheong and I ran through the night again, reaching the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School. Since it was quite a distance, it was nearing the hour of the Dog when we arrived. However, regardless of how tired I felt, my master Samjeol Lee Kwang’s orders took priority, and I needed to report back quickly.

“I’m back.”

“Good, come in quickly.”

Samjeol Lee Kwang was reading by the lamp in Waryong Hall. He closed his book and addressed Jin So-cheong.

“It seems you are a bit late.”

“I was delayed helping a friend.”

“As long as you can stand tall before yourself, I will not pry any further.”

With that, Samjeol Lee Kwang let the matter pass. Seeing this made me envious. Normally, this type of situation would require thorough questioning, yet Samjeol Lee Kwang trusted his disciple wholeheartedly, believing in his integrity. I couldn’t help but envy how much strength such an attitude offered to a disciple.

Then Samjeol Lee Kwang spoke again.

“You must have heard the story. A child from the Thunder Spirit Sect has come seeking to become my disciple.”

“Yes. He assisted me quite a bit.”

Samjeol Lee Kwang nodded, appearing pleased.

“As you can see, he possesses incredible internal energy. In the future, you may promote the Thunder Spirit Sect together, so do support one another with the goal of becoming the world’s best.”

“Yes. I will keep that in mind.”

The world’s best!

I suddenly felt my heart race at the grand declaration. It was a term every martial artist dreamed of, but hearing it from a peak master like Samjeol Lee Kwang gave it a significant sense of reality. I felt an expectation settle within me that by training under him, I might truly achieve that lofty aspiration.

“Step back now.”


“Good night.”

We both retreated in front of Samjeol Lee Kwang and, while walking down the dark corridor of the martial arts school, Jin So-cheong quietly spoke to me.

“You and I, we haven’t warmed up since earlier. Since we’re at it, why not have that wager from before right now?”

“Can we continue the wager until I win?”

“Of course.”

“Then we should definitely do it.”

Jin So-cheong and I left Waryong Hall and headed for the training hall. We increased the light to fill the training ground and took our stances, each holding a wooden spear. I practiced the Thunder Spirit Eight Forms, and he was using the same.

“Just so you know, it’s fine for you to use all your internal energy without holding back.”

“Is that alright? I mean, the training hall might get completely destroyed if I do.”

“Don’t worry. I just want to see your skills.”


I was worried that if I used too much energy, I might cause chaos in the middle of the night. But as I took my stance with the training spear, I realized that those worries were unfounded.


It felt like my entire body was being pierced with needles.

Jin So-cheong merely held his position, yet my vital spots were laid bare as if I was completely exposed, and I had the unsettling feeling that his spear tip was already digging into my heart like a dagger. Even if I could use my supreme internal energy, it was utterly useless in this situation. The moment I attempted to wield my spear, I sensed the spear looming over my throat under the training hall’s light, ready to slice through.

This was no longer about whether my specialty was the spear or the sword.

“What?! I’ve consumed Thousand-Year Ginseng three times already!”

Yet, I could not accept this reality. It was absurd. Despite having consumed the ultimate fortuitous elixir that others could only dream of obtaining throughout their lifetime—three times no less—and with virtually limitless internal energy flowing through my body, I could barely compete with Jin So-cheong! Furthermore, at this moment, I had thought Jin So-cheong had just recently entered the ranks of peak experts, which only heightened my astonishment.

Wasn’t this even more pressure than facing the first elder of the Iron Blood Sect?

Sweat dripped down my palms gripping the spear. I momentarily lost the stance of the Thunder Spirit Eight Forms as an apparition seemed to speak to me before my eyes. A tingling energy constricted my breath.


I could not endure any longer. I contemplated channeling my internal energy to move in a different direction, but the thought did not translate into action. Every time I hesitated, that spear felt alive, pursuing me relentlessly.

I couldn’t allow this.

This was simply not working out.

“My… I accept defeat.”

In the end, I conceded before I could even make a single move. Upon acknowledging my defeat, Jin So-cheong finally eased the pressure. He returned his wooden spear to the training hall and said,

“I apologize, disciple. I hadn’t intended to showcase my abilities on the first day, but your current state was too dangerous for me to remain silent.”



After I placed my spear back, I approached Jin So-cheong and sat down cross-legged. Regardless of the outcome of the duel, I sensed he had something important to say, which is why he proposed this wager. Jin So-cheong nodded and continued,

“You’re likely thinking this: what you’re lacking are the techniques to control your qi and martial arts, and if you fulfill those, you’ll immediately become a top-tier expert! … Am I correct?”

“I won’t deny it.”

Jin So-cheong sighed softly, genuinely worrying.

“However, that’s a mistaken idea. No matter how supreme your internal energy is, your body, as a human, is still just that—human. Trying to confront someone who has achieved ‘will’ using only ‘qi’ is like standing exposed against the North Pole’s biting cold; it’s a fatal error.”



What could possibly be so important about ‘will’?

I tilted my head, unable to grasp his meaning. Up until now, I thought he was discussing the principles of martial arts concerning speed and preemptive strikes. As I fumbled, Jin So-cheong smiled wryly and said,

“My actions may seem like petty restrictions to you. However, if starting tomorrow you receive one-on-one instruction from the master, your inner thoughts will be easily perceived by him. If he doesn’t express his disappointment openly, you might endlessly go in circles without grasping any clues. I was worried and wanted to point that out.”

That was undoubtedly a dangerous situation. Unlike Jin So-cheong, who always engaged with eagerness when teaching, Samjeol Lee Kwang seemed to have a hands-off approach, accustomed to dealing with geniuses and letting the less capable ones slip through his fingers. Perhaps this attitude stemmed from him being a genius himself.

I decided to accept Jin So-cheong’s kindness without distorting it and purely acknowledge it. I had just experienced Jin So-cheong’s prowess firsthand, so it was important to trust without doubt.

“Well… I won’t deny my thoughts, but I still don’t quite understand what you’re saying. What do you mean by will?”


I let my internal energy rise along with my profound intent. Normally, just facing such a formidable intent would make most people shrink back. However, Jin So-cheong waved his hand.

“No, that’s not will. If anything, it’s merely a phenomenon where your internal energy overflows due to your emotional state… In a broad sense, we can call that qi.”

“Are you saying that a person can influence this world purely through their will?”

“That is precisely the advanced stage of martial arts. Once you start moving beyond basic techniques and internal energy levels, masters will duel on an entirely different plane. Of course, we can’t disregard basic techniques and internal energy entirely, but they diverge greatly from the lower-level martial arts.”

In that moment, I began to understand.

‘Jin So-cheong has stepped into that realm as well!’

And Samjeol Lee Kwang was a true master who had already reached that realm long ago. It was then I realized that the terrifying sense of discomfort I felt when facing Samjeol Lee Kwang’s intangible energy was due to the fact that both he and Jin So-cheong had transcended the divisions of martial skills recognized by the world.

Furthermore, I understood that even if I hadn’t intervened today, Jin So-cheong could have handled those first-class experts on his own. In the original history, Jin So-cheong had never been injured or faced death, and today’s events transpired regardless of my interference.

In other words – in actual history, Jin So-cheong had single-handedly defeated over ten first-class experts. Earlier, he had merely been probing the situation and fighting moderately.

Jin So-cheong said,

“First of all, after today’s training, continue to have duels like this with me. This will surely help you improve your martial skills.”


I immediately accepted, having no reason to refuse.

‘Holding out for 100 seconds in a wooden spear duel shouldn’t take too long.’

We chatted about various topics before parting ways for the night. Feeling exhausted from the day, I washed up and fell into a deep sleep.

Starting the next day, I began receiving teachings from Samjeol Lee Kwang. He arrived at the training hall, which was specially designated in Waryong Hall, early in the morning and said,

“You seem to have chosen the sword techniques as your specialty among our Thunder Spirit Sect’s martial arts. Do you like the Thunder Shadow Sword Technique?”

I scratched my head.

“Yes. I know the Thunder Spirit Eight Forms is the strongest, but spear techniques don’t suit my aptitude…”

“You understand that sword techniques are fundamentally weaker martial arts, don’t you? That’s commendable in itself.”


Though he openly stated that sword techniques were weak, I had no response. After all, Samjeol Lee Kwang was a master beyond Jin So-cheong, who had mastered swords, fists, and spears. It would be ridiculous for someone like me to offer opinions to him. However, sensing my discontent, Lee Kwang smiled gently and said,

“I don’t wish to rank martial arts, but one must acknowledge reality. There has never been a time since ancient times when a spear was considered superior to a sword, and it’s essential to understand that spear techniques have developed as an extension of combat skills, while swordplay has evolved for self-defense.”


“Of course, when one becomes the greatest master, swords and spears will reach an equal realm. However, until then, it’s better to focus on spear techniques as your foundation before learning sword techniques, as it maximizes one’s talent and conserves time.”

“Is talent also something that can be depleted?”

Lee Kwang nodded as if it were obvious.

“Talent is not infinite. It gradually depletes over a fixed time and capacity. Many outstanding prodigies in youth become mediocre as time passes. The truth of life is to learn as much as possible when one is young.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“You have mastered all the basics of the Thunder Spirit Eight Forms, so starting today, I will teach you the advanced applications of spear techniques and help correct any weaknesses in your martial skills.”

Thus, after more than a decade, I began learning martial arts again at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School. Following Samjeol Lee Kwang’s guidance, I diligently practiced spear techniques from the beginning, during which I was able to learn three advanced applications: Zha, Jing, and Zha.

“Starting today, practice this technique at least 500 times a day.”

From the morning onwards, I practiced relentlessly throughout the day. I exerted myself to the point of sweat dripping from my nose.

After the day’s lesson, I went to find Jin So-cheong to begin a wooden spear duel. While I had been unable to move a single step under Jin So-cheong’s pressure the day before, I thought today would be different, so I steeled my resolve.

Gripping my wooden spear, I stood opposite him.


However, like the day before, I found myself unable to move an inch toward Jin So-cheong, paralyzed as if trapped in a spider’s web. The moment I moved, I felt that all my vital points would be severed. I sat there, unable to comprehend, lost in thought.

‘Why can’t I move? Before I can even act, my every move is suppressed. What on earth is the principle behind this?’

While I pondered, Jin So-cheong spoke.

“Disciple, perceive the distance not with your eyes, but with your instinct.”

It seemed like an important piece of advice, yet I couldn’t grasp its meaning at all, resulting in another fruitless day. If I were the kind of genius who could grasp insight from a single piece of advice, I would have conquered the world by now.

“I can’t help it. I might as well utilize what I learned today.”

Since my skill in dueling didn’t seem to improve, Jin So-cheong, with a wry smile, kindly elaborated on the applications I had learned that day. Understanding his explanations made me feel like I had grasped the material better than I did from Lee Kwang’s instructions.

‘Alright, I can do this!’

Indeed, relying on self-study was an utterly foolish notion.

Now, I would train in this manner and must definitely attain the realm of peak masters in the future!

“Disciple. I don’t want to say this, but…”

Three years later, one day.

Jin So-cheong stood across from me in the training hall, grasping a wooden spear. I stood there, dazed, with my spear dropped. It had been three years since I re-entered the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, and I had only just managed to endure for 80 seconds. Jin So-cheong said bitterly,

“You truly lack talent.”


Three years had passed since our wager, yet I still couldn’t last 100 seconds in a wooden spear duel. Even after summoning all my internal energy, every movement was anticipated and preemptively suppressed, resulting in little progress. The only silver lining was that, thanks to my diligent training at the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, my martial skills had significantly improved, allowing me to execute the Thunder Spirit Eight Forms and Thunder Shadow Sword Technique with an unprecedented level of proficiency.

However, for about a year, Samjeol Lee Kwang had stopped teaching me one-on-one. After realizing I was merely mediocre, he had tried to teach me diligently, but soon lost interest and tossed me to Jin So-cheong. Naturally, due to Jin So-cheong’s earnest and kind nature, he was doing his best to teach me, yet my self-esteem had already been irrevocably shattered.

I resignedly accepted that fact.

“It seems that way.”

Jin So-cheong made an effort to comfort me.

“Don’t hold a grudge against the Master for his indifferent demeanor. That’s just who he is, and he means no harm.”

“I have no reason to hate him. The gap in our levels is so vast that I don’t even feel that way.”

I expressed my honest feelings.

Samjeol Lee Kwang, the head of Azure Dragon Martial Arts School.

Jin So-cheong, his protégé.

These two are monsters! From three years ago, they already possessed skills that went beyond the classification of peak masters, and in the three years since, they have shown a growth rate faster than mine as a novice. When a genius also puts in the effort, it becomes impossible to catch up.

Of course, I had my own achievements. I was confident that I had grown significantly compared to my self from three years ago. It’s just that with two geniuses around, I felt rather insignificant.

After a moment, Jin So-cheong spoke.

“Actually, the Master told me the day before yesterday that he would no longer allocate separate time for you and that I should focus on my personal training.”


To Samjeol Lee Kwang, it likely seemed that I was diminishing the talent of genius Jin So-cheong. Until now, the bond of loyalty within the Thunder Spirit Sect had allowed them to keep an eye on me, but now it appeared that they intended to allocate their training time to Jin So-cheong. I felt quite miserable, but I endured through grit and nodded.

“The judgment of the Chief Master is correct.”

“I’m sorry. But if you encounter anything you don’t understand while training, come to me anytime. I will help with anything.”

“Before that, one thing… can you tell me what happened three years ago?”

Jin So-cheong replied,

“Since today is the last day, I will tell you.”


“The event that day… to be honest, it was Namgung Hwan’s self-inflicted consequences.”

“Excuse me? Self-inflicted consequences?”

What followed was shocking.

“He had a strong desire for showiness and a boastful personality, more than one would expect. So, he was supposed to keep the secret of his fiancée, Mo Yong-yeon, who is a Heavenly Yin Body, hidden until the grave, but he ended up spilling it in a drunken state during a trip to Jianghu before their wedding.”


So it was Namgung Hwan himself who leaked the secret of the Heavenly Yin Body in Jianghu! As I was astonished, Jin So-cheong continued as he sat down in the training hall.

“The Mo Yong Clan obviously blew up in anger and immediately tried to cancel the engagement with Namgung Hwan. But to buy time, Namgung Hwan’s father, the head of the Namgung Clan, hurriedly sent both of them out into Jianghu. They were rushed out without proper escort and were practically fled from their clan. He ended up dodging around and came to find me.”

Jin So-cheong seemed quite kind-hearted. Probably, since Namgung Hwan’s friends in Jianghu refused to help him, only Jin So-cheong stepped in to assist.

“What was the reason why the Sky Team of the Namgung Clan didn’t come to escort Namgung Hwan right away?”

“It was probably because a sibling competing for the head position within the Namgung Clan obstructed him. They left him to his fate, thinking that if he died, so be it.”


“Well, they eventually did take him under protection, but Namgung Hwan is still likely engaged in fierce succession battles within his family.”

I felt like I was starting to understand the events of that day.

However, there was one thing I couldn’t grasp.

“During that time, Mo Yong-yeon didn’t seem emotionally disturbed or calm enough to be considered a woman in danger. Isn’t that strange?”

“Well… it’s probably because she truly loves Namgung Hwan.”

“Excuse me? Love?”

“Would anyone trust the person who leaked the secret of their own Heavenly Yin Body and wander around Jianghu alone with them if it were otherwise? I can’t fully understand that emotion, but it seems Mo Yong-yeon had such trust and love for Namgung Hwan that betrayal didn’t even cross her mind.”


It was truly incomprehensible.

No matter how handsome Namgung Hwan was, could someone genuinely feel like that? Perhaps this was the strangest event I had witnessed in my lifetime. At the same time, I felt sympathy for Mo Yong-yeon. For some reason, unlike Mo Yong-yeon, Namgung Hwan didn’t seem like the kind of man who would commit himself solely to one woman.

Once the story ended, Jin So-cheong said,

“Disciple, don’t get disheartened; keep striving forward. Your skills are now of first-class caliber, respected anywhere in the world. At least in this Guanzhong area, there are hardly any martial artists who could rival you.”

“Yes, thank you.”

After parting from Jin So-cheong, I returned to my personal room.

Leaning against the wall, I sank into a complex train of thought.

In truth, I no longer cared about the secrets of three years ago. However, what truly frustrated me was that I couldn’t measure up to Jin So-cheong in spear techniques. Feeling the overwhelming barrier of talent that I had yet to comprehend was incredibly frustrating. While my personal martial skills had improved, looking upwards at my peers left me feeling disheartened.

“Sigh, it can’t be helped.”

I shook my head and started practicing my martial arts again.

I would need at least another 10 years.

To alleviate my sense of defeat, I decided to shift my focus.

[If you had polished your swordsmanship for just ten years, I would not have been your match.]

The words of the swordmaster who had beheaded me in the past came to mind.

“I’ll heed that advice.”

At the very least, if I could become strong enough to take revenge on the elder of the Blood Iron Clan for my earlier defeat, that feeling of defeat would dissipate. It was a moment where I created new motivation while deceiving myself.

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