Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 28

0028 : Golden Eagle Guards

Hyun Cheon Do-in and I did not enter the village through the main gate. Instead, we entered a dilapidated building at the back of the village. Hyun Cheon Do-in ventured further inside the abandoned structure and stood before a well. Upon opening the well’s cover, he revealed a ladder leading downwards. Undoubtedly, it was a man-made passage, prompting me to look at Hyun Cheon Do-in.

“What is this?”

“This village was likely once inhabited by those of noble blood. In case of emergencies, they must have constructed this underground passage to facilitate an escape. It seems I stumbled upon this secret route while monitoring the village’s activities.”

“Where does this underground passage lead?”

“It opens into the estate of some gentry. Of course, that place has become a den for fanatics now.”


I could easily guess what had happened to the noble family that created this underground passage. They probably fell to the fanatics before they even had a chance to use it. Regardless, Hyun Cheon Do-in and I descended the ladder and lit a torch fueled by oil using a fire starter, setting off to explore. The underground passage stretched for about two li, and after a while, we came across another ladder leading upwards.


As we climbed up the ladder, a silent and desolate interior came into view.

‘The stench of blood is overwhelming.’

This was the well of a large kitchen adjacent to the estate. The horrific bloodstains and chunks of flesh scattered throughout gave a grim indication of the slaughter that had taken place here. I searched for anything valuable and found a small statue made of gold, slipping it into my bag.

“This isn’t the time to be collecting such things. We should hurry and leave before the fanatics discover us.”

“Can’t we just take down a few of them?”

“Considering the strength of the demon creatures, it’s too risky to take that chance. We must avoid detection until we execute our plan.”


Hyun Cheon Do-in and I used our senses to survey the surroundings as we exited the kitchen. Scattered throughout the estate were several fanatics, seemingly dead with their heads crushed, likely from the last time Hyun Cheon Do-in used this passage. The clear signs of the Wudang Sect’s martial arts left me silently gazing at Hyun Cheon Do-in as he cleared his throat.

“There were too many fanatics here. If I wish to use this route again, I will have to eliminate them.”

“I didn’t say anything.”


Upon spotting two fanatic men blocking the passage, Hyun Cheon Do-in swiftly dispatched them with a mighty blow, sending their heads flying without hesitation. It seemed he had already concluded that there weren’t any innocents left in this village. The ease with which he decimated a person’s head with sheer force indicated the high level of his martial prowess.

“Let’s hurry out; the smell of blood is unbearable.”


As we exited the estate, I noticed two or three villagers, appearing as fanatics, wandering about with plows and large knives in hand. We quickly concealed ourselves before they noticed us, but my heart raced at the sight.

‘What are those guys? Why are they carrying people’s heads?’

I began to understand what Hyun Cheon Do-in had meant by madness. One of them was clutching a little girl’s head to his chest, while another was carrying the severed head of a middle-aged man, lifeless with fear, dangling from his waist. This was a scene unimaginable to an ordinary person, or even to someone acquainted with the ethics of the outside world.

As they walked, droplets of blood dripped from the severed heads. The dazed expressions of the fanatics searching for prey were truly chilling.

I felt a wave of nausea rising, but that was all. After all, having experienced my share of carnage, I wasn’t the type easily unsettled by such sights. As I continued to observe the fanatics, Hyun Cheon Do-in spoke.

“Those individuals still have their sanity, but they are completely brainwashed, making it impossible to communicate. They move solely on a command to kill outsiders. If you encounter them, eliminate them without hesitation.”


“Just a note: they seem oddly immune to pain, so it’s best to start by severing their limbs and heads.”


I made a grim expression. The fact that a peak expert from a renowned orthodox sect like Hyun Cheon Do-in could casually speak of severing limbs and heads was alarming. However, I could sense the seriousness behind his words, leading me to gradually accept the reality of this hellish scenario.

This village was relatively bustling, with many alleys between buildings, making it easier to navigate quickly while avoiding the fanatics. From time to time, I would come across man-eaters lurking between walls, quickly crushing their heads underfoot whenever I did. I had heard that fanatics would screech grotesquely upon spotting an enemy, so I was prepared to use my sword to shatter their skulls into pieces if necessary.

The village was drenched in blood.


“This is quite exhausting.”

I complained as I slipped into the second floor of a bookstore. Here, I thought I could avoid attracting the attention of the fanatics for a little while. Following me in with lightness, Hyun Cheon Do-in produced a small flask from his pocket and handed it to me.

“This is a restorative elixir. Drink it if you’re feeling overwhelmed; it will help you regain your mental strength.”

“I’m fine. By the way, it seems I’m nearing the altar.”

The altar was located about a li away from the bookstore where we were hiding. It was a large stone pedestal resembling a totem in the central square of the village, beneath which there existed a sacrificial altar for offering humans. It was said that the Flute Phantom would appear there.

The strength of the fanatics is truly extraordinary. No matter how skilled I am, I could easily be torn apart if I’m caught off guard. The fanatics don’t use any martial arts; they simply scream and swing their limbs or weapons to attack. Yet, their strength is immense. Earlier, when I had the chance to grab one of the fanatic’s arms while crushing his head, I found that even with my internal energy heightened, I still had to tense my muscles slightly to maintain control.

Each one of them possesses the strength of a mighty warrior! With that kind of power, tearing a human body apart would be a trivial task. This was also the reason why even peak experts should not allow themselves to be cornered by them.

Hyun Cheon Do-in, with his sharp gaze, was staring toward the altar and said,

“Remember this: if a demon creature appears, do not think about fighting; just flee. That is not something a human should confront.”


I replied while leaning back against the wall to rest.

“What will you do if we fail to kill the demon today?”

“Hmm… I plan to flee as well, but after that, I will have to leave everything to the government office. If I mobilize all my influence, the government troops will eventually take action.”

“Then why not just wait for that from the beginning? Why take such a dangerous risk?”

Hyun Cheon Do-in’s expression turned bitter as he responded,

“When the government troops arrive, they may be able to eradicate this village. However, not a single villager will survive.”

“Do you believe that if you kill the Flute Phantom, the villagers will return to their normal selves from being fanatics?”

“Precisely. They are victims. It is unfortunate that they have fallen into this nightmare, but that does not justify their deaths. We must do all we can to preserve the lives of those who remain.”


I fell silent.

‘Isn’t it the same?’

I had witnessed the madness of this village firsthand. Countless human sacrifices had already taken place; parents had killed their children, siblings had murdered one another, and lovers had feasted on each other. Even if those who had become fanatics were freed from the Flute Phantom’s control, could they return to a normal life afterward?

Living might become a horrific hell in itself. It’s possible that remaining alive might be more miserable than living under mindless domination.

But I refrained from sharing these thoughts with Hyun Cheon Do-in. At this moment, we were on the brink of a dangerously risky plan where we needed to remain focused. There was no point in engaging in a debate that would only distract us.

Hyun Cheon Do-in remarked,

“The sun will soon be directly overhead.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to get a bit closer?”

“Hmm… Let’s try to approach within thirty zhang of the altar.”



Hyun Cheon Do-in and I swiftly moved from pavilion to pavilion. The deeper we went into the village, the more pavilions there were, which made for easier infiltration. Of course, fanatics would suddenly appear from unexpected corners, attacking us with axes or knives, but if we were to be taken down by such minor assaults, we wouldn’t have made it this far. We simply subdued them one by one and pressed forward.

Finally, after approaching within thirty zhang, the altar became clear from the top of a pavilion. I examined the altar’s structure and frowned.

“It’s horrific… It’s completely drenched in red.”

“Those demonic creatures.”

Hyun Cheon Do-in shuddered again. It was evident how many human sacrifices had taken place, as the once white marble altar had been completely stained red. Fanatics wandered aimlessly around the altar, their vacant eyes increasing in number. It seemed that as noon approached, the fanatics scattered throughout the village were gradually gathering.

I felt a sense of concern.

“I wish we could get a bit closer.”

“That may be impossible.”

As Hyun Cheon Do-in said, this distance was the closest we could get. Just stepping outside this building would leave us virtually surrounded by crowds of fanatics. When the plan initiates, we would have to attempt to assassinate the Flute Phantom from this position.

At that moment, a strange sound echoed—


Simultaneously, the gazes of the hundreds and thousands of humans gathered in the village square all fixated on one spot. They were focused on the center of the altar.

Is that it?

The Flute Phantom!

A figure cloaked in brown robes emerged from behind, slowly walking toward the altar. The robe covered not just its face but nearly all of its limbs, making it impossible to ascertain its gender. It pulled out a black flute from inside its robe and began to play.

Kiiing— Kiiing—


I thought the sound of the flute was peculiar. It wasn’t a specific tune; rather, it sounded like a thin, shrill noise that clawed at the ears. This soundwave was being used to turn humans into fanatics and control them.

While I could sense the influence of its internal energy, at my current level, it was merely unpleasant. As I scratched my ears, Hyun Cheon Do-in spoke softly,

“This is a sound technique aimed at suppressing the mind. If you strengthen your internal energy, you won’t fall under its illusions.”


“It won’t be long before it draws a knife to perform a human sacrifice. That will be the moment for us to act.”

The moment when it draws its knife is ironically weaker than when it’s playing the flute.

This was the reason we had to move at that specific time.

It was based on Hyun Cheon Do-in’s experience, knowing that while the Flute Phantom played its flute, the fanatics gathered in the square would become even fiercer, faster, and more brutal. The sound of the flute not only controlled the fanatics but also enhanced their agility and ferocity.

Hyun Cheon Do-in and I concentrated intensely on every movement of the Flute Phantom. It was as if the air around us was charged, ready to explode at any moment.

After a brief moment, several fanatics approached the altar with a sacrifice, lying on the altar like dead fish in a daze. The Flute Phantom seemed to think it was ready, as it ceased playing the flute and slowly withdrew a dagger from its robe, approaching the sacrifices.

‘Now is the time!’


Without waiting for each other, Hyun Cheon Do-in and I leaped from the pavilion, charging forward. Our lightness skill cut through the air, allowing us to spring into the air with a bounce akin to a spring. I landed on the ground ahead of Hyun Cheon Do-in, and at that moment, I channeled all my internal energy into a powerful stomp.


As my foot struck the ground, the earth beneath me shattered, sending nearby fanatics flying away from the shockwave of my stomp. Once the fanatics began to fall, their gathering turned into a liability, much like the retreating tide of humans collapsing in front of me. I must have sent about fifty flying with that single stomp, clearing the way toward the altar.

Hyun Cheon Do-in sent me a thought transmission.

[Thank you! I will surely behead that creature!]

It seemed that he was genuinely grateful for my assistance. Even a peak expert like Hyun Cheon Do-in would find it extremely dangerous to penetrate through such a horde of fanatics, so my powerful stomp had provided him much-needed leeway.


Hyun Cheon Do-in’s extraordinary agility propelled him forward, gliding as if sliding through the air. Within three seconds, he had closed the distance, positioning himself right in front of the Flute Phantom, which had just turned to look over its shoulder after stopping its blade.

At that moment, Hyun Cheon Do-in unleashed his renowned Wudang Sword Qi, the Hyun Cheon Sword Qi, shooting forth like a flash toward the back of the Flute Phantom. Even as I waved my hands, effortlessly sending ten fanatics flying away with my own internal energy, I was captivated by the sight of the Hyun Cheon Sword Qi.

It was wavering.

It shimmered with a blue light.

‘Sword Flame!’

Hyun Cheon Do-in was not merely at the entry level of peak expertise; he was a master who could unleash Sword Flames, flames of sword energy!

At that moment, the Flute Phantom, entirely caught off guard, found itself facing Hyun Cheon Do-in’s sword energy poised to pierce its back!

Even a master from the Iron Blood Sect could not evade a fatal blow in that state. Just as I was filled with confidence about our imminent victory,




I witnessed an unbelievable scene in that instant.

Two men in black suddenly appeared beside the Flute Phantom, blocking Hyun Cheon Do-in’s sword energy with an immediate counterattack.



Even they seemed surprised by the sudden ambush, as despite being outnumbered, the two men in black stumbled back, blood trickling from their mouths. It took them three steps backwards to regain their footing, but by that time, one of them had already manoeuvered to put the Flute Phantom behind him.

“No?! ”

Hyun Cheon Do-in gasped in shock.

Although he had the upper hand, that wasn’t the issue.

The fact that only two of them had managed to block Hyun Cheon Do-in’s full-force assault meant that those men in black were exceptionally skilled, far surpassing average practitioners. Moreover, their method of blocking the Sword Flame was the legendary combination technique known as the “Cooperative Strike.”

Using their combined internal energy and abilities, they effectively contended against a stronger opponent! This was a secret technique taught only to a select few in prestigious martial families.

The man on the right, wiping the blood from his mouth, spoke. Judging by the nosebleed, it seemed there was a notable personal skill gap between him and Hyun Cheon Do-in.

“Ah, so it’s you, Hyun Cheon Do-in. I was curious when I received the urgent dispatch order, but I never imagined that a peak expert within the top ten of Wudang Sect would show up.”

“Who are you?”

The response came from the man on the left.

“I regret that our paths have crossed under such circumstances. You will not leave this place alive.”



Meanwhile, in the chaos, the fanatics I had been tossing aside began to twitch with madness, their antics amplifying as the effects of the flute wore off. The Flute Phantom, which had been hiding behind the men in black, started to play the flute again. If this continued, we would have to fight against a wave of strengthened fanatics, right up to a thousand of these madmen!

‘What the hell!!!’

I silently screamed within.

Of course, I wouldn’t easily be captured and killed by these lunatics, but the real issue lay ahead.



[ ^@#^&!$!&^$^&!$^&…..]

In addition to the two men in black standing guard against Hyun Cheon Do-in, an amorphous demon creature began to emerge, producing monstrous sounds. The monstrous form represented a grotesque creature with two massive, fluid-like bodies, adorned with hundreds of eyes and tentacles, exuding a sinister aura.

“Damn it! Let’s get out of here!!”

I screamed at Hyun Cheon Do-in. Without a moment’s thought, he leaped forward toward me. The man in black smirked coldly.

“Did you think it would just be the two of us facing you, Hyun Cheon Do-in?”


K clang!

As Hyun Cheon Do-in and I leaped onto the high pavilion to prepare ourselves, black-clad men suddenly appeared, brandishing their swords with agile movements. There were eight of them in total, and among them was someone wielding a Qimen Weapon.

I could tell just by their stances.

Martial artists trained to be elite over many years!

Hyun Cheon Do-in unleashed a fierce shout.

“These wicked scoundrels!!”

At the same time, Hyun Cheon Do-in’s Sword Flame spread through the air. The solidified sword energy shot out like a tempest, decapitating two of them, while his outstretched palm crushed the chest of another.

In an instant, three of them had been killed by Hyun Cheon Do-in, but the next moment, three skilled opponents advanced together, causing him to hesitate and unable to press forward. Surprisingly, these three were able to fight evenly against Hyun Cheon Do-in.

K clang! Ka-aang!

The sight was so shocking that I momentarily lost my composure.

‘Wha… what?! Where did such skilled practitioners come from?’

It was truly astonishing. Among the three black-clad men facing Hyun Cheon Do-in, one was using sword energy. It was as if a peak expert, not inferior to any first-rate master, was attacking Hyun Cheon Do-in alongside his companions.


“We’re going to kill you.”

Meanwhile, two black-clad men approached and surrounded me. I couldn’t gauge their skill level very well, but as I glared fiercely at them, I grasped my sword. One of them threw the Qimen Weapon, a metal spear, aiming for my head, but I swiftly withdrew a dagger from my robe and managed to entangle the chain.



“Do you underestimate me?!”

Taking advantage of their surprise, I lunged in and delivered a front kick that crushed the chest of one of them. Then, I charged again towards the one with the Qimen Weapon and delivered a sword strike. Frankly, I was quite worried that this attack wouldn’t land, given how often I had been on the receiving end lately.



But my concern proved to be unfounded. The practitioner wielding the Qimen Weapon attempted to take my attack head-on, but was struck by the Lightning Sword Aura that manifested on my sword, resulting in an explosive outcome. His torso was obliterated as he screamed in his last moments. He appeared to be among the top-tier practitioners, yet he couldn’t withstand my frontal assault.

One down!

As I dispatched two of them, the three confronting Hyun Cheon Do-in bore looks of panic.


“Who is that guy?”

I understood well that this wasn’t the moment for introductions or showing off. I certainly didn’t want to risk losing an opportunity to escape by indulging in the typical martial artist bravado. So, I refrained from speaking and charged forward like a wolf, launching a flurry of sword strikes.

‘Die, you bastards!’

K clang! K clang!

The sound of metal clashing echoed. Hyun Cheon Do-in and I faced off against three enemies, creating a shift in momentum in our favor. Moreover, it seemed the black-clad men were flustered by the unexpected turn of events, failing to display their true abilities.




Hyun Cheon Do-in seized the opportunity and swiftly unleashed his Sword Flame against the weakest opponent, killing him instantly.

“Damn it…”

Seeing this, the peak expert among the black-clad practitioners must have realized it was futile; he hastily retreated with his remaining subordinates, jumping down from the pavilion.

Boom… Boom…

At that moment, the demon creatures seemed to have noticed us and began moving their hefty bodies towards us. Hundreds of eyes and tentacles squirmed grotesquely, and their movements became increasingly agile, instilling a sense of fear. Hyun Cheon Do-in urgently said,

“They’re suddenly getting faster! We need to escape!”

“Damn it all!!”

I screamed as I jumped off the pavilion alongside Hyun Cheon Do-in. Simultaneously, with a thunderous crash, the six-story structure was completely brought down by the monstrous body slam. Riding the wave of destruction, Hyun Cheon Do-in took flight once more, reaching out towards me.


Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

I could hear the footsteps of three demon creatures rushing after us, disregarding both humans and buildings in their path. We were running for our lives, exerting every ounce of strength we had left. The fanatics skirmishing in the vicinity were trampled without a trace by the demonic forces—truly akin to rampaging monsters of destruction.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!


I was engulfed in a terrifying experience of flight that I had never encountered before. My premonition had been dire from the start, but who would have thought it could spiral into something like this?! And now I understood Hyun Cheon Do-in’s claim that ‘demons’ could not be countered with mere human strength.


Once again, the building crumbled under the collision with the monsters’ bodies.

A massive cloud of dust engulfed the village.

“Ugh, noooooo!!!”

I let out a desperate scream.


My last memory was of being torn apart by the creature’s monstrous slam in an instant.

My consciousness faded so quickly that I didn’t even have time to feel pain.

That was my fourth death.

—————————= Author’s Note =—————————

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