Reincarnation Sword God

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng

When I came to, I was lying in the house of the fabric shop owner. He must have moved me after I suddenly fainted. As he was unusually kind-hearted, I thanked him after regaining consciousness.

“Thank you so much.”

“What circumstances are making you want to become an escort?”

“I thought it might be the easiest way to make a living.”

“Being an escort is an extremely difficult and lowly job… tsk tsk.”

The fabric shop owner clicked his tongue, and I agreed with his words. An escort is half martial artist, but essentially plays the role of a physical laborer employed in transportation. It was extremely rare for escorts to master first-class or peak martial arts, and most lived their whole lives struggling with mediocre skills before dying. The fabric shop owner in front of me might even have an easier life.

The fabric shop owner said:

“I’m sorry, but I’m too busy making a living to look after you. Just drink some water and leave.”

“No, thank you very much.”

“As I said earlier, there’s no escort agency around here. You have to cross several mountains to reach Wangha, where the Sagong Escort Agency is.”

The fabric shop owner soon handed me clean clothes. They seemed to be roughly tailored to fit my body type, probably from clothes he already had.

“Um, I don’t have any money…”

“Just take them. These days, looking like a beggar brings more harm than good on the road.”

“… Thank you. May I ask your name?”

“Ha ha. Everyone calls me Mr. Song from the fabric shop.”

“I see. Take care.”

As I changed clothes and left the fabric shop, I made a promise to myself.

‘Jang Cheol from Samsong Escort Agency… Mr. Song from the fabric shop… I’ll repay these two somehow.’

I know well.

How difficult and hard it is to give something to others without expecting anything in return in this harsh world.

Even I had never helped others without benefit to myself. Because I was busy just trying to survive. Jang Cheol and Mr. Song were no different from me in life, yet they could help others at their own expense – this in itself was remarkable. If I didn’t repay their kindness, I’d be nothing but a bastard.

I started walking again towards Wangha. On the way, I became more skilled at catching wild animals, so I grilled meat more often. There were no bandits to be seen, probably because there were many small martial arts sects in the Huangshan area, including the Huangshan Sect.

Swoosh –

Seeing a cold waterfall, I drew up my internal energy to protect my body and washed off the dirt. Normally I might catch a cold, but having consumed sufficient nutrients and cultivated my internal energy well, I didn’t feel very cold. After drying my clothes, I felt refreshed.

Upon arriving in the Wangha area, it wasn’t difficult to find the Sagong Escort Agency. Though I rarely visited the Huangshan area and didn’t know much, the Sagong Escort Agency was the largest in this region. It was easy to ask around and find it as soon as I entered the town.

Standing in front of the Sagong Escort Agency’s signboard, I thought for a moment.

‘Sagong Escort Agency… They say it was established by the Sagong clan, but I haven’t heard much about it. Is it alright to entrust myself here? Well, I have no other choice now…’

After a moment, I entered the Sagong Escort Agency.


“Hey, move that luggage over here!”

“This one’s not stamped! Rookie, take this and get it stamped~”

“Yes, big brother!!”

When I entered, true to an escort agency, many people were bustling about, moving cargo and preparing for transport. Though everyone was busy without a moment to spare, I knew I just needed to find the escort leader.

“Excuse me, I’d like to become an escort. Can you accept me?”

“Huh?! Kid, stop joking!! We’re busy, so get lost!”

I tried asking an escort as a test, but he just frowned and dismissed it as nonsense. Well, for a job that’s mostly physical labor, it would sound absurd for a young teenager to want to become an escort. I would have given the same answer, so this time I asked properly.

“I’d like to see the escort leader of Sagong Escort Agency. Where is he?”

“Huh?! The leader’s right over there! The one in white clothes!”

I looked where the escort was pointing. Indeed, there was someone wearing high-quality white clothes, unlike the others. From his refined appearance, I could tell he wasn’t originally an escort but came from a noble family.

But I was surprised by something else.

‘A woman?’

That’s right. The person pointed out as the leader was a beautiful woman in white clothes. She seemed even prettier than Mrs. Seo, the village chief’s concubine I saw before. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, with delicate features and flawless skin. Especially her clear eyes that seemed to draw in the viewer’s gaze proved her outstanding beauty.

However, a female escort leader was something I’d never seen before in my life. Although escort leaders do more office work and get paid more than regular escorts, it’s fundamentally a physical job. It’s unheard of for a delicate woman to be an escort leader.

But as I watched her walk around looking here and there, I soon understood.

‘She’s trained in martial arts!’

Her light movements were efficient and precise. This is a phenomenon that only appears when one has mastered advanced footwork techniques, with the essence of martial arts condensed in every step. She must possess at least second-rate martial arts skills, befitting an escort leader.

I cautiously approached the female leader and said:

“I’ve come to become an escort!”


She turned her head to look at me as if surprised. When I saw her face directly, my mind went blank for a moment. Even from the side, I thought her beauty was like a painting, but up close and straight on, the phrase ‘peerless beauty’ didn’t do her justice.

Truly a beauty that could topple a nation!

‘Wow… I’ve never seen someone this beautiful in my life…’

She was so beautiful that rather than arousing lust, it only evoked dumbfounded admiration. It was the first time I’d learned that such a beauty existed in a mere escort agency. She smiled gently and caressed my cheek.

“Little one, what’s your name?”

“It’s Baek Woong.”

“I’m Sagong Rin, the escort leader of Sagong Escort Agency. I’m sorry, but you’re too young to be an escort. How about working as a laborer first?”

She seemed to be considerate in her own way, but I couldn’t accept it.

Working as a laborer would mean doing miscellaneous tasks indefinitely. Knowing it would be much easier to become an escort and only handle cargo transport and guarding duties, I shook my head and insisted:

“I can do escort work just fine!”


Sagong Rin smiled as if troubled. Even that light smile had a charm that could make men’s hearts flutter. Indeed, the laborers and escorts moving cargo around were glancing at Sagong Rin, paying attention to her. Though their ranks differed, it seemed the male nature was drawn to Sagong Rin.

“Then, do you know what an escort does?”

“I know as much as others do.”

“Being an escort requires at least some martial arts skills and strength. With your young age…”

“Watch closely.”


Before Sagong Rin finished speaking, I used the Thunder Shadow Step like lightning to approach a nearby cargo. It seemed to be a huge wooden decoration about one zhang wide. The weight was clearly enough to make several strong men sweat while moving it.


But I easily lifted the heavy wooden decoration above my head with both hands. I could have done it with one hand, but I deliberately lifted it stably to avoid looking too strong.


“Wh-what strength…”

“Is that a child’s strength?”

The surrounding escorts and laborers murmured in confusion. In reality, this weight couldn’t be lifted by a single adult male’s strength even if they were reborn. It was an object that required two or three skilled laborers working together, carefully adjusting their strength to move. Of course they were surprised to see a child like me lift it.

Sagong Rin also looked surprised and said:

“Ah… Considerable internal energy. You must be from a renowned martial arts family?”

Being trained in martial arts herself, she seemed to have discerned that I lifted the wooden decoration using the power of the Thunder Dragon One Qi Technique. Since there was no point in hiding it, I gave Sagong Rin a vague explanation.

“I lost my parents early and was looking for a place to use the martial arts I’ve learned. I really want to work as an escort.”

“Wait here for a moment.”


She disappeared from the hall with a dreamlike footwork as if clouds were rippling. She seemed to have entered a building inside, but I couldn’t tell where she went. I realized her level of footwork surpassed mine and had a surprising thought.

‘That’s not martial arts an escort leader should possess. She might be stronger than me in my second life before I died.’

At least a first-class expert!

The martial arts Sagong Rin has mastered are not self-taught techniques developed by escorts through grit and effort over many years. It was undoubtedly first-class martial arts passed down for generations in a prestigious martial arts family. Moreover, using footwork at the level of silent echo meant Sagong Rin’s martial arts were at a level where she could take down three or four ordinary escort leaders.

I waited awkwardly in place, receiving glances from the escorts. And I realized that Sagong Escort Agency was no ordinary place.

‘Sagong Escort Agency… Sagong Rin… Is this an escort agency run by direct descendants of the Sagong clan? If so, the martial arts of the executives at escort leader level and above in this agency might be comparable to those of major sects.’

It’s surprising that a place like this hasn’t made a name for itself in the Central Plains. My heart raced at the thought of learning many unknown facts through repeated reincarnations. If I keep traveling the Central Plains like this, will I someday become omniscient and boast the greatest knowledge in the world?

After a while, Sagong Rin returned with three men in white clothes. Unlike Sagong Rin, they were men with sharp features, all with handsome appearances. As someone who had been unattractive since childhood, their impressive physiques made me feel slightly intimidated. They were probably blood relatives of the Sagong clan.

The tall man in white standing at the front stared at me intently.

“Follow us!”


Then they turned around with a sound like wind and walked somewhere. I followed them, and soon we came to an empty space with no people around. As I looked around, the man in white spoke:

“I heard from Rin-ah that your martial arts are exceptionally good for your age. You must be from a prestigious family. Reveal your background and martial arts origins.”

Calling her “Rin-ah” as a nickname, he seemed to be Sagong Rin’s older blood relative. Looking at their appearances, they had many similarities, and he was also a handsome man. I answered curtly:

“Is that really necessary? I’ve already revealed my name and circumstances.”

“I’m sorry, but our Sagong Escort Agency is not in a position to carelessly get involved in the affairs of martial arts families. If you can’t reveal that, we’ll have to send you away no matter how strong your martial arts are.”

They seemed to think I was a child from a prestigious family who had run away recklessly. Even other escort agencies would refuse, and Sagong Escort Agency, being run by blood relatives, would be even more reluctant.

But I was at a loss for a suitable excuse. The martial arts I learned were secret techniques from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, and if any of them had a keen eye, I’d have nothing to say. At best, I could claim to be the child of Samjeol Lee Kwang, the master of Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, but I doubted how well that would work.

After pondering what to do, I decided to take a gamble.

“What I’ve learned is truly family-inherited martial arts, and I’m trying to become an escort because I have no way to make a living after my parents passed away. What do I need to do for you to believe me?”

If by chance these men in white noticed that my martial arts were from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts School, things would get complicated. But I decided to bet on the fact that they didn’t know this. The Azure Dragon Martial Arts School was very far from here, and there was little chance of interaction between them.

Then the handsome man who had been questioning me laughed.

“We’ll find out if we test you. Hyeon!”

One of the men in white standing next to the handsome man stepped forward. He also looked like a martial artist from the Sagong clan, and his main weapon seemed to be a sword. The handsome man threw wooden swords to both sides and said:

“Spar with Sagong Hyeon using wooden swords for fifty seconds. I’ll find out which family you’re from.”

I caught the wooden sword in mid-air and said:

“… You’ve been speaking rudely all this time, but what’s your name?”

“Hm? You’ve got guts…”

The handsome man answered after speaking as if dumbfounded:

“I’m Sagong Pae.”

“Are you family with Escort Leader Sagong Rin?”

“I’m her older brother. And everyone here is from the same family.”

I see.

I nodded as my guess was roughly correct.

‘Let’s see how this goes.’

Although it’s the body of a child whose bones and muscles haven’t fully grown, the memory of the martial arts I practiced is intact. Moreover, my body is sufficiently warmed up after trekking through mountains and undergrowth to get here. Apart from being a bit smaller, I thought there wouldn’t be much difference in skill.

I maintained a distance of one zhang while facing Sagong Hyeon with wooden swords. We glared at each other intensely before suddenly thrusting forward.

The first attack was a light probe from both sides, and in the next attack, our slashes collided. Sparks flew like illusions, followed by repeated lightning-fast thrusts.


“Huh…?! Th-this.”

It took only seven moves for the outcome to be decided. The Thunder Shadow Sword Technique I used snaked in like a serpent, exploiting every opening and slicing Sagong Hyeon’s wooden sword in half. As I pressed the tip of the sword against Sagong Hyeon’s throat, victory was undeniable.


“No way, is this real?”

I heard Sagong Rin’s exclamations of amazement. Seeing Sagong Pae’s flustered reaction made me feel a bit satisfied.

‘It seems like my inner strength has increased since before I died. Did my training in the barn advance my inner strength to the next level?’

With a surge of confidence, I teased Sagong Pae.

“It ended too quickly, so I didn’t get a chance to show you my martial arts.”

“Hmph… I see. Among your peers, you really are unmatched.”

Wait, is he admitting it honestly?

Sagong Pae’s response deflated my expectations. I had hoped for a display of inferiority and petty grievances, but instead, he remained calm. I had anticipated that Sagong Pae would challenge me himself, but this expectation was also proved wrong.

“Rin, you take over.”

“Yes, brother.”


I was taken aback as Sagong Rin stepped forward with a wooden sword. Why was she coming out? I had expected Sagong Pae to show off his skills, but things were not going as I had imagined. Fighting a woman made me uneasy, and I had a feeling that I might lose to Sagong Rin.

“Isn’t it only right for my older brother, Sagong Pae, to take the challenge?”

Sagong Pae shook his head.

“Not at all. Rin is much stronger than I am. If you want to gauge your skills, it is only natural for Rin to take on the challenge.”


Sagong Pae calmly acknowledged that he was weaker than his sister, but none of the white-robed warriors around him showed any change in their expressions. It was clear that they had no hesitation in recognizing Sagong Rin as the strongest.

As I looked at Sagong Rin, she had already assumed her stance.

The sight of the elegant black-haired beauty taking her stance with a wooden sword was like a beautiful painting. When Sagong Rin met my gaze, she smiled gently and said,

“Nice to meet you.”

Her tone was polite but not overly formal. I responded with the same level of courtesy.

“Yes, likewise.”

A hint of tension gripped me. I knew I couldn’t underestimate her just because she was a woman, and I had to give it my all.

Piying – !!

As the match began, our swords clashed, and in the blink of an eye, ten seconds had passed. Amid the whirlwind of strikes like a ferocious storm, I sought for openings, but Sagong Rin’s swordplay was far more refined and rapid than Sagong Hyeon’s. Moreover, each strike carried a heavy force, making it difficult to respond with sheer strength.



As our blades met, I felt my hand throb and blood trickle from the impact. The power behind Sagong Rin’s strikes was so formidable that I sustained some internal injuries. It was astounding how her inner strength was far superior to mine.

Whoosh whoosh

Suddenly, Sagong Rin spun like a top, her movements creating illusions as she struck from twelve different angles. I used my body’s perception to block her attacks, but it wasn’t perfect, and I ended up taking hits to my ribs and thighs.

Eventually, when Sagong Rin pressed her wooden sword against my temple, I had no choice but to admit my defeat.

“I concede.”

I felt a pang of self-reproach.

I thought I had grown strong enough after three lifetimes to not be looked down upon, but I was still weak enough to lose to a woman? I knew there were people stronger than me in the world, but it still felt unjust.

However, the white-robed warriors’ reactions were different. Especially Sagong Pae, Sagong Rin’s older brother, coughed as if truly surprised.

“Ahem, ahem… To last a hundred and fifty seconds against Rin… This little boy is truly a formidable future talent.”

“Impressive. How could someone at that age have such inner strength?”



They seemed more astonished by the fact that I lasted a hundred and fifty seconds against Sagong Rin than by my defeat. It meant that Sagong Rin’s skills were far beyond what I had imagined. Sagong Pae asked Sagong Rin,

“Rin, do you know which sect this child’s martial arts come from?”

When Sagong Rin heard the question, she stared at me intently. Her clear, almost mesmerizing eyes took my breath away for a moment. Alongside feelings of inadequacy, a sudden urge to possess her started to rise within me.

Soon, Sagong Rin smiled brightly.

“I’m not sure. What the young man Baek Woong said might be true.”

“Hmm… If you say so, then it must be so.”

Sagong Pae, looking satisfied, ruffled my hair and said,

“Good! I will accept you as a new ticket inspector for the Sagong Ticket Office.”

That day, I went to meet the head of the Sagong Ticket Office, Sagong Hwan. He appeared to be in his early fifties, with a rather stern demeanor. After listening to Sagong Pae’s introduction, Sagong Hwan’s eyes lit up when he heard about the outcome of my sparring match with Sagong Rin.

“You are an exceptional young man. Work hard for the sake of our Sagong Ticket Office.”

“Yes, Director.”

From now on, I was officially a ticket inspector for the Sagong Ticket Office.

After receiving the director’s approval, I was given the insignia, uniform, and weapon of a new ticket inspector. When I changed into the new clothes, I realized I looked quite unimpressive. Yet, I understood that this was a crucial opportunity for my future, and I could only be grateful for the employment.

As I walked to my lodging, I unexpectedly encountered Sagong Rin again. She seemed to have been waiting for me, as she met my gaze directly.

A moment later, I was struck with surprise.

[Young Hero, do you have any connection to the Azure Dragon Martial Arts Academy?]


Transmission of Thought!

This was a level of high-level martial arts communication used only by top masters or those advancing to the peak of their abilities. It was a technique I had only seen used by Master Jin So-cheong, and here it was being used by Sagong Rin. This also proved that she had been holding back during our earlier fight.

Moreover, it seemed she had already realized that my martial arts were from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts Academy. I struggled to maintain my composure and answered calmly.

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Is that so…?”

She smiled like a delicate flower and continued.

“It’s not something to boast about, but I have studied under the Old Sage of Mount Tai. Master Yi Kwang, the head of the Azure Dragon Martial Arts Academy, and the Old Sage of Mount Tai are close friends. I had the opportunity to witness Master Yi Kwang’s martial arts firsthand during my studies at Mount Tai.”


The Old Sage of Mount Tai!

That name was still renowned thirty years later and is still considered one of the greatest figures in the righteous sects. As the most senior figure among the righteous sects and a member of the Ten Greatest Masters of the World, he was revered by all righteous sects around Mount Tai.

‘So that’s why! Sagong Rin is a prodigious talent who received teachings from the Old Sage of Mount Tai!’

It was only natural for her older brother, Sagong Pae, and the white-robed warriors to defer to her. Likely, she had such exceptional talent that once she surpassed what could be taught within her family, she was recommended to become a disciple of the greatest figure in the righteous sects.

In essence, Sagong Rin was one of the top five martial artists in the Central Plains at this moment!

I had just fought against such a tremendous figure. Although she had been lenient with me, the sheer magnitude of the encounter left me breathless. As I stood there speechless, Sagong Rin gently patted my cheek.

“I understand that you have your own circumstances. And I could tell from our match that you have a pure heart, not driven by evil intentions.”

“… Thank you.”

I realized she had chosen to overlook the truth on purpose. Had she chosen to reveal everything, Master Yi Kwang from the Azure Dragon Martial Arts Academy would have been summoned, an investigation would have begun, and things would have gotten complicated. Thanks to her consideration, I was able to become a ticket inspector.

Sagong Rin smiled brightly.

“I hope you will be able to achieve what you seek here at our ticket office.”

I watched as she walked away, her figure slowly disappearing into the distance.

And suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

Could I ever win her heart?

Setting aside the age difference, would there ever come a day when I could talk to her properly?

‘… It’s probably impossible.’

Another fatal flaw of mine that I had avoided thinking about in my quest for strength came to mind.

I was unattractive.

Right now, being young still masked my lack of beauty, but fundamentally, I was not good-looking. Even as I grew older, I would remain below average in appearance, and it was already difficult to find a partner. My inability to marry in my first life was also due to this fact—many women had been repulsed by my looks.

“… No matter how strong I become, there’s no way to change my appearance.”

It wasn’t necessary for me to pursue a romantic relationship or marriage with Sagong Rin. However, thinking about my situation in relation to her made me feel a renewed sense of self-doubt. No matter how excellent my martial arts were, I couldn’t change my inherent appearance.

‘Get a grip.’

I shook my head and went into my room, muttering a proverb from Master Jin So-cheong.

“It is never too late to think after becoming strong.”

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