Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 2 Chapter 35: Legato





“I-I did it! I did it!!!”

I let out a jump of joy as I witnessed the now split-into-two boulder in front of me.

Finally! After many days of training, and chipping my poor sword, I can finally pull it off! Staccato, the technique to sharpen the blade to supernatural level. I can finally do it at last!

“Well, congratulations, Hugo. See, you can do it if you try hard enough.”

I heard a sound of clapping from behind. It was Fiora, standing there with a small smirk on her face.

She wasn’t wearing her usual white dress however. She was instead wearing what could only be described as a pair of black sports bra and bike shorts. It was such an outrageous outfit, especially to be worn by a princess, that I was completely taken aback when she first wore it in our training.

She said it was her training outfit, as if she wore her usual dress, she would just ruin it with her sweat.

And yes, it gave me quite the pleasant eye-candy to look at as we trained.

For starters, it exposed her stomach and belly button. Not a single fat was there, only slim and well-toned muscle. On the chest department, it showed just how big her breasts were. And they were indeed quite sizable, to the point that I could notice their slight bounce whenever Fiora performed a move. As for her shorts, it nicely showed off her firm buttocks and cameltoe. Nice pantyline as well.

To think that she's only 13 and she's already this good-looking. Just how much of a beauty she will grow to become in the future?

Noticing the perverted leering I often sent as we trained, she naturally teased me for it, even squeezing my hardening member that one time.

Goddamn, she's really trying to seduce me, isn't she?

Ever since our little talk back at the temple, she had been nicer to me, or so I felt. She started calling me by my name as well, instead of just “boy” all the time. I guess that means she really has thought of me as her friend. Or rather, a potential future husband/knight.

I'm flattered really. I might just take her up on her offer, if not for a fact that I already have Sherry waiting for me. I'm not a scumbag who would leave his old girlfriend just because a new, hotter girl takes an interest in me.

...Oops, did I just say Fiora is more attractive than Sherry? That isn't quite right. Fiora is like that seductive girlfriend who just knows how to excite a man, while Sherry is the cute and loyal type that you just want to coddle and get pampered by.

Ah, if only I'm a harem protagonist. I can have both of them, sleeping with me side by side at night. Fiora might be willing, but Sherry certainly wouldn't.

But this is just my perverted, greedy mind talking, isn't it? A real life harem would just end up in cutthroat competition between the wives. That sounds like hell to me, not the peaceful, loving family that I want.

“Now that you've been able to perform one of the special techniques,” Fiora continued. “You are now officially an Adept-rank swordsman in Galahad-style. Or so my teacher said to me when I first successfully performed the technique all those years ago.”

“Adept-rank?" Ah, that's right. I've read it in the book Fiora had given me. There are seven ranks of mastery in the sword schools of Lancelot and Galahad.

  1. Maestro, the strongest one.
  2. Virtuoso
  3. Champion
  4. Expert
  5. Adept
  6. Apprentice
  7. Initiate, the weakest one.

"You're not a member of either Order, are you? So you can't really say I'm an Adept-rank."

"Psshaw, formalities, who cares about them? If I say you're Adept-rank, then you're Adept-rank, got it?"

The Orders I was talking about were of course, the Order of Lancelot and the Order of Galahad. Their founders, their first generation Maestros, were disciples of the Legendary Hero himself, so suffice to say that they’re an organization with a long history behind them. It's kinda hard to explain what they are, since they're like a mixture of sword school and a monastic order. They each hold their own small territory in the Holy Continent, ruling them independently from any other countries, even the Holy Empire. They don’t really dabble in politics, preferring to spend their time honing their art of the blade, so the common folks who live there usually just rule themselves. Or so Fiora told me anyway.

There are other, similar organizations in the world, like the Order of The Righteous Fist, which, by the way, was the school those monk assassins most likely belonged to. Instead of the sword, they would use their own fists to fight.

Technically, to be called a swordsman of rank such and such of a certain style, you have to pass their qualifications first.

“Just one more rank and you’ll be able to open your own sword school,” Fiora continued, still with the same smile on her face. “I doubt you’d be interested in such a thing though.”

...Yeah, not going to spend my second life as a sword teacher, thank you very much.

We left Sigil and the Grand Priestess a while ago. We were currently on route to our next destination, the Kingdom of Fenesia, where we would visit the next Grand Priest. Fenesia was one of the vassal kingdoms of the Empire, located to its east, or to put it in a larger perspective, it was located on the southeastern end of the Holy Continent itself. We weren’t rushing to get there however, as Fiora demanded we devote more time on training, which now couldn’t be done on a carriage.

The reason? Because of the cat assassin from before.

Helen told us about him. Apparently, he was the top assassin of the underground world. No one knew his real name, but his alias was the Hunter of Death (wow, quite the chuuni name there). If he had settled on a target, then that target would be already considered dead, as no one ever escaped from his blade. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the kind of assassin that would accept a contract merely for money. He lived for the thrill of the hunt, yearned for it. That’s why he would only accept targets that personally interested him.

He wasn’t alone either, as he had a number of companions with them. For particularly tough jobs, he would call upon their help. Their last “hunt” was a business tycoon that had S-ranked adventurers as his bodyguard. Yet he perished anyways.

In short, he was a terrifying foe, and since he had declared he would come after us with his whole merry band, Fiora decided it would be wiser for us to train to be stronger.

Yes, us. As in, her as well.

That’s why she put on her training outfit. Because she would also do her own training, instead of just watching me doing it.

After she lost to the Grand Priestess, she probably realized the limits of her strength. Not to mention how she couldn’t gain a clear advantage against the assassin as well.

Personally, I would be fine slowing down to train like this… if I don’t have Sherry in my mind. It’s still so far away until I can even get to the Demon Continent, and I kept wondering if Sherry’s doing alright there. If only there’s some magic item or something that I can use to communicate with her, or at the very least, send a message. Only now I realize just how convenient having a global network of communication is.

And I’m afraid the more I spend time with Fiora and being teased by her, she’ll eventually weaken my willpower enough and make me break my promise with Sherry.

“What’s with the glum face? You’re not happy you just mastered a technique you worked so hard on?” Fiora asked with her hands folded under her chest, making those two mounds even more noticeable.

"Just thinking that I want to send a letter to Sherry. And my sister as well." I sighed. "But I don't know where the latter currently is, while Sherry's village at the Demon Continent is completely isolated from the outside world."

"Hmm." She tilted her head slightly away. "I think I know a magic tool you can use for that purpose."

"Wait, really?" My eyes shone.

"Don't get too excited though. It's a really rare item. No magic craftsman ever managed to replicate it. You can only find it inside World Dungeons, at their depths. Well, at your level, you'd probably be able to go that far."

I started to consider whether I should pay a visit to the nearest World Dungeon. I should check my map.

And besides, if you're reborn in a fantasy world yet you never try to conquer a dungeon, what are you doing with your life?

"I know what you're thinking." Fiora smirked. "You're seriously considering going dungeon crawling, don't you? Well, do it after you finish escorting me then."

Making sure where my priorities are, eh?

Yeah, I don’t mind. I’m in no rush. Our promise said that she would return once Marina finished her education, which meant around one year and a couple months from now, since I was already eleven right now. Yep, happy birthday me. And I already started going through the process of puberty as well. Hopefully, that means I’ll be able to grow taller soon.

“The next technique I will teach you is Legato, a parrying technique you can use to repel projectiles heading towards your direction. And yes, that includes magic as well.”

Well, that sounds useful. Finally, a defensive technique. I don’t really need offensive techniques like Staccato since I have my magic. But defensive? That’s definitely important.

“To introduce it to you, why don’t you try it yourself? Come. Fire at me with your spells.”

“Wait, seriously?”

“Hmm, is that a look that says ‘I don’t want to hurt you Fiora!’? Who do you think I am? My master says I’m already an Expert-rank at Galahad-style. You, who is only an Adept, shouldn’t talk back to me. Instead, worry whether or not you’d be able to even land a hit.”

Ah, there it is. Her smug grin has returned.

“Alright. Fine. I’ll take on your challenge.” I returned with my own smug grin. “Just so you know I’ll be going easy from you early on. Just to see the extent of your ability.”

“Hmph, suit yourself.”

She readied her sword, while I took out my staff. I sheathed back my sword on the other hand. This would be a test of pure magic, nothing more.


I started from my Beginner-lever spell. Of course, I wasn't just casting one or two of them, but a whole barrage, while using my Wind Step to circle around her swiftly. As expected, not a single one of them landed, no matter what element it was. She either deftly dodged it or parried it back at me.

"Come on now! This is too easy!" She taunted.

Fine! Time to rev it up to Intermediate-level spells!

With a smile, I continued barraging her from all directions. She still remained unschated, but I did notice how she now had to put more effort in deflecting my attacks.

"Not enough! Too slow and too weak!"

"Alright! Advanced-level it is!"

I began by creating a Flame Wall around her to limit her movement. And then, I cast Water Spout as it's a spell she won't be able to deflect, seeing how it conjures water to pop out from the earth.


"Legato! Half Moon!"

Moving her sword in a 180 degrees slashing motion, she dispelled part og my Flame Wall, allowing her to run from the follow-up Water spell.

"Earthen Break!"

The ground beneath her shattered, but she parried all the rocks that flew towards her.

"Rock Cannon!"

She cut the rock into two like it was nothing.

"Thunder Strike!"

Lightning struck from above, but she blocked it with her sword.

"Cold Blast!"

"Legato! Full Moon!"

She twirled her sword in a circle, forbidding even a single ice or snow to reach her.

"Air Sunder!"

"Legato! New Moon!"

Using a single thrust, she pierced through the cyclone, dispersing it immediately.

I was speechless. So this is the true extent of her power.

"That was good." She smirked, while panting. "I like that. But I'm still not satisfied. Come. You still got more, don't you? Show it all! Give it all you got!"

I gulped. The way she looked right now, I had to say, it was quite erotic. The sweat made her skin glisten and the fabric of her clothes clung even tighter to her shape.

I shook my head. Now's not the time to think such thoughts.

"Well, I certainly could use my strongest spell, but I really don't think you'd be able to handle it." I put my hands on my waist, puffing my chest.

"Try me."

She readied her stance once more. I could only sigh.

"Alright." I put on my serious face. "This is a Wind spell. It will come to you really, really fast. Faster than sound fast. And if it hits you full force, there would be nothing left of that part of the body."

"Shut your yapping and just do it."

"Look, I don't want to accidentally blow your head off. You still haven't paid me yet after all." I chuckled, trying to make a joke.

"If you kill me, then I'll absolve you of any responsibilities."

"How about my conscience?"

"I already saw you using it against that assassin. It's nothing impressive."

Nothing impressive? Is this girl serious? Or is she just bluffing?

"Helen will murder me if I end up killing you."

"She's weaker than me. You'd have no problem with her."

I took a long, deep breath. "Very well. One Boom Cannon, coming up."

I gathered my mana, aimed my wand at her, and waited to fire it until she gave the signal.


"Boom Cannon!"

The spell launched, and immediately it crashed into Fiora's blade.

"T-this is… so powerful… I-I can't—"

Oh shit! "Fiora!" I yelled. Shit shit shit I can't dispel the spell I've already fired!

"Hyaaahh!" She yelled as she brought down her sword.

She cut the spell into two, creating two small craters behind her. However, she was also sent flying, landing a few meters away from where she once stood.

She did it! She overcame my spell! Barely but still…

I ran to her at once. Only to find her with her back on the ground, panting heavily from the exertion she just performed.

And then…


Her training clothes shattered into pieces, leaving her only in her panties.

W-whoa! Is this seriously one of those cliched wardrobe failure situations? Like when the heroine gets her clothes ripped apart due to an attack? I guess my Boom Cannon did this to her, huh?

My perverted eyes immediately went towards her naked boobs. I had my suspicions but only now it was proven true. She wasn't wearing anything under her sports bra-like shirt!

My eyes then moved down to her panties. Ha, frilly, lacy white! Just like I guessed! Pretty low cut and skimpy too.

"Enjoying the view, Hugo?" She said with a smirk, covering her breasts with one of her arms. "Haah, that really was more powerful than I had expected."

She stood up like nothing had happened. I expected her to go all red, demanding me not to look. But I suppose to a girl who had intentionally been teasing me all this time, this was nothing to her.

Tch, no fun.

"Well, I gotta say, you don't look half-bad without clothes on." I grinned, eyeing her all over. "Nice perky breasts and cute frilly panties. Love the little bow at the front as well."

"Hmm hmm. I see." Her smirk grew wider. "I can certainly see that, judging by this thing."



"Hmm, nice moan. Pretty cute."

And just like that, she returned back to our carriage, with Helen rushing to her, no doubt asking what happened to her clothes. 

Afterwards, the maid gave me constant glares and huffs for a good week or so. I even sensed Nicole somewhat avoiding me as well.

This didn’t make Fiora give up however. Instead, she demanded me to use my Boom Cannon on her over and over. It was obvious what her goal was—to surpass her own limits and to get stronger.

And yes, that led to even more clothing accidents. However, each time, she would be able to defend herself against the spell more and more. Honestly, it was almost terrifying, seeing how a spell I worked for so long and hard on my own slowly being overtaken by her talent in the sword. I started to wonder if she was actually more talented in swordsmanship than me in magic.

Oh, Nicole was also training as well by the way, in her holy magic. Or rather, as she told me, she had some pointers given to her by the High and Grand Priestess on how to use holy magic in a more efficient manner. Something about her barriers. Helen was the one helping her train. She was a warrior/ninja/battle maid after all.

When I asked why she did it, she simply replied with a smile, “If I would become a high priestess, then it would be prudent for me to learn how to fight better. A priestess of Milicis’ duty isn’t just limited to healing the sick. If she can exterminate the monsters that terrorize the land, then it would be even better. After all, our Great Saint herself was like that when she was still alive.”

Huh, I guess she got inspired by how Lunayra is revered as this really strong cleric. She wasn’t around because she was exterminating dangerous monsters in her territory after all.

After a month traveling this way, to the north and east using the main road (no swampy detours this time around), we finally reached the border city between the Holy Empire and Fenesia.

Fiora's panties



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