Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 43: Captive


“Grandmother, y-you can’t—”

“Hmm? Are you trying to say something, my sweet Thomas? You, who have failed miserably at chasing her on your own all this time?”

“T-that’s too cruel to her, is it not?”

“Cruel? There’s nothing cruel about it! After all, I know you’re going to take care of her just fine. You really do love her, don’t you? Like the love those bards love to sing?”

“I-I do! B-but still…”

“Silence! I will not hear another word of complaint from you. All you need for you to do is to just stand there as she ate her food. She will look at you and you only as the potion slowly affects her. Even your useless self should manage to do something so simple.”


It started back when she visited the Academy. After our meeting with Marina’s family, she told me in private that she had a plan to make Marina my wife. At first, I was ecstatic, thinking that finally, I could obtain the girl of my dreams. However, when she told me what her plan was, that excitement turned into horror.

It wasn’t that she had some love advice that would finally win her over, but instead she decided to kidnap her and force feed her love potions to make her fall in love with me.

I know what the potion did. It wouldn’t be love that Marina felt when she drank it. It would be lust instead. Anyone who drank it would feel increased lust towards the opposite gender he or she first saw after swallowing it.

And Grandmother was going to use it until Marina willingly offered herself and her body to me.

It was scarily ingenious, just like her. She wasn’t just going to make her down an entire bottle and have the effect be instantaneous. She was going to spike her food and drink slowly, day after day, until her hardened heart would melt against me. Then, I would give her my sweet promises, in which she would accept, and then we would be a couple at last.

She didn’t believe in the concept of love, saying that all love was only romanticized lust in the end. But I knew it wasn’t true. Because I had experienced both.

I, who was an only child, always craved a sibling ever since I was born. I was lonely, without a single person to play with. Only my Father and Mother, who feared Grandmother more than they loved me, and the servants, who worshipped Grandmother like a goddess.

I always feared Grandmother, just like my Father and Mother. I always dreaded whenever they told me that I should go play with her. She would lift me up and caress me with a smile. However, that smile never reached her eyes. And all she ever said was that she wished for me to grow up quickly and become a powerful mage for her.

Merinda was the only person from the outside that I had a close contact with. I would visit her in her home sometimes and vice versa. However, it was clear that she had no interest in me whatsoever. She only found it funny that I could never beat her in magic, not even once. I could never like such a sadistic person.

Even so, she was pretty. And I was smitten at her. Just for the look, not the personality.

I then realized that if I were to get a wife, she had to be the older sister type, just like her.

When I was sent to the Academy, I quickly learned of the existence of those places they called brothels—pleasure palaces where lonely men could be comforted by a number of beautiful women who would all adore you and treat you like a king.

And so I went there, and I was immediately hooked by it.

I felt so happy, being surrounded by all sorts of wonderful ladies who all loved me unquestioningly and unconditionally. I could even make them pretend to be my older sisters, which gave me great pleasure to be sure.

The one thing I could be grateful to Grandmother was that she gave me a generous amount of allowance every month, so money was never a problem.

But then, Merinda died, and Grandmother told me to chase after a different girl altogether.

And that girl was Marina.

At first, I didn’t like her that much. I thought she was too cold for my taste. So I was just flirting with her because Grandmother told me to, using my boyish charms that she apparently liked, as Alincia had spread the rumors of her having a brother complex behind that cold demeanor.

But then, I actually fell in love with her. The real kind of love, not just the lust I had for those prostitutes I frequented.

I wanted to be accepted by her. And yet, she only grew colder and colder. I even braved myself to confess, yet she wasn’t even budged by my genuine display of emotion. I challenged her to a duel, fully knowing that I was outclassed, just because I hoped she would see my brave and gallant side. And yet, it only ended with her calling me a fool.

What was I doing wrong? Why couldn’t she ever like me?

At the very least, please smile at me, if you can’t give me your love.

And then, that despair, even if just for a little bit, turned into hatred. Combined with my fear towards Grandmother, it made me stop myself from telling her about Grandmother’s plan.

In retrospect, perhaps if I had told her, it would be the act that finally allowed her to see me as more than just a nuisance.

But it’s too late now. She’s already here, inside Grandmother’s mansion—a captive, fully under her mercy. Even if I was somehow brave enough to aid her escape, which I certainly wasn’t, it would never work. She’s too good of a mage for that. 

It would only end with her punishing me severely, and perhaps even Father and Mother too.

I’m sorry, Marina… But the only future you have is with me. As my wife.



“Please, Marina, you have to eat.”

It was him again. That hobbit.

He held another tray of food with him.

It seemed it was his duty to bring me food and water.

I refused to eat or drink any of them though. Not because I wasn’t hungry or thirsty, but because I wasn’t foolish enough to not expect it to be spiked by something.

I just let the tray remain on the table beside me, untouched.

This was the second day, and I certainly could feel my parched throat and hear the sound of my empty stomach.

“I will not,” I told him.

“I don’t put anything in them, if you’re worried about that.”

“You think I’m foolish enough to believe that?”

He paused, averting his gaze. Yep, there’s definitely something in them.

“You’ll get sick if you don’t.”

“That’s your problem, isn’t it? You’re the one who wants me alive after all, to be your wife.” I gave a resentful grin.

“I-it’s not me! I-it’s all Grandmother’s plan! I-I was forced into this, just like you!”

“Hoo… how convenient… so you say you actually don’t want to see me like this… so why don’t you help me escape then?”

“I-I can’t do that! Grandmother will punish me if I do!”

I laughed—a hollow and lifeless one. “What a joke of a man you are! You’re scared! Ever since you were born, you are always scared! Scared of her! It’s not just me who’s her captive! You are as well!”

I was usually not like this. But every time he appeared, it truly disgusted me that he thought he still could win over me by playing up his innocent act.

“You’ve met Hugo, right? My dear little brother? He’s younger than you and yet he’s twice the man that you will ever be!”

“S-stop it! I-it’s not like I—”

“Like what? You’re a coward through and through! You’ll never be able to be like him! You think if he’s in your position, he will still obey your vile grandmother? Not in a million years! I’m sure of that completely! Without a single grain of doubt in my heart!”

“Shut up! SHUT. UP!”

To my genuine surprise, he actually yelled at me.

“You don’t know how hard it is to live with Grandmother all these years! He doesn’t know either! You two are lucky! You have a loving father and mother to raise you! Mine is just another puppet of hers!”

He was still yelling, yet he started to tear up at the same time.

...This is good. This means I’m getting closer to his real self.

“Ah, self pity! That’s another thing you’re good at!” I continued my assault. “You want to know the reason why I never liked you? It’s exactly this! You’re a weak little hobbit, Thomas! Not just in magic, but mentally as well! You said you don’t like your parents being Vera’s puppet! Yet you’re just like them! If you’re really a man, then cut off those strings and free yourself from her!”


The sound of steel clashing with the floor filled the room. In his anger, he actually threw his tray to the floor.

“You—you’re horrible!”

With a loud bang, he ran away, slamming the door behind him.

...Hmm… did I overdo it, I wonder?

Well, now my suspicion is confirmed. He doesn’t really like his grandmother that much.

He can be my key to escape this place.



W-why? Why did she have to say all of that?

I-I’m not weak! A-and even if I am, I-I’m not the one to blame! It’s Grandmother! A-and Father and Mother too! I’m the victim here!

“How did it go? Did you manage to get her to break her fast?”

Before I knew it, my feet already took me to Grandmother’s throne room.

It was a large room on the second floor, decorated with all sorts of objects that reminded you that she was indeed the ice witch herself in the flesh. The throne was made out of pure, sculptured ice, and there was snow falling in the room, from the tall ceiling. Ice crystals were placed to the sides, and the floor itself was also made out of ice, though it wasn’t slippery in the slightest. Between her were two tall ice sculptures of snakes, baring its fangs towards me.

She sat on her throne in her usual manner, casual and not like a prim and proper queen in the slightest. Since it was so large, she could use it as if it was a couch, with her shoulder resting on one of the hand rests and her feet resting on the other.

“N-no, Grandmother. She still refused to. S-she even threw the tray I gave to the floor.” I lied. I couldn’t tell her that I was the one who did it.

“Aah, what a useless grandson you are. Do I have to do everything for you? Three days and she would die from thirst, you know. And then you won’t have your lovely wife.”

“I-I’m sure she would come around before then!”

“Well, let’s just hope so. That girl really is a piece of work. Never before I’ve seen such a defiant young lady like her.”

“But I’ll break her, sooner or later. No one is going to come to save her. And even if somehow they knew of our plan, they wouldn’t survive my mountain guards. Already told your Father and Mother to stand guard for any intruders, though I also told them not to kill them immediately. Because I certainly would want to have a chat with them. After all, I’d rather not kill her family if I could.”

“G-Grandmother thinks her family would come?”

“...Well, there’s a slim but existing chance that one of my dear friends at the Council would decide to ‘leak’ the information to them. Especially that Brine woman. Can’t you believe how many snide remarks she directed to me lately?” She huffed. Grandmother never really got along with the other Council members that well. She often complained about them to anyone who would hear.

“T-that’s really bad, isn’t it?” I replied, imagining that entire family suddenly barging in through the front door.

“Hmm? Of course not. It’s just a minor inconvenience at best. Even if they might be ex S-rank adventurers, they’re not match against a Grandmaster-level mage like myself.”

“B-but Father and Mother…”

“Hmph, if they can’t take on just a pair of S-ranked adventurers, then they don’t deserve to be the leaders of my mountain guards in the first place.”

And with that, our discussion was over. I was dismissed, to wait until it was lunchtime—to deliver food to Marina yet again.



Today is the fourth day I’ve been captive.

I am now too thirsty to even speak. And I am weakened by hunger as well.

It seemed the poison Vera used to sap me from my magic lasted for quite the long time. Not that it would matter since she could just force me to drink another dose at her convenience.

I spent my time sleeping as much as I could to conserve my energy. I would dream of home, of Father and Mother’s warmth, of little Erika’s laughter, and most of all, of Hugo’s smile.

I tried to influence Thomas with my words, but it seemed he had decided to shut off my speech from his ears completely. Maybe I went too far after all.

And now, I couldn’t even speak any longer.

...Ah, the door opened. I suppose it’s time for breakfast already.

“Marina, I’m going to feed you, whether you want to or not.”

I turned around and saw him again, standing with a worried look on his face as he put down the tray on the table.

“I may be weak, but I still have some strength to knock off your spoon with my hand if you think of force feeding me,” I stated, forcing a weak grin.

“I’m sure of that,” he replied with a smile. “You’re a really strong person after all, Marina. That’s another part of you that I love.”

“And so, I’m sorry that I have to do this.”


Before I could react, he pressed what looked to be a palm-sized ice crystal into my chest.

I froze. My body… I’ve lost control of it completely. 

“It’s alright. It’s just temporary. Just so I can feed you,” he said, still keeping that wry smile of his.

I could only move my eyeballs in fear as he began by pouring the water in the glass into my mouth. I had no choice. I had to swallow it all down or else I would choke. My opened mouth was also frozen.

“There! All better, right? Now, I’ll help you with the soup. My grandmother might be an ice mage, but she’s proud of our cook’s warm chicken soup! So you’re eating her favorite food right now!”

I tried to spit it out but just like before, he poured so much of it that I had no choice but to swallow it yet again.

“There you go!” He clapped his hands once I had drunk and ate it all. “Now, I’ll take my leave. Don’t worry. Grandmother says that the spell would thaw just around half an hour later.”

I could only give him a hateful glare as he left the room.

And thus, he was given a way to ensure that I wouldn’t just kill myself through dehydration or starvation.

I had expected this, really. A mage at her caliber should know how to do things like this.

I could vomit it once the spell ran out, but I knew there would be no use doing so, as whatever poison it had would have been absorbed by my body already.

Since today, using this method, he would ensure that I ate three times a day.



Oooh, I think she hates me even more now for doing that to her…

But, just like Grandmother instructed, I have to put on my warmest, brightest smile as I feed her, so that the effect of the love potion would act better. She says that she would remember my cute smile, and her heart would thaw quicker. She’ll finally stop acting so cold towards me. She might even smile at me, like she would smile at her little brother.

And then, she will fall for me, and I would accept her with open arms. We would be married, and I would make her the happiest girl in the whole world!

...I’m sorry, Marina, but you would just have to bear it for a little longer.

This is for your own good too. Grandmother might be scary, but she always provides to those loyal to her. We will have our own mansion, with butlers and maids. You can have all the jewelry you want. I can just imagine how beautiful you will look with a diamond necklace around your neck!

And of course, you might just end up replacing Grandmother once she retires! You’re really good at magic after all! You can carry the Marjoram name and become a respected and revered member of the Council! What greater joy can there be, to be such a powerful figure? Your name will be jotted down in the history of the Magocracy itself!

Naturally, if you want your family to come along, then they could come along as well. They can stay in our mansion, or they can have their own. It all depends on what you want, my dear!

So please, just bear it! Just bear it for a little bit longer! Before you know it, your stubbornness will disappear and you’ll realize how much smarter and wiser it is to go with Grandmother’s plan! Everyone will be happier in the end!

Just a little more… just a little more…

Guess I ended up writing that Thomas POV I talked about a while back after all...

Fun fact. I could only write this chapter so quickly because this is the most fun I’ve had in writing this story in a while. I love writing Thomas’ psychological state and I love writing Marina’s takedown of it. And of course, I love writing Vera’s smug confidence as well.

Also, bonus point if you can see the parallel I’m going for here. Not the obvious one. The not-so-obvious one.


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