Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 1 Chapter 40: Crisis

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood.

I write this to tell you that your daughter, Marina Greenwood, has been kidnapped, taken against her will by none other than Vera Marjoram, the witch you have met one and a half months ago. She is currently being kept at the witch’s home, the Ice Palace, smack-dab in the middle of her territory.

If you value her free and independent mind, then you must rush to her aid at once. I do not know how long she will be able to resist, but she will break, sooner or later. And when that happens, the daughter you once know would be gone forever. She would just be yet another pawn for that witch to use.

It’s fine if you choose not to believe this letter and just dismiss it as a sick joke. And I certainly cannot disclose my identity to prove its legitimacy. However, let me assure you that I am neither your ally nor your enemy. I am simply a side that will benefit if Vera Marjoram and her house are brought down a peg.

I know you two used to be S-rank adventurers. Perhaps you might have a chance against her, however slim that might be. But you would do anything for your dear daughter, wouldn’t you, even betting your own life? That’s what adventurers do every day, right?

P.S. I wouldn't suggest trying to negotiate. Every mage in the Council is selfish to the core after all.

I blinked once. And twice. And thrice. My brain refused to accept the information the letter gave. I read it again. And again. And again. Up and down, down and up—my eyes glazing over the words. There really was no signature nor a name. The only identity it gave off was that it was written with someone eloquent at writing, as it’s written in cursive.

My dear sister. Kidnapped. By Vera Marjoram. I still remembered her radiating arrogance and smug smile like I just met her yesterday. She had Marina. And she intended to break her, to make her be her grandson’s wife.

Me, who had read many hentai with mindbreak, immediately imagined Marina suffering the same treatment as those many heroines.

My stomach… it's now hurting terribly, as if there's a miniature tornado inside swirling it's contents around. I felt as if I could puke at any minute. In fact, I could already taste the bile knocking on my throat. Cold sweat pooled behind my neck, and my body was beginning to shake.

I was scared—scared on what could befall Marina.

I was angry as well, but I didn't know whether I was more angry at the culprit, or at myself, for letting it happen in the first place.

...I should've known this would happen. This is just like a noble ruling with absolute power being able to just take his serf's wife or daughter and use her as he sees fit.

The Council's rule is absolute. There are no laws or constitutions to keep them in check.

“It just came an hour ago, delivered by an express courier.” Mother spoke, her voice grim and lifeless. “He said he didn’t know who sent it, only that it was addressed to us.”

“T-that can’t be right, can it, Milady?” Mary interjected. “M-Miss Marina can’t actually be—”

“As much as it pains me to admit, there’s a possibility that it might be true,” Father answered, before slamming his fist to the table, nearly snapping one of its legs. “I knew I should’ve seen this coming! That witch… she wants Marina for her grandson! And she’s willing to do it, no matter what dirty methods she has to use! I should’ve just told Marina to leave the academy immediately!”

“W-wait, h-hold on. We don’t even know if what this letter is saying is true yet. Maybe it’s just a prank letter, like it mentioned. Or maybe this is a ploy from another house to make us fight Vera.” I finally spoke. My voice was shaking, with no conviction whatsoever. I tried to put on a smile as well but I knew it was the hollowest smile that had ever graced my lips.

Denial. The first stage of grief.

“Even if that were true, we still have to check up on Marina right away,” Father answered. “Renee, we’ll depart tonight.” He gave a firm glance towards Mother. “We’ll take the horses and ride as fast as we could to Mira. Hugo, you stay here and—”


I didn't know what came over me. I just shouted those words right at Father's face.

"If you think I'm going to just stay home like a coward, then think again!" I continued to shout. With tears falling down my face—tears that I didn't even realize were there until they tumbled down onto my cheeks.

“Hugo, you're not—"

"I'm not strong enough?!" I yelled back. "I just learned my first Master-level spell today, you know! My Boom Cannon, strong enough to obliterate a dozen of trees in one blast. I am more than strong enough! I can help you two fight!"

"No," Father refused with a stern look, crossing his arms. "Even so, you're still not strong enough. If what the letter says is true, then we're going after a Grandmaster-level mage. Do you have any idea how strong a person like that is? Neither Myrilla nor your mother have reached that level yet."

"Not to mention that you barely have any battle experience. You wouldn't be able to react the correct way and with a fast enough speed against that caliber of an opponent. You would only hold us down." Mother interjected, glaring at me like I'm just a child who doesn't know any better.

"T-that's true, but still…" I clenched my fist, looking down. "I have to do this! I have to go with you, Father! Mother! Please, let me go with you!" I bowed as deeply as I could. I would throw away any pride that I had if I could help Marina.

My lovely big sister… in the hands of a villain who wants to defile her…

If anything happens to her, I would hate myself for the rest of my life. And it will happen, if we don't rescue her as fast as we could. That perverted bastard would deflower her sooner or later! I have no doubt about that!

And if that happens, even if we manage to get Marina back, she won't be the same person. There's no going back from that line.

I never considered taking another person's life before, even after coming to a fantasy world like this where such things are common. 

But now, if it's that hobbit or his grandmother, I'll do it in a heartbeat. I will exact judgment on them, for doing this to my big sister, for attempting of turning her into their slave.

I will not hesitate. My Boom Cannon can obliterate their heads in one shot. And that's all I need.

I stood back up and stared right into Father's eyes, unflinching.

"That eyes… you're fully determined to save your sister, no matter the price. To think I will see such eyes in my son when he barely turns ten…" He sighed. 

"Very well. You can go with us. But you have to do me or your mother says. At all times. No exceptions."

I nodded. Just like Sherry with Myrilla, I would be fighting under two much experienced fighters. I would be a fool not to obey them.

My wrath might be bubbling in my stomach, but I still need to keep a calm head.

"Pack your stuff. We're departing in an hour."


I didn't waste any time. I returned to my room at once and packed my clothes, using the Bag of Holding that Marina got for me. I didn't bother putting them in all nice and ordered like I would normally do. This was an emergency, and I couldn't be bothered less about keeping them tidy.

"B-Big Bro?"

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was Erika. She had sneaked in without me noticing.

"Did something happen to Big Sis?"

I froze. I didn't know what to say.

Turning around, I put on a fake smile and crouched down to her level.

"Don't worry, Erika. I'll get her back. I promise." I put my two hands on her little shoulders.

"A bad guy took her away, didn't they? That mean lady from before…"

I was taken aback. To think that she, who's only three years old is smart enough to know what's happening…

"...Yes. Yes she did. At least, that's what the letter says. That's why me, Father, and Mother, are going back to your sister's place—to check up on her."

She looked away for a short moment, before throwing herself into my arms.

"Big Bro… Please... Save Big Sis, alright?"

She then started to sob. But it wasn't like her usual crying where it would be accompanied by yelling and screaming.

This one… I could tell that it was completely genuine.

...What am I doing? Why am I questioning myself like this? So what if I might have to go up against a Grandmaster-level mage? Haven't I swore to myself that I would never run away ever again? That witch might be a famous and powerful magician, but in the end, she's just like those bullies in my old life, forcing her will upon others just because she can get away with it.

There's only one thing to do against such a person. I will fight her. And I will win. I will win this time around.

I stood up and lifted my little sister, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Of course I will! Don't you know who you're talking to? I'm your cool and talented big brother, Hugo. A mere witch like that is no match for me and my magic! You've seen my magic, right? Weren't they amazing?"

"Yeah! They are, Big Bro!" She giggled. Good! A smile suits her far more than a frown.

"See? She will stand no chance whatsoever against me! So you just sit tight and wait until I return with your big sister, alright? Then after that, we can have another family trip with all of us!"

"Y-you'll keep Father and Mother safe as well?"

"Yep! No question about it! Leave it all to your big brother!" I answered with a grin.

And with that, Erika's worries disappeared completely. She is still just an innocent little girl after all, so she believes everything I say wholeheartedly.

Of course, I knew it was a lie, that there was no conceivable way that it would go that easily, if we actually had to fight against Vera.

However, she didn't need to know that. All she needed to know was that her invincible superhero-like big brother will take care of everything for her.

That's what I wanted. I wanted to be relied upon by her. That's what a big brother does after all.


When I went back to the dining room, I heard voices coming from inside. It was Father and Mother, having a conversation with Mary.

"...Ma'am, I-I can't possibly—"

"Just in case, Mary, just in case."

The two female voices must be Mary and Renee, respectively.

"And we don't ask for you to take care of her forever. Send a letter to either one of those addresses and with any luck, they would come to take her."

It was Father's voice this time around.

"I would rather have you take care of her, Mary, if I were to be honest." Mother's voice again. "At least, don't send her to my parents. I don't want Erika to end up being under my mother's grip. I don't think Erika would be happy there."

"My old man's pretty bad too though." Father interrupted with a sigh. "Really, you would be the best mother for her, Mary."

"But I understand. It won't be easy having another mouth to feed after all. Especially since you would lose your job if we never returned." Father again. "Not that we're planning on doing so. In fact, this whole thing might just be a cruel prank!" He laughed. But I knew that laugh was not genuine in the slightest.

I now understood what they were talking about.

Talking about sending Erika to our far relatives like that…

I clenched my fists. Anger brew inside me yet again.

This whole talk… it disgusts me.

How dare they… how dare they even think about the possibility of… of us…

I nearly bolted in to express my disapprovement, but I stopped myself.

They were right. We had to have a backup plan for the worst case scenario after all.

But still…

"Alright. I'll do it. I swear that if anything happens, I will make sure that young lady Erika is taken care of."

"Thank you." Father replied. "I really didn't make a mistake hiring you as our family maid."

"I have to apologise too, Mary." Mother spoke next. "I… well, when you first came, I was actually afraid that you would try to seduce my husband. So many rich folks who employ maids would cheat with them after all." She sighed.

"Oh Ma'am, I would never—"

"I know. You're a diligent and honest girl, Mary. And I felt bad for ever doubting you."

I couldn't see what was happening inside, but I was pretty sure that Mother ended up giving her a hug.

I would be happy for their reconciliation, if not for the situation we were currently in.


“Be good to Mary, alright, dear?” Mother crouched down in front of Erika before hugging her.

“Of course, Mama! I’ll be a good girl while you’re gone!”

We were now ready to depart. Father had her greatsword on his back, while Mother had her staff. Each of them also carried their own bags. They were also wearing cloaks, so that they would be protected from the night wind or any rain that might happen on the way.

I too was ready. I got my wand in my shorts’ pocket, and I also got a little cloak on my own that Mother gave for me to wear. And of course, my Bag of Holding was with me, slung over my body.

Father already brought the two horses to the front lawn, and now, we were saying our short goodbyes. We had to depart as quickly as she could after all.

I looked up to the skies and saw nothing. Not any moon or stars to be seen.

It seemed we were going to leave under a pitch-black night.

After Father and Mother said their goodbyes to Erika, and me getting another hug from her, it’s time for us to leave at last.

I rode with Mother’s horse. I didn’t even care that her soft breasts were pressing onto my back. I was too worried about Marina to care about any perverted things right now.

Erika and Mary watched our departure with opposite expressions on their faces. Erika had a large smile on her face, waving her hand cheerfully to the air as we left on our horses. Mary, on the other hand, was only forcing a smile, while tears started to fall down her cheeks.

I knew though that Mary would keep herself strong, just so she wouldn’t get Erika to worry.

Don’t worry, you two. I’ll get Marina back and I’ll make sure that nothing happens to Father and Mother either.

This is it. This is what all my training is for. All those endless hours, sweating like a pig, it will all pay off for this day.

I will protect Marina. And I will protect this family as well, and all the warm smiles that it has given me all these years.


Protect? You cannot protect anything, you pitiful soul.

You reject my salvation over and over, dooming yourself and everyone you care about to a horrible fate.

My Divine Will is absolute. Even to an Outlander like you.

These ten years of reprieve... it only exists to deepen your sorrow.

Now, drown in your arrogance. You and your entire kin.



I was falling in darkness.

How long was it? An hour? Two hours? Half a day? A whole day? Or even more?

I didn't know. The only thing I knew was a flash of white I last saw before the dark enveloped me.

...That's right. That white flash, it's…


"Wake up, sweetie!"

My eyes opened.

And I saw her, standing beside me with a grin on her face.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Marina Greenwood. How was it? My 'Frozen Sleep' spell? Comfortable, isn't it?"


I launched myself towards her, only for her to hit me right back with her staff.

"Now now, take it easy. Your muscles would still be weaker than usual for the next few hours." That detestable grin of hers only widened. "Make yourself comfortable. This would be your new home after all."

It all came rushing into me. How I ended up here, in a bed that wasn't my own, in a room that I didn't recognize, and with a person I despised.

I was taking a quest at the weekend as usual. I went to the nearby mine for a simple monster extermination quest. I went alone, as Alincia was busy with her homework.

I finished the quest, but as I was going back, I was attacked.

By none other than her, Vera Marjoram, the woman wielding a triumphant face right in front of me now.

I tried to escape of course, fighting back as well as I could to get away from her.

But I immediately found out the immense skill gap between us. She could fire her spells so much faster than me, thanks to her ability of Dual Casting, charging and firing two separate spells at the same time. I still had yet to possess that rare ability.

It didn't take her long until she defeated me completely, encasing me in a block of ice, immobilizing me completely.

And then, it all turned black.

"Oh, I should praise you for your fighting skills. You actually made me try a little back then. Such talent from one so young. You truly would make an excellent wife for my grandson."

"...So, this is how the Council does things, huh? Or are you doing this without their authorization?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, my dear. No one in the Council would care about me doing this to you. You’re a nobody, whose only worth is having an unnaturally high talent in magic.”

“Oh, really? This is the Magocracy. Your magic capability is prized above anything else, no?”

I might be saying all this, but the truth was, I was only putting up a tough front. I didn’t want her disgustingly mocking smile getting even wider, even though I knew what perilous situation I was currently in. One of the most powerful people in the Magocracy had decided to kidnap me to marry me off to her grandson, and there was nothing that I, or my family, or the country itself, could do to save me. She’s too powerful for me or my family to take on directly, and any laws this country might have against kidnapping and forced marriage certainly didn’t apply to a person like her. My only chance for a rescue was if one of the other Council members decided that she was going too far, but I wouldn’t fool myself to think that chance was anywhere other than slim to none. For starters, they could actually agree with what she was doing. After all, if I really ended up bearing a powerful mage as a child, it would only lead to further prosperity and strength for the Magocracy. And if they didn’t, then would they even suspect her for my disappearance? Many adventurers every year disappeared in the wilds while doing their quests. They could just say that I was taken off-guard by the monsters in the mines, and my body was completely eaten by them, clothes and all.

I was afraid. Truly, I was. But I would rather die than showing it to her.

“Hmph, you know nothing about this nation, girl. You don’t even live here.” Her grin shortly disappeared.

Did I just upset her?

"Anyway, I'm sure you'll come around sooner or later." Her smug smile quickly returned. "You're smart enough to know that no one is going to come to rescue you, right? Your family doesn't even know that you're here!"

With a shrill laugh, she left the room, but not before encasing my feet in ice, gluing it together with the bed.

"Oh, and don't bother trying to melt that. I've drugged you with a mana-weakening poison. You won't be able to cast any spells whatsoever. You're just a perfectly normal girl right now."

...It was true. I couldn't even cast a basic Fireball spell.

I really am unable to escape.

But sooner or later, there must be a chance that I could take. I would just have to resist her offer.

I will bide my time for now.

...Myrilla was right. It’s not wise for me to be so close to the ruling class of a country, especially when one of them expresses outright love for me. I should’ve just left the Academy altogether. Then this whole thing wouldn’t have happened.

But, like they say, there’s no turning back the hands of time. I can only go forward, and get myself out of this situation with my own strength.

This chapter took longer than I anticipated because I had to rewrite and move around some parts to make it sound better. It takes me to be in a certain mood to be able to write sad/distressed scenes easily, unfortunately.

Hopefully, this works well enough.


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