Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 20 – UA Entrance Exams!

Waking up I took a shower and and put on my clothes. I then kissed Toga goodbye and headed towards UA to take the entrance exams. While walking there, I started to get a bit excited.

Not because of the students there but of the robots I get to destroy. Those robots are good for training, which is the reason why I'm a bit excited.

Walking there I see a huge building, way bigger than Toga's house. I already knew it was big since I've seen in on the anime but seeing it on real life is something else.

I see many students walking towards the entrance. There were students who were made of rock and students who had animal parts on their bodies. Though I've already seen people like this. I've also gotten the attention of people, mostly from girls who were looked at me with blushes on their faces and the guys looking like they want to tear me apart. Ignoring this I continue to walk.

I then see something that caught my attention. A boy with green hair. "Deku" I muttered as I noticed that his body had changed. He doesn't look as fragile as before. I've had watch him train with All Might this summer, Deku really surprised me when he was carrying all of those heavy stuff on his back. Though I could do this easily, but seeing someone who was weak and wimpy do this is quite something.

Anyways Deku was about to trip until a brown-haired girl with chubby cheeks touched him and made him float. 'Hmm that must be Ochako Uraraka' I thought to myself as I see this girl talk to the blushing broccoli.

I walked towards Deku and he immediately sees me coming. "Cain-San!" Deku exclaims as he waves his hand.

"Yo" I say as I make my way to him. Uraraka then sees me and raises her eyebrows. "Well I'll see you later!" Uraraka says as she waves goodbye to Deku.

Deku blush hearing this and nodded. Me seeing this grin and elbow his shoulder. "Is that your girlfriend?" I say as Deku started blushing even more.

"W-what a-are you saying Cain-San?!" Deku stutters as his cheeks are still flushed in red. Seeing this I chuckled and patted his back causing him to cough.

"Well laters" I say as I walk towards the entrance. Deku was still left there in shock until a blond-ash haired guy punched him in the head.

"If you're here to take the entrance exams then go to the library. There you will take a written test, once you're finished you will be given further notices" A teacher said as he points where to go.

Hearing this I walked towards the library. Walking inside there, I see a lot of students. I walked towards an empty chair and sat down. Soon a couple of teachers were handing out papers. I had received my paper and looked at the questions.

[Who's the number 1 hero?]

'These questions are easy' I said in my mind as I start answering the questions.

"Make sure to do the back page as well. Those questions are what matter the most" The teacher said making most of students groan.

Hearing this I flipped the page and I see questions that are pretty hard for someone, but there are easy to me. These questions had problems that had calculus and other subjects that involve Hero's.

Quickly answering the questions, I walked towards the teacher who was sitting at their desk. I also saw one other person stand up too. And that was Deku, who was slightly surprised to seeing me. Deku raised his hand and was about to scream my name until I glared at him making him choke on his words.

"Very well, head towards the Auditorium. The proctor will explain through the things you will know when taking the practical exam" The teacher said with a tired tone. The teacher then gave us Examinees Ticket. Me and Deku hearing this nodded and walked towards the Auditorium and sat in different seats. Deku wanted to sit with me but I told him not to cause he didn't want to bothered by him.

Soon students started to come inside the auditorium filling all the seats up. Bakugo had sat down next Deku which was a bit weird. Since they were other seats where he could've sat down but he chose to sit next to his 'friend'. "

'Honestly, i don't get why Deku still friends with Bakugo? Like if that were me I'd choke he perhaps gay?' Mmmmm' Cain thought to himself as he looks at both Deku and Bakugo.

"What is up everybody! It's me you're school DJ! C'mon Let me hear ya!!" A spiky blond dude said as he waits for students to roar but all he got was silence.

'Damn it's silent' Cain thinks to himself as he watches that nobody was saying anything. There were mutters and whispers but nobody wanted to respond back.

"Keeping it mellow huh! That's fine, I'll just say what I came here to say. Let's talk about how the practical exams are going to go down okey. Are you ready!!!" The proctor said as exclaims. And once again he receive no answer.

'That's embarrassing' Cain thinks to himself as he cringes. Cain has seen this part before on tv and he thought that it was funny and if he ever had a chance, he would scream 'Yeah!', but now that he's actually here, he couldn't do it.

"Like the application said, you will be taking a 10 minute mock battle. After I drop the mic here, You'll have to head to your specified center. Okay!!" The proctor said as he shakes his body.

Cain was able to hear Deku mutters. And many students were looking at Deku with annoyed expressions. Cain already got use to it since he did go to middle school with him. Cain check the battle center he was going to go and he noticed that it was Center C.

"Okay! Okay! Let's check out your targets! They're three villains in each battle center. They are points for each difficulty. 1 point is earn if you defeat 1 easy villain. 2 points is earn if you defeat medium villains. 3 points is earn if you defeat Har villains. The goal of this, is to defeat as many villains scoring as much points as possible. One rule, you can't attack other examinees that's a no no you feel me?" The proctor said as he makes poses.

Cain already knew this but still payed attention to see if there were more things he didn't know.

"Excuse me sir, but I have a question" A black-haired student said as he stands up and raised his hand.

"Hit me!" The proctor said as the student gets the attention of students and a light shined at this student.

'Hmm? Is this Lida? Damn he looks buff' Cain thinks to himself as he looks at Lida.

"On the printouts, you listed four types of villains not three! With all respect. If this is a error, it is shameful!" Lida said causing students to look surprised. "As students we expect the best of Japan noticeable school! A mistake like this just won't do!" Lida said causing the proctor to sweat.

'Bruh shut up already' Cain thinks to himself as he rubs his temples. Cain didn't like people like him, always being the teachers pet or trying to solve a problem that doesn't concern them.

"And you! Yes you with the unkept hair! You've been muttering this entire time, stop that! If you can't take this seriously leave! You're bothering everyone here!" Lida said causing students to laugh.

Deku covered his mouth and apologized.

"Alright alright! Examinee 10001. Thanks for pointing that out! The fourth villain type is worth zero points! I'd recommend not fighting it since there's no point!" The proctor said.

"Thank you very much, please continue" Lida said as he bows and sits back down.

"Finally" Cain said accidentally getting some attention from people. Lida heard this and glared at Cain. Cain seeing his glare, he glare back causing Lida to jump back.

"Alright everyone! Go to your specified center! Plus Ultra!!" The proctor said causing the students to scream.

"Plus Ultra!!"

Cain then went inside a bus that took him to the battle center. There were about 30 examinees here, And there was already people who I already know from the anime. There was Denki, Mina, Jiro, and Mineta.

After 15 minutes he got to the center and he could see a city, an abandoned city I should say.

"All of you can go at anytime!" The teacher said as he sees the nobody was running. The examinees hearing this rushed inside trying to find Villains.

Cain already knew this and immediately shunshin towards a building. Seeing everything from above he dash towards the robots destroying it with his electric katana. Scoring points from medium villains and easy villains.

"Chidori-Senbon!" Cain says as needles made of lightning shoot out and destroy villains. The examinees seeing this were shocked especially Denki who also has a lightning quirk was morally shock to his core.

"Fire:Style Fire Phoenix Jutsu!" Cain says as he spits fireballs out of his mouths destroying robots. Again more examinees were surprised seeing this. Not only does that person has a lightning quirk but he also has a fire quirk, this immediately got the attention of teachers who were watching from a TV

[ In a room filled with teachers and TVs.

"Who's is this person?! How is he able to do this??"

"This examinee is called Cain, it's also one of Gran Torino grandkid." A white rat said as he focus on a boy destroying the robots like they were made of sand.

"Gran Torino has a grandkid?"

Nezu didn't respond and continue looking at the screen.

One certain teacher was looking at this with uncertain look. That teacher was All Might who was fidgeting his hands. "Midoriya-Shounen it seems that you might need to try harder" All Might muttered.

[Back To Cain]

Cain already has over 100 villain points and it's increasing. Cain was making some examinees to give up, while some team up to get a villain.

"Chidori-Stream!" Cain exclaimed as he charges lightning in his hands and releases towards Hard-Villains.

*Beep* *Beep*

A beeping sound was heard getting the attention of all of the examinees. Cain shunshin towards a building and look at what was going on.

Soon a huge robot came out and many examinees were screaming and running out of the battle center.

Cain seeing this shunshin in front of the robot and used his Void bracelet and extracted his void. Taking out the Singer's Sword out of his chest he swing it back and slashed the Huge robot causing it to explode and cause the surroundings around him to get demolished.


Many people watch in shock. The teachers were even more surprise seeing that this student has more then one quirk and was able to destroy this with a sword.

Soon hard villains and medium villains surrounded Cain. Cain seeing this jumped back and activated his Rinnegan.

"Almighty Push!" Cain says as the robots get destroyed of the pushing force, the buildings soon collapsed.

"Holy shit!"

"Who is that?!!!"

"Oh my god!!"

"It could be a god!!!"

"I'm going to marry him!!!"

The examinees say as they watch a boy destroy a bunch of robots in 20 seconds.

[Back at the room with teachers]

"How is he able to do that?!! Just how strong is he!!!!"

"There's no way that's possible! Having 2 quirks is rare enough but having 5?!!!and what's more he might have more than that!!"

"Nezu just who is this kid!!?"

"A Storm" Nezu responds as he takes a sip of coffee.

(AN: Two chapters in one day, mmmmmm if you like this chapter then vote with stones. I have a headache now :( anyways I enjoyed writing this so it’s all good. I don’t know if I’ll post chapter tomorrow but I’ll try to see if I can.)

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