Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

3 Wishes

It's been a month since I killed my "friends" and it's been pretty peaceful for the most part. The news of their deaths was out and I have been investigated but they weren't able to find nothing on me. Ive even took a polygraph twice and still they couldn't find anything. For the reason why? Well it's because of my split personality. It can be a problem sometimes but it's also helpful when it comes to these types of stuff.

Anyways I started to be more "normal " again and started to watch other anime I've haven't seen. I would mostly stay in my bed or go out to search for jobs.

Right now I'm rewatching Naruto for like the 10th time. All I got to say is that Sasuke is my favorite anime character, I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with him but his character is so good.

There's one main reason why, and it is because of the Jutsu he does which is [Chidori]. Now you might say that that's not his "HIS" Jutsu since it was Kakashi who created it but Sasuke uses it way more better than Kakashi. For example Sasuke can do [Chidori:Senbon], [Chidori:Stream] there are other more but I won't go into detail now.

??[Watching Naruto Shippuden]??

["Naruto let me just cut you down!!!!" said sasuke as he charges at naruto with a [Chidori] in his left hand. Naruto as well charges at Sasuke with a [Rasengan] forming in his hand
*CLASH* both Sasuke [Chidori] and Naruto [Rasengan] clashed together making them both lose their arm.]

"Cain sweetheart come down here please" said my mom from downstairs.

"COMING!!!" I said and I ran downstairs.

I then saw my mom in the kitchen opening the refrigerator. She had a frown on her face and I started to wonder what was wrong.

"What's wrong mom?" I said and my mom turn her back to look at me. She then smiled and gave me a hug.

"Are you ok mom your acting strange?" I said as I started to get more worried.

"Hn... I just feel happy your here and I also need you to accompany me to the store" My mom said releasing me from the hug.

"Oh ok what do we need from the store?" I said looking at her, I then went to look at the refrigerator and I realize that we didn't have food.

"Oh i see" I said to my mom and she had a sad look.

"Are you low on money mom?" I asked her with a questioning look.

'if she really is i will need to start look faster for a job' I think to myself as I stare at my mom.

"Unfortunately yes, but don't worry I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a raised" my mom said with a fake smile and giving me a thumbs up.


"That's not good mom you work too hard, you need to rest. Il find a job and take care of you" I said staring at her and she look like she was going to refuse but she didn't.

"*SIGH* oh sweetheart you just got out of prison, i don't want you to do something that you don't want to and it's my job as a mother to take care of you" my mom said caressing my face with tears threatening to fall.

"But I also don't want you to overwork so I rather work my ass off than seeing you stress out" I said with determination in my voice.

My mom saw this and couldn't refute me anymore. So she released a defeated sigh and then look at me with an "ok" look.

"Ok let's go to the store before it gets dark" my mom said getting her purse.

"Hn" I nodded and grabbed a white hoodie and walked to the nearest food store with my mom.

The city I lived in was small so we didn't really need a car. That's why we would always walk instead of driving. The crime rate in the city is also low.

You might say that If I'm already a murder then I could steal as well. Well no I might have killed but that's doesn't mean I'm going to do other bad stuff. In fact when I go out to search for a job I usually help people out. Even before I went to prison I use to always help people.

(1 hour Later—-Cain and his mom are walking back home)
Me and my mom just got done with buying groceries from the store. I looked at the sky and notice it was dark if I had to guess it was 8:00 PM. It was also pretty cold and good thing I put on a hoodie before coming here. I then looked at my mom I saw that she wasn't wearing one. Me being a nice guy took off my hoodie and handed it to her.

"Here mom put this on" I said with a smile on my face.

"No son you take it, I will be a-alright" my mom said and even shudder a bit.

"Mom" I said one more time placing my hoodie on her face.

"Wear it" I chuckled

"*SIGH* FINE!" my mom said and finally took the hoodie and put it on. I smiled and put my hands on my pockets.

As we were just crossing the road I saw a truck driving towards us at full speed. I then looked at my mom, she was in the middle of the road and didn't noticed the truck coming her way. I rushed to her and pushed her out of the way.


"CAIN!!!!!" My mom screamed and hurriedly rush to me.

I had blood coming out of my mouth, my ribs and legs were smushed. 'Is this karma for what I did?' I thought. I then looked at my mom, tears started to come out my eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry mom" I said to her as she hugs me crying on my bloodied shirt. This cause the hoodie she was wearing to get blood on it.

"*SOB* CAIN WHY!!I JUST GOT YOU AND NOW IM LOSING YOU!! *SOB* PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME BABY! *SOB*" my mom cried and people started to check out what was happening.

I could feel my life disappearing, my body becoming numb, my mind started to get hazy. 'I deserve this for what I did but I would do it again if I had to. It is sad I won't be there for my mom though' I though and my eyes finally closed. The last thing I could hear was my mom screams for help.

[In a dark void]

You could see a grey spirit floating in the darkness. 'where am I? Why is it so dark here,wait a minute where the fuck is my body?' I thought as I try to check for any clues to where I was.

I then was greeted by a shining light and the darkness around me disappeared and turn white. I could see someone who look like he was powerful, someone like a god.

"Hello son" the powerful person said, his voice sounded like an old guy but young at the same time.

"Who's are you?Where am I" I asked these questions to the voice.

"I am what you mortals call god, Your body is back on earth and you are in the reincarnation process" said God.

"GOD?!What do you mean reincarnation?Am I getting reincarnated?" I said I then remember he was god.

"A-ah I'm sorry for yelling, this is just unexpecting" I said as I mentally bowed.

"It's quite alright and yes you are getting reincarnated" said God.

"Wait what happened to my mom?Is she alright?" I said before making decisions to reincarnate.

"Your mom....yes she is well in fact after your death she decided to become a writer and got payed a lot of money" God said.


"Thank you god"I said not knowing I was really talking to him.

"No need to thank me" he said and chuckled.

"So am I getting reincarnated back in earth?" I said with a questioning tone.

"No as for why? Well it is because you did a terrible sin and that's the reason why you can't go back to earth" said god in a slightly anger yet understanding voice.

I flinched when he said I did a terrible sin and I couldn't refuse him since he was telling the truth. Then I started to wonder where I would reincarnate.

"Then where am I getting reincarnated, I'm assuming it won't be pretty" I said as my kind personality turns dark.

"Ho?!Thats for you to decide" said God as he seems curious how my personality quickly changed.

"You mean I get to decide where I go?If that's so what's keeping you back from me killing again." I said.

"Yes you get to decide and if you want to "kill" and I know you probably won't you make your own choices child" said God.

"I see then it possible for me to go to anime worlds?" I then want back to my kid personality.

"Yes you can go to any anime worlds" God said as he sees my hopeful look.

'Omg I really can!where should I go?theres soo many choices... wait I can go to the naruto world!!no wait that world is too dangerous for me to go. Hmm let's how about going to "my hero academia " it seems like a dangerous yet peaceful world and it's also cool.' I thought to myself.

I then looked at good with my decision already made.

"I would like to reincarnate into "my hero academia world" i said.

God chuckled and said "Ok then now before I forget you have 3 wishes"

"W-WHAT? You mean not only do I get to reincarnate into an anime world but I get 3 wishes?Can I wish for anything?" I asked god in another hopeful voice.

"Yes you could wish for anything as long as it's not too powerful" said god.

I immediately already knew what I was going to wish for and God noticed this as well.

"For my first wished, I wish to have the body of Sasuke Uchiha. This includes getting his abilities." I said as I started to get excited.

"Ok now for your second wish?" Said god as he implements those things to my soul.

"For my second wish, I would like to have infinite chakra" I said again getting excited.

"Hmmm I don't think I can do that at most I can only increase your chakra reserves to a high level. You can as well increase it if you train." Said god

"*SIGH* ok then I guess i will go with that" I said getting a little bit upset.

God then implemented that into my soul and I already started feeling the changes.

"Now for your last wish?" God said.

"For my last wish can I get Shu's ability to draw out voids from Guilty Crown?" I asked god ' this is another ability I liked other than the Sasuke [Chidori].

"Hmm yes you can wish for that, the "Void Genome" will already be with you when you get reincarnated.

I then started to get excited more but then I got suspicious.

"Why are you doing this?Why are you giving me wishes when you know I was a bar person back in earth?" I said to God in a dark tone.

"Hehe you were never bad you just did what you thought was good. Yes I think what you did was wrong but it was not your fault entirely" God said in a caring way.


"I what" I said to god who immediately got excited.

"Now it's time for you to go!" God said and I was shined by a bright light,I felt as if my soul was shaking.

Then it stopped, I slowly opened my eyes and saw the sky.

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