Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 6: Graceful Walk

““Okay, be natural! Don’t think about it!””

With my hands on my chin, I focused on things other than walking. My goal: walk in circles around my room.

What kind of lunch would I have in this world? Are there steaks here? As if I was thinking the answer to the meaning of life, I paced around the room.

To my surprise, it actually worked. My steps felt more fluid, less like I was marching in a parade. I took another lap around the room, this time switching between clockwise as Carine and counter-clockwise as Feyt.

Sure, it wasn't perfect, but I managed to complete a few laps without stumbling. Encouraged by my progress, I decided to up the challenge by randomly stopping as one while the other kept walking. I even experimented with quickening Carine's pace while slowing down Feyt's.

Jumping seemed like the next logical step, but I didn’t, realizing the potential noise could draw unwanted attention.

I wasn't exactly a master of simultaneous actions and dialogue yet. If someone came knocking, it’ll be the end of me. Best not to push my luck.

As I pondered my next move, the sound of carriage wheels crunching gravel outside of Carine’s window caught my attention.

Curiosity piqued, I made my way to the balcony and caught sight of a tall, regal woman in a tailored dress stepping out of the carriage, flanked by several maids of the house.

A gentle knock came on my door.

“My Lady, it is time for your etiquette lesson, Lady Maltine has arrived.”

Ah, right, that.

So, that woman was Lady Maltine. She looked every bit the epitome of professionalism, her demeanor so poised and exacting that it made my stomach churn.

Do I have to learn etiquette from her?

Living my life as Carine wouldn’t be so relaxing if I had to mind the way I talk, walk, and even eat. But, for some reason, I felt quite confident in the upcoming lesson, as if I had passed it several times with flying colors…

Oh wait, I did.

My past memories as Carine flooded in, reminding me of Lady Maltine’s lessons. From sitting to talking, waving, and don’t even get me started on eating. I remembered passing them all with flying colors as Carine, practically aced the aristocratic crash course.

But, now that I not only have my past memories but also two bodies to control, could I still pass them all? Had I messed up even once, Lady Maltine would knew something was off.

I took a breather to calm myself.

Okay, I can do this!

As I walked to the door, I stopped. I looked down and realized I was wearing my nightgown.


There was no way I could attend the etiquette lesson dressed like this!

I made my way to my excessively large wardrobe, frantically browsing through my clothes.

With Carine's memories guiding me, I had a vague notion of what would be appropriate attire for the lesson, but... was that really enough? Would a dress be appropriate for training? Won’t a suit be better for movement? But I was supposed to train how to walk in a dress, right?

While I was racking my brain on what to wear, a set of knocks came from the door.

“My Lady? Are you awake?”

Oh, Leila, my savior! I can use her help!

“Y-yes, I’m awake. Please come in!”

I opened the door for Leila. She looked at my open wardrobe and then looked at me.

“My Lady, may I be of assistance in your preparations?”

Her words felt like a comforting embrace, like a cavalry charging to my aid during my most desperate moments.

Wait, what am I thinking?

I nodded, trying to regain my composure. “Yes, that would be appreciated.”

Leila stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. Together, we approached the wardrobe. She pulled out a full-length mirror from behind the wardrobe and scanned through the clothes.

After pondering for a moment, she picked a dress.

“Will this suffice, My Lady?” she said, holding the dress by the hems and the polished wooden hanger.

The dark blue dress was elegant yet subtle, with delicate lace accents tracing the neckline and sleeves. It exuded luxury without being overly extravagant—perfectly balancing regal and comfortable.

“It’s perfect,” I said with confidence.

Leila nodded in agreement. Closing the wardrobe doors, Leila directed me to stand before the mirror. With her help, I shed my nightgown.

Apparently, I just needed a simple dress. I was worrying for nothing.

I easily slipped into the dress. It was soft and smooth to the touch. As Leila fastened the buttons and adjusted the hem, it tightened all around me, but not too tight.

Leila then picked up a hairbrush and gently smoothed my black hair, ensuring every strand was in place. In no time, we were finished.

“Thank you, Leila,” I said softly.

“My pleasure, My Lady. Now, shall we make our way to the drawing room? Lady Maltine awaits.”

With a nod, I followed Leila out of the room.

Grateful for Leila’s help with the clothing, I decided to rely on her for future tasks I felt nervous about. Sure, I’d try to learn to be independent, but a little selfishness now and then couldn’t hurt, right? After all, I was practically a princess!

I walked down the hallway with Leila, putting my previous training to good use.

I walked across the plush, carpeted floor that seemed to stretch on endlessly. As I passed by, maids diligently tended to the windows along with the lush plants that adorned the hallway.

Outside the window, a stunning garden beckoned with its vibrant colors and carefully tended beds. The hallway itself was lined with countless vases and exquisite paintings, each one adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings.

This is way too fancy.

I switched back my focus to Feyt for a brief moment, I climbed up back to bed and lay down so I could focus entirely on the upcoming lesson as Carine. I stared at the rickety wooden ceiling, feeling it might fall to my face if there was ever heavy rain.

Talk about worlds apart, eh?

With Feyt all relaxed, I could focus entirely on Carine, allowing me more complex movement.

After a minute of walking, we reached the front of the drawing room, Leila stepped up and opened the set of double doors. Stepping inside, the room practically blinded me with its fanciness.

So– shiny–!!

Several golden chandeliers adorned the ceiling. Plush velvet chairs and sofas in deep reds invited me to sit. Sunlight streamed through stained glass casting colorful patterns on the shiny marbled floor. It was almost like a mini ballroom instead of a drawing room.

In the middle of the room, lounging comfortably in one of the opulent velvet chairs, was none other than Lady Maltine. The moment she caught sight of me, she stood up and bowed with an effortless grace.

“Good morning, Lady Carine.”

I bowed as well, lifting the hems of my skirt as I did so. “Good morning, Lady Maltine.”

I was greeting Lady Maltine with the elegant grace expected of a duke’s daughter. My skirt’s hem lifted slightly as I crossed one leg over the other, my head bowed in a show of respect.

That’s weird, why did I suddenly–

“A perfect greeting, Lady Carine.”

Though I found the smoothness of my actions a bit disconcerting, it was relieving to see Lady Maltine’s approving smile. Was this muscle memory? It certainly seemed so, as if these movements were ingrained in me.

“Now then,” Lady Maltine clasped her hands. “Shall we start our lesson?”

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