Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

081 Ilvermorny’s Tournament Invitation

"What do you want to do?" After hearing this, Kassandra glanced at Ans, "Does Prince General Xiang Ning have the guts? (Medium, not standard)"


Hearing Cassandra's awkward Chinese, Ans sat up in shock after lying down for a long time, not because the other party was speaking Chinese, but because of the ancient Chinese sentence.

"No, no, no, you're overthinking it. After all, your Chinese is not bad."

Ans coughed a few times and smoothed his throat and quickly waved his hands. This was a serious statement. If possible, Ans would not want to touch Britain's magical world. Ans did not want to test the depth of this pool of water.

Kassandra rolled her eyes and saw that Ans was changing the subject. She did not answer his question, but lay back on Shandris. As for the words of 'uprising' plus Hutch I don’t know if the public sentiment surrounding Patch’s job has made Cassandra think otherwise.

After all, in this era, it is enough to be a rich man. It is too tiring to rise above the nobles and become the top of the pyramid, or to tear down the pyramid and build a new building.

If not necessary, Ans only wants to maintain order, not create it.

As time passed, Ans returned to the castle after giving a small box containing a firework crystal pendant to Shandis, but met Coren, a Ravenclaw classmate.

Knowing that Professor Flitwick was looking for him made Ans a little confused, and then he suddenly remembered that he had joined the opponent's dueling club.

I felt embarrassed when I thought of this, even though I had already joined, I only remembered taking Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration with Cedric, but I forgot about Professor Flitwick's Duel Club.

As for the reasons, you can find a lot of reasons, but if you are wrong, you are wrong, and you still need to apologize. I smiled awkwardly and joked with Professor Flitwick for a while and then everything was fine.

Of the many professors, only Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout could make their students smile. If it were Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape, tsk tsk.

"Okay, let's get acquainted!" Professor Flitwick patted Ans' thigh (height related), raised his hand and shouted, "The legendary Hufflepuff! He started to become successful in the first grade. First, he outsmarted his grade. Becoming the number one, and now defeating the senior Slytherin seniors, as a Hufflepuff, he has both civil and military skills - Ankunais - Wick!!!"

clap clap-

Applause rang out, and Ans scanned the circle. Unexpectedly, not all of them were Ravenclaw students. Although there were also seniors from Eagle Academy, most of them were actually Slytherins and Gryffindors. .

The applause was also the loudest among them. The Slytherin seniors clapped gracefully but hard, while Gryffindor was...much wilder.

After leaving Ans lying around, Professor Flitwick jumped a few steps to the middle of the field.

"No need to worry. Since we can come here, it means that we are not interested in those things." A Slytherin senior sister saw the surprise in Ans's eyes and smiled at him. "Eva Lester, Just call me Eva.”

This senior has fair skin, blond hair, delicate and beautiful facial features, and looks like a mixed race.

"Soviet Union?"

During this period, Big Brother had not been disbanded yet, so they are still called by this name.

"That's right, I'm a quarter of Soviet blood." Eva smiled and winked at Ans. Perhaps it was because they exchanged names and their relationship became closer. "By the way, I've heard that." , you two beat our classmates who are in the same grade or even one grade above us very badly."

Although it was 'heard', she pointed at her two lavender eyes, and the corners of her lips painted with pink lipstick curled up into a beautiful smile.

"Hey! Eva! You jumped the gun!"

A Gryffindor girl came over. She had long berry-colored hair, like the peach color gradient of an unripe strawberry. Her hair color was dreamy and her skin looked white.

"Oh, Daisy."

For this best friend from another college, Eva just felt that it was such a coincidence that she came here!

"Hey~Wick? Can I just call you Anse?"

Daisy came over with a smile. Compared to Eva's little reserve, she was much more assertive and wanted to hook her neck. Unexpectedly, Ans nodded with a smile and quietly changed his position so that she didn't hook him. arrive.

"Okay, who is this senior?"

"Huh? When did you... become so powerful!" Desili wanted to sneakily hook her neck to distance herself, but she didn't expect that the hook was in the air and she staggered slightly. Then she thought of something, and then she pretended to be solemn. He coughed and coughed, "Now, standing in front of you is Gryffindor's well-deserved war goddess, Daisylie Fevittle! You can be honored to call me Daisy!"

Seeing the girl's full energy, Ans quickly glanced at the roundness of her chest, thinking that maybe her IQ was in it, and then he met Eva's eyes.

"Is this normal? 』

The girl received the signal and nodded.

"Don't worry, this is normal. 』

As if stunned, Ans glanced at Eva sympathetically.

"Thank you so much for your hard work." 』

With a long sigh, Eva stopped visiting her best friend. It wasn't that the boat of friendship had capsized, but that she really didn't have the eyes to see her.

"What are you doing?" Daisly's big eyes rolled, she looked at her best friend and her junior, and then she suddenly gave a high-five with her fist and said, "Looking at each other!"


Cat tilts its head.JPG

Ansi tilted his head ninety degrees and looked at this senior in surprise, why is he learning Chinese now?

"Stop talking nonsense, senior."

"That's not how the word is used."

Here the two of them were explaining to Delise, but over there Professor Flitwick announced a big event.

Ans and the other three also heard it and stopped talking. It turned out that Professor Flitwick was talking about a competition. It was not a worldwide competition, but a competition between Germany, France, and Britain invited by the United States for the purpose of wizard competition.

This situation is like a global military competition, a competition to declare strength and muscle.

There used to be a Goblet of Fire competition, but it was only a three-house competition. Ilvermorny had no right to participate, and I don't know what happened. This time, they held this competition and invited the three houses.

The purpose is obvious, it is to defeat the three houses in this competition and declare the world itself as the new No. 1. This is a conspiracy, because no one will refuse, which is equivalent to acknowledging that oneself is inferior to them.

"So! Ladies and gentlemen, for the sake of our academy," Flitwick raised his wand and bloomed several dazzling flash balls, "win the first place and trample them all under your feet!!!"

Wryyyyyy! ! !

Those who can enter Flitwick's private dueling club are not quiet people, most of them are the kind of people who are eager to 'fight', so when they hear that they can compete with other colleges, they naturally start to celebrate.

"Of course, it's not possible for everyone to go," Flitwick looked at the lively boys and girls and smiled, showing the unique cunning of the goblin. "So there must be a quota limit, and the only one I chose is Mr. Wick. So... go and challenge, I will judge the remaining four candidates based on your results."

At this moment, Ansi was sure that he was clearly a goblin.

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