Reincarnated in a world were men are few and useless

chapter 4

I awoke outside, the trees swaying in the wind and the birds chirping made me feel calm slowly turning my head to the side I see a large metal fence behind which is a row of houses, I guess that blonde lady has taken me away from my house as I could only see other mansions past the fences, they seem I could also see people walking past in bland coloured cloths and some were even in dirty rags. I couldn’t get a good view as they were far away but none seemed to be guys.
Turning my head to the other side I see a large white cathedral, its door lay open and two guards stood outside both were wearing an iron breastplate and with one having 2 daggers on her side with the other a large broadsword. A roar erupted out from the doors startling the guards who brought their weapons and rushed into the cathedral but they were instantly launched backwards, the broadsword now was missing a large chuck in the centre which must have blocked whatever hit them but the other guard wasn’t as lucky as they were as they are lying on the ground coughing up blood.
The still standing guard drops her sword and picks up her friend and runs towards a smaller building that lay adjacent to the Cathedral. I manage to climb out of the small basket I was left in and started to crawl over to the trees as staying in the path from the gate to the cathedral would mean I would get seen by whatever made that roar.
Successfully making my way behind the tree I look back towards the cathedral to see a tall red-haired woman leaving followed by a small child who seemed to her daughter and the blonde women from the mansion who is again wearing her white veil, both seem to be trying to stop the tall woman but she storms ahead to the basket I used to be in.
Upon reaching the basket and seeing it empty she quickly turns around grabbing the blonde women by the neck and lifting her off the ground “ Just cause your religion has few influential followers you seem to have forgotten how weak you are you, stupid pope if you don’t bring me the boy in 5 minutes ill flatten this whole stupid cathedral!“ she yelled at the blonde women before loosening her grip and dropping the pope to the ground who ran into the adjacent building.
A bright green light comes from the door and the 2 guards exits and the pope who all split and ran in different directions one running behind the cathedral while the other two searched the gate. I felt bad for the guards and pope but they took me away from my house and the tall woman seemed far too dangerous to trust as pushed my body against the tree trying to hide from their eyes as they ran past but before I could breathe a sigh of relieving all I could hear was my stomach rumbling install the tree I was hiding behind was lifted from the ground and was thrown against the fence scaring the people who were walking down the street. I was lifted by the tall woman and was held in her arms as she stared at my face and gave a large smirk.

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