Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 213: The Agreement

Awakening Wisteria's Ord was a risky move, particularly in a place like this. It felt like I would be going against a lot of people’s wishes. It was as if I was spitting on their faces, and hoping for them to not lash out.

Moreover, it would estrange many Exorcist Clans in the Sun Kingdom, especially the Kuro and Raion Clans. Since this step was taken, there was no chance of mending our relationship. However, Wis had disclosed that there was a secret within the royal family, and once her Ord was awakened, she should gain access to it.

All the exorcists in here were in charge of their respective clans, and they showed no immediate reaction.

If they planned to harm me, it would happen behind the scenes. But if they dared to intervene, I wouldn't hesitate to eliminate them all. Sadly for them, I no longer had the time to be merciful.

As we entered the building, we walked down some stairs and went underground where there was a round table capable of accommodating hundreds of people. But only half of that number was present—country leaders and clan heads took their seats. Delia, who was already sitting, winked and smiled at me.

While everyone settled down, I stood behind Wis' seat, with Yara waiting outside the meeting room.

Among the sea of faces, I kept a close watch on individuals of interest, particularly the Kuro and Raion Clan Heads. The latter stood out as someone with silver hair and deep blue eyes, with an aloof aura around him. Neither of the clan heads displayed any vulnerability or engaged in discussion with each other.

Once everyone was seated, all eyes turned to Wis. A ruler, an elderly man with a long white beard and a wizard's hat, spoke up. "Queen Wisteria, you have called for a World Council, an event that typically takes place only once every six months. We also gather in case of an emergency concerning humanity's security. The last one was held prior to the war against Shuten Doji."

Although I didn't recognize him, he appeared to be an Ord user and a noble from a foreign land. His question seemed aimed at providing context for Wisteria. Perhaps we were now entangled in an internal conflict, involving rulers who distrusted the Exorcist Clans and sought personal power as a means of protection.

To my surprise, Wisteria and I weren't alone in this discussion.

Wisteria acknowledged the old man's words with a flawless smile, concealing any trace of her inner otaku nature. "Thank you, King Oakbolt. However, I expected the Sage to be present. This threat I have brought to the world’s attention isn’t a small thing."

"The Saint is... occupied," responded another ruler, a noble from the Sun Kingdom, if my memory served me right. He had a frown on his face when talking about the strongest living exorcist.

It seemed that most royals and nobles harbored a dislike for the Saint, as having someone who could ignore their calls and orders without consequences was not something they appreciated.

"I see. Then we will continue the meeting without her. Maybe someone else can explain this later to the honorable Sage," Wis said smoothly, without missing a beat.

That was why I hadn't discussed a full plan and had only provided her with some rough points to touch upon. Despite her inclination to spend her days indulging in hobbies, Wisteria was quite intelligent.

"I will take charge of the matters on the exorcist side of things," declared a handsome-looking blonde man. He was the Emperor, a ruler, and the third strongest exorcist known for his fence-sitting, always siding with the winning faction on any given issue.

Subsequently, the Kuro Clan Head took it upon himself to explain what had happened, deliberately omitting any mention of my future knowledge. However, it was evident from their expressions that most people noticed the gaps in the story and the inconsistencies. Yet, no one voiced any complaints, and an uncomfortable silence pervaded the room after the story was told.

Finally, breaking the silence, the Emperor Exorcist spoke. "Regardless of the outcome, we can all agree that we need to investigate this phenomenon. Time travel is a complex concept, and according to Ord, it should be impossible."

"I suggest we assemble a team," proposed the Raion Clan Head, Anika's father. He possessed a soothing voice and appeared aloof, which contradicted the initial impression one might have of him. "Moreover, I believe someone like my daughter would be a valuable addition to the team."

"Are you certain?" questioned a voice from the other side. The speaker was a man dressed in tattered dark rags, his skin pale and eyes milky white like a corpse. His long dark hair and stubble beard added to his eerie appearance. "The Raion Clan hasn't produced many exorcists lately. One might think they have fallen into decline."

"Do you think so?" responded the Raion Clan Head, his aloof manner of speaking remaining unchanged despite the implications. "Feel free to test that theory. Although, at least we don't resort to stealing corpses, like the Shi Clan did with The Magician. What does your clan have to say about that?"

It was unsettling to witness everyone speaking so calmly, yet their words were as sharp as razors. Humans weren't supposed to remain this composed when their families were threatened. Yet, they all displayed an almost superhuman control over their emotions.

This was precisely why I had no desire to involve myself in the politics of this world. In my previous life, leaders and politicians at least attempted to appear relatable. But here, they were colder than machines, making it clear that they would eliminate anyone who displayed even a hint of weakness.

“Okay, can we all stop the dick-measuring please?” Delia suddenly spoke. She leaned back on her chair and put her legs on the round table. All the eyes turned toward her, but she gave them a cold smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “My cousin… you know, the one who actually did something during the great war. I think we should listen to him on how to deal with this. Now, I don’t want to say that you’re all not that impressive and none of you could even survive one hit from an ultimate class demon while my cousin defeated one in single combat. Because that isn’t something I have to say. I doubt something that obvious has to be stated amongst a group of intelligent people like you.”

After Delia's unhinged rant, an eerie silence enveloped the room. This unexpected turn of events deviated significantly from the rough script I had discussed with Wis, and I had no desire to be thrust into the spotlight. Nonetheless, as all eyes turned towards me, I mustered the courage to step out from behind Wis and stood by her side.

Inhaling deeply, a mixture of expensive perfumes permeated my senses. "I believe it would be good to assemble an elite team, comprised of the most skilled exorcists, to investigate this potential new threat. However, it's also important not to place all our eggs in one basket. We should select a few special exorcists, perhaps even considering the possibility of utilizing them as a scouting team, despite the risks they will face. There’s a good chance that only a couple will come back alive."

The majority of the attendees showed no immediate reaction to my proposal, except for a couple of inexperienced nobles at the rear who visibly widened their eyes for a brief moment.

"Furthermore," I continued, gathering my resolve, "I would like to put forth myself as a member of this team."

"I second that," declared the Kuro Clan Head. "In fact, I insist on accompanying him on this mission. We cannot stand idly by while the younger generation risks their lives."

What in the world did he just say? Did some benevolent soul suddenly possess his body? It was easier to believe that someone had transmigrated in his body than the Kuro Clan Head had miraculously become kind-hearted.

Despite his impassioned speech, his face remained cold and emotionless, emanating an eerie aura. He shamelessly maintained his stoic expression throughout the entire ordeal.

But what was his angle? Did he assume that because of my foreknowledge, I would be reluctant to enter a perilous situation, thereby implying that it couldn't be that dangerous? Well, the joke was on him. With every step I took, I always assumed I was walking towards certain death.

"Well, if my cousin is volunteering, then he should lead the team," Delia suggested, effectively delivering a verbal slap to the Kuro Clan Head. Although he had also offered himself as a volunteer, Delia proposed that I assume the role of the team leader.

It would be kind of useful if I was the leader. But there would be a lot of responsibility involved with that. Something that might stop me from getting what I wanted in Avalon Island.

How could I get all the pros of that without any of the cons?... It was hard to think of anything that wouldn’t lead to some kind of drawbacks somehow.

"I second that," chimed in the Raion Clan head, offering support for Delia's claims. "In addition, I believe he should hold the rank of Special Exorcist. Otherwise, managing a large group of exorcists could become quite challenging, as it would create ambiguity within the command structure."

The mere task of discerning who was on my side and who wasn't proved to be a migraine-inducing ordeal. Each person present had their own hidden agenda, and if given the opportunity, they would undoubtedly eliminate me to further their own interests.

"I concur with the proposal to make him a Special Exorcist," added the Kuro Clan head. "However, the final decision rests with Kon."

Considering that most of the Special Exorcist's duties came after the war had concluded, I found no reason to decline, so I nodded in agreement. "Sure."

"Now the question remains: which rank should he be bestowed?" queried a voice from the entrance, capturing everyone's attention.

Standing at the front doors was a young woman who appeared to be in her teens, clad in a miko priestess outfit. The Sage had arrived, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "So, Konny, what rank do you desire?"

What the hell did she just call me?

Another annoying person had joined the gathering, and despite my reservations about her, I forced a smile.

Fucking politics…

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