Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

She knew she couldn’t solely rely on the knowledge of the novel, as she had already caused a butterfly effect by reincarnating here, so she began formulating her own plans.


As she gathered more and more information, Ellis began to see patterns emerge. She noticed that the demon loyalists, while strong and influential, were also highly volatile and prone to infighting. On the other hand, the humanists were more organised and had a greater network of allies, but they were also more rigid and less adaptable to change.


The elf traditionalists and beast alliances were more unpredictable, with the former being highly insular and the latter being more focused on external threats. However, both of these factions had powerful allies and could not be underestimated.


With all this information in hand, Ellis began to formulate a plan. She knew that she couldn't simply sit back and wait for the factions to tear each other apart, as that would likely lead to a messy and indecisive outcome. Instead, she decided to take a more proactive approach.


First, Ellis began to reach out to members of the various factions, offering them her assistance and support in exchange for valuable information and resources. She was careful to keep these interactions secret, using intermediaries and encrypted communication channels to avoid detection.

It was easy for her to find such channels of communication, for example, by posting letters at specific times and in specific spots in the academy building.

Ellis carefully plotted out her strategy, considering the academy's political landscape and the various factions vying for power. She knew that to succeed, she would need to be cunning and manipulative, using her wit and charm to sway others to her cause.


To achieve this, she began to discreetly approach members of the various factions, offering them her support and resources in exchange for valuable information and alliances. She knew that by playing these factions against each other, she could gain an advantage and ultimately emerge victorious.

"I remember the names of the respective important characters; at least I remember the leaders’ names." Ellis was smart enough.


To avoid detection, Ellis made use of intermediaries and coded messages to communicate with her allies and associates. She also made use of secret meetings and covert operations, carefully weaving a web of deceit and manipulation that allowed her to operate in the shadows.

It wasn’t easy; she had to regularly be present at certain places to send messages and be present at certain student meetings where such stuff was discussed. Many times she was also at risk of being caught, but somehow she managed to leave discreetly. She had learned to use her succubus abilities to a certain extent already.

Charming a few wasn’t a problem for her anymore.


As she worked her way through the political landscape, Ellis encountered a wide range of characters, each with their own motivations and agendas. Some were eager to align themselves with her, seeing her as a valuable ally in their quest for power. Others were more skeptical, wary of her true intentions, and unwilling to trust her.

She discarded those who didn't want to collaborate; she knew she couldn’t waste her time on minor side characters when her main goal was, of course, the main characters.

‘Fufufu! It’s getting amusing, charming people, and manipulating them to do my bidding. Such joy…’ While she might not have noticed, she was also slowly becoming more playful day by day as she became accustomed to her race.


Despite these challenges, Ellis remained determined and focused, using every tool at her disposal to achieve her goals. Whether through charm, intimidation, or sheer cunning, she worked tirelessly to build a network of allies and enemies that would help her rise to the top.


And as the days passed and the political intrigue at the academy reached a fever pitch, Ellis knew that she was closer than ever to achieving her ultimate goal.


It was at night, and Ellis had finally gotten an opportunity to have a private meeting with the leader of the demon faction. She was currently walking through the hallway towards the club room where the demon meetings were usually held; it was not a small room but instead a very large place, assigned to the demon faction. The academy had no shortage of space, and every faction was assigned large, spacious rooms.


As she made her way through the demon faction, Ellis was careful to keep her face hidden beneath a hooded cloak. She knew that her half-demon status would not be well received by many of the pure-blooded demons in the group. Despite this, she was able to strike a deal with the leader of the faction, a brutish demon noble brat named Drazkor.


In exchange for her assistance in securing the position of student council president, Drazkor agreed to provide Ellis with access to rare magical artefacts and forbidden spells. Ellis knew that these resources would be invaluable to her as she worked to advance her own power and status within the academy.

Of course, making a deal with him would have been hell if not for her already having knowledge of the novel and knowing his interests.

Making him agree wasn’t difficult either; just releasing her pheromones in very minute quantities so that he wouldn't notice and sweet talking to him was enough to make him agree to some of her demands.


He needed more power, and Ellis made some outrageous promises to him. After agreeing on mutual terms, the demon brat gave her his sigil, which allowed her to go into places many couldn't.

‘Hahh.. this brat is not really suitable to become president; he's too lecherous. I could see his gaze lingering over my body the whole time. If not for the upcoming elections, he would have already pounced on me. Ellis shivered in disgust. She was fine with women, but being a former boy, she could not tolerate the mere thought of a boy looking at her lecherously.


As she left the meeting, Ellis couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought of double-crossing the demon lord. She knew that she would have to be careful to keep her true motivations hidden if she wanted to avoid arousing his suspicions.


Next, Ellis turned her attention to the human faction. She knew that she would have to tread more carefully with this group, as her demon heritage would be even less well received among the humans. Nevertheless, she was determined to find a way to use their support to her advantage.


As she approached the leader of the human faction, a young nobleman named Lord Nathaniel, Ellis couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite his charming exterior, she knew that he was a cunning and ruthless politician, and she would have to be careful not to reveal too much about her own plans.


After she entered the private room of Nathaniel, she could see him sitting on a chair and looking at her with narrowed eyes; he didn’t repulse her demonic presence but was instead scanning her to know her worth, truly a clever guy.

"Greetings, Lord Nathaniel," Ellis said, bowing her head in respect. "I have heard that you are in need of a skilled and trustworthy ally in the upcoming political struggle."


"Indeed," Nathaniel replied, his eyes narrowing as he sized Ellis up. "And who might you be?"


"I am simply a concerned member of the academy, seeking to serve the greater good," Ellis replied smoothly. "I believe that I could be of great assistance to you in your quest for the presidency." She had been releasing her sweet pheromones already since the moment she entered here, making the nobleman relax a little.


"And what do you want in return?" Nathaniel asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.


"Simply the opportunity to serve and make a difference," Ellis replied, offering a faint smile. "I believe that together, we could achieve great things for the benefit of all."

Though she said that, both of them knew that Ellis wanted some benefits if the human faction won, which wasn’t much to him as the services she could provide were beneficial, and she would be a good pawn as a half-demon.


Nathaniel seemed to consider her words for a moment before finally nodding his agreement. "Very well, I agree to your terms. Let us work together to ensure a bright future for the academy."

These deals often included the exchange of resources.

Ellis had to use her charm to try to make her voice as honey-like as she could to avoid suspicion since humans were more perceptive to little changes.

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