Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

There are various types of monsters, ranging from weak novice-level beasts to powerful divine-level monsters. The strength of a monster is directly linked to the amount of aura it has consumed. The more aura they devour, the stronger they become.


While monsters can be found in all corners of the world, they are most commonly found in uninhabitable areas such as mountains, forests, volcanoes, and oceans. They are also attracted to areas of conflict, as the negative emotions of the people can create a surge of pure aura.


To protect their citizens, the empires of the world often work together to exterminate monsters from their lands. This is no easy task, as even the weakest of monsters can be a formidable opponent. Only skilled aura masters stand a chance against these beasts.


Despite their brutality, there are a rare few monsters that are born with intelligence. These monsters are highly coveted by the empires, as they can be trained and used as weapons in times of war. However, the process of taming a monster is extremely difficult and risky, as they are prone to outbursts of violence.


In conclusion, monsters are a constant threat in the world of Aura. They are attracted to pure aura and will stop at nothing to consume it. Only skilled aura masters stand a chance against these beasts, and even then, the danger is great.


The Nemesis Research Society, also known as the NRS, is a club located at Aura Academy that is dedicated to the study of monsters. These ancient and mysterious creatures have long fascinated scholars and researchers, and the NRS aims to uncover the mysteries surrounding their existence.


The club was founded over a hundred years ago by a group of students who were fascinated by the stories of monsters that were rumoured to roam the land. They were determined to find out the truth about these creatures, and the NRS was born.


Since then, the club has grown and evolved, attracting a diverse group of students from all over the academy. Despite being one of the oldest clubs in the academy, it has remained small due to the lack of interest in monster research among the students. However, this has also made the NRS a peaceful and quiet place to study, away from the hustle and bustle of the more popular clubs.


The club is open to all students, regardless of their major or skill level. The only requirement is a genuine interest in monster research and a willingness to learn. The club members are a dedicated group, meeting regularly to discuss their findings and theories about monsters. They also often go on field trips to observe and study monsters in their natural habitats.


The NRS has made many important discoveries over the years, including the fact that monsters are attracted to pure aura and that they grow stronger by consuming other monsters or aura masters. They have also uncovered information about the different types of monsters and their abilities, as well as the possible reasons for their existence.


Despite their successes, the NRS is still a small club, and their findings are often overlooked by the wider academic community. However, the members remain determined to continue their research and uncover the truth about these mysterious creatures. They hope that one day their work will be recognised and their club will grow in popularity.


To join the Nemesis Research Society, one can find them in the basement of the academy library. The club president, a senior named Maya, will be happy to speak with anyone about joining.


Ellis walked into the Monster Research Society clubroom, unsure of what to expect. The club was infamous among the students at Aura Academy, and not many people wanted to be associated with it. But Ellis had always been curious about monsters, and she wanted to know more about them, even from the novel.


As she entered the room, she saw a group of students huddled around a table, poring over a stack of papers and books. One of them, a girl with short black hair, looked up and noticed her.


"Oh, hello there," she said, walking over to Ellis. "Welcome to the Nemesis Research Society. I'm Maya, the club president."


"Hi, I'm Ellis," she replied, shaking her hand. "I'm interested in joining your club."


Maya raised an eyebrow. "Really? Most people are afraid to be associated with us. They think we're weird or obsessed with monsters."


Ellis shrugged. "I don't care about that. I'm just curious about monsters and how they work. And I heard that this is the only club at the academy that studies them."


Maya smiled. "You're right. We're the only ones who are interested in understanding these mysterious creatures. Most people just want to kill them or avoid them altogether. But we believe that there's more to monsters than just mindless killing machines. We want to find out why they're born, how they grow strong, and what their purpose is in the world."


"That sounds interesting," Ellis said. "How do I join the club?"

Curious Maya asked a little seriously, "So, Ellis, you're interested in joining the Monster Research Society?"


"Yes, I've always been fascinated by these ancient and mysterious creatures. I want to understand why they were born and how they grow so strong." Ellis knew joining the club wouldn’t be difficult due to a lack of manpower and their carefree and slightly lunatic behaviour.

‘Well, it did sound interesting in the novel, so I was curious anyways….’ Ellis shrugged in her thoughts; she was actually interested to read about things called monsters... something apart from demons and other races... She didn’t know herself, but something inside her urged her to study about the origin of the mysterious monsters... Maybe it was just a passing curiosity or not.

"Well, you've come to the right place. Our club is dedicated to researching and understanding monsters. We have a large library of books and artefacts that can help you in your studies. So, what do you think, Ellis? Are you interested in joining the Nemesis Research Society?" Maya sounded a little eager. More manpower was welcome.


"It does sound interesting. I've always had a fascination with monsters and their abilities. But I'm not sure if I have the expertise to contribute to the club."


Dear readers,

I am excited to invite you to participate in a poll on my Patreon Page that revolves around an upcoming R-18 scene. The poll seeks to gather your valuable opinions on the position of Ellis, whether she should take the submissive or dominant role.

At present, the results of the poll indicate that the submissive role is leading with 65%, while the dominant role stands at 35%. As a valued member of my community, your vote is crucial in shaping the direction of this scene.

I encourage you to visit my Patreon Page to share your views and help us determine the final position for Ellis. Your contribution is highly appreciated, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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