Reincarnated Cat Becomes a Magical Beast

Chapter 20 – Arrival

"A Magician?!" One of the servant's was the first to ask.

"A Sky Magician!!" A soldier answered with a look of awe.

Many of the Wilderwolf's soldiers and servants were exclaiming aloud in their collective shock and even Jonathan and Uncle Kil's expression's had a slight hint of surprise as they watched those specks of azure blue vanish into the horizon.


'Sky Magician? Why haven't I heard about them before?'

In her confusion, she tilted her head towards Jonathan who wasn't too far away from her at this point. As if understanding her thoughts he promptly spoke. "Little lass, in this world Magician's are split into stages, rank and then realm! For example, I am of the Late stage, Inner Haven Rank, Earth realm!! Earth Realm takes up the first four ranks a Magician can have, ending with the Spirit Rank. After the Spirit Rank, a Magician leaves the confines of the earth and learns to fly even without the use of a spell and enters the Sky Realm. Sky Magicians are very powerful and there are very few of them. In falcio, there are only around twenty of them!"

At this point, Uncle Kil's eyes lit up with a sense of pride as he proudly declared. "That's right, and four of them belong to the Wilderwolf family!"


"Yeah, both of my parents have reached the Sky Realm along with my grandfather and finally one of my Aunties is also a Sky Magician!"

"Tch! Ah, to think that in the end it was your father and our sister that ended up advancing to the Sky Realm, leaving me, the oldest behind in the dust."

"It won't be just him leaving you in the dust!" Jonathan's mouth curved into a taunting grin, greatly annoying his Uncle whose eyebrows turned sharp like daggers.

"Oh, says the fool of a Nephew who was going to get his ass kicked! Alright, come on, this fight ain't done!!" Uncle Kil's said with fists clenched.

"You're on!" Jonathan immediately replied and the two were at each other once more...


Half an hour earlier to the far east of the continent, several thousand miles away from Falcio in a large Empire called Claw Reverence. It was here that a shocking event was about to take place.

There was wilderness in every direction and the sky was a bright blue. Everything was peaceful as animals and Magical Beast's alike wandered below the trees and birds flew with ease in the sky. But in a matter of a second everything in the surrounding area seemed to freeze...

All life didn't stop due to time stopping or any other magical means. No, they all froze due to a singular feel. A deep feeling of extreme fear!


In the sky above the wilderness, a crack in the sky scattered out and every being in a several mile radius suddenly felt a large pressure press down on them. They didn't dare move lest they notify this foreign presence of their existence.

That crack continued to grow bigger and bigger until finally it was around 8 feet in height and 3 feet in width. The cracking stopped and suddenly reality seemed to bend. The cracks intertwined and pieces seemed to break off and vanish to dust.

In the gaps between the cracks that opened up there seemed to be what looked like a landscape of stars. It was like looking at the universe! More and more pieces of the area broke off until finally only an oval shape remained, looking like a portal to the universe outside.

Suddenly, in the center of that oval a ripple began to flow outwards with increasing intensity until a pale hand reached outwards. Following that, at an incredibly slow pace a full body was revealed as it came out of this portal limb by limb.

In the end, this person was revealed to be a young adult male with an extremely horrifying appearance as his whole body was covered in a shocking amount of blood! Large gaping wounds littered his body and there was even a large scimitar sticking out of his back. His long black hair was disgruntled and sweat trickled down his battered body. His eyes held an evil glint and his pearly white teeth were clenched tight as he bared the pain that felt like a thousand cuts. Despite his ragged and horrid appearance, one could tell that his facial features could be seen as quite handsome. Upon his body he wore a tattered dark violet robe that looked like it had been through a grinder.

Upon exiting the portal, it immediately condensed until eventually vanishing. The man held a disbelieving expression as he first looked at his two ragged hands, as if confirming his existence before surveying the surrounding area. However, his eyes didn't seem to just survey the surrounding area but through reality itself.

Done with his surveying, the man suddenly roared to the sky in a bellow of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Not only did I survive those old bastards' onslaught I even discovered THE LOST WORLD!!! HAHAHAHA!!"

Upon hearing this crazed laughter, all life in the surrounding began to cower in fear. This was an existence that could end their little lives with a single thought!

When his mad laughter came to an end, the man began to speak to himself. "So there is a way to get to the Lost World... When I recover, I'll have the power to rule over this whole land! The highest power here are only Emperor Magician's, they are hardly a threat to my esteemed self... Kahaha... First though, I need to recover. By using THAT method... I should be able to recover in around 100 years... And when I quell this world, I'll have the power to retaliate. I'll kill every single one of those old bastards!... ONE BY ONE!!!"


When that foreign man surveyed the entire world, most people didn't notice. In fact, less than 0.1% of the whole population of the world noticed this gaze upon them. These people that did notice were all Magician's off this so called Emperor Rank!

This gaze felt like a huge pressure, they felt the power of a being beyond them and every single one of them felt a sense of impending danger! In a rapid dash, these powers gathered a few powerful allies and set off towards the East. Towards the Claw Revenence Empire. Towards the source of this gaze!

Sky Realm Magicians and Magical Beasts across the world were all flying at top speeds. From powerful rulers of Kingdoms and Empire's to hidden experts. A large gathering of the world's strongest was soon to take place!...


Back in Falcio, in the Capital City of Falcon. In the Northern Noble's District. In a large estate was the home of a certain large family of the Falcio Kingdom. The Wilderwolf family!

In one room a middle aged man sat alone behind a desk filled with sheets of paper and a large amount of open and closed books. This room was the Head of the Wilderwolf families study room. Books laid abandon on the floor and mysterious items were held behind locked glass cupboards.

The man himself held an imposing but warm presence. He held features that closely resembled Jonathan's and had eyes that seemed to hold a great amount of wisdom. His person seemed to exude a scholarly like presence, aided by his neat noble clothing and a pair of glasses that sat neatly upon the bridge of his nose. Like Jonathan, his hair was a jet black colour.

Currently this middle aged man was looking in an Eastward direction with an expression that was hard to read. Suddenly the sound of footsteps grew in increasing clarity and soon a female figure could be seen opening the two wooden doors to the study, the light outside lighting up the dimly let room for a few seconds before disappearing as she entered the room in haste.

This woman was a beautiful middle aged woman with short jet black hair that didn't even reach her shoulders. She was dressed in a sleeveless white robe and her eyes that were usually cold and aloof were now showing a look of confusion and apprehension.

"Brother!" The woman's raspy voice spoke out in a hurried fashion. "Did you also feel it?"

"Yes..." The middle aged man replied, a deep sigh escaping his lips.

"I thought as much. That item of yours is quite helpful, it's even a threat to an Emperor Magician like myself despite you only being a King Magician... But this is not important... What do you think was behind that presence, young brother?" The woman spoke as she came to a still just beyond the man's desk.

"This is an entity beyond the Sky Realm... Even though we knew they existed, to actually encounter one... Whatever happens, it will be a huge event for this whole world!" The middle aged man answered, his voice solemn. "I would assume at this moment that all the strongest powers should be converging towards the East... What about you sister?"

"Yes, I have to go!" The woman quickly responded with a determined gaze. "I can't stand back when a potential world ending presence threatens our world... I'll not lose anyone else!"

"Hmm." Seeing his sister's eyes turn hazy he could only nod in understand. "Lea. Take Cyndria and Father. As the Head of the family I'll stay behind and take care of our home. You'll find Cyndria and Grandfather on a mission in the Southern Walls."

"Got it, brother. By my side, no one will even touch a hair on Sister-in-Law and Father!" The middle aged woman, Lea responded firmly.

"Hmm. Be safe." He nodded.

"Of course brother, what do you take your big sister for?" Lea laughed as she exited the room. Her eyes that once contained uncertainty were now filled with the determination to protect all that is dear to her.

When Lea left the room, the man let out a deep sigh as his intertwined fingers tightened. "Cyndria... Please be safe, for me and our children."

After muttering this to himself, light lit up the room as the just closed door suddenly opened up once more and another woman walked into the study. Actually, it would be more accurate to call this newcomer a girl.

With the light from the outside corridor lighting her frame, the little girl skipped into the room like a little angel. She had delicate features and the chubby cheeks appropriate for a four year old. Her long blond hair danced with every step and her eyes were a bright violet colour that held a powerful attraction. It was clear she was going to grow up to be a beautiful women even at such a young age. Upon her body she wore a simple pink one piece dress that fluttered behind her.

Her voice rang out and sounded like the chiming of little bells, delicate and pleasing to the ears. "Daddy! Daddy! When is Mummy coming back?"

Seeing his cute youngest daughter skipping into view, the middle aged man's previously aloof expression couldn't help but soften and he even laughed for the first time. "Hahaha. It's always Mummy this and Mummy that with you, has Daddy disappeared in your eyes?"

The little girl's skipping comes to a stop as she reached her daddy's side as she answers with a tilt of her chubby head. "Of course Andria sees you daddy, you're right in front of Andria!"

"Haha, never mind. Your Mummy should have been back tomorrow, but sadly another matter has come up... She'll probably be gone for another month this time..." The girl's father spoke apprehensively. It was clear it hurt him to tell his young daughter such news.

"NO! Why?" The little girl called Andria cried out as her two little hands slapped down upon her father's thighs, tears seemed to threaten to fall and this reaction deeply hurt the middle aged man who quickly picked her up and settled her on his knees.

"I know, I know little An. But this matter is really important, so can my little An be a big girl for a while and when Mummy returns I'll make sure she can have a big vacation so you can spend a lot of time with her and me!" As he spoke he rocked her back and forth on his knee to calm her down.

"But Andria misses Mummy..." Andria spoke dispiritedly, her head hanging low.

"I know, I know. But remember that in a week, your big brother and sister will be returning from the Academy for vacation and eventually, in a few months time, your bigger brother Jonathan and Uncle Kil will be returning! By then, you'll have plenty of people to play with!" Her father consoled her.

"Haha, Andria hasn't seen them in so long!" Andria's violet eyes lit up and she began clapping her hands in her excitement, her supposed sadness gone in a flash with brighter thoughts. "I wonder what new magic Jonathan will show Andria this time!"

"I'm sure he'll have plenty of fun things to show you!" Her father laughed at her quick change in mood. "Now then, how did you escape from your nannies grasp this time, hmm?"

"Ah!" Andria's clapping came to an abrupt stop and her little lips clamped shut as her violet eyes spied her daddy's expression. Seeing that he wasn't truly angry she giggled. "Andria used magic! Andria created a new door in the playroom. It's so pretty and pink like my dress daddy!"

"Hahaha. Your nanny will be all in a worry again. Oh well, how about we go find her before she goes alerting the guards or something." He could only shake his head and laugh, having been used to this troublemaker's many antics. "How about Daddy sing you a lullaby?"

"Yippee, Andria loves Daddy's voice. Andria likes Mummies voice more but Daddy's voice is good too!" Andria's bell like laughter filled the room and her father picked her up in his arms and headed out of the study as she swung her head back and forth in joy.

"Ah, little An hates Daddy?!" Her father mock cried to his daughter's confusion and she tried to console her father once more to his amusement.


In a large room fit for a little girl of a noble stature, Andria's eyes drooped close and her breathing mellowed out as sleep overtook her.

Her father's wonderful singing trailed off as he turned to his thoughts while looking lovingly at his youngest daughter with a conflicted gaze. 'To be able to use Magic to such a level at such a young age... Sigh... Looks like the Wilderwolf family has another little monster on our hands! When her Elemental Threads take form, she's going to be quite the troublemaker... Let's just hope she doesn't align to anything too powerful... Else, it will be hard for her to have a peaceful life...'

With a long sigh, he walked towards the bedroom door and with a last look to the sleeping form of Andria, closed the door and headed off with multiple thoughts. From the genius level of magical ability that Andria had that equaled his genius eldest son Jonathan's to the unknown danger of a power beyond the Sky Realm. The future seemed so uncertain.

"Whatever happens. I, Alexander Wilderwolf will not let anyone threaten the Wilderwolf family!" With renewed determination, Alexander Wilderwolf headed in the direction of his study with plans to help in his protection of those dearest to him, his family!

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