Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch87- Meeting

The room went silent for a moment, absorbing Shalnark's explanation. These were not the sorts of insights they usually considered in their daily duties. It gave them a renewed sense of purpose, reminding them that their roles, however technical, were intertwined with the complex web of national and international strategy.

Breaking the silence, Shalnark looked around and said, "Remember, every byte transmitted, every camera angle chosen, every lag-free second of the live stream, contributes to how Meteor Kingdom is perceived, both inside and outside our borders. In the grand scheme of things, perception shapes reality. That’s how empires are built."

Shalnark then explained, "Changing the opinions of the masses isn't like flipping a switch. It's a long, laborious process. You have to give them something to believe in, something tangible that aligns with their own worldviews, hopes, or fears. And then you have to reinforce it over time."

"You mean like brainwashing?" one technician asked, half-jokingly.

"No, not brainwashing. It's about narrative crafting," Shalnark elaborated, "When people around the world tune into our broadcast, they're not just passive spectators. They're forming judgments. Every pixel we broadcast plays a role in shaping those judgments."

"So we're in the business of opinion manipulation?"

"We're in the business of storytelling," Shalnark corrected. "Today we've told a compelling story of the Meteor Kingdom, one that captivates imaginations and sets the stage for future interactions. We've made people question their preconceived notions, and that’s the first step toward changing them."

A young staffer piped up, "But how can we be sure it worked? How do we know their opinions have actually changed?"

"Ah, the beautiful thing about data is that it doesn't lie," Shalnark pointed at the screens displaying viewer analytics and social media trends. "See those numbers? The spike in positive sentiments? The hashtags gaining traction? We monitor those, and we adapt. It's a feedback loop. And each time the loop completes a cycle, we're one step closer to redefining how the Meteor Kingdom is perceived."

"But does King Haruto care about such things? I mean, he's...well, he's above such concerns, isn't he?" questioned another technician.

Shalnark chuckled, "King Haruto understands the game far better than most. His presence alone exudes an aura that makes people follow him, but he knows that to move forward, the kingdom needs more than just his innate qualities. He’s keen on harnessing every tool at our disposal, whether it's hard power like military force or soft power like today's broadcast."

Another staffer spoke up, "So what comes next? What's the next chapter in this story we're telling?"

"That's for King Haruto to decide. But rest assured, we've given him a more powerful narrative to wield. Whatever his next move is, it will be made on a stage we helped build, in a theater where the audience is now inclined to cheer for him."

"Isn't that dangerous?" the young staffer questioned. "You know, wielding that much influence?"

"All power is a double-edged sword," Shalnark responded thoughtfully. "But it's far better to have it and know how to use it responsibly than to be powerless."

As they digested this, another alert flashed across the main screen: "King Haruto has landed."

Shalnark looked around the room, "Gentlemen, you’ve been part of something bigger today. Something that isn't just about bytes and bandwidth, but about the future of Meteor Kingdom."

A technician, clearly moved by Shalnark's words, asked, "Do you think we did enough to make a difference?"

Shalnark leaned back, "We’ve started the conversation, shifted the narrative, and that’s no small feat. Our success today isn't an end; it's a beginning. If we’ve done our job right, it won’t just be King Haruto who’s ready for what comes next—the whole world will be."

As they pondered this, Shalnark's phone buzzed again. It was a message from Haruto: "Well done, Shalnark."

Shalnark glanced at the message and then at his team. "The king acknowledges our efforts. Be proud; we've accomplished something monumental today."

Feeling the weight of their achievement, the room filled with an air of quiet satisfaction. They'd not just managed a live stream; they'd played a role in the intricate, ongoing ballet of nation-building and global politics. It was a good day's work, a critical chapter in the still-unfolding story of Meteor Kingdom.

"As you all know," Shalnark continued, "In this modern age, the battles aren’t just fought with swords and guns. The screens you see in front of you? These are the battlegrounds of the 21st century. And today, we’ve won a significant battle."

As Shalnark stepped into the throne room, the atmosphere was tinged with a gravity that demanded attention, yet it was Haruto, seated on his throne, who silently commanded the room. "Shalnark," he greeted, "How are you doing?"

"I am well, Your Highness, thank you for asking. And you?"

"As ever," Haruto replied, a slight nod acknowledging the monumental efforts behind the day's event. "Your report, please."

Shalnark began, "The broadcast of the Hunter Exam was a resounding success, drawing unprecedented viewership. Not just locally but globally, creating a ripple effect in how Meteor Kingdom is perceived. The technical team performed excellently; we had zero downtime, and our security protocols were impenetrable."

Phinx leaned forward, "The international reaction?"

"Overwhelmingly positive," Shalnark continued. "Our performance today adds credibility to any future negotiations we engage in."

Feitan, eyes narrow but engaged, cut in, "And what of the internal perception? Our people?"

"Unified and proud," Shalnark emphasized. "We have managed to cultivate a stronger sense of national identity, one that aligns perfectly with your broader strategy, Your Highness."

Uvogin grunted, "All this talk about perception. What about actual power? Tangible assets?"

Haruto answered before Shalnark could, "Tangible assets are limited if they cannot be correctly perceived. Today's event broadens the scope of how our military force and infrastructure might be assessed."

Kurtopi, the Minister of Technology and Innovation, chimed in, "I have to say, the technology held up spectacularly, Shalnark. It proves that we can handle large-scale operations."

"Exactly," Shalnark said. "We didn't just tell a story; we showed that we have the technological prowess to back it up."


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